After being busy on ship 167 until early in the morning, Lin Yu got off the ship and returned to the dredger.

Lin Yu put the recorded information into a box and fixed himself to the bed. Leaning on the window next to the bed, Lin Yu looked through the window at the sea outside with curiosity.

Because Shen Guilin told him that in the early morning, he could see the unique scenery on the islands and reefs of the South China Sea.

Outside the islands and reefs, there are turbulent waves, but inside the islands and reefs, there are calm waves.

Just a few dozen meters apart, it's like two worlds.

He cast his gaze towards the sea, and before long, the weather outside the window changed.

The sky, which was originally bright and sparse with moon and stars, suddenly turned pitch-black. Then, the wind howled, and the stormy waves followed the wind, dominating outside the islands and reefs.

However, these rough waves have little impact on the interior of the ring-shaped island and reef. Although there are waves inside the island and reef, they are not big. The dredger under the butt is gently swaying with the waves.

The amplitude is very light, not uncomfortable at all. On the contrary, because of the slight amplitude, it makes people enjoy it.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed it. To the north, 3,600 kilometers away, at the Jiucheng Satellite Launch Center, Xiang Square, the CEO of the Aerospace Group, was so anxious that his mouth was bubbling.

Compared with the last time he met Lin Yu, more than a month later, he seemed like a different person at this moment.

The whole person has lost weight, the cheekbones on his face are bulging, and his eyes have turned into panda eyes.

But even so, he still stayed in the control room of the launch center, quietly waiting for dawn.

Because today is the day when China's first manned spacecraft is launched. This is the expectation of more than one billion people, and it is also the face of a country.

Moreover, the top management specially invited people from several countries to watch the ceremony. If it fails, then Xiang Square will be the sinner of this country!

There is no room for his carelessness.

At this moment, He Junpeng, the person in charge of the launch center, handed over a cup of coffee from the side and said casually:

"Here, try the coffee I just bought two days ago, and I ground this coffee myself. Try it."

The gray-brown coffee was mixed with milk and sugar. Under the influence of high temperature, it exuded a faint milky aroma. However, Xiang Pingang just glanced at it and pushed the coffee away. Then he picked up the tea cup next to him. , drank the remaining half mouthful of herbal tea in the cup.

Feeling the bitterness of the tea, he closed his eyes and said feebly:

"Drink less coffee. If you drink too much, you won't be able to sleep."

Listening to Xiang Ping's half-dead words, He Junpeng raised his head slightly, brought the coffee to his mouth, blew and drank.

While drinking coffee, he was also looking around with his eyes. Looking at his colleagues who were busy in various positions, he couldn't help but sigh.

This manned space flight is very, very, very important to China.

This is a great step in the rejuvenation of this nation.

If it succeeds perfectly, it will inspire the nation to take a big step towards rejuvenation. If it fails, only endless reflection awaits them. Even, under the huge pressure of public opinion, the entire aerospace sector may be disbanded.

After watching for a while, he withdrew his gaze, turned his gaze to Xiang Ping, and joked in a low voice:

"Actually, I think you should call Mr. Lin from Rheinsteel over this time and ask him to join you in jacking up the cylinder with you."

"And with him here, even if something goes wrong, he will be able to coax those Middle Eastern gentlemen into peace."

"At least in terms of public opinion, it can reduce some of the pressure."

Hearing his bad idea, Xiang Pingang slowly raised his head, glanced sideways at his subordinate, and said angrily: "You think I don't want to drag him over?"

"When I knew that those wealthy people from the Middle East were coming to attend the ceremony, the first thing I thought of was him. After all, during the last launch, those wealthy people from the Middle East had been chatting and laughing with him."

"But when I call his private number, every time the user you dialed is not in the service area, I don't know what he is doing."

"Either it can't be reached, or it's on a road that can't be reached."

"I don't even know where he is hiding in the 9.6 million square kilometers of China."

"Hey - the launch will be launched in a few hours, what's the use of talking so much?"

After letting out a long sigh, Xiang Pingang raised his head and looked through the window at the launcher outside.

After a few seconds, he withdrew his gaze, closed his eyes, leaned his whole body on the table, and put his head on his arms.

Taking a suitable posture, he said as if talking to himself:

"Lao He, help me keep an eye on it. I'll squint for a while. Remember to call me at 6 o'clock in the morning."

"Okay!" He Junpeng responded, drank the coffee in his hand, turned around and walked to the side, and began to review the corresponding data.


At 8 o'clock in the morning, Awad woke up from his sleep and looked at the familiar but unfamiliar rooms around him. He scratched his head in confusion, and the memory of last night also returned at this moment.

He is at the Jiucheng Satellite Launch Center. Today is the day of China's first manned space launch, and he is a guest of honor.


Turning around to look at the time, it was 8 o'clock in the morning.

The launch time is 11 o'clock in the morning, there are three hours left, leave an hour, there are two hours, enough to organize yourself.

After briefly washing up, putting on the most formal clothes, posing in front of the mirror, and praising himself for being handsome, Awad walked out of the room.

The attendants and bodyguards who lived on the same floor also stepped out of the room the moment he opened the door and greeted him neatly in the corridor.

Looking across the entourage and bodyguards, Awad nodded, strode past the entourage and bodyguards, and walked in front.

The entourage followed closely behind, bending down, pushing the door when it was necessary to open the door, and pressing the elevator when it was necessary to press the elevator.

When they arrived on the first floor of the hotel, they found Carlo from the United Arab Emirates just walking out of another elevator.

When the two met, they did not show as friendly as before. They just nodded calmly to each other, then turned around, took their respective teams, boarded the shuttle bus, and headed to the viewing platform of the launch center.

As soon as the two teams left, several teams from other countries in the Middle East quietly appeared, and then also took the shuttle bus and headed to the launch center.

The viewing platform of the launch center is not located inside the launch center, but on the Gobi Desert outside the launch center.

The temporarily cleared site was covered with carpets, tents, some observation equipment, and corresponding food.

That’s it for the viewing platform.

The seats of the UAE and Saudi Arabia were placed together. After taking their seats, Awad and Carlo naturally sat together, but there was a passage in the middle.

Far in front of them, people at the launch center were busy launching rockets and doing final inspections.

Carlo glanced into the distance, retracted his gaze, picked up a purple-black grape and stuffed it into his mouth, feeling the sweetness of the grape, and asked casually:

"Weren't you in Afghanistan two days ago? Why did you suddenly want to come here again?"

"Like you, come here to watch the ceremony!" Awad also picked up a grape, carefully tore off the skin and stuffed the whole grape into his mouth.

In an instant, sweetness fills your mouth.

Feeling the sweetness, he couldn't help but close his eyes and hum a song.

As he hummed the ballad, Carlo's question came again:

"This time you were in Afghanistan and got what you wanted?"

"Don't ask!"

"It doesn't matter if you ask. After all, we are all the same. We can't keep selling oil, and we can't always stand on our own laurels. We have to find a way to take two steps forward. As the leader of the Arab world, everything you say and do in Saudi Arabia is irrelevant." There are many people watching, including me.”

"I told you not to ask!"

"Okay, I'm being stingy, but I still want to know, when you went to Kabul, the Mullahs and Taliban didn't take the opportunity to beat you up? This is simply unbelievable."

"He came, but he was sent back by the defense company led by Luo Ping."

"Are they so powerful in combat?"

"What the Taliban is good at, they are good at, and what the Taliban is not good at, they are also good at."

"Speaking of which, Abu, is there really any chance?"

"It's not bad, that person has a strong learning ability. When I left Afghanistan, I heard from the authorities in Kabul that the Taliban in the west attacked the city of Farah. In front of the local police, they read out some of the laws they enacted on the street and executed them. A group of drug dealers were arrested, and a group of local scoundrels were also eliminated. When the people from the Kabul authorities told the news, their teeth were almost broken. "

“What about Iran?”

"Let him go. As long as they don't cause trouble and don't target us in Saudi Arabia, we don't want to care about them. Everyone is in peace. You ignore me and I ignore you."

After saying that, Awad grabbed a bunch of grapes, closed his eyes, and started throwing grapes into his mouth one by one.

He neither spits out grape skins nor grape seeds.

And this action almost told Carlo to stop talking.

Therefore, Carlo did not continue to ask, but picked up the cantaloupe on the plate next to him and started chewing leisurely.

While the two were busy eating fruit, another Arab man came to the two of them. Without seeing Carlo, the man picked up the cantaloupe next to him, stuffed a piece into his mouth, and then asked the two of them:

"You support those militants in eastern Libya, right?"

Faced with this sudden question, Awad, who had never spit out grape skins, opened his mouth and spit out a piece of grape skin.

The grape skin fell on the shoe of the Arab who suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Carlo stood up directly, moved his cantaloupe to the side, and then watched the show quietly.

The Arab who suddenly appeared did not yell at Awad as Carlo expected, but sat calmly next to him and responded calmly:

"I came to you today not to argue with you or to fight with you."

"What I mean is that our several countries will divide Libya and each of us will control an area."

"Anyway, this is my idea. Whether you agree or not is up to you."

Leaving behind a strange remark, the Arab stood up and left without any hesitation.

After watching this man leave, Carlo sat back in his seat and asked Awad, "Why is this guy from Qatar looking for you?"

Faced with this question, Awad calmly opened his eyes and asked calmly: "Are you deaf?"

"He didn't lower his voice deliberately when he spoke. It's not like you couldn't hear him."

"What do you think?" Carlo asked, but this time, Awad did not respond.

He could only sit back in his seat in boredom, eating sweet cantaloupe and waiting for the next event.

Time did not make them wait any longer.

At 10:30, a loud voice came from the speaker, which was the half-hour launch countdown.

With this shout, the staff at the launch pad in the distance evacuated in an orderly manner, waiting for the final launch.

At 11 o'clock, a loud countdown sound came from the speaker, and the moment the countdown returned to zero, another loud voice replaced this voice.

That was the sound of the rocket engine being ignited.

Listening to the rumbling sound of the engine, Awad stood up from his chair, tiptoed, and looked at the launch pad in the distance.

When he looked over, the tail flame of the rocket washed the pool under the launch vehicle, rushing out a large amount of white water vapor, and then the rocket broke through the water vapor and began to slowly rise into the air.

Seeing this, Awad's fist clenched unconsciously.

Manned space flight is the forefront of human technology.

So far, there are only three space agencies that can send people to space, namely the American Space Agency, the Russian Space Agency, and the European Space Agency.

If China can succeed today, they can become the fourth.

Then, under the financial offensive, Saudi Arabia is likely to become the fifth country to master this technology. Even if it fails, Saudi Arabia can take advantage of it.

Awad's head rose as the rocket slowly rose, until the rocket became a small dot in the sky, and he retracted his gaze.

It must succeed!

Meiji Reef, listening to the intermittent sound coming from the radio, Long Hai looked back at the dredger, and asked Lin Yu beside him in a vague voice:

"Will our manned space flight be successful this time?"

"It will definitely succeed!" Lin Yu answered with certainty, and found that the sound coming from the radio was a little fuzzy. He sighed, reached out to take the radio, and began to circle in place, while his fingers kept fiddling with the radio's receiving antenna.

When his voice became clearer, he spoke again:

"We will definitely succeed, because we have the right time, right place and right people. Although everyone often says that we should do our best and let fate decide our fate, we must always believe in one sentence, that is, man can conquer nature."

"If you don't even have this little courage, how can you fight against the people in this world?"

"Just like that!"

Lin Yu suddenly put down the radio and raised his hand to point to the distance.

Long Hai was also attracted by his action and cast his eyes over.

In the direction of the finger, in the place visible to the human eye, there appeared several ships.

Several fishing boats.

The strange shape is the Philippine ship.

Recognizing the origin of these ships, Long Hai couldn't help cursing.

But before he could curse, another ship rushed to these fishing boats from behind them.

It's the Fisheries Administration!

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