Wen Yunhua remembered very carefully. After writing down all Lin Yu's words, he put a mark behind the names Laos and Cambodia, raised his head, and asked:

"Why bring these two countries together?"

"According to general operations, when two countries come together to talk about the future, it is easy for the negotiation to fail due to conflicts of interests and needs between each other."

"This type of joint negotiation is rarely used in general international negotiations."

he asked very seriously.

Looking at his serious face, Lin Yu scratched his head, took the notebook and pen in his hand, and sketched a rough map of several countries on the Indochina Peninsula.

Label the country name and the Mekong River.

And on the territory of Laos and Cambodia, I wrote the names of two countries that are far away from Indochina.

Zambia, Tanzania.

After writing, he pressed his finger on the territory of Laos and explained: "I will first analyze the situation in Indochina for you."

"Laos first, they are Zambia."

“Cambodia, they are Tanzania.”

"Then let's talk about another important economic index, which is freight costs."

“According to calculations by the America Economic Cooperation Organization, the cost of water transportation is one-half of the cost of rail transportation, one-fifth of the cost of road transportation, and one-twentieth of the cost of air transportation.”

"If these two countries want to develop, they must first solve the transportation problem."

"It's nothing more than two points, rail transportation and water transportation."

"And in Indochina, there happens to be one river that is almost perfectly navigable, except for the Kongpaping Waterfalls in Champasak, Laos."


Lin Yu suddenly emphasized his tone and pressed the fingers of his right hand on the area in the southernmost part of Vietnam that looked like a stick.

“The mouth of the Mekong River is not in Cambodia, Laos, or Thailand and Myanmar, but in Vietnam.”

"As Vietnam, which claims to be the third largest country in the world, they have always wanted to be the overlord of Indochina. This idea has never been erased from their position."


"They occupy the mouth of the Mekong River, so they have been collecting tolls from northeastern Myanmar, eastern Thailand, all of Laos, and eastern Cambodia, and they are also pinching them."

“If we build a railway through Laos and Cambodia, or dig a canal from Phnom Penh to Kep.”

"It will turn into us holding Vietnam in check."

"What's more, our Yunnan Province also needs a southward entrance to the sea. At this time, it is just right to connect Laos and Cambodia."

“Also, disintegrating ASEAN within itself will also be beneficial to us in the South China Sea.”

“That’s why we have to bring Cambodia and Laos together.”

The detailed explanation also made Wen Yunhua suddenly enlightened. He reached for his notebook and looked at the simple map on it. He took a pen and drew a line from northern Laos along the map of Laos to the coast of Cambodia in the south.

This line is exactly level with the border line of Vietnam.

By borrowing this line, Vietnam can be flanked on both sides by sea and land.

Seeing this line in his eyes, Wen Yunhua couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, there are differences between people.

His tactical vision is unique, but in terms of strategy, he is still far behind.

Perhaps, you should also look for some information on international economics to study and strengthen yourself.

Having made up his mind, he picked up the pen again and drew an X on the map of Vietnam. Then, he turned to the second page, raised his head again, and asked Lin Yu:

"People in America say Vietnam has development potential. What do you think?"

"Based on the fact that their military is engaged in business, Vietnam has colonial potential for consumption, but as for development potential, it has no potential."

"Besides, have you ever seen Americans talk down to others?"

"Playing with the monkeys!"

The decisive response stunned Wen Yunhua, who was holding a pen and preparing to record.

After all, in the early years, the Chinese military would occasionally take on some filming tasks to earn some funds to support themselves.

But starting in 1993, the army has been cleaning up this kind of behavior. In 1998, an order was issued to reorganize the army and ban business.

Now I suddenly hear the term military doing business, and it feels a little subtle.

Thinking about the original order again, he could only sigh that the big bosses really had a far-sighted vision.

After sighing and recording Lin Yu's original words, Wen Yunhua stood up, raised his hand and saluted Lin Yu, and said:

"Commander Lin, I have finished asking the questions Mr. Lu asked me to ask."

"Now, I convey his opinion to you."

"The dredger will be produced as soon as possible according to the order given at that time. The 12,000-ton ship will also be manufactured as soon as possible. If you have any questions, call us. If you are short of workers, he will arrange it."

After speaking, the staff officer nodded his head heavily, stuffed his notebook into his arms, and left at a steady pace.

Not long after Wen Yunhua left, Long Hai quietly appeared in front of Lin Yu with two lunch boxes, handed over the lunch boxes, and asked with a smile:

"By the way, do you think Vietnam will become our competitor?"

The aluminum lunch box was opened, and there were Cantonese-style roasted goose legs and half a pig's trotter inside, which were still very hot.

The moment Lin Yu opened the lid, the aroma sealed by the lid rushed out instantly under the action of heat, rushing into the nasal cavity, whetting one's appetite.

After sniffing the aroma, Lin Yu stuffed the goose leg into his mouth and said with certainty: "No, because they are idiots!"

After cursing, he continued to fight with the goose leg in the bowl.

Just when he finished the goose leg and was about to attack the pig's feet, the phone rang.

Putting down the bowl, taking out the phone, and seeing the number on it, Lin Yu was stunned.

The number of the old hermaphrodite Dena.

Hanging up casually and sending a text message back, he walked out of the command center with the phone, found a secluded place, and dialed the number.

"Dear Mr. Dena, when I got up this morning, I saw several magpies jumping outside my window."

"When I saw them, I knew I would have good luck today. Sure enough, you are my good luck."

"I wonder what you can do for me?"

The greetings made Dena on the other side fall into silence. He was trying to think about what these words had to do with his call.

After more than ten seconds, he could not figure out the connection. His gentle voice came from the phone:

"Where is Mr. Lin recently? Are you free?"

"Shenzhen, looking at the phone." Lin Yu made up a reason casually, ready to listen carefully to what the guy on the other side wanted to do.

The next second, Dena's cheerful voice came: "That's perfect. I'm traveling in Japan and I have to come to Hong Kong. Do you have time to meet? Let's discuss the satellite and make a fortune together."

"Okay!" Lin Yu agreed without hesitation.

It's just that I have nothing to do when I go back from here, so it's not bad to go to Hong Kong for a stroll. Of course, the main reason is that the money in Dena's hands is too good.

Paying money on time and making money yourself is the best party A in the world.

Those who say they are rich every day and say how great their company is, but when it comes to paying money, they give acceptance bills or directly write IOUs are simply beasts.

Worse than beasts.

After agreeing on a meeting time, Lin Yu started to call people. After all, they were going to Hong Kong. Although the water there was shallow, there were many turtles, so it was better to be careful.

"Qian Duoduo, please book me the presidential suite of the Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel from the day after tomorrow to the day after tomorrow."

"Ask the defense company to arrange a few people, and then bring the chef from the canteen, and enter Hong Kong from Haojiang in advance to arrange the security work."


"Also, please arrange for all the research centers, manufacturing companies, and technical leaders and CEOs of the Lanling factories under our group to come."

"I will have a meeting at Rheinsteel in five days. I have an important announcement."

"Yes, that's all for now."

After arranging the work and hanging up the phone, Lin Yu played with his mobile phone and walked towards the command center step by step.

On the other side, in Da Nang, Dena was also walking towards the room in front step by step, but the expression on his face was enough to show that he was in a very bad mood and had an urge to eat people.

When he came to the door of the room, the door was closed. Dena did not choose to knock on the door, but kicked his right foot first, then twisted his body with his left foot, a standard high whip kick in a fight.

With the power of rotation, he kicked the door hard with his right foot and kicked it open.

His rough action directly attracted the attention of other people in the room, but when they saw it was him, they put away their anger one by one and sat quietly in their chairs.

These people were the senior officials of the Third Navy of Vietnam. The person sitting in the middle was Nguyen Nam Hai.

Seeing Dena walk to the chair opposite and sit down, Ruan Nanhai closed his eyes and said expressionlessly:

"Mr. Dena, I would like to ask why the details of my negotiation with you spread so quickly, and there are also detailed photos."

"Can you tell me, from the beginning, is your so-called visit a trap, a trap that plays Vietnam in the palm of your hand?"

After asking this question, Ruan Nanhai suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes with a little brown stared at the person opposite. At the same time, his aura of a superior for many years was exuded at this moment, and the people behind him also glared at Dena at this moment.

Prepare to use this method to force Dena to admit.

Facing the coercion of these people, Dena blinked, tilted his head, and looked at these people with a playful face. At the same time, his left hand was placed next to his ear and began to act as a receiver.

With these actions, he finally uttered a syllable.


The voice was very light, but also very contemptuous.

One word, totally ignoring the people present at Ruan Nanhai.

Just when Ruan Nanhai was about to speak, Dena took the lead and spoke before him, but this time he spoke in very standard Mandarin, very standard C language:

"Are you idiots? You can't keep this kind of thing, this level of thing secret, what else can I expect you to do?"

"I know you Vietnamese are military business, I thought you as business people would have a little bit of brains, but now it seems that I overestimated your brains, your brains are like the fermented bean dregs for three days, sour and smelly."

"Don't even feed it to pigs."

"No, it's like the monkeys in the tree, even worse than monkeys."

"This kind of thing is confidential in itself, and now you have leaked it out, the Philippine authorities have protested to our garrison base."

"Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and India have also protested against us."

"What can you do?"

"According to my idea, this cooperation with you will use the funds within our Pacific theater, although the cost is not much."

"But it is enough to arm you. You exposed this matter. Now, Congress has sent me a meeting and asked me to explain this matter."

"How do I explain it?"

"I told Congress that I, the commander of the American Pacific Theater, General Dana Roosevelt, am ready to cooperate with Vietnam in my personal name?"

"I can't explain it now, just because of you bastards, pigs, and monkeys who only know how to drink coffee."

"Everything is messed up now."

"If you, Nguyen Nam Hai, want to cooperate, it's very simple. You can ask the president of your country yourself. President, ask for a transfer order, and then go to America, Washington, the White House, and ask our president for cooperation. "

"You are a useless person who is good at nothing but always makes trouble!"

After another curse, Dana stood up from his chair, straightened his clothes, looked at the people present with contempt again, and said calmly: "Don't tell me that you don't understand Mandarin. As for why I use Mandarin with you, it's because it's more comfortable to curse people with this language."

"To curse you in English, the vocabulary is really too scarce."

"Goodbye, useless people!"

After cursing, Dana turned around without hesitation. When he walked to the door that was kicked open, he suddenly stopped and turned back:

"No, it should be goodbye, because I feel very disgusted when I see you, a bunch of useless monkeys who are good at nothing but always make trouble."

"*** you!"

After another curse in English, Dana turned around without looking back, walked out of the room arrogantly, and disappeared in the corridor.

When his back disappeared, Ruan Nanhai, who was scolded, turned around and looked at the people around him, asking uncertainly:

"He just scolded us, right?"

"How dare he scold us? How dare he scold us?"

"No, he was playing tricks on us from the beginning, right?"

Listening to the commander's questions one after another, other senior officials of the Third Navy did not dare to say anything. The Third Navy was the territory of the Ruan family, and from all indications, the information leaked this time did come from inside Vietnam.

If one day, General Dena, who had just left, suddenly came back and said he wanted to cooperate, then the great commander in front of him would stick to him.

At that time, those who agreed would become neither human nor human.

They would really become monkeys.

On the other side, Dana got into the bulletproof car in the underground garage and immediately began to arrange work for the orderly around him:

"Contact the Philippines and ask them to arrange a private plane for me. After our plane arrives, I need to take a plane to Hong Kong immediately."

"Tell the CIA that I have successfully provoked the anger of Vietnam. They just need to add fuel to the fire."

"Also, let the Seventh Fleet speed up!"

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