Zahem's powerful words kept echoing in the office of the Ministry of Defense Research and Development, and everyone who heard these words had expressions of thought on their faces, thinking about this matter very seriously.

Soon, next to him, Deputy Minister of National Defense Research and Development Amir shook his head and softly denied:

"We are currently discussing the purchase of the Gorshkov aircraft carrier with Russia. If at this critical moment, there is news that we want to cooperate with America, then Russia will definitely break the contract."

"So, my suggestion is that you can go to America to purchase weapons and equipment, but the time must be postponed, at least after we have negotiated the purchase of the Gorshkov aircraft carrier with Russia."

"As long as we sign the contract and finalize all matters, the Russian side will have no reason to object to our contact with America."

"At that time, we can also use the contract for the Russian aircraft carrier Gorshkov to force America to tilt towards us."

"If they don't lean towards us, then we will spread the word again that we intend to purchase new Su-27s from Russia."

"As long as our people are on the line with Russia, America will at least sell us the F15 for the sake of checks and balances, and we can even get a glimpse of the secrets of the F22."

"If we get Russia's aircraft carrier and America's F15, we will be the most powerful in the South Asian subcontinent."

"At the same time, it will also become the third largest military power in the world after America and Russia."

"At that time, we will be able to reach out to Indochina, control the rainforests of Indochina, and control the Strait of Malacca."

"Finally!" Amir suddenly stopped speaking, slowly raised his head, and looked at the other people present. His face, which was originally cut with a knife, was full of viciousness at this moment, like a bird that saw prey. The evil wolf.

His words describe the best state of India at the moment. These are the future expected by these people here.

And when he suddenly stopped speaking, others came back to their senses and turned their eyes to him, hoping to hear the next expectations from his mouth.

At this moment, Amir was like a star on the stage, standing in the spotlight and enjoying everyone's attention.

After enjoying the gaze for a moment, he raised his right hand, opened his fingers suddenly, and then squeezed them tightly again, forming a fist as big as a casserole.

At the same time, his more sinister words also came out of his mouth:

"By controlling the Strait of Malacca, we can curb transactions between Asia and Europe, and we can even join forces with Russia."

“Let Russia control Central Asia and we control the sea trade routes.”

"Countries with business in Asia, Europe, and Africa can only be controlled by us and obey us."

"Then we can become the real third in the world. We can even use this to surpass Russia and America, and re-establish a situation of one superpower with multiple powers, and we are the superpower!"

Having said this, Amir slowly raised his clenched fist, and finally raised it directly above his head.

While raising his hands above his head, his clenched fists slowly opened and turned into claws reaching forward, as if he was reaching out to catch the sun.

And the viciousness on his face turned into fanaticism at this moment.

As his words fell and his new actions unfolded, a magnificent picture unfolded in front of everyone's eyes in a trance.

If that day really comes, then all of these people here will be extremely rich, and each of them will become the top class in the world.

And the final form is the technological plutocrats who control the world as described in America's science fiction movies!

If India really becomes like this, then...

If someone is sleepwalking, then someone is awake.

Zahem stood in the crowd and had been listening to Amir's nonsense. At this moment, after listening to the other party's words, he pressed his temple hard and said in a cold voice:

"First of all, our contract with Russia's Gorshkov aircraft carrier has not been signed yet, so we now need to complete the first step you mentioned."

"Sign the contract."

"Given that the corresponding defense funds need to be used to repair the aircraft carrier, the people on the front line will only have to suffer."

"Save a little on the food and clothing used by the frontline border guards."

"Everyone, do you think it's okay?"

Upon hearing this question, everyone present fell silent. This year, India's military budget is approximately 600.66 billion rubles, which is 13.07 billion U.S. dollars.

This 13.07 billion US dollars needs to support the expenditure of the Ministry of National Defense, defense pensions, consumption of the navy, army and air force, national defense research and development, daily production consumption of national defense factories, support of national defense industry enterprises, and the expenditure of new defense facilities.

Aircraft carrier is another necessary equipment for India.

Although Russia's asking price is one U.S. dollar, the corresponding maintenance costs are as high as 900 million U.S. dollars, and Russia's negotiation conditions are to make payment and sign a contract, and 900 million U.S. dollars is not a penny.

Once the money arrives, sign the contract, otherwise there is no need to negotiate.

Now that negotiations with Russia are imminent, this part of the funds must be set aside separately for use during negotiations.

As for everyone present, it is impossible to default on your salary. You have worked hard to become a senior official of the Ministry of National Defense and a person in power. If you can't even pay your own salary, it is nothing.

And those heavy troops in the north consume the most money.

So, we can only suffer on the front line.

Those who were lost in thought raised their heads silently and looked at each other. They saw each other's thoughts from each other's eyes.

Then, a group of people nodded gently, agreeing to this plan.

Seeing that everyone present began to nod one by one, Zahem smiled and said, "Since everyone agrees, we will form a substantive report later and send this report to the Minister of Defense."

"Then we will prepare to go to Russia to discuss matters related to the aircraft carrier, and discuss the aircraft carrier as soon as possible, and then let Russia start the repair work as soon as possible."

"When we get this aircraft carrier, we will be the overlord of the South Asian subcontinent and the real third country in the world."

"We want to let the world know the anger of us Indians."

"Especially the neighbors around us."

The word "neighbor" made the people present look unhappy.

As a great country, India's neighbors, except for the three little guys of Nepal, Sikkim and Bhutan, did not give them a face.

Even the former East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

Although the family is not very good, and those privileged classes are all supported by India, their ordinary people just don't give face to India.

As for Myanmar, which is a little further east, those guys don't give any face at all.


We need to do something to save face.

In anger, Amir raised his hand again and said calmly: "I think we can show our anger to several of our neighbors now."

"It's October now. By the end of October, the Himalayas will be closed by heavy snow. Then we can conduct a military exercise before that."

"Show our muscles to the world."

"At the same time, it also tells the world that we, India, have a lot of muscles."

"If everyone agrees with this plan, then we will compile a report, and then let the people of the General Staff sign it, and finally send it to the Minister of Defense and the Prime Minister."

Amir's sudden proposal made the people present stunned for a while, but soon, they reacted again.

Military exercises require the purchase of fuel, materials, and coordination of personnel, which requires money.

Since it requires money, then the people present can do it well.

As soon as Amir finished speaking, everyone present raised their hands to express their agreement with the plan.

Ten minutes later, a simple plan was sorted out, and a group of people signed their names, and then sent the plan and intelligence to the Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defense.

At first, the Chief of Staff and the Minister of Defense did not care, but when they saw the 5,000 armored vehicles in the intelligence, especially the number with both decimals and integers, which came from multiple front-line troops, the two people could not sit still.

They took the intelligence and the plan and met with Prime Minister Rao as soon as possible.

Looking at this intelligence, Rao was very calm. He picked up the intelligence and the plan very leisurely, took a pen, and calmly signed his name on the plan. Then he said calmly:

"Pay attention to safety during military exercises. We must hide our muscles well, so that the whole world knows that our country is the third largest country in the world."

"You go back first!"

After sending away the chief of staff and the minister of defense, the calmness on Rao's face disappeared instantly. His right hand, which was able to sign just now, was shaking like he had Parkinson's disease.

While shaking, he trembled and picked up the phone on the table, and called his secretary:

"Now, arrange a business visit to England for me immediately."

"Yes, now immediately, it's best to leave this afternoon. Don't ask so many questions, arrange it for me immediately."

After the call, Rao's right hand with Parkinson's disease slowly recovered, but his whole body was like a puddle of mud, slumped in the chair, his right hand pressed on his chest, gasping for breath.

5,000 armored vehicles!

What does the neighbor to the north want to do?

India was once a colony of England and the jewel in the crown of England. Of course, that jewel also comes from India.

Therefore, the country that Indians most yearn for is America first, and England second.

It is precisely for this reason that there are a large number of people supported by America and England in the Indian government.

The plan signed by Rao has appeared on the desk of the CIA before it was sent to the corresponding exercise planning department.

And the people of the CIA were also confused after getting this information.

After being confused, a group of people were only excited.

The CIA is an intelligence unit. The intelligence unit can prove the value of its existence by providing various intelligence. The more real these intelligence are, the greater their value.

Of course, if someone makes up intelligence, they will be cleaned up from within the CIA.

Because the predecessors who were responsible for intelligence during World War II have blocked all the ways for them, the later ones, to get intelligence, so that they can only collect intelligence diligently, analyze it carefully, and then hand it over to the top.

Now, they have in front of them an intelligence report from the Indian Ministry of Defense, which shows that a large number of armored vehicles have appeared on the border with India's northern neighbor.

There are 5,000 vehicles!

India also made a targeted military exercise plan.

They also received the corresponding exercise plan.

This is their value!

Several people from the CIA processed the relevant intelligence. After describing in the report how much they and others had paid and what kind of support they needed, the intelligence was copied into two copies and one was sent to The Middle East was delivered to Hanks.

The other copy was sent to the Ministry of Defense.

On the banks of the beautiful Potomac River in Arlington County, Virginia, Raffield looked at the intelligence that had just been delivered to him. He couldn't help but take out his cell phone and start calculating the data on the intelligence.

"5,000 armored vehicles, each carrying three people, is 15,000 people."

"These 15,000 people are just the army's combat order. In addition to the army, there should be a corresponding air force and a corresponding missile force."

"The number of troops invested in this part should be about 5,000, so..."

After calculating this part of the data, Raffield wrote 20,000 on the white paper in front of him, and then wrote a plus sign at the end. After the plus sign, another 10,000 was added. Behind the 10,000 people was a bracket note: logistics.

After writing this down, he finally wrote down the number 30,000 on the paper.

Finally, a question mark was written after the number.

After doing all this, he turned his gaze to the Potomac River outside the window. Across the Potomac River was Washington, DC, the core of America.

America's Presidential Palace and the Capitol are all opposite.

So beautiful!

After waiting like this for a while, the door to his office was pushed open and Dana walked in.

Standing behind Raffield, Dana asked in a low voice: "Mr. Raffield, I didn't know you came to see me. What's the matter?"

Hearing the movement behind him, Raffield did not look back, but continued to cast his gaze towards the District of Columbia on the opposite side, and said with a gentle expression:

"The space agency said that you are making good progress and have found several qualified parts suppliers."

"The parts sent to them for testing are basically qualified. The quality is similar to that of Boeing, but the cost has been reduced a lot."

"This is worthy of recognition. Of course, I called you here today because of another matter. But before that, I want to see your evaluation of this matter."

With that said, Raffield picked up the information and the white paper in front of him and handed it to Dana.

After taking these things, Dana glanced at the information and white paper bit by bit with curiosity.

The first time, is this fake?

The second time, this is definitely fake, it doesn’t take that many people to do India.

The third time, this tnd is 100% fake, not fake. I stand on my head, eat the keyboard, and send satellites to the sky with my bare hands.

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