When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 380 Reclamation! Reclamation! (The third update!)

"To be honest, only you, Mr. Lin, are bold enough and wealthy enough to ignore such a project for several months."

"If it were me, if I didn't show up for the project one day, I would have to carefully ask myself whether the leader would ask me today."

"To be honest, it's still you private entrepreneurs who are comfortable and free enough."

At the gate of Rhine Shipyard in Liancheng, Hao Jianshe casually said a few compliments.

Listening to these words, Lin Yu shook his head helplessly and responded softly: "What is a private entrepreneur? I have a formal organization, a formal identity, and a formal military rank."

"But Mayor Hao, I still want to ask you, you just let this section of the road from the port to the city be so bad, can you feel guilty?"

Next to him, facing Lin Yu's question, Hao Jianshe seemed not to hear it. He grabbed his briefcase and imitated the little girl, paddling on his feet and jumping around.

A few minutes later, the two finally finished the long dirt road and walked into the interior of the Rhine Shipyard.

As soon as they walked in, they saw a 6-story building. The workers in the building were holding hammers and knocking, still renovating.

A little to the east of the 6-story building was a large flat land, on which there were a large number of foam mobile houses.

None of these foam mobile houses had air conditioners.

From time to time, two workers came out from inside, took off their clothes, washed them under the faucet next to the mobile house, and put them on.

Then these workers went back to the board house in wet clothes.

Further away, there were a large number of warehouses and open-air yards, and a large number of steel and concrete mixing equipment were placed on the open ground.

Just as Lin Yu was looking around, Tong Hua, the person in charge of the shipyard, appeared in front of them.

Compared with the last time they met, this time, the fat on Tong Hua's face had disappeared, leaving only the high protruding cheekbones and the somewhat sallow face.

After watching for a while, Lin Yu reached out and patted Tong Hua's shoulder hard, and whispered: "We at Rheinsteel never exploit people. You must remember to combine work and rest in the future."

"When people die, birds fly to the sky. If they don't die for thousands of years."

"We must live to continue to create our value. If we die suddenly, it's meaningless."

At this point, he patted Tong Hua's shoulder hard with his hand, and Tong Hua on the opposite side also grinned at this time, and his smile was very gentle.

Encouraged by Lin Yu, Tong Hua did not say much, but turned around and pointed to the large concrete area behind him that extended to the sea surface with great pride.

"This is our Dock No. 1."

"The overall length is 700 meters, the overall width is 300 meters, the left 150 meters is the material yard for stacking materials, the right 150 meters, excluding the 35-meter concrete area on the side, the remaining 115 meters are all our dry docks."

"The length of 700 meters, according to your design requirements, Mr. Lin, we divided the entire dock into two small dry docks."

"The middle of the two dry docks is controlled by a gate."

"Open the gate, seawater will pour into the dry dock from the outside, and the ship in the dock will automatically Float up."

"Pump out the water, and the dock will become a dry working environment."

"Such a dock can effectively prevent the hull from colliding with water when the ship enters the water."

"You designed a total of five dry docks, which means there are a total of 10 construction sites."

"If the width of the ship we build is less than 35 meters, we can build two ships at the same time in one construction site."

"Even if it is a 50-meter-wide cargo ship, we can build ten at the same time."


Speaking of this, Tong Hua became extremely excited.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu did not say much, but walked around Dock No. 1 with his hands behind his back.

After walking around, he saw several fixed bases on the ground and a long slide rail.

Noticing that his attention was on this, Tong Hua stood up again and explained softly:

"This is the slide rail of the 1,200-ton gantry crane. Only Modu Heavy Industry can manufacture this thing now. In fact, we are also waiting for the crane now."

"The foundation next to it is also."

"Once the gantry crane is in place, we can try to build a ship."

As Tong Hua explained, Lin Yu walked to the side of the dry dock, lowered his head, and looked at the concrete floor below.

The width of this dry dock construction site is 115 meters. If coordinated well, two 50-meter-wide cargo ships can actually be built in the same dock at the same time.


There is no need for that.

You can have a better working environment, and there is no need to squeeze hard.

In fact, Tong Hua's words also have some mistakes.

The main reason must be that in order to have a higher speed, warships of various countries habitually control the width of the hull to about 20 meters.

In this way, using a slender hull, the ship will move faster.

Therefore, the dry dock in front of us can actually accommodate the construction of three destroyers at the same time. If we are more ruthless, we can directly build four destroyers.

The final number is 40 ships!

It is really a dumping.

40 10,000-ton destroyers, carrying full missiles, strolling around the world, anyone who sees them will be scared.

Is this aimed at destroying the country?

After strolling around the dock, when Lin Yu was about to go back, a ship appeared silently at the end of his sight.

After taking a closer look, Lin Yu smiled.

It was the cutter suction dredger.

With this thing, the next step was to show the magic of nature.

The ship slowly approached the shore, and soon, the staff on the ship appeared in front of Lin Yu step by step along the string ladder.

Then, these people, led by their captain, shouted to Lin Yu in unison:

"Hello, Factory Director!"

"Hello, Factory Director!"

"Factory Director, you have worked hard."

Listening to these shouts one after another, Lin Yu pressed his hands to suppress all the shouts.

When the voices completely quieted down, he turned around, licked his lips with his tongue, and then asked Tong Hua with a provocative look:

"Professor Tong, your improved and reduced model should be able to pass the test, right?"

Faced with Lin Yu's question, Tong Hua patted his chest and said proudly:

"Don't worry, Director, I will never let you down."

"I hope so!" Lin Yu replied casually, with his hands behind his back, took Hao Jianshe with him, walked to the suction dredger, and boarded the ship with the help of the crew.

After boarding the ship, Lin Yu found that the captain of the ship was actually Tong Hua's student, who seemed to be called Zhuo Wen.

Seeing Lin Yu, the young man named Zhuo Wen was very excited. He grabbed Lin Yu's hands with both hands and shook them constantly.

"Captain...ah, Director, I heard that we have a career system in Rhein Steel?"

"Director, you don't look old at all."


Finally, after more than 10 minutes, the whole ship was completely quiet.

After strolling around the deck, Lin Yu came to the control room of the ship, picked up the microphone on the table, pressed the talk button, and waited until the green light came on before he began to speak: "Everyone has it."

"The target is the area where Dock No. 2 will be built."

After this order was given, the people on the ship performed their duties and began to work according to their division of labor.

Captain Zhuo Wen slowly adjusted the direction and drove the ship to the Dock No. 2 area.

Fixed the ship with anchor cables, he took out the walkie-talkie and said to all the crew members: "Today, our factory director is here, so we must not let down the chain at the critical moment."

"We want to let the factory director and the mayor of Lian City know that our speed is not only fast, but also of high quality."

"Now, lower the drill bit!"

After Zhuo Wen shouted loudly, others followed suit:

"Lower the drill bit, lower the drill bit..."

Under his control, the blade of the dredger, like a snake poking out of a cave, slowly stretched to the seabed, and finally plunged into the sand. Under sonar detection, only an unknown stick-like object was left.

The pipe that spewed sand and soil from the dredger was also deployed to the shore with the help of other personnel.

Looking at the pipe that extended all the way to the seaside, Zhuo Wen took a deep breath and pressed the start button of the cutter head hard.


The sound of the motor rotating came from the cutter head, and the cutter head, which was originally stationary, was fully rotated in an instant.

Various drill bits will generate a lot of heat during the rotation and collision process, so these drill bits also need water to cool down.

However, the cutter head of the dredger does not have this trouble, because this cutter head is more than ten meters deep from beginning to end.

Under this depth of more than ten meters, personnel even need to wear special insulation equipment when diving.

At the same moment, the air compressor on the ship started working, like a tough guy who smoked so hard that he had to smoke to the point of exhaustion, and began to suck the sand and soil broken by the cutter head on the seabed.

Under the water that Lin Yu and others could not see, the moment the suction force was formed, a large pit was sucked out in front of the cutter head.

That big pit can completely lie down a person.

On the boat, Lin Yu stood in front of the control console of the boat, holding his hands, and looked at the data displayed on the monitor calmly.

At this moment, in addition to the roar of the diesel engine and the roar of the air compressor, there was another sound on the boat, which was like a rainstorm.

In the hot summer, if a rainstorm hits the flat concrete floor, there will be a crackling sound.

However, although this sound is like a rainstorm, everyone knows that this is not the sound of a rainstorm, but the huge suction of the air compressor, sucking the gravel, and then the sound of these high-speed moving gravel hitting the side wall of the pipe.


Finally, the gravel that made such a sound was all sprayed into the shallow water on the shore.

Under the gaze of everyone on the boat, the coastline composed of gravel and mud rose very abruptly and very quickly.

In less than an hour, the ship under his feet added a piece of beach to the original location of the No. 2 dock.

A beach of about 100 square meters, all composed of rocks and gravel.

After blowing out this beach, the dredger stopped.

Tong Hua took a few people, put down the speedboat on the ship, and took the speedboat to land on the shore.

As soon as the speedboat stopped, Tong Hua jumped off the speedboat and stumbled to the newly born beach.

This middle-aged man in his 50s jumped, jumped, and cheered on this newly appeared beach.

Ten minutes later, Tong Hua climbed onto the boat again and started the second round of testing.

The blade spun and jumped wildly on the sand in the sea.

The air compressor was pumping sand like crazy, while the other end of the pipe was spitting sand like crazy. Everything was so peaceful and beautiful.

Standing at the stern, looking at the slowly expanding coast, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone, found Lu Huaxi's number, and dialed it.

Perhaps because Lu Huaxi returned to Yanjing from the northern grasslands, this time, he answered the phone very quickly. The phone rang for only a few seconds before it was connected. At the same time, Lu Huaxi's hearty voice came from the other side:

"Lin Yu? What's the matter? Or have you come up with some messy and fun things again?"

On the dredger, Lin Yu looked at the coast that had grown a little bit again, first showing a healthy smile, and then asked into the phone:

"Do you still remember the suction dredger I told you about once before?"

"Yes, yes, that's the thing."

"I'm in Liancheng now , our people at Jiangnan Shipyard commissioned the people at Jiangnan Shipyard to make a suction dredger.

"Now this ship is in Liancheng, just outside our shipyard, and is now eating the sand and stones on the seabed and expanding the shore."

"You old man want to come and see it in person? Okay, then you take your time, I will be in Liancheng these days, if you have any ideas, you can tell me directly, I will hang up first."

Putting down the phone, Lin Yu continued to stand at the stern, holding his hands and looking at the sea in the distance, while on the other side, Lu Huaxi hurriedly found Zhou Changyao, and then Zhou Changyao called a naval staff officer.

The three people sat around the small round table and looked at each other. Zhou Changyao's face was calmly puzzled.

And the naval staff officer next to him was curious.

Because he was not very familiar with the two old men in front of him.

It was precisely because of this that the naval staff officer also wanted to know why Lu Huaxi called him over.

At this time, Lu Huaxi spoke up: "Old Zhou, do you remember the cutter suction dredger he mentioned when he was bragging to Lin Yu before?"

"That's what he said when we were talking about the hardships of the outposts in the South China Sea."

"That guy just called me and said that they have already made this so-called cutter suction dredger and are wandering around the construction site of their own shipyard, blowing sand and gravel."

"The lives of the people in our South China Sea are very difficult. If we can use this ship to expand all the islands and reefs where the outposts are located, expand them to where aircraft can take off and land, and can accommodate a large number of people, we will not have so much trouble in the South China Sea."

"So, I'm going to Liancheng. Do you want to go?"

After listening to the whole story, Zhou Changyao nodded without hesitation: "Go!"

Then he turned around and looked at the middle-aged man next to him, and asked casually:

"Xiaolong, what about you?"

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