At the Pentagon, Raffield was not surprised when he heard the voice on the phone. After all, this was expected. No one can refuse the title of Commander of the Indo-Pacific Theater.

If the person refuses, that means he is a fool.

Holding the phone in his hand, Raffield congratulated softly: "Then, I would like to congratulate our dear General Dana Roosevelt in advance on becoming the commander of the Indo-Pacific Theater."

"I will arrange for people to prepare the relevant appointment letters and notifications. I will go to the president in person later and ask him to sign them."

"If you come to the Pentagon tomorrow, you can get the relevant appointment letter."

"Hang up first."

After hanging up the phone, Raffield called his secretary and asked the secretary to produce two documents according to his request. One was a notice sent to all the troops in America. The content was to announce that Dana Roosevelt had become the new seal. Commander of the Pacific War Zone.

The other document is Dana's appointment letter.

After the secretary prepared the two documents, he printed them out and handed them to Raffield.

Raffield quickly disappeared into the night with these two documents.


In the brightly lit office, Raffield picked up the folder on the table, threw it away casually, and threw the folder in front of Dana.

His movements were a bit rough. The blue folder was thrown away and passed directly across the table. Just when the entire folder was about to fall off the table, a hand stretched out abruptly and reached out to catch it. This folder.

The owner of this hand is Dana.

I casually opened the folder and found two documents inside, one was the appointment letter and the other was the notice.

[Brave soldier Dana Roosevelt, after the deliberation of America's sacred President, nine justices, the House of Representatives and the Senate, you are now officially given a new round of appointments.

You will assume the responsibility of the commander of the Indo-Pacific Theater and protect America.

Now, sign your name and take on this responsibility. 】

[After multiple selections by the president, nine justices, the House of Representatives and the Senate, the former major general commander of the Central Theater was finally appointed.

The current Chief of Staff of the Department of Defense, Lieutenant General Dana Roosevelt, commander of the Indo-Pacific Theater, has now officially informed the entire military. 】

Holding these two documents, Dana did not feel joy in his heart, but only felt lonely.

After all, this was the appointment of a theater commander. There was no press conference, and the president did not personally grant documents. Instead, in the small office of the Ministry of National Defense, the Secretary of Defense handed him the relevant documents.

And these words are too simple.

After this news spread, I could almost imagine how the gang of bastards below would use their power to bully others after I took office as the commander of Indo-Pacific.


Forget it, just focus on making money.

Having made up his mind, Dana closed the folder with his hands. He turned around and looked at Raffield with a smile, waiting for the other party's next words.

At the desk, Raffield looked at the people in front of him, recalled the tasks assigned to him by the president, and then asked softly:

"You know the mission in the Indo-Pacific theater, right?"


"Then what do you think is the key to breaking the situation? Or, if it were you, how do you think the situation should be broken?"

"Two points!" Dana raised two fingers and responded calmly:

"The first point is the Lin Yu I came into contact with."

"The second point is Vietnam."

The explanation made Raffield fall into confusion. He naturally knew the name Lin Yu, and he even used some energy to help cover up some news.

But he didn't expect that Dana's second point was actually Vietnam.

Ruffield, who became the Defense Minister for the second time, did not have a good impression of the country where trees could talk, because he was just an immature wolf cub.

Same as Japan.

Sensing his doubts, Dana explained leisurely:

"For European countries, Rome has become history, and the glory of the Ottomans has also disappeared."

"But for East Asian countries, their Rome has always existed."

"The mentality of the countries in East Asia is very strange towards China. If China suddenly disappears, then they will be China's filial sons and grandsons, and they will consider themselves orthodox to China."

"But if China has always existed, they will desperately use national consciousness in their own country to package themselves as the vanguard of resistance to China."

“As for why Vietnam was chosen, it’s because they are bold, greedy, and have a little combat effectiveness.”

"That's the most important thing."

"We will transfer all the operations we did in Japan to Vietnam and build a small China in Indochina."

"You said that Vietnam, which has become a little China, will let people call him a little China?"

"Or will the confident Vietnamese be willing to live in the shadow of others?"

Facing the rhetorical question, Raffield slowly raised his right hand and gave a thumbs up:



"Did you see that big ring in front? That's Mischief Reef."

“300 kilometers east from here, you can reach the Philippines.”

Following Long Hai's words, Lin Yu ran to the bow of the ship, stood on tiptoe, and looked at the sea in the distance.

In his previous life, he had been to this sea area, but when he came, the island reefs in the South China Sea had already been filled in, and there were only small islands above the sea.

The remaining islands and reefs were not as magnificent as those he had seen in books and records.

Under the scorching sun, Mischief Reef, which has not yet been reclaimed, is covered with sea water. Looking sideways from the boat, this beautiful island reef looks like a bracelet made of light blue topaz. And then this bracelet, It was worn on the hand by the goddess Nanhai.

From time to time, a few water birds whose names they could not recognize passed across the sky. Seeing these water birds, Lin Yu couldn't help but put his hands to his mouth and shouted to these water birds:

"Brother! You smell so good!"

After shouting, he turned around and ran to the cabin, took out the fishing rod that he had prepared for a long time, fixed the bait, and threw it out with all his strength.

The boat was moving forward, and the bait was chasing behind it. Suddenly, Lin Yu felt that the fishing rod in his hand had an extra weight. He tugged forward with both hands. After two hard tugs, he began to quickly close the rod.

Ten minutes later, a piece of wood the size of a fist hung from a fishhook appeared in front of him.

Seeing this thing, he wanted to break the fishing rod. When he thought that the fishing rod was worth 56 yuan, he couldn't bear to part with it. He could only put away the fishing rod angrily, hold his hands, stand on the bow of the boat, and look at Sea view.

Ship 167 drove forward for a while, then slowly slowed down, and finally stopped at the edge of the island.

When the ship came to a complete stop, Long Hai waved his right hand and asked the soldiers on the ship to help push an assault boat into the sea.

After Lin Yu got on the boat, Long Hai launched his assault boat and headed towards the outpost guarding the middle of the island.

The weather is very good today, there are no big waves on the sea, it seems so calm.

The assault boat quickly arrived at the outpost in the middle of the island. As soon as it arrived in front of the outpost, the soldiers in the outpost pointed their guns at them. There were no unnecessary words, just a command.

Long Hai gave the command and then retracted the gun he pointed at them, turned to the side and continued to be on guard.

Lin Yu followed Long Hai off the boat and started wandering around this simple "island".

This so-called island is actually made of reinforced concrete and cast on the reef. It is a square platform about four or five meters above the sea.

On this square platform, there is also a white three-story building with ceramic tiles, which looks out of place with the surrounding scenery.

After walking around for a while, Lin Yu climbed onto the railing and looked at the nearby houses.

Those houses are just like the stilted buildings that compatriots in the southwest minority areas live in. There are supporting pillars below, a platform above, and the houses are above the platform.

Seeing Lin Yu looking at these stilt houses, Long Hai appeared quietly next to them, raised his hand and pointed to these stilt houses, as well as the obvious traces of cut steel pipes next to the stilt houses, and said:

"The people who guarded the islands used to live in this house. It was hot during the day and cold at night. You have to be careful when there is a typhoon."

"But we have to stay here."

"If no one is here to guard this place, the surrounding countries, which are ruthless and ruthless, will come over and claim this is their land as soon as possible."

"Now, there are people from America making trouble here, which is even more troublesome."

While the two were talking, a tall man with a dark complexion appeared behind them. He waited until the two stopped talking. The man raised his hand, saluted, and said hello to Long Hai:

"Commissar Long, long time no see. Did you bring anything delicious today?"

Hearing his voice and seeing the smile on his face, Long Hai stretched out his hand and pulled the man in front of Lin Yu. He raised his hands and pointed at each other, and began to introduce each other to the two of them:

"This, Qi Hai, is from Bashu. He is the platoon leader of the 4th platoon of the 9th company of the border defense here, and he is also the top commander here."

"They have a platoon of 34 people stationed here. Your ship can help them to the greatest extent and improve their current lives."

"Then Qi Hai, this is my junior brother, the same junior brother."

"Specialized in research. I came here mainly to test a new piece of equipment."

"I need your help during the testing process. If you find any problems during the testing, please feel free to mention them."

“Find the problem, ask the question, and then you can solve the problem.”


After finishing the instructions, Long Hai rubbed his hands, looked at Lin Yu with excitement, and asked in a low voice:

"How are you going to start?"

At the fence, Lin Yu looked around, taking in the Mischief Reef that had not been filled yet. He stared at the surrounding environment for a moment and studied it. He asked Qi Hai for a hammer, and then, under Qi Hai's leadership, he walked down the fence. Steps, then found a place with relatively shallow water, walked into the water, and walked towards the stilt houses.

The water is not very deep, the deepest point is only up to the waist.

Finding a place with shallow water, Lin Yu took a hammer and gently pried it in the water.

It didn't take much effort to knock off a piece of reef. There are still traces of some living things on this reef, which is a coral reef.

There are three main reasons for the formation of islands and reefs. The first is coral polyps. These small creatures were born in batches and died in batches over tens of thousands of years, and then formed some floating coral reefs. Islands and reefs out of the water.

The second type is a volcanic eruption. High-temperature lava carries mud and dust, and plunges directly into the water from the seabed. However, because it cools too quickly, it eventually turns into an island reef when it just emerges from the water.

As for the third type, that's what Lin Yu and the others are going to do next.

Artificial reclamation.

He held this thing in his hand and threw it for a while, turned back, looked at Long Hai and said:

“My suggestion is to dig out the surrounding rocks and fill them into a circular port around the current state of the island and reef.”

"As for the exit, you can open the two gaps on the west and dig deeper."

"As for the first area to be constructed, I think it would be better to start construction at the foot of this stilt house."

"If we start here, those guys from the Philippines will definitely come over to interfere and fill in an area to show off their firepower. It's just right."

Long Hai stood in the water, turned around in a circle, and finally turned his attention to the stilt houses. Staring at these houses that had begun to rust due to corrosion from sea water, he said:

"Be careful when filling it out, don't damage this stilt house. When the time comes, this thing can be put into a museum as a collection."

Lin Yu raised his hands in agreement with Long Hai's statement.

He grabbed the coral reefs he knocked out in his hand, stepped on them carefully, and returned to the outpost.

Pulling out the walkie-talkie that brought the steel to the outpost, he began to remotely control the dredger.

"Yes, drive the ship to the east and start from here first. First fill in the outer circle of basic lines, and then lick the inner circle."

Following his voice, the dredger started up again, changed direction along the path that the assault boat had just traveled, circled to the northeast, and then appeared behind the stilt house.

The crane lowered an assault boat, which dragged the dredger's pipe, slowly came to the side of the stilt house, fixed the pipe, and then sent a message to the dredger that it was in place.

After receiving the news that the pipe was in place, Zhuo Wen slowly controlled the direction and throttle on the dredger, controlling the ship to leave slowly, while the boom on the ship was also working continuously.

They kept putting the pipes on the boat into the water, and the people waiting next to the pipes in the assault boat dragged the pipes over as soon as they saw the pipes, connected them to the previous pipe, and then connected the pipes. At the same time, you also need to install a floating raft.

This process started over and over again, from morning to noon, and a total of 4.2 kilometers of steel pipes were finally connected.

Zhuo Wen breathed a sigh of relief when he got the news that the pipeline was connected. Then, he recited the previous steps in his mind, then patted his chest and pressed the start button of the drill.

The drill bit began to rotate in the fixed cabin, and the pump on the ship began to work and began to pump water vigorously. The pumped out seawater moved forward along the pipeline, and finally passed through the 4.2-kilometer pipeline and appeared next to the stilt house.

The person guarding the exit picked up the walkie-talkie and fed back the normal information of the pipeline.

In the cabin, after receiving the information feedback, Zhuo Wen smoothly turned off the rotation of the drill bit, grabbed the joystick with his left hand, and slowly controlled the boom to slowly lower the drill bit.

After more than 50 seconds, the drill bit was lowered.

Zhuo Wen also received corresponding water depth feedback information. The water depth was 5 meters, and the overall length of the drill bit and drill pipe was 27 meters.

More than enough.

After calling Lin Yu through the intercom to confirm that work could begin, Zhuo Wen controlled the joystick to slightly lift the drill bit. After it broke away from the seafloor, the drill bit began to rotate at high speed and began to eat the seabed.

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