When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 395: Charge! Third in the World! (Third update!)

Speaking of this, Dana suddenly found that the CIA man in front of him had a strange look on his face.

He was old and wise, so he naturally understood what the other person was thinking. He tapped the table with his fingers and comforted him:

"Don't worry, I won't interfere with your CIA affairs, and I won't interfere with your money."

"You can do it with confidence. If your people are not competent for combat needs, you can contact me at any time. I will send the Delta Commando to help you complete the task."

"But if you still can't complete the work I require under the premise of my help, then I have to suggest to Mr. President to cancel the CIA department."

"After all, there is no need to waste money on a department that has no value to exist."

This threat made the CIA personnel who had just hesitated a little throw all their hesitations behind their heads, nodding their heads like pounding garlic, and agreed to this matter.

Leaving a separate number for this person so that he can contact him directly, Dana waved his hand again, like chasing away a fly, and drove this person out.

As soon as this person left, the head of the consulate came to Dana and asked respectfully:

"General Dana, do you have any other instructions?"

"Hmm..." Dana closed his eyes, thought seriously for a moment, and ordered:

"You arrange two people to spread the news that I had dinner with Nguyen Nam Hai today, and then spread the news that the Seventh Fleet will visit Da Nang soon."

"Move quickly and get the news out before Vietnam."

"When you release it, use third-party channels to try to lead the relevant suspicion to Vietnam."

"After the relevant incident appears in the news, you stand up and publish it. "We will make a statement saying that this incident does not exist and we are just visiting."

"But because of this incident, the Seventh Fleet canceled its visit to Vietnam and instead visited Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Myanmar."

"In between these two incidents, you contact the embassies of Cambodia, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and Myanmar, and ask the resident ambassadors to contact these countries and request a visit."

"That's all for now. Also, is my rest room ready?"

The person in charge recorded Dana's request in detail, turned around, and like a hotel waiter, led Dana to the room prepared for him in advance.

After a simple wash, Dana fell asleep peacefully with the air conditioner at 16 degrees.

He slept very comfortably, but his arrangement disrupted Vietnam's internal plans.

Hanoi, located in the Red River Delta, is the largest city in Vietnam and the capital of Vietnam.

In the office building of the Ministry of National Defense next to the Imperial Citadel of Thang Long, a group of people were confused after hearing the news from Da Nang.

For the visit of the Seventh Fleet of America, everyone in Hanoi rejected it from the bottom of their hearts.

After all, such a fleet carrying nuclear weapons can easily destroy their country.

Unlike others, America really dares to drop nuclear bombs.

Therefore, this meeting with Dana was arranged in Da Nang instead of Haiphong Port.

At first, everyone thought that Dana would make very unreasonable demands when he came with the Seventh Fleet this time.

But no one expected that the other party just wanted to cooperate.

This is simply the sun rising from the west, which is incredible.

"I think there is something fishy going on here. America has never had good intentions. Now they are talking about cooperation. My suggestion is to wait and see."

"Wait and see? You have to know that if you miss this opportunity, you will never get it again. The former Soviet Union is gone. As for Russia, they have been moving closer to Europe and have always wanted to become the boss of Europe. Their attitude towards winning us over has always been ambiguous. Now America has extended an olive branch, and I think we can follow suit."

"I have reservations about this. We can cooperate with America, but I think we can delay the things he said."

"I object!"

"Object? No, Laos and Cambodia have always been our territory. We have taken back the territory of these two countries since ancient times, which means taking back the land. Wait and see? Delay? Oppose? If we continue like this, we will have to question whether we can take back the land."

"I agree to cooperate with America to take back Laos and Cambodia, and We should also take back the protrusion in the east of Thailand. "

"I agree. We drove away France and America on our own land, so we have the olive branch from America now. Therefore, we are the third military power. As a third military power, we should take responsibility for the security of the surrounding areas and take Cambodia and Laos. That is what we should do."

"Well said. If we take Laos and Cambodia, and then take the protrusion in the east of Thailand, we can get an additional 600,000 square kilometers of land, which is almost twice our current land area. By then, we will have a total of about 950,000 square kilometers of land, and the depth of the land will be there. "

"If we take over Thailand and southern Myanmar, we can build a railway from Da Nang, directly through the Indochina Peninsula, strengthen transportation between the east and the west, and we can even use this road to earn shipping profits between Asia and Europe. "

"That's right. The Mekong River alone has brought us countless profits. If we have a railway like this, the profits will be unimaginable."

"The cost of the railway is too high. I think we can find the weakest position on the peninsula in southern Thailand and dig a canal. That will make money faster."

"But Singapore may be dissatisfied!"

"Singapore? If we control the Southeast Peninsula, why don't we go one step further and control the Malay Peninsula? By then, Singapore will be killed with just a few shots."

"Everyone! Be quiet! Be quiet! Now let's start voting by raising hands. Those who agree to cooperate with America and unify the Indochina Peninsula raise their hands. Don't worry about other people's opposition. The gun is in our hands. Whoever opposes will be shot."

The person who proposed the vote raised his hand first. With him taking the lead, the rest of the people also raised their hands. Even the person who initially proposed not to cooperate with America raised his hand.

In just two or three minutes, the vote on cooperation was passed.

The person who just proposed the vote raised his hands again and shouted:

"Since everyone agrees, after leaving here today, you need to be prepared. As long as America's assistance arrives, we will start directly."

"But before that, we need to make a report and give it to our President."

"Just show it to him."

For this person's proposal, others raised their hands in agreement, and then each of them took up their duties and began to compile reports.

In less than half an hour, a brand new cooperation intention report came out.

Then, this report was sent to the Presidential Palace.


Shawei Port.

It is the home port of the deep-sea fleet, and all ships of the deep-sea fleet will be trained here.

A day ago, after a brief stop at XSQD, a temporary fleet consisting of Ship 167, a dredger, and a comprehensive supply ship set sail overnight.

It sailed at a speed of 15 knots for more than 20 hours and finally arrived at Shawei Port.

As soon as he got off the ship and had no time to rest, Lin Yu was carried by Long Hai to the joint operations command center at the port.

Here, he also met an acquaintance.

Wen Yunhua, a staff officer of the General Staff, who he had met once at the postgraduate thesis defense of Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College.

As soon as they met, the other party handed Lin Yu a document with a serious face.

Seeing the expression on his face, Lin Yu also knew that this document was very important, and he didn't bother to ask more questions. He reached out to take the document, opened it, and prepared to study it carefully.

But as soon as he opened it, the content on the document made him scream out:

"What the hell is this?"

This is a series of intelligence.

The first piece of intelligence is that Dena Roosevelt was transferred to the commander of the Pacific Theater. Looking at the time below, it was just when he was frantically digging sand in NSQD.

The second piece of intelligence is that the Seventh Fleet in Yokosuka Port, Japan, set off from Yokosuka Port and prepared to cross the Pacific Ocean. The specific destination is unknown.

The third piece of intelligence is a photo of Dena and the third commander of the Vietnamese Navy, Nguyen Nam Hai, having dinner together. The photo is very clear, and you can even see the wrinkles on their faces.

And under this photo, there is also text information corresponding to the photo.

However, this text information is divided into two parts, one of which is of unknown source, and the other is a rumor-refuting copy from the American Consulate in Da Nang.

[In Da Nang, General Dena Roosevelt, commander of the Pacific Theater of America, assured Nguyen Nam Hai, the third commander of the Vietnamese Navy, that as long as Vietnam can annex Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia, and Singapore, he can represent America and withstand the protests of other countries. ]

[General Dena Roosevelt, commander of the Pacific Theater of America, had dinner with Nguyen Nam Hai, the third commander of the Vietnamese Navy, in Da Nang. The purpose was to discuss regional peace, and it was definitely not to provoke a war!

This visit to Vietnam is for global peace, and it also sees Vietnam's future development potential, but it is obvious that this visit was used by those with ulterior motives, turning this visit into a carnival for these people with ulterior motives.

Therefore, after careful consideration by General Dana Roosevelt, it was decided to cancel the Seventh Fleet's visit to Vietnam and instead visit Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Myanmar.

In order to eliminate the slander of these detractors.

This world is not beautiful at all, not free and democratic at all, but please don't forget that America has been promoting freedom and democracy in this world.

Please also don't forget America's contribution to this free and democratic world! 】——America lives in the Consulate in Da Nang.

The fourth piece of intelligence is that at the junction of Cambodia, Vietnam, and Laos, villagers from the three countries had a fight.

Seeing this, Lin Yu did not continue to read on, but handed the intelligence back to Wen Yunhua.

Indochina was fine, but when Dana came, the old guy came, and Indochina became tense. There is no need to think about it. It is definitely the good work of this old guy.

Moreover, if my memory is correct, at the junction of Laos, Vietnam and Cambodia, only the Vietnamese direction has been basically developed into farmland.

As for Laos and Cambodia, the border is almost a primeval forest.

For security reasons, Laos and Cambodia have placed soldiers on the border.

Now, there are suddenly armed conflicts in several villages.

Could this person have grown from a tree?

This is definitely an American who is playing tricks.

After putting away the file, Wen Yunhua held the file against his chest and said:

"Mr. Lu's original words, after seeing Lin Yu, ask him what he thinks about this matter, and finally, let him leave the ship, the people can go, and go back to produce more ships."

Lin Yu did not object to Lu Huaxi's idea of ​​leaving the ship behind, after all, the ship had been sold to the Deep Sea Fleet for 50 million.

These ten or twenty days of sailing are actually tests. Now that the test has passed, it is normal to hand over the ship to the Deep Sea Fleet.

As for his views on Vietnam...

Some of them are crazy ideas.

Lin Yu gently hooked his finger at Wen Yunhua, and walked to a corner with him, found a secluded place, and casually took out a blank notebook and handed it to him:

"I said, you take notes!"

Wen Yunhua did not reject Lin Yu's behavior of letting him be a clerk. He naturally took the notebook, took out the pen from his chest pocket, unscrewed the pen holder, confirmed that there was enough ink in it, and naturally spread out the notebook to start recording.

Seeing that he was ready, Lin Yu spoke out all the crazy ideas in his mind:

"First, let the people in the commerce department take action. At this point in time, go to Vietnam and say that we want to build a railway from Guangxi Province to Vung Tau, a port in southern Vietnam."

"During the negotiation process, we must show our urgent need for this railway."

"Then on the other hand, spread this news to the Japanese and say that we have reached a preliminary intention with Vietnam to build a railway that runs through Vietnam, and it uses our railway standards."

"The Japanese will definitely jump out when they hear this news, and then let the people in the commerce department, and the Japanese and Vietnamese pull it out there."

"But let the people in the commerce department remember that this cooperation , we must not talk about ourselves. If the Japanese and Vietnamese want to cooperate, let them cooperate. "

"We even need the help of the Ministry of Commerce to promote cooperation between the Japanese and Vietnamese."

"After that, the Ministry of Commerce made a second choice and tried every means to take control of Vietnam's electricity. "

"Let the people in the power department take action to build a power channel from the country to Hanoi and occupy the power ecology inside Vietnam."

"Didn't the Americans say that Vietnam has development potential? Industrialization requires electricity. When the time comes, we will cut off power on the 1st, 3rd and 5th, and limit power on the 2nd, 4th and 6th."

"When the power is turned off, they will not even have electricity to blow the fan, and there is still development potential."

"As for Laos, send people to contact them to see if they want to make progress. When negotiating, bring Cambodia together. "

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