"According to the news sent back by Ship 167, Rheinsteel's dredger reclaimed a total of 51,737.45 square meters of land in seven days, which is approximately equivalent to 77.6 acres."

"The average thickness of the reclamation per square meter is about two meters. In the initial reclamation area, after seven days of wind and wave attack and settlement, the remaining height is about 1.75 meters."

"Then there is detailed information from Staff Lin. The full power of this dredger is approximately 21,752 kilowatt hours."

"Under working conditions, it is generally 85% power."

"At 85% power state, the fuel consumption per hour is 4676.29 liters, and the fuel used is No. 20 heavy firewood."

"During the 7 days of testing, the vehicle worked regularly for 8 hours a day, and the cumulative fuel consumption was 261,872.15 liters, which is equivalent to a weight of 218.66 tons."

"This ship is very economical in terms of fuel consumption."

"This data is not much different from the data sent back by the supply ship of the Deep Sea Fleet, which can be proved."

"In addition to the oil loss, Staff Lin also submitted a test form on the soil structure and soil mineral composition of the land reclamation."

“According to what Staff Lin wrote at the end of the form, some small salt-alkali resistant vegetation can be planted on the surface of these gravel soils.”

"This is the original in our hands. I have sent the copy, together with the geotechnical samples transported by air, to the Institute of Geology of China University of Geosciences and experts from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences."

Gan Yuan relayed the news from XSQD to Lu Huaxi in a calm tone. At the same time, he also handed over the two forms in the folder in his hand.

Reaching out to take the two forms, Lu Huaxi took the reading glasses next to him and put them on, squinting for a while. He didn't look at anything else but the data on reclamation and island building.

77.6 acres of land!

If you are on land, there is very little land, and you only need to press the accelerator to cross this land.

But that was at sea, with a surrounding water depth of 1,000 meters.

If a ship of more than 100 meters in the sea with a water depth of 1 kilometers encounters a saturation blow, the people on the ship will only die, with no hope of survival.

However, if you want to deal with the defenders on a piece of 77.6 acres of land, the price you pay will be dozens of times that of a ship over 100 meters long.

Unfortunately, the small country in the South China Sea cannot kill a ship of more than 100 meters, let alone effectively destroy such a large area of ​​land.

The reason why the situation in the South China Sea is troublesome is because there seemed to be no large ships at the beginning, and the place was too far away, so only a small number of people could be sent to protect and claim it.

Now that the land is available, a large military station can be built on it, and some obsolete anti-aircraft guns, howitzers, and anti-aircraft missiles can be put on it to arm the 77.6 acres of land.

This 77.6 acres of land will be like a nail driven hard into the sea.

very nice!

very good!

Holding two forms in his left hand and flicking them with his right hand, Lu Huaxi looked at the young man in front of him and asked in a low voice:

"Where is Staff Officer Lin? Have they returned?"

"Not yet!" Gan Yuan shook his head, opened the folder in his hand, turned to the second page, looked at the content on it, and read it out again:

"According to the feedback from ship 167, they unloaded some of the weapons on the outpost, and then began to return north, preparing to go to XSQD."

"I am going to see if there is a suitable place to build a transfer station."

"According to Staff Lin, build a transfer station at XSQD and make strategic reserves. Then, when necessary, aircraft can take off from XSQD and cover the entire NSQD and Zhongsha Islands."

"But actually the best way is to use border defense."

"It is to establish an additional municipality in XSQD. The residents of this city are mainly fishermen, just like the ancient border guards."

"The fishermen are sent out as warning posts. Once there is an emergency, our boats and planes can quickly set off to the target point."

"This way we won't be as passive as before."

"However, he also said that in fact, if you want to establish deterrence, the best way is to change the 167 ship into a coast guard ship or a fishery administration ship."

"If it's really not possible to directly convert it into a fishing boat, let the fishermen do the things that are difficult to do in official terms."

Having said this, Gan Yuan quietly took half a step back.

Not hearing the rest of his words, Lu Huaxi stiffened his neck, slowly turned his head, looked at Gan Yuan in disbelief, and stammered a question:

"Did he really say that?"

"Yeah! If it's fake, it's guaranteed!" Gan Yuan nodded, took off the document from the folder, and carefully handed it to Lu Huaxi. While handing it over, he also said carefully:

"Director Lu, if Political Commissar Long and Staff Officer Lin ask, don't say that I gave you this document."

Faced with his cautiousness, Lu Huaxi waved his hands irritably and said with an expression on his face that you don't understand:

"Just say these things as nonsense. If there are two little bastards who ask about it, you don't need to worry about them. Just say it was me who said it."

After speaking arrogantly, Lu Huaxi picked up the document and read it word for word.

There is not much text in the document, only about 1,000 words, but every sentence is not nonsense, it is the key point.

Just a few summary points.

Maritime jurisdiction is unified.

Build warships and launch aircraft carriers.

Develop offshore aquaculture.

Guard the border.

Summarize these 4 items and write them at the end of the document with a red pen. Lu Huaxi put a question mark after the second item and then ticked the other three items.

Warships, aircraft carriers.

China is not strong enough now and cannot provide a large number of warships, but with the dredgers produced by Lin Yu, the other three projects can be tried.

Holding a pen, based on these three items, Lu Huaxi began to simply expand the content.

The sea is something that China must get involved in.

While he was busy expanding the content, in the far south, a fleet consisting of the 167 ship, the dredger of Rheinsteel, and a supply ship also arrived in XSQD.

However, Long Hai did not rush to take them to the largest Yongxing Island, but to the west of XSQD, the Yongle Islands, which are located on an atoll.

"This is the Yongle Islands. In 1947, in order to commemorate Zheng He's fleet sailing to the South Seas, this place was named the Yongle Islands."

"These islands are all located on the Yongle Atoll, including Beijiao, Huaguang Reef, Yuzhuo Reef, Panshi Island, Zhongjian Island and other 13 islands of various sizes."

"Many fishermen traveling to and from Nansha like to stop here."

Taking an anti-submarine helicopter and taking a tour over the Yongle Islands, Lin Yu gave up the idea of ​​encircling the entire Yongle Islands and turning it into a huge fish pond.

Because the several waterways around the islands and reefs are very deep, it is completely thankless to fill them all up.

Take out the camera and take a photo of the islands below. Lin Yu waved his hand: "Let's go to Yongxing Island."

Yongxing Island is just northeast of the Yongle Islands. The distance between the two is only more than 70 kilometers. This temporarily formed fleet took only three hours to arrive at Yongxing Island in a mighty manner.

Yongxing Island, the name comes from the Yongxing warship, which is a PCE-842 class patrol ship of the American Navy, numbered PCE-869.

When it fell into the hands of the former Huaxia, it was changed to Yongxing.

When this warship arrived at the island, it was called Yongxing Island.

Compared with other islands, this island is large and has a higher level of construction.

If you trace the history of human activities on this island, it can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.

If you want to trace the development history of this island, it can be traced back to November 1955. In November of that year, the Haisheng Bird Fertilizer Company was established, and the main business of this company is to dig up the bird droppings accumulated on the island for many years.

Just like the small island country called Nauru in the central South Pacific.

However, the innate conditions here are a little worse. The bird droppings in Nauru are more than 10 meters thick, while the bird droppings on Yongxing Island are only 80 centimeters.

In 1959, Yongxing Island began to be built.

After decades of construction, the island has office buildings, dormitory buildings, cultural activity centers, commercial stations, aquatic stations, and food stations.

However, compared with other places, these infrastructures are still too thin.

It still needs to be built.

I just hope that the report sent to Lu Huaxi this time will be handed over to the higher-ups through the hands of this old man, and it will attract the attention of the higher-ups.

Just as he was about to continue strolling, Long Hai appeared beside him with a person, which scared Lin Yu who was strolling.

Long Hai was very happy that the prank scared people. With a smile on his face, he pushed the person next to him in front of Lin Yu:

"Qi Hai's leader, Ma Kangning Ma, heard that we just came from Qi Hai, and he came to me to ask about the situation in Qi Hai."

"I told him about the changes over there, and he insisted on treating us to a dinner."

"Do you want to go?"

Hearing that there was a meal to be eaten, Lin Yu did not hesitate at all, and nodded his head: "Of course I want to go!"

The place to eat is their regiment headquarters.

Although it was the regiment headquarters, most people were actually on the islands and reefs. There were not many people left here, only about 100 people in total.

These 100 people sat in the cafeteria in a large crowd, looking at the few people who suddenly appeared.

Ma Kangning took the two people and sat down at the innermost seat in the cafeteria. He raised his hand to signal others to start eating, then he picked up the wine on the table, opened it, and poured a full bowl for Lin Yu first.

Then, he poured a large bowl for himself.

Holding the wine bowl with both hands, he pointed it at Lin Yu:

"Actually, Qi Hai contacted me with a satellite phone on the first day you reclaimed the sea and built an island."

"It's just that what he said was too incredible, so we didn't believe it. After all, we know how much effort we put into building that outpost."

"In just over an hour, more than 800 square meters have been filled. To be honest, I really can't believe it."

"Before you set off the day before yesterday, Qi Hai called me and said that you had come to XSQD, so I have been waiting."

"I want to see with my own eyes whether the news he said is true or false."

"Just now, the warship just arrived at the port, and I couldn't wait to find Political Commissar Long, and then Political Commissar Long gave me the photos of you reclaiming the sea and building an island in NSQD."

"Shocking! Very shocking!"

"That's simply the myth of moving mountains and filling the sea, changing the world."

"However, moving mountains and filling the sea, changing the world, are too far away for me, and the closest thing to us is the safety of our comrades' lives."

"You and your ship are reclaiming land there to build an island, expanding the land area of ​​that island. This is a disguised way to make our comrades safer."

"This bowl of wine, I toast you!"

After the words fell, Ma Kangning held the wine bowl with both hands, raised his neck, and drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp.

Seeing him so heroic, Lin Yu didn't say much, picked up the wine bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

After drinking the wine and putting down the wine bowl, he glanced around in confusion and found that it seemed that only the two of them were drinking at the table.

Just as he was about to ask, his eyes caught the attention of Ma Kangning's partner, Political Commissar Lu Tiefeng.

Without waiting for Lin Yu to speak, Lu Tiefeng talked about the wine bottle next to him and explained:

"Supplies are relatively scarce, so although wine is also included in the supplies, the supply is relatively small. Generally, everyone will only drink a small cup during festivals."

"This way you won't get drunk, and it won't delay things."

"As for the bottle in front of you, it's the last bottle on this island."

"Next time, we have to wait until next month's supply transportation."

As he explained, Ma Kangning picked up the wine bottle again and evenly distributed the remaining wine in the bottle to the two people.

Putting down the bottle, he picked up the wine bowl again: "Cheers!"

While they were busy eating.

Vietnam, Da Nang.

This is the fourth largest city in Vietnam and a military and commercial port.

The military port area is located in the east of the bay, backed by a small island at the bend, which can effectively avoid typhoons.

The commercial port area is located in the west of the bay, and there is also an inland river estuary in the south.

The Vietnamese Third Navy is stationed here. Their defense range extends from Diao Ngong Mountain in Quang Binh Province in the north to Qui Nhon in Binh Dinh Province in the south.

The coastline of the jurisdiction is about 700 kilometers long, and the sea area under its jurisdiction is 29,000 square kilometers.

The subordinate units include: 172 Ship Brigade, 161 Ship Brigade, 680 Missile Air Defense Brigade, 83 Engineer Brigade, 351 Radar Regiment, 354 Technical Support Center, 534 Radar Station.

At this moment, in a cafe in Da Nang City, the commander of the Third Navy, Nguyen Nam Hai, was leisurely drinking coffee, but before he finished his cup of coffee, an irritating phone call disrupted his next arrangement.

"What? The Seventh Fleet of America is going to visit us?"

"Fuck, are you sure they are not coming to fight us? Are you really sure? You have to think clearly, that is the Seventh Fleet. If we let them stop at our port, once they make trouble, we will have no way out."

"Okay, we know what kind of equipment we have, and people should know themselves. You can let me brag, but if you let me go to fight the Seventh Fleet of America, then I can only say to you that I am your father."

"No, why do they have to come to Da Nang?"

"If they want to visit, they can just go to Haiphong Port directly? Why come to Da Nang?"

"You are putting pressure on us out of thin air!"

"Okay, okay, I will go and prepare now."

"What? They are here? But according to the intelligence I got, shouldn't the Seventh Fleet of America just come out of Japan? How come they are here?"

"The commander of the Pacific Theater of America will arrive first, and then the warships will come?"

"What's going on?"

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