When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 385 Indo-Pacific Theater Commander: Dana! (Second update!)

This unknown intelligence is definitely a piece of intelligence created by those idiots from the CIA in India just to deal with the problem.

Defining the source of this information in his mind, Dana stretched out his right hand and put the information back in front of Raffield.

The moment the information fell, Raffield raised his head and asked seriously: "What do you think?"

After pondering for a moment, Dana said calmly: "This should be a piece of information that is both true and false."

"India is preparing to conduct military exercises at the southern foothills of the Himalayas. This information should be true."

"However, their neighbor to the north pushed 5,000 armored vehicles to the border. This information is false and 100% false."

"Even if they want to press, the other side will press to the border of Russia. On the Indian side, it's not that I look down on them, it's completely unnecessary."

"Decades ago, China almost reached Delhi with its light weapons. Now that they have more advanced heavy weapons, there is no need to rely on quantity to win."

"So I am more inclined to believe that this intelligence is a false intelligence concocted by people on the northern border of India for a certain purpose."

"After all, if China suddenly gathers 5,000 armored vehicles at a certain point in China, it will definitely be Russia that cannot sleep, and it will definitely not be India."

Regarding Dana's explanation, Raffield nodded in approval, and then shook his head.

After a moment, he raised his head again and asked seriously: "Can those countries in Indochina sleep?"

Hearing this question, Dana couldn't help but press his eyebrows. He was thinking about what went wrong.

After a while, he finally figured out what the problem was.

The problem comes from propaganda and the positioning of the defense minister.

Since the beginning of the last century, European and American countries have been promoting the threat of the Soviet Union and the threat of China.

However, corresponding to the threat is how these two countries are falling behind.

As the Secretary of Defense and the link between the president and the military, Raffield is very smart in decision-making related to defense arrangements and logistics. However, when it comes to real war and real strength, his perception has deviated. .

After sorting out the words in his mind, Dana responded softly:

"First of all, as our opponent, China is very strong, very strong. They are even stronger than the Soviet Union."

"The Soviet Union and Russia today are stronger than them just because they had the advantage of being the first mover."

"In contrast, China's advantages over its surrounding neighbors are far ahead."

"Around him, there is only one Russia that can be called a rival, and the rest are all far behind."

"Three words, not enough."

"That's why I can determine that this information is both true and false."

This explanation made Raffield look thoughtful. He lowered his head and looked at the information on the table for a while. Finally, he raised his head and looked at the subordinates in front of him with gentle eyes.

After looking at him like this for a long time, he said softly: "A few days ago, General Walker, the commander of the Pacific Theater, felt a little unwell."

"He went to the hospital for a checkup and found out it was stomach cancer."

"So, he made a report to me. He said that he had spent his whole life in the army. At this age, it was the time when he should have enjoyed happiness, but he got sick. Now he wants to treat these diseases so that he can have time to watch his granddaughter grow up. ”

"I approved his report and allowed him to go for treatment."

"So, the Pacific Theater, that is, the position of commander of the Indo-Pacific Command is vacant."

"General Walker is a member of the Democratic Party. He has done a good job in the past, but it is not good enough."

"Because of the success in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya, Mr. President's re-election is almost a certainty."

"It is precisely for this reason that Mr. President needs to lay a solid foundation so that his successor can take office smoothly."

"The position of Indo-Pacific Commander is very important to us, so we need someone who fully understands the countries in the Indo-Pacific region, understands how to communicate with them, and then takes targeted actions."

"A few days ago, I was inspecting the commander of Yokosuka Port Station, Major General Savage."

"But he's a black man."

"So I thought of you. I called you here today. I was originally planning to have a chat, but your words just now let me know that I was right to call you here today."

"So, I have now decided that you, Dana Roosevelt, will serve as commander of Indo-Pacific Command."

"Now you just need to tell me whether you agree or disagree. If you agree, I will submit your name and the president will sign and review it."

"And in the next four years, and the next four years, you need to make the Indo-Pacific Command like an iron barrel, and turn the Indo-Pacific Command into an indelible foundation for our Republican Party."

"Can it be done?"

Dana was a little overwhelmed by the sudden news.

There is an old saying in China that county officials are not as good as those in charge. This means that no matter how strong the officials in the county are, they are not as good as those in charge.

And he is in such a state now.

Although the military rank has reached lieutenant general, his position is only an advisory staff member of the Ministry of National Defense, not a staff member of the Central Joint Operations Command and Staff Department.

He is a typical county official.

The commander of the Indo-Pacific region is a typical current manager.

In order to meet the needs of global operations, America divided the entire planet into six theaters, namely America's northern theater, South America's southern theater, Atlantic Ocean theater, European theater, Middle East central theater, and the Indian Ocean theater. to the Pacific theater on the west coast of America.

The Pacific Theater is the largest theater among them.

The Pacific Theater has the Hawaiian Islands as its headquarters, and its overall scope extends from the east coast of Africa to the west coast of the Americas. The combat areas include East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Oceania, and Russian territorial waters in the north.

America's 400,000-strong overseas garrison has 70,000 troops spread across this vast land.

If he becomes the commander of this war zone, he will be the well-deserved number one in the American Navy!

After imagining the feeling of responding to everything at once, Dana slowly closed his eyes. He wanted this position very much.

But, what's the price?

If you just help the current president and lay a solid foundation for his successor, there is no need to become the commander of the Indo-Pacific region.

His eyes suddenly opened, he looked at the person in front of him, and asked softly: "What do you need from me?"

asked very suddenly.

However, upon hearing this question, Raffield opposite was not surprised. Instead, he slowly raised his head and nodded in recognition:

"Yes, this is the Dana I know."

"What you need to do is actually very simple, that is, let the Roosevelt family help build momentum, and, in the next election, help our president and support his successor."

"I think the position of commander of the Indo-Pacific region should be worthy of this help."

After understanding Raffield's ultimate goal, Dana did not agree directly. Instead, he nodded and said, "I need to go back and have a good chat with my uncles."

Listening to this excuse that didn't seem like an excuse, Raffield didn't say anything unnecessary. He just nodded, lowered his head, and continued busy with the work in front of him.

Seeing that the other party didn't want to say anything, Dana raised his hand in salute, turned around and walked out of the office, helping to close the door along the way.

After walking out of the office here, Dana did not return to his office. Instead, he walked directly to the Pentagon parking lot, drove his Ford, and headed home.

On the way home, he had a phone call with Wade.

So, when he slowly drove the car into the parking lot of the mansion, he found that Wade had been waiting there for a long time.

Next to Wade, there was a hook-nosed man who looked to be in his 60s, dressed in a fine suit, with white hair and a cane.

It was Charles Roosevelt, the patriarch of the Roosevelt family and a die-hard member of the Republican Party.

After all, the three of them were all brothers. As soon as they met, Wade couldn't wait to come to Dana's car window, pulled open the car door with both hands, and asked hurriedly:

"What's going on?"

"Rufield recommended me to become the commander of the Indo-Pacific theater. As for the price, Charles will not fight the successor of our president in five years!"


This outrageous news made Wade and Charles behind him take a breath.

After all, the Indo-Pacific Theater Command is in charge of some of the most prosperous routes in the world. If one of them is unhappy, it can completely affect the entire international situation based on its own preferences.

If the current president said that his brother would be appointed commander of the Indo-Pacific Theater Command, the three people present would take it for granted and would not have the slightest doubt.

However, now, Raffield has recommended an unrelated person, although the reason is to pave the way for the president's successor.

But this reason is simply untenable in the face of huge interests.

Outside the car window, Wade stared at Dana for a while, then pointed at the mansion: "Let's talk in the room."

"Yeah!" Dana nodded.

Get out of the car, lock the car, open the door, turn on the record player, and let the noisy heavy metal jazz fill the room. Listening to these sounds, Wade said with certainty:

"Their goal should be to flatter and kill."

"For now, our dear patriarch, my dear cousin Mr. Charles, although he wants nothing more than to become the leader of the Republican Party and then successfully elected president."

"However, he is not well regarded within the Republican Party."

"And our Mr. President, his successor must be someone who has a close relationship with him."

"But you and I both know that the most important thing for everyone is interests. If the president is still in office, he can provide benefits to everyone."

"But there is an old saying in China, which is that the tea cools when you leave."

"If Mr. President withdraws, his tea will be cold, and no one will listen to his words."

"So now he needs to keep brewing the tea, and you, Dehner, are another cup of tea in the Republican Party that doesn't belong to him."

"He needs to pour your cup of tea away and find an excuse to pour it away."

"The key is the point of exchange. Raffield is just helping you become the commander of the Indo-Pacific theater, and the price we need to pay is not to interfere in the election."

"This kind of deal is very important within the party."

"If the president's successor is re-elected, we will have to wait 12 years."

12 years?

Dana slowly closed his eyes. In 12 years, according to the birthday recorded by his mother, he was 54 years old this year, and the ID card said he was 56 years old.

12 years, tomorrow or accident, no one knows which of the two will come first, and no one knows whether they can live for 12 years.

Thinking of this, he opened his eyes and looked at Wade and asked, "Then I give up this deal?"

However, upon hearing his inquiry, Wade did not respond, but turned his gaze to Charles, who had been silent next to him.

Charles was standing in front of the record player, carefully selecting records.

Facing Wade's inquiry, he calmly picked up the disc on the record player and replaced it with a classic old song - the theme song of Gone with the Wind, My True Love.

As Nana Musculli's melodious singing came from the record player, Dana's eyelids couldn't help but twitch.

In the movie Gone with the Wind, the heroine’s first short-lived husband is named Charles.

Accompanied by the melodious singing, Charles, who has the same name as the heroine's first short-lived husband, Charles, slowly came between Dana and Wade, took out a cigarette from his arms, lit it leisurely, and said:

"Agree to his condition."

"The reason we want to run for president is to make money, and the Pacific Theater controls some of the most prosperous shipping routes in the world."

"If Dana becomes the commander of the Pacific Theater, then we can do whatever we want in the Pacific and seize more benefits."

"As long as we have a limited time, the benefits we can extract can exceed the interests of the elected president."

"Then agreeing to them and making exchanges with them is no big deal."

As the patriarch of the Roosevelt family, Charles gave his own advice, and next to him, Wade, after hearing this, immediately turned his attention to Dana.

Before he could speak, Dana, with a smile on his face, clenched his right hand into a fist and held it forward: "Then I...will reply to him later?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Charles and Wade's fists were handed to his fist together.

The three of them bumped fists and exchanged details. Charles and Wade left hand in hand, leaving Dana alone, standing at the window, watching each other go away.

When Charles and Wade poked their heads out of the window, Dana greeted them with a smile on his face.

But when the vehicle disappeared, the smile on Dana's face immediately faded and turned into murderous intent.

interests that outweigh the interests of the elected president.

Dana didn't know how much he needed to grab, but he knew that if other people in the country knew that he had made so much money in the Indo-Pacific theater, he would definitely become the target of public criticism.

When these two bitches go away, I will become the scapegoat. Then, I will be arrested by the IRS bastards, and then I will find ways to knock out the last drop of bone marrow from my body.

Really dangerous.

It would be better to create a Roosevelt family by yourself.

After walking to the record player and turning it off, Dana picked up the phone on the table and called Raffield. After the call was connected, he couldn't wait to say:

"I agreed to become commander of the Indo-Pacific theater, and then Charles agreed to back down."

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