Manila, a plane flying from Vietnam is circling overhead in Manila, quietly waiting for the landing order from the tower.

This is Dana's special plane.

He was leaning on the seat by the window, eyes closed, enjoying a rare moment of leisure.

The orderly beside him was lying by the window with a curious face, looking at the city outside the window.

After a long while, please turn your head back with curiosity and ask carefully:

"General, I look at history and it is possible that the Philippines, like the Free Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, would join America at that time."

"If the Philippines joins us, then we will have a large piece of land in East Asia. It will become natural for us to exercise various rights on this land and claim our rights with this land, and it will be better than now. easy."

"But I looked at the information at the time and it seemed that all the senior officials rejected the idea at the same time."


Hearing this strange question, Dana slowly opened his eyes and looked at the orderly in front of him. The orderly's name was Ryder Atkins, and he was a new recruit in the army.

He has a smarter brain, so he becomes his own orderly.

As a general, you must learn to lead new people and bring them out. When the time comes, you can just find a place to stuff them and they will be a new nail that can be used when necessary.

Glancing towards the window and looking at the fairly well-developed city below, Dana shook his head slightly and explained:

"Overseas territories are not as simple as you think."

"Like Puerto Rico, that place is a free federation. They only have the right to vote for members, not the president, and they are basically autonomous. We don't need to spend too much energy taking care of this place."

"Northern Mariana, that place is deep in the Pacific Ocean. There are not many people in it, and it is a strategic location. It is mainly managed by the army, and it does not cost too much energy."

"The Philippines is different. The ethnic groups here are different from us. They have their own ideas. As for their ideas that they shouldn't have, you should have seen a lot of them in the past two days in Vietnam."

"The monkeys in the trees know better than they do."

"If we incorporate this land into America, we will need to spend a lot of energy, manpower, and material resources to take care of it, and there is a possibility of failure."

"It's completely thankless. It's better to just build two military bases and only take care of one-third of an acre of land. Don't worry about the rest."

"So, in many cases, if you can't make up your mind about something, then think carefully about which plan can get better profits."

In the midst of his explanation, the plane landed, leaving the orderly behind, and Dana walked alone to the private jet next to him.

Board the plane under the watchful eye of an orderly and then take off.


In the pick-up hall of Xiangjiang International Airport, Lin Yu was holding a cup of milk tea and leaning leisurely on the reception chair in the hall, quietly waiting for the arrival of the plane that needed to be received.

At the same time, he was also observing the people coming and going in the pick-up hall.

When he drank his second cup of milk tea, his cell phone rang.

He took it out and saw that it was Dana's number. He connected it and Dana's gentle voice came from the phone: "I'm at the VIP exit."

VIP exit?

Lin Yu repeated these words blankly, raised his head, and searched around for the words VIP exit.

Ten minutes later, he found the so-called VIP exit with the help of airport staff.

I finally met Dana.

The two met again. There were no unnecessary words. Both parties' expressions were very dull. They raised each other's hands and shook hands. Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the door:

"Our car is outside, and it's a little bit stuck, so the people at the airport didn't let our car in. Please come here."

Faced with this rhetoric, Dana also raised his hand and pointed to the door: "Please!"

A few minutes later, he saw the broken car that Lin Yu mentioned, a gray Santana that had been bought by unknown hands.

He reached out and touched the outer shell of the car. Looking at the dust on his fingers, Dana couldn't help but ask: "You have made so much money, why do you ride in such a shabby car?"

Reaching out to open the car door at the back, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the interior of the car, explaining: "The car is just a means of transportation for me, and my identity does not need a means of transportation to highlight my identity."

"Even if I ride a bicycle, I'm still more noble than those who drive luxury cars."

"So there is absolutely no need to waste money. Rather than wasting money on luxury cars, I would rather waste money on food."

"Let's go, you said you were coming to Xiangjiang, I brought the chef here specially."

"Let's talk while we eat."

Santana started up, slowly moved forward on the not-so-wide road, circled along the coast, and finally stopped at the Gold Coast Hotel opposite the airport.

Arriving on the top floor of the hotel again, Dana saw several chefs busy in front of the stove as soon as he entered the courtyard of the presidential suite.

After walking around the stove and checking the progress of the dishes, Lin Yu took Dana to the dining table next to him and sat down. He poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it to the opposite side. He leaned back. He leaned on the chair, crossed his legs, looked at the person opposite with a smile on his face, and asked:

"Mr. Dana has come all the way from America. I wonder what surprises he can bring me this time?"

Upon hearing Lin Yu's question, Dana slowly raised three fingers and said:

"Three things. The first thing is our satellites. The atomic clocks we purchased from you before have good performance and we can barely use them."

"And that little idiot Greb sent you the wrong blueprint, so this time, I brought the blueprint together."

Along with the words, Dana took out a palm-sized hard drive from his arms and placed it on the table. With a flick of his fingers, the hard drive slid across the dining table and slid in front of Lin Yu.

Lin Yu casually held down the hard drive and did not rush to pick it up or speak. Instead, he continued to look at the person in front of him.

Sensing his gaze, Dana raised his finger to the hard drive and explained: "In this hard drive, we found parts that you can process."

"The quantity is relatively large, the amount is relatively large, and the payment method is still the same as we said before."

"Within a week, you report the price of these parts to me, I will transfer the money to your account, and then you will transfer my money to me. It will be a happy cooperation for everyone."

"That's the first thing."

Lin Yu was a little disappointed when he heard that the satellite drawings were not complete. He fiddled with the hard drive with his fingers and asked, "Why do I feel like you are trying to trick me?"

"The nine satellites we launched before cost 5 million US dollars each, and many of the parts in them were not common. If there was a slight difference, a part would have to be replaced."

"So, this thing can really make money?"

As he spoke, Lin Yu gently moved the hard drive to the side with his fingers and looked at Dana with curiosity. It seemed that as long as the person in front of him said it was not profitable, he would immediately throw away the hard drive.

Seeing him like this, Dana shook his head slightly and began to count the accounts with his fingers:

"Young man, I also want to make money for you, but you can't. You can only make money from this kind of processing."

“These parts are relatively large in quantity.”

"I'll give you a price of US$350,000 for a set, which is already a very good price. Moreover, I have cash here."

"Cash deal!"

US$350,000 per unit, 500 units, US$175 million.

Make do.

But before that, I have to take a look at the drawings to prevent this bastard from lying to me.

He reached out to pick up the hard drive and gestured. Qian Duoduo, who was standing not far away, immediately walked over, opened the backpack on his back, took out the laptop inside, connected the computer to the hard drive, and clicked to read the drawings.

The so-called drawings are actually tnd photos.

After reading the drawings in the photo, Lin Yu turned his head with a bad expression, raised his left hand, spread his five fingers, and said to Dana:

"A set of US$500,000, don't even think about it below this price."

"According to the requirements in your drawings, you have outsourced everything on the satellite that can be outsourced. You only need to assemble these parts together, install the controller and chips, add fuel, and debug successfully, the satellite will be ready. Done.”

"What's even more troublesome is your craftsmanship. I have to find an additional factory and build a production line to match your 500 sets."

"The price of a set of US$350,000 is too low. It should be at least US$500,000."

"It's lower than this price. I'll send someone to take you to the airport after the meal is over."

Between US$350,000 and US$500,000, there are a full 150,000, 500 units more, which is a full 75 million.

In just a few seconds, Dana came up with this data in his mind. He looked at the young man in front of him, shook his head slightly, and said:

"I can't possibly increase the price for you because your production process is only worth $350,000."

"This is the price I gave you after considering many factors. You can make money at this price. Although it is not much, there is an advantage in quantity."

"If you want $500,000, you can bring us your $500,000 sample."

"As long as you can come up with samples worth $500,000, then I can give you that price."

"But I also have a prerequisite, which is that you make these parts. I need you to form a process file, and finally give me the process file together."

"By the way, it needs to be translated into English."

Need process documents? Do you need to translate it into English?

After running through these two sentences in his mind, Lin Yu finally realized that Dana, the old bastard, was playing hard to get. His base price was US$500,000, but the condition for US$500,000 was to have process documents.

This turtle grandson has no craft documents in his hand!


The Soviet Union had only been dead for a few days. How come satellite manufacturing that could be compared with the Soviet Union at that time didn't even have process documents?

Although he was curious in his heart, Lin Yu still pretended to be confused on his face. He kept drawing circles on the table with his fingers. When he reached the 20th circle, he raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him and said:

"The deal is done, one set is US$500,000. When the 500th set is handed over, I will give you a complete set of process documents."

"But I also have conditions. Your equipment is different from mine. If you want a process document that you can use, then you need to give me your equipment list. During the manufacturing process, I will The list is tweaked to create a process document that you can use.”

"If we can, then we will consider this transaction a success."

"If it doesn't work, forget it. After all, these devices may be secret."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Dana on the opposite side raise his right hand, and the opponent's right hand formed into a palm. The meaning was obvious.

High five!

Lin Yu also raised his hand to high-five, and with a snap, the deal between the two was officially reached.

After high-five, Dena sat back in his chair and continued to speak:

"The second thing is that I need you to open a few more accounts to transfer funds to another friend."

"As for who this friend is, you also know him, Hanks McCain."

"As for the cost of laundering, I suggest 5%, and each of us will get 2.5%."

"If you think it's okay, then we will cooperate. There are many people behind Hanks, and these people also need to launder funds."

This proposal made Lin Yu laugh. He never expected that these people actually regarded themselves as a way to launder money.

But it's okay. It's just the right opportunity to contribute to the subprime mortgage crisis in America.

He showed hesitation on his face, and after a few seconds, he shook his head like a rattle:

"Not so good, I have also come into contact with some money laundering. Anyway, the fees I have come into contact with are at least 15%. Some large fees can reach 30%, or even 50%."

"This 5%... is really a bit, too little, a bit of a disadvantage."

Hearing Lin Yu's words of asking for money, Dena couldn't help rolling his eyes. He knew that the young man in front of him was asking for money, but he didn't know that the other party was so demanding.


If it is those guys without power, you can even charge 80%.

But the group behind Hanks are not good men and women.

They wish that there would be money launderers who swallow up 80%, or even 100%.

When the money launderers swallow up the money, they can find a legitimate reason to send out the Navy SEALs and then exercise long-arm jurisdiction.

This money has really become white.

With his fingers tapping lightly on the table, Dena said earnestly:

"This is called connections!"

"When the time comes, you can create a fictitious identity and use that identity to contact Hanks, which can help you get more projects in the Middle East."

"You can make money at any time, but you have to figure out where to make it."

"Do it or not? If you do, you can have someone ship the first set of delivered parts and those accounts to California."

"Then I'll say the third thing, I want to meet your parents."

Meet your parents?

Lin Yu raised his eyes and looked at the person in front of him with curiosity. He wanted to ask if you have a daughter, but when the words came to his lips, he swallowed them back.

It's not impossible to meet the parents, but it may be a little cruel.

After all, my parents died because of a production accident.

According to some places, if you want to see the deceased in full, you have to experience the pain the deceased has suffered again.

Putting all the questions in his heart, he tilted his head and asked curiously:

"No, General Dena, what is it that makes you have such an inappropriate thought?"

"Don't you think that if both parties meet privately, there will be big problems?"

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