After shouting a few times suddenly, Long Hai ran excitedly to the beach not far away. He didn't care about the mud soaked in water on the beach and stepped on his leather shoes directly into the mud soup.

After stepping back and forth in the mud soup, he carefully stepped onto the gravel beach that had just been spit out by the dredger.

When he stepped on the leather shoes, there was a very slight feeling of stepping on gravel. The gravel was slowly sliding down, but soon, the soil and moisture mixed in the gravel locked the gravel firmly, giving him a sense of comfort. A feeling of stepping on solid ground.

Feeling this strange feeling, Long Hai slowly stood up straight and put all his weight on his right leg.

He is a little over 1.7 meters tall and weighs 140 pounds, all of which rests on his right leg.

The gravel beneath his feet slid down slightly at this moment, but did not sink in.

After maintaining this action for three to five seconds, Long Hai took a step back. Just when others thought he would step back, he slightly bent his legs and swung both hands by his side at the same time, making a standing long jump.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu's eyes suddenly bulged, and he quickly stretched out his hand and shouted: "Don't jump!"

But it was too late. The person in front was already ready, and then he swung his hands forward at the same time. The power of the arms moved his body, and his legs were bent to the extreme at this moment, and then his legs seemed to be Like a spring that was pressed to the extreme, it pushed forward violently.

With this swing, the man weighing more than 100 kilograms flew forward, and then stepped heavily on the beach that the dredger had just spit out.

Swish, swish, swish.

This was the sound of Long Hai's leather shoes colliding with the gravel, and then sliding on the gravel pile because the leather soles were too smooth.

While he was jumping, Lin Yu had already turned around and hurriedly grabbed the walkie-talkie, preparing to fish him out.

When Lin Yu turned around with the walkie-talkie, he found that what he imagined had not happened. His third senior brother did not fall into the sea or get stuck in the mud.

But because the soles of his leather shoes were too slippery, the moment he landed on the ground, his leather shoes slid forward, and he squatted down on the gravel.

The gravel just dug out from the seabed has clear edges and corners, as well as hazy muddy water.

Long Hai squatted on his butt, squeezing out all the muddy water remaining in the gravel, and splashed it all on himself.

When Lin Yu looked over, he was stroking his butt and stood up unsteadily.

Then he used his muddy hands to clean the stones on his butt very inelegantly.

While cleaning the stones stuck to his pants, Long Hai giggled. Just when Lin Yu was about to step forward and ask him if his brain was broken, he suddenly shouted:

"Good stuff, this is good stuff!"

Amidst the screams, Long Hai returned to the three people again, opened his hands, and drew a huge circle in front of the three people.

"Those islands and reefs in the South China Sea, if the weather is calm, many of them will be exposed to the sea."

"The water in those locations isn't even as deep as here."

"According to this filling speed, if there are five ships, it will only take about a week to fill a suitable island."

"Once these islands are built, we can place artillery, anti-aircraft missiles, and surface-to-surface missiles on them."

"With a few more trenches laid out, we can turn those naval battles into landing battles and into battles for islands."

"Old man, our deep-sea fleet wants this ship."

"If you don't approve it today, take a taxi back now, let our commander personally report it, and go to Yanjing to cry in person."

Long Hai said these words very hastily, but he did not receive Lu Huaxi's appreciative gaze. Instead, he received a gaze that hated the iron that cannot be transformed into steel.

Lu Huaxi glanced at Long Hai with a look of hatred, and Lu Huaxi slowly turned around, changed his expression, looked at Lin Yu with a smile, and asked with a smile:

"Xiao Lin, when Yanjing received your call, I knew you had a unique idea, but I didn't expect your idea to be so original."

"Very good, very, very good."

"Now that your equipment has been made, we will follow our previous habit. You take the equipment to the South China Sea, and then do a test. If the test passes, we will purchase these ships."


Seeing the smile on his face, Lin Yu didn't make any special response, just smiled lightly.

He was laughing, and Lu Huaxi was laughing too. The two looked at each other. After a while, the two started laughing, just like two foxes checking accounts.

After laughing, Lin Yu shook his head and responded calmly:

"There is no need to go to the South China Sea for testing. This ship consumes a lot of fuel. From here to the South China Sea for thousands of kilometers, the fuel cost alone is a lot."

"The fuel cost of going there is enough for me to clear the entire sea area needed by the shipyard here."

As soon as he said this, Lu Huaxi awkwardly dug his face with his right index finger and let out a weird laugh.

Amidst the weird laughter, he turned back to look at the cutter suction dredger.

The ship was parked more than 100 meters away from the shore. The roar on the ship continued, and the pipe behind the ship's butt was still spitting out gravel and sand.

While a few people were chatting, the ship filled out another half meter.

Very efficient!

After pondering for a moment, he withdrew his gaze, locked his gaze on Lin Yu, and asked calmly:

"How much does your ship cost? Tell me a number. I'll contact the higher-ups and ask them to allocate research funds to you."

As he finished speaking, Lin Yu slowly raised five fingers and whispered:

"Since we are all old acquaintances, I'll give you a cost price."

"After all, we will sell this ship in the future, and it's not good to let you bear all the research funds."

"50 million, you give me the money, and I'll give you the ship."

Hearing this offer, Lu Huaxi turned his head and looked at the ship not far away.

The total length of the whole ship is about 90 meters, which can be regarded as a large ship. According to his estimation, the displacement of this ship should be about 8,000 tons.

A ship of 8,000 tons is a special ship for special operations, which is almost equivalent to a warship.

The price of 50 million is not expensive.

After watching for a while, he turned around and walked to Zhou Changyao. The two of them talked in a low voice for a few words. Lu Huaxi stretched out his hand to call Long Hai and whispered to him:

"Contact your grandfather and tell him the whole story. I will contact the higher-ups later. You can ask your grandfather to blow the wind."

After that, he took out his mobile phone and walked to the side.

And Long Hai walked to the other side with his mobile phone.

More than ten minutes later, Lu Huaxi appeared in front of Lin Yu with his mobile phone again, and nodded: "Give me your company's account later. The higher-ups agree to buy your ship for 50 million."

"However, this agreement has a price, that is, in the future, the same ship, the same tonnage, and the function of the ship will be charged at this price."

"After all, this is a prototype. It's still a bit bad to sell the prototype."

Hearing Lu Huaxi say that the higher-ups agreed to this price and that they would buy subsequent ships, Lin Yu was very happy.

This shipyard has not been built yet, and the subsequent ship business has already come. How can this not make people happy?

In order to prevent Lu Huaxi from going back on his word, he clapped his hands on the spot and agreed to the whole thing: "Okay, I will have someone send you the account now. As long as the money arrives, this boat will be yours."

"Our employees will teach you how to use this boat, and how to maintain and repair it, and how to fill the island."

After that, he took off the walkie-talkie and began to call the people on the dredging boat, asking them to send a speedboat to bring Lu Huaxi and others to the boat, so that they can study it again.

When Tong Hua brought the speedboat to the shore and took the people away, Lin Yu immediately turned around and called Li Ping, asking Li Ping to send the company's account.

At the critical moment, making money is the most important thing.

After getting the account, Lin Yu waited at the beach, waiting.

It was not until the sun was setting and it was time for dinner that the speedboat appeared at the beach again, and Lu Huaxi and others who got off the speedboat did not have empty hands, but each of them carried a few small cuttlefish.

After showing the small cuttlefish in his hand, Lu Huaxi said happily: "Let's go to your cafeteria and let you see my skills in making sashimi."

Led by Lin Yu, a group of people went into the cafeteria and began to cook the fish they had just caught.

More than an hour later, several people sat around the round table, eating sashimi while discussing the details of the transaction.

They talked until the evening before finalizing all the projects.

In addition to this ship, there are four more ships in the name of the Navy Department, requiring the same specifications and the same work efficiency, and all must be delivered before April next year.

As for the price, the price of each ship is 50 million, no bargaining.

This 50 million also includes subsequent upgrades and maintenance, as well as crew training.

Of course, there is also the South China Sea test of this ship.

While they were eating, the 50 million for the first ship was transferred to Rheinsteel's account.

The moment the money arrived, the contract was established.

After signing the brief cooperative research agreement, Lu Huaxi made a direct request:

"The sooner the better for the test, the sooner the better. You pack up and send the ship to XSQD tomorrow."

"During the whole process, I will ask the people of the deep-sea fleet to send a warship to protect you."

"You must act quickly. The faster you act, the greater the benefits to you in the future."

After instructing Lin Yu, he turned back to Long Hai: "Xiaolong, you should go back quickly. When Lin Yu's ship arrives, your ship 167 will follow and protect it throughout the whole process."

"Protect until they complete the test."

"Then during the test period, their supplies will be taken care of by your people."

"I will go back to Yanjing first."

After the instructions, Lu Huaxi waved his hand, and Zhou Changyao beside him nodded slightly to the two of them, and then left together.

When the two were about to reach the door, Long Hai also nodded to Lin Yu, smiled, and then turned around and quickly followed the two of them, disappearing in the sunset.

The golden red sunset spread over the sea, making the whole sea look like gold.

Slowly, the sunset turned red, and the setting sun was like blood.

When the last ray of sunset disappeared, the dredger slowly adjusted its direction, re-embarked on the shore, dropped anchors and fixed cables, and fixed the boat. Tong Hua then appeared in front of Lin Yu with his men.

As soon as they met, he shouted loudly: "Director, we have been running at full capacity for the past hour and a half, and we have obtained the final data of this machine."

"For digging dense sandy soil, gravel, and strongly weathered rock layers, we can achieve 2,300 cubic meters per hour."

"If we dig silt and clay, the efficiency can be improved."

2,300 cubic meters per hour.

This is a terrifying number, but for Lin Yu, this number is not terrifying enough.

Because the dredgers he has seen can reach a terrifying workload of 6,000 to 8,000 cubic meters per hour, and a mountain can be dug out in one hour.

Gently shaking his head, he looked at Tong Hua and said calmly:

"Old Tong, I want to congratulate you on one thing first, that is, our ship has achieved great success."

"After the evaluation of the two bosses of the General Staff, this ship is of great use, and then they bought a total of five ships at a price of 50 million per ship, including the one you are testing. The delivery date, I promised, is before April next year, all delivered."

"That is to say, except for this ship, the shipyard has not been built yet, and you owe four more ships."

"So, come on."

"Finally, this ship needs to go to the South China Sea for testing, and Old Tong, you are the person in charge of the shipyard and need to stay here to lead the whole scene."

"So let Zhuo Wen be responsible for this test."

"But don't worry, I will go there and take a look."

Hearing this, a trace of sadness flashed across Tong Hua's face. He raised his right hand and scratched his head with difficulty, and then all the sadness turned into a long sigh.

After sighing, he looked up at Lin Yu and asked, "When are we leaving?"

"It's better to leave sooner rather than later. I want to leave tomorrow at noon."

Lin Yu saw Tong Hua's sadness clearly.

For Tong Hua, although Lin Yu gave him the general direction and drawings of the ship, he was responsible for the actual adjustment and construction in his spare time.

Now the ship has to go on a long voyage and operational tests, which is almost like the son he raised is going to have a wedding.

What kind of talk is it if you don't invite your father to your son's wedding?

However, compared to the testing of this ship, the big stall under his feet is more important.

After getting the exact time from Lin Yu, Tong Hua waved to Zhuo Wen and several other young people and said,

"Let's go. We'll set off tomorrow. You guys should listen to the get out of class tonight. I'll tell you the technical difficulties and some possible problems. Listen carefully. I'll question you one by one."

As they talked, several people walked farther and farther away.

Lin Yu, who stayed on the shore, also turned around at this time, opened his arms, and began to drink the sea breeze.

The sea breeze had a hint of saltiness, which was not very appetizing.

After drinking the wind for a while, he turned around and walked towards the warehouse not far away. This warehouse was the dormitory for the shipyard employees.

Lin Yu was ready to sleep. To the west, on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau more than 1,000 kilometers away, Shao Xiaofeng and his men looked at the time and boarded the fire support vehicle.

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