The fishery administration boat was speeding on the sea, and the sound from the loudspeaker on the fishery administration boat reached the fishing boat in the distance before it.

"The unknown fishing boat ahead, you have entered our waters, and now you are required to leave immediately!"

"Repeat, you have entered our waters and your ship is now required to leave immediately!"

The fishery administration ship was so fast that it passed by the reef in just a blink of an eye. Lin Yu didn't even see the fishery administration ship's serial number clearly and could only vaguely estimate the size of the fishery administration ship. The tonnage of the ship.

500 tons.


Nodding his chin towards the fishery administration ship, Lin Yu lowered his head, fiddled with the radio that had no signal, and said as if talking to himself:

"Aren't you going to do a favor?"

Next to him, Long Hai was observing the distance with a telescope. When he heard Lin Yu's question, he thought for a moment and responded:

"I'm definitely going to help, aren't you going?"

After he finished speaking, the radio in Lin Yu's hand also heard movement again:

"The escape tower is about to separate. The next step is the most important moment. Please... rustle... rustle..."

Just after listening to a few sentences, a continuous noise came from the radio. After playing with it a few more times, he found that he still couldn't listen to the radio completely. Lin Yu couldn't help complaining in his heart.

Junk stuff.

The signal is really bad.

He wanted to smash this radio, but this radio was Qiao Hai's lifeblood. If he smashed it, Qiao Hai would definitely fight him.

Putting the radio on the concrete fence in front of him, Lin Yu raised his finger and pointed at the licked area in front of him:

"I won't go there. I have to lead people to collect settlement data of these filled-in areas later, as well as some mineral data."

"After collecting these, you have to write a report and submit it to the superiors."

"It's annoying as hell."

While talking, Qiao Hai led several people and came behind the two of them.

In their hands, there were several unique sieves and several measuring cylinders.

Lin Yu handed the radio to Long Hai, followed Qiao Hai, walked down the steps of the post, and walked into the sandy land filled by Fuki.

After walking around on the sand, Lin Yu stood in front of Qiao Hai and others, raised his fingers to the two buckets of plugs and the electronic scale in their hands, and explained:

"The main purpose of the measuring cylinder in your hands is to measure the volume of sand and gravel."

"The first step is to draw points evenly on the gravel ground. Dig down about 30 centimeters of the gravel at the point location according to the size of the measuring cylinder, and then evenly load it into the measuring cylinder."

"Step 2, weigh the measuring cylinder."

"Step 3, pour the sand, gravel and soil in the measuring cylinder into the special bag provided for you. It is required that there is no leftover in the measuring cylinder."

"Then our goal today is to draw 50, starting now."

"After doing this, we need to do follow-up settlement observations."

"The first step is to make settlement observation points. Those nails that Platoon Leader Qiao went to pick up will be hammered into the ground evenly at a distance of 20 meters."

"Then use the level over there to record the corresponding elevation."

"In the next few days, you need to observe on your own."

After giving an order, Qiao Hai led the soldiers at the outpost and followed Lin Yu's instructions to place the measuring cylinder on the ground, fill it, weigh it, and finally pour it into a special bag.

50 points, in their hands, took only half an hour.

After doing all this, they began to drive nails and conduct settlement observations.

It was very busy here, and on the other side, Ship 167 also appeared quietly behind the fishery administration ship.

The so-called silence is just taking advantage of the fishery administration ship to attract the attention of those fishing boats, and then speed up and rush over, appearing next to those fishing boats like a magic weapon descending from the sky.

The 6,600-ton ship also has missiles, anti-aircraft guns, and naval guns on its deck.

Seeing this big guy, several fishing boats that had been circling with the fishery administration boat instantly changed their direction and headed towards the Philippines.

This time, Ship 167 also followed.

After driving these ships outside the border, Ship 167 and the fishery administration ship turned around and headed for Mischief Reef.

The fishing boats that were driven out of the border returned to their port in despair, Rizal, a small town located in the southwest corner of Palawan Island.

As soon as the ships docked, several people in military uniforms approached. They pushed away the people in front of them, went directly to the captains of the ships, and brought them together. They glanced at them with cold eyes. , and then a cold voice:

"What are those Chinese ships doing in that reef area?"


Silence is today's theme.

The captains looked at each other, but no one said anything.

Because they didn't see clearly what those ships were doing in the reef area.

But just then, a workman hired by one of the captains shouted to one of the officers: "I know, I know!"

"They are reclaiming the sea to create islands."

As soon as the words "reclamation and island building" were uttered, the officer knew the truth.

He slapped away the captain in front of him, came to the worker, stretched out his hand suddenly, grabbed the worker's collar, held the worker in front of him, and asked with a fierce face:

"Are you sure you are building an island from the sea?"

The officer's cold voice made the worker hate himself for talking so much, but now, even if he didn't know, he could only say that the other party was reclaiming the sea and building islands.

He nodded wildly and started gesticulating with his hands at this moment:

"The ship kept moving, and there was a pipe behind the ship, and that pipe was connected to the outpost."

"There is a large area of ​​land surrounding the outpost."

After getting a definite answer, Brother Jun couldn't help but close his eyes.

Things are really big.

Taking a breath, he patted the worker's shoulder hard, turned around, took several other officers with him, and disappeared into the crowd in the blink of an eye.

The people watching the excitement did not see any more excitement and chose to leave one after another.

After the crowd dispersed, the captain, who had just been slapped, slowly came to the worker and stared at him fiercely.

After staring for a while, the captain raised his hand and slapped the worker, knocking him to the ground. Then he kept cursing: "You son of a bitch, you took my wages, and you actually watched me get beaten."


On the other side, on the speeding military vehicle, the officer took out his mobile phone and conveyed the information he had just asked to his superior.

The officer's superior, after some brief thought, made two copies of this information and sent one copy to Manila.

The other copy was sent to the America base in the Philippines.


"Our astronauts successfully completed all scheduled operations after flying 14 times in orbit for 21 hours and 23 minutes."

"Now, his return capsule has returned to our grassland."

"Now, let us hand over the cameras to the reporters on the scene, and let our reporters lead us to welcome our triumphant astronauts."

As a faint smile appeared on the host's face, the TV screen turned into a yellow grassland.

The camera is moving at a very fast speed. In the front of the camera, on the grassland in the distance that can be seen with the naked eye, there is a faint return capsule of a spacecraft.

That thing looked like a pudding, all black, lying quietly on the grassland, as if waiting for someone.

The camera slowly zoomed in, and a dozen people jumped out from several cars next to the camera. The faces of these people showed excitement, but also fear.

Like a strong wind, these people rushed to the return cabin of the spacecraft and started to dismantle the return cabin door.

Two or three minutes later, the hatch was opened. One of the people couldn't wait to put his head into the hatch and quickly glanced inside.

As he put his head into the hatch, the astronaut who returned to the cabin also raised his right hand and waved with difficulty.

Seeing the astronaut's movements, the man quickly retracted his head and shouted to the person behind him: "The person is fine, but he may be a little uncomfortable. Let the ambulance in and ask the stretcher team to come over quickly and send the person to the hospital for examination."

With the help of these people, the astronauts slowly got out of the return capsule, and the camera also leaned over at this moment. Seeing the camera, the astronauts showed a bright smile and waved gently.

Then, he was put into an ambulance by the stretcher team and sent to the nearest hospital.

The reporter's camera followed the car away until the hills in the distance blocked the back of the ambulance. Then the camera turned around and looked at the return capsule in front of it.

When the camera locked on the return capsule, a big furry hand appeared next to the switch of the TV.

This big hand smoothly pressed the TV switch and turned off the TV screen.

Turning off the TV, Dana turned around, extended his hand to Greb, and then said softly:

"China's aerospace industry is developing faster than we imagined and is more capable than we imagined."

"This is a little bit not good for America."

"But for us, it's good news."

"The development of their aerospace industry means that they have a complete aerospace industry chain. Our transaction with Lin Yu can be completed better, and it can also help us better, earn more, and be more stable. money."

"During the transaction, if you can use the transaction with Lin Yu to test out the bottom line of the aerospace industry chain, then use your little tricks."

"The benefits to us will be exponential."

After listening to his father's explanation, Greb nodded thoughtfully, but soon, he shook his head again and asked:

"Father, are we now... speeding up our cooperation with Lin Yu?"

"Let them produce more parts? Make them path dependent on us? And then prostitute their drawings for free?"

"Yes!" Dana nodded, stretched his neck, turned and walked towards the bedroom. The moment he was about to enter the bedroom, he stopped, turned back to look at his son, and said:

"I will go to Hawaii tomorrow. For the safety of you two brothers, I will send someone to take you to California alone early tomorrow morning."

"So, good night, my naughty little ones."


“Cowards without eggs, boarding plane at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.”

"The guy who only knows how to give in has crossed the Mississippi River."

"Dena Roosevelt's plane has arrived in the Pacific."

"Roosevelt's plane has arrived at Honolulu International Airport!"

"General Dana has got off the plane!"

"The Honorable General Dana Roosevelt has arrived at his loyal home at Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam."

Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam is the headquarters of the Pacific Theater in America and the largest military base in the Pacific Theater.

Looking at the huge crowd in front of him, especially seeing the angry but helpless expressions on their faces, he couldn't help but feel happy.

As a commander who originally belonged to the Central Theater, then returned to the Ministry of Defense, and then parachuted into the Pacific Theater, Dana knew very well that for the officials below the Pacific Theater Commander, he, a guy who suddenly appeared, actually picked their peaches.

These people didn't give him a good look, he could understand.

But he didn't accept it.

With a faint smile on his face, Dana nodded to the people in front of him, turned around, and walked straight to the Pacific Theater Commander's office.

As soon as he sat down in the office, the service officer of the previous commander, General Locke, sent some intelligence that had not been processed in time because Walker retired.

There was also intelligence that had just been collected recently.

The intelligence was very mixed and messy.

But for Dana, these were completely trivial. As a qualified commander, there was no need to read too much intelligence. He only needed to see the key points in the intelligence and distinguish the importance of the intelligence. The rest could be handed over to the people below.

[Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Agency ships appeared in the waters of Guam without permission. ]

[Residents in Okinawa expressed dissatisfaction with our troops stationed at the Okinawa base. ]

[South Korean left-wing parties proposed at an internal meeting that our troops should withdraw. ]

[Intelligence from the Philippines, China is reclaiming land in their South China Sea area...]

It took about two hours for Dena to read all the intelligence.

After reading this intelligence, he had an illusion that he was not a commander of the Pacific Theater, but a community judge responsible for coordinating community neighborhood relations.

The most effective piece of intelligence was that China was reclaiming land in the South China Sea, and the rest was all garbage.

Taking this intelligence out separately, Dena held the remaining intelligence with his right hand and gently pushed it forward, and the intelligence slid off the desk in front of him and fell to the ground.

With a crash.

When the service officer next to him went to pick up the information, he spoke coldly:

"Don't let me see this kind of boring information again."

"South Korea and Japan like to use various means to express their dissatisfaction, so you have to tell them that if they want to die, just say it directly."

"You contact South Korea and Japan and tell them that these intelligences involve Japanese and Korean people."

"I don't like it very much, let them deal with it themselves."

"If they don't want to do it themselves, I can help them."

When the service officer turned and left, Della raised his head, looked at the serviceman he brought with him, and whispered:

"Contact Yokosuka Port and let the Seventh Fleet prepare for the trip."

"I will leave from Hawaii the day after tomorrow and go to Yokosuka Port, and then bring the Seventh Fleet to Vietnam for a business visit."

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