When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 383 News from the Snowy Plateau! (The third update!)

After a few days of adaptation, with the help of oxygen bottles and local food, the people in the weapons testing team have become accustomed to the climate of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. At least they no longer have to go out and carry oxygen bottles.

In the leading car, Zuo Zhengxuan took out a map, checked his current location, and handed the map to Shao Xiaofeng.

Pointing to the point on the map, he said: "We are now at point 4273. Tonight's mission is to maneuver to point 4145."

"The distance between these two points is about 434.7 kilometers, which is mainly divided into two parts. The first 350 kilometers are all mountain roads, and the last 80 kilometers are desert roads."

"If the team can arrive at the target area at the stipulated time, that is, before 12 noon tomorrow, that is, to the position of 4145 o'clock, then this test will be considered successfully completed."

"So far, your equipment has not undergone major repairs, nor has it had any major problems. It is also very powerful in plateau areas."

"If there are no accidents, maybe after about three to five years, our places will be equipped with these equipment."

"Then I can't accompany you on this 400-plus-kilometer journey, because I still have my own responsibilities and my own work to do."

"Finally, I need to give you a piece of advice, that is, you are not soldiers. If you can't complete this test, then you can't complete it. Don't be anxious or panic."

"Keep the green hills there, so you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. If you get into an accident because you are anxious, then maybe even the hills will be gone in the future."

Zuo Zhengxuan's words made Shao Xiaofeng noncommittal. He reached out and touched his nose. He turned his head and began to analyze the map in front of him.

Since leaving the military station to conduct equipment testing a few days ago, they have been traveling back and forth between various posts.

That is to say, always traveling on the border.

As for the last 4145 points, they are on the tail of the rooster on the Chinese map, which is Kaicheng.

Taking a deep breath, Shao Xiaofeng put the map in the cab, raised his hand, and saluted Zuo Zhengxuan.

After saluting, he climbed into the car, held the door of the armored car with both hands, and shouted to the team behind him:

"Everyone, there are still more than 400 kilometers left to go. As long as we conquer these 400 kilometers, we will succeed."

"Now, everyone get in the car and let's go."

Following his order, all members of the weapons testing team climbed into the vehicle and started their respective fire support vehicles.

The sound of the diesel engine can be heard far away on the silent snowy plateau.

After listening to the sound of the engine for a while and confirming that there was no problem, Shao Xiaofeng stuck his head out of the window, waved to Zuo Zhengxuan, then took his head back, released his foot from the clutch, and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot. The armored vehicles roared and headed north.

The vehicle of the weapons test group took the lead, and three other liberation trucks from the General Logistics Office followed closely behind. While serving as examiners, they were also responsible for undertaking rescue missions.

In just two or three minutes, the convoy disappeared around the corner of the mountain and disappeared into the night.

Zuo Zhengxuan stood at the gate of the outpost, watching the convoy disappear with the sentry.

When he couldn't see the convoy in the car, he turned around and walked into the post. After waiting for a long time, he finally found the person in charge of the post in the kitchen.

In the small kitchen, a candle was lit, and with the dim light of the candle, the person in charge of the outpost was standing next to the stove, cooking vegetables leisurely.

After stretching his head and sniffing around the kitchen, Zuo Zhengxuan finally stopped in front of a pressure cooker that had been left to cool down. He squatted down, gently fanned the air outlet of the pressure cooker with his right hand, and at the same time took a breath of air with the tip of his nose.

The rich fragrance filled his nostrils in an instant.

It's pork and cabbage stewed with vermicelli, an authentic Northeastern dish, authentic recipe.

Just one word, fragrant.

When the person in charge was not paying attention, Zuo Zhengxuan grabbed the chopsticks and picked up a bowl. He served himself a bowl first and ate it with great satisfaction. Then he asked the person in charge next to him with satisfaction:

"What do you think of the weapons test team's equipment?"

Next to the stove, hearing this sudden question, the person in charge of the post tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded firmly:

"That equipment is pretty good, better than what we have anyway. To be honest, if I had their equipment, I wouldn't need much. Just that heavy machine gun truck, that one vehicle would be enough for us. "

"With that vehicle, coupled with our individual combat capabilities, we are simply invincible."

"At that time, God will kill God if he stands in his way, and Buddha will kill if he stands in the way of Buddha."

"Even if it's an earthworm on the roadside, I have to pick it up and chew it twice, but..."

Halfway through his arrogant words, the person in charge lowered his head again and continued cooking by candlelight.

After hearing what was said halfway, Zuo Zhengxuan looked down at the pressure cooker, then used chopsticks to scoop out a bowl for himself, and then turned around and asked:

"But what?"

"But we border guards don't need such advanced equipment."

Facing the response from the person in charge of the outpost, Zuo Zhengxuan stuffed a mouthful of vermicelli into his mouth first, and then responded vaguely: "That's not necessarily true!"

"In this test, the higher-ups actually have the idea of ​​strengthening border defense, otherwise they wouldn't let you test the equipment."

"After all, when it comes to testing equipment, those professional testing groups are more effective."

"By the way, the General Logistics Office issued an order that everyone who participated in the test this time must write an experience and report."

"An ordinary soldier needs 2,000 words, but someone like you needs 5,000 words."

"That's all I have to say. By the way, where will I sleep later?"

After saying that, he finished the pork stewed vermicelli in his hand, and then he finished another bowl.

Seeing Zuo Zhengxuan eating so arrogantly, the person in charge of the post couldn't help but want to curse, but he still held back and did not curse.

However, he did not give Zuo Zhengxuan a good look. He pointed at the ground under his feet and said with a cold face: "Sleep in the kitchen!"

On the other side, the test team convoy leaving this border post has completely entered no man's land.

In the dark night, in addition to the roars and lights of these dozen cars, there were also several wolf howls from time to time in the dark night. The sounds were shrill and ferocious, making people's hair stand on end.

But at this time, it is more important to cheer up.

In order to prevent problems, Shao Xiaofeng, the lead car, also reduced his speed.

In this way, a group of people drove all night. When it dawned on the second day, the mountains suddenly opened up and the temperature suddenly increased, both telling Shao Xiaofeng that they were out of the mountains.

They left the cliffs and the dangerous road and entered the Gobi Desert.

As long as you pass through this Gobi Desert, the rest is desert, and then through the desert, you can reach Kacheng.

After all the vehicles drove out of the mountain pass, Shao Xiaofeng picked up the walkie-talkie and said on the walkie-talkie:

"Be prepared to pull over, check the wear and tear on various parts of the vehicle, and then prepare to enter the desert."


Kacheng Military Station, as a border city, the border defense here is more important, so the military station here is larger than other places.

Rehemati, the person in charge of the military station, was sitting in his office. From time to time he would turn his head and look at the time on the wall. When he found that it was not yet 12 noon, he would stand up, come to the window, and look out at the road outside the military station.

When he raised his head for the fourth time and found that the time on the wall had reached 11:30, a trace of anxiety appeared in his deep eyes.

He stood up again and once again set his sights on the road outside the military station.

This time, he saw something different.

It was a special convoy, with three green tarpaulin-covered liberation trucks at the front, which are the most commonly used transport trucks in the Army.

Behind this Jiefang truck are more than a dozen uniquely styled vehicles.

These vehicles are all armored vehicles and carry weapons.

When he looked at these cars, they also began to accelerate and arrived in front of the military station at the fastest speed.

When the cars approached, Rehemati took the hat hanging on the coat rack, put it on his head, and appeared at the door of the military station. He raised his hand and saluted the person who appeared in front of him.

While he was saluting, a man stepped out of the liberation truck. This man did not have an epaulette on his collar. He calmly walked up to Rehemati and handed over a form and a timer.

Then, he said loudly: "Hello, comrade, I am Wei Zhengliang, the equipment acceptance team of the General Logistics Office. This is the time when the Rheinsteel weapons test team departs from 4273 o'clock."

"Now please check your arrival time and sign the corresponding time."

Seeing the form, Rehemati didn't say much. Instead, he reached out to take the form, looked at the time on his hand, and finally wrote down the time he saw the car on the form.


After signing the time on the form and signing his name, Any Maiti handed the form to Wei Zhengliang.

After taking the form and setting the timer to zero, Wei Zhengliang turned around, raised his hand in salute to Shao Xiaofeng, and said loudly:

"Team Leader Shao Xiaofeng, now, on behalf of the General Logistics Department and the Weapons and Equipment Acceptance Team, I am officially informing you."

"The all-terrain fire support vehicle code-named Snow Leopard produced by your Rheinsteel, heavy machine gun type, 107 rocket type, portable anti-aircraft missile type, 40mm grenade machine gun type, mortar type, anti-tank missile type, equipment There are 8 models including transport type and drone combat type.”

"155mm wheeled self-propelled gun."

"And your own rocket carrier codenamed Blue Bird,"

"A total of 18 vehicles passed this plateau test."

"This plateau durability test has proven the strength of your equipment."

"So, I am here to convey a message from the General Logistics Office."

"Then I hope your company will not disappoint everyone."

After speaking solemnly, Wei Zhengliang changed his face to a smile, and smiled and handed his right hand to Shao Xiaofeng: "Team leader Shao Xiaofeng, congratulations."

"To be honest, the completion and sophistication of your equipment far exceeds my imagination."

"In the past, when we, as the acceptance team, went to inspect equipment produced by other factories, all kinds of messy problems often occurred."

"No one is worry-free, and there are even specially-tuned models."

"But unlike them, you are very worry-free, so I hope you will continue to carry forward this and pass it on."

"The mutton finger rice and various fruits here in Kacheng are very good. You can stay here for a while."

"Let's take a rest later. We have to go back. See you again when we are destined."

With a wave of his hand, Wei Zhengliang climbed into the liberation truck and drove the truck into the military station with several other people.

Shao Xiaofeng and his companions also obtained Rehemaiti's consent to allow them to enter the military station for rest.

After parking the vehicle and bringing all the valuable data and documents into the room, Shao Xiaofeng couldn't wait to take out his phone and called Lin Yu:

"Director, our test has passed!"

"Our equipment has no pressure on the plateau, just like we do on the ground plains."

"What, you are going to test the ship in the South China Sea? No, I am the leader of the weapons testing team, and I should do this."

"This is a ship! Ship! As long as it is something that comes out of our Rheinsteel, it should be tested by our weapons testing team."

"No, Director, you can't cheat, okay!"

"What, you are already on the ship?"

"Then forget it."

With a sigh, Shao Xiaofeng hung up the phone, lay down on the bed, and began to rest.

He began to rest. More than 1,200 kilometers south of Kashgar, in New Delhi, a group of Indians in the building of the Ministry of Defense's National Defense Research and Development Department under the Ministry of Defense had no appetite.

Looking at the text intelligence on the table, Zahem Lari, chairman of the Ministry of National Defense, expressed his satisfaction.

The content of the intelligence was very simple. In the past two days, some people on the border suddenly found that their northern neighbor had sent a batch of equipment to the border and wandered around the border.

And they did not carry anyone on their backs, but appeared in front of them in broad daylight.

However, because there was a lack of cameras and other equipment on the front line, there was no photo of this intelligence, only text description.

But the content of the text description made them feel very scared.

Because in the text intelligence, there were about 5,000 armored vehicles in total, and these 5,000 armored vehicles had different functions.

Some were equipped with heavy machine guns, some were equipped with artillery, some were equipped with rocket launchers, some were equipped with missiles, and the last one was for transporting people.


A full 5,000!

This intelligence did not come from the same person, but from different teams, and these guys who reported the intelligence said with certainty that they saw 5,000 armored vehicles.

So, there was this meeting.

But when Zahem went through all the information and studied it carefully, he found that this was a piece of information specially fabricated by those bastards on the TND border in order to allow themselves to come down from the snowy plateau.

5,000 armored vehicles appeared, and you bastards can still stand intact?

Then TND is a joke.

Throwing the information on the table aside, Zahem looked at the people present calmly and said in a calm tone:

"Everyone, this information is fake, it was made up by those bastards on the front line."

"But this does not mean that we don't need to pay attention to it. On the contrary, we still need to pay great attention to it."

"Therefore, the research and development of our own fighters, tanks and armored vehicles must be accelerated."

"While accelerating the research and development, I suggest buying some equipment from America to improve our combat effectiveness!"

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