When you click on the name of a department, other people present will look at that department. Slowly, everyone present will look at each other.

After seeing it, they suddenly discovered that Rheinsteel had already gained a lot of people without even realizing it.

The majors of these people have a certain complementary relationship with each other, and this complementary relationship just allows them to enter deeper research and development.

This...the Lin Da factory director had planned these things from the beginning, so he would prioritize the development of these studies.

Among the crowd, the most shocked one was Tong Hua.

At the beginning, Lin Yu invited him to come to the shipyard to be the person in charge. When doing research, he used pictures of the Zumwalt destroyer. He said that in the future, China's ships would start from this shipyard and then go to the world.

As a professor of shipbuilding, Tong Hua naturally knows how much manpower and material resources are needed to build a warship, as well as how strong technical reserves it requires.

He very much agreed with Lin Yu's decision to build dredgers, because this would allow workers in the shipyard to acquire certain technical reserves. When all the technical reserves were sufficient, building large warships would be a matter of course. thing.

Some time ago, officials ordered four dredgers from the shipyard, and the delivery schedule was very tight.

During this period, the gantry crane has been installed, and I have been coordinating the construction of the four dredgers.

I originally thought that it would take at least four to five years before this shipyard would be involved in warship manufacturing.

But he never expected that Lin Yu would pull everyone together to build a warship.

Moreover, looking at the photo of the Zumwalt destroyer he posted, the warship to be built seems to be quite small, and in terms of performance, it should be catching up with this Zumwalt destroyer.


Can a shipyard build such a warship?


Tong Hua's eyes began to move at this moment, and his head tilted slightly following the movements of his eyes, but the movement was so small that others could not see it.

With this subtle movement, he looked at all the people present. Tong Hua slowly turned his head and focused his attention on Lin Yu on the podium in front of him.

These people present and the department they are responsible for can indeed barely cover the manufacturing of a warship, but there is still a core missing in it.

A very, very important core!

Without this core, a ship cannot start at all.

Wanting to understand this, Tong Hua boldly let go of his thoughts, turned his head, and carefully looked at the people around him.

Contrary to his worries, everyone else seemed very excited after hearing that the project they were working on could be put on a warship.

This should really be exciting.

After all, the ship we are going to build next is the benchmark Zumwalt destroyer, which will be America’s warship for the next few decades. If the people here can participate in the construction of a benchmark warship, no matter how hard it is, It needs to be completely benchmarked, even if it is only 50% performance.

That’s enough to be proud of!

Enough to stand out from the crowd!

When talking to other research units, others can only stand in the audience, but I can stand on the podium.

Let others listen to yourself.

In your later years, when you are bragging to the younger members of your family, you can also pat your chest and say loudly that your father/grandfather and I participated in the manufacturing of super battleships at that time.

But the problem is...

Can it be made?

Listening to the commotion, Tong Hua stood up slowly. His movements attracted the attention of people in the shipyard next to him. Before they could speak, Tong Hua suddenly raised his hand and shouted to Lin Yu on the podium. shouted:

"Director, I don't think we need to be so eager for quick success. I think we should build those dredgers first and accumulate a certain amount of technical reserves."

"Then go and build so-called warships!"

"If we build a large warship now, it's almost like rushing the duck to get it on the shelves!"

"Once we encounter some unique technical barriers, it may slow down the progress. Moreover, we are not a country. We are strictly speaking a private enterprise. Our funds are not unlimited. In the end, it will be like the Cao GUI controversy."

“One rush of strength, then another failure, and three times exhaustion!”

These words also made the people present slowly wake up from their excitement. Indeed, for now, if they can build a warship that can compete with Zumwalt, it will indeed be something worthy of glory.

However, if a group of people make high-profile announcements for a long time and end up with chicken feathers everywhere, then...

Seeing the expressions of others, Tong Hua also knew that he was right. Then, he asked the core question in his heart:

"Director, if a ship wants to be a ship, it must move. Only when it moves can the ship be called a ship."

"However, among the departments whose names you just mentioned, I did not find the Power Research Department."

"In other words, our ship cannot be started even if the outer shell and internal functions are completed."

"You can only put it on the sea and drift with the tide!"

The impassioned words pointed out the core of a ship, and after hearing these words, everyone present widened their eyes and looked at each other.


This is really the case.

The power equipment required by large ships is huge, huge, huge.

This is not a study that can be accomplished by a small department.

Among the departments named by the factory director just now, there is no power department.


At this moment, everyone in the audience chose to turn their attention to Lin Yu.

Although some people on site had only worked at Rheinsteel for a few months, the working atmosphere at Rheinsteel was very good, and their factory director never did anything without a clear purpose.

So he must have other plans!

On the stage, Lin Yu looked at Tong Hua and nodded with a smile. He raised his left hand and pressed it down gently, signaling the person in charge to sit down.

And with his actions, the conference hall, which was a little noisy just now, completely fell silent, because they all knew that next, it was the director's performance time.

After the messy sound disappeared, Lin Yu took off the photo on the projector and pushed the projector aside.

Then he stood up and walked behind the stage. After a while, he walked out with a lot of money.

In Lin Yu's hand was a computer host, and in Qian Duoduo's hand was a computer monitor.

After spending a few minutes connecting the computer host to the projector, Lin Yu turned on the computer, selected a ppt on the computer monitor, and clicked on it.

The ppt was expanded, and the content inside was also presented to the eyes of everyone present.

That's a ship!

A ship that is all gray and white.

The angle of this ppt is at a 45-degree angle to the left front of the ship.

Looking from this position, the overall shape of the ship can be seen clearly.

It looks very similar to today's conventional destroyers and frigates, except that the ship's island looks more concise, without the scattered radar antenna poles on the destroyers or frigates currently in service.

At first glance, people will like this ship very much.

Everyone present looked at the concept drawing for a while. Lin Yu dragged the mouse, circled the picture, and said, "This is the concept drawing of the ship we are going to build next."

"The total length is 210 meters, the total width is 23 meters, the standard displacement is 13,000 tons, and the full load displacement is 15,000 tons."

"The power system adopts an all-electric propulsion system. First, it is powered by a full-combustion combined power unit, that is, a gas-gas combined power unit, which drives the generator to generate electricity."

"Then the generator directly drives the propeller, drives the shipboard radar, and other electrical equipment."

"The advantage of this is that we can skip the crankshaft research and development of large ships, and because there is no such big crankshaft, our ship layout can be more reasonable."

"Can hold more stuff."

"The radar system of this ship uses radio frequency comprehensive integration. At this point, the radar team needs to work hard."

"My requirement for radar is that combined with satellites, it can allow us to capture the vast majority of targets on the planet."

"Lastly, it's the firepower of the ship."

"The overall firepower configuration of this ship is divided into three parts. The division of these three parts is mainly calculated based on the ship island."

"The first part is in front of the main ship island. The firepower configured here is a 130mm naval gun. This naval gun requires fully automatic loading and automatic firing, with a rate of fire of at least 40 rounds per minute. "

"An 11-tube 30mm close-in defense gun. The rate of fire of this close-in defense gun is 11,000 rounds per minute. It is equipped with a special radar that can effectively calculate and capture incoming missiles."

"Finally, there are 96 vertical launch units."

"Part 2 is the area between the two islands. There will be two 11-tube 30mm close-in defense guns here."

"The rest are 96 vertical launch units."

"As for the final part, it's the anti-submarine helicopter and drone deck."

"The focus of this ship is these 192 vertical launch units. I require that these 192 vertical launch units be loaded with the latest hypersonic missiles."

"These hypersonic missiles must include anti-ship missiles, anti-aircraft missiles, and nuclear bombs!"

As soon as the word "nuclear bomb" was spoken, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath.

People like Liao Gang and others from Lanling Steel came up with the idea because they heard the word nuclear bomb.

Lanling Steel, during the third-line construction that year, deployed many people to support the third-line construction, and the reason for the third-line construction was because of the nuclear deterrence of the Soviet Union and America.

In order to prevent all the eggs from being smashed, vigorous third-line construction began.

And this ship needs to be equipped with nuclear bombs!

Damn it!

As for others, they were shocked by the number of missiles on this ship. If they were all equipped with anti-ship missiles, and all were at hypersonic speeds as Lin Yu said, then this ship would be invincible.

For example, America's Seventh Fleet has a total of 50 to 60 warships.

These warships include a flagship amphibious command ship, an aircraft carrier, 3 to 4 missile-equipped cruisers, 18 to 20 guided missile destroyers and frigates, 5 to 6 attack submarines, 5 to 8 landing ships, and 18 logistics ships support ship, and several other smaller vessels.

In actual operations, these warships will not all dispatch, but some will stay behind and some will follow the aircraft carrier battle group.

After deducting 6 attack submarines, the remaining ships were dispatched as a whole, with all personnel present, and the total number of warships was 52.

As for the hypersonic missiles here, if they are all equipped with anti-ship missiles, there will be 192 rounds.

If all are played, each ship can be allocated an average of 3.69 missiles.

If it is true as Lin Yu said, then this ship can eliminate a fleet.

If all nuclear bombs are loaded, this ship can even suppress a country.

Or the kind that will fight to the death.

At this time, a young man wearing glasses next to Tong Hua slowly stood up, raised his right hand, and asked Lin Yu loudly:

"Director, but I see the international arguments and the direction of international destroyers. In the future, it seems that they will move from sea to land. I think the most discussed one in the world is the Zumwalt of America."

"I think that stealth ship assassins like the Zumwalt seem to be the direction of future development."

On the stage, Lin Yu looked at the young man, and the mouse kept sliding on the desktop. After a few seconds, he calmly said:

"I think you should still remember that when I invited you to join the Rhine Group, I had already said , here, everything is based on my needs. ”

“Zumwalt is the future, I don’t deny that.”

“But for now, this kind of arsenal ship with large quantity and full supply is what we need most.”

“So, I reiterate here that there is no route dispute for this ship of Rheinsteel. My words are the only requirement.”

“In the actual development and manufacturing process, if someone suddenly jumps out a route dispute and says that this arsenal ship is not the direction of the future.”

“Then, I can only ask the security department to have a good chat with you.”

“I’ll say the ugly words first, and now I’m going to arrange the work.”

“Steel Iron Factory, you are responsible for providing the steel for shipbuilding. The required steel has been given to you in the previous technical support. You need to provide the corresponding steel at each time point, and it must be processed parts. "

"Radar Team, you are responsible for the radar of this ship and the radar of the 1130 close-in defense gun. "

"Satellite Center, launch more satellites as soon as possible, network and provide assistance to the ship. "

"Electronic Technology Company, together with the Satellite R\u0026D Center, escort the wireless communication system and control system of this ship. "

"Rocket R\u0026D Center and Wind Tunnel Center, launch the rocket into space as soon as possible, and then apply rocket technology to Use it on missiles to pull out hypersonic missiles. "

"Steel workshop, responsible for the mechanical structure of close-in defense guns and naval guns."

"Chemical plant, the paint on the ship is required to absorb radar waves."

"Artillery shell workshop, for close-in defense guns and naval guns, to make better shells."

"The power system is under my personal leadership. Now, the heads of various departments come up to get the notebooks. Inside are some of my conjectures and research on this ship. After getting it, study it carefully before starting."

Lin Yu was arranging the work. When the people in the audience heard a name, they would feel a little nervous, because this was a brand new version that had never been touched.

However, after hearing that there was a notebook, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the director's research notes may be delayed, but they will never be late!

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