After receiving the notebooks, people in the conference hall filed out, and those who knew each other gathered in groups of two or three to express their thoughts.

Mei Feng walked around and found several graduate tutors from Shengmajiagou Vocational College, including Huang Tianhai. Seeing familiar people, he naturally expressed his concerns:

"To be honest, I am an electronic industry worker, and I led a group of people to work on mobile phones. Although there are people in the team below who are engaged in wireless communication research, I never expected that in the end, I, a mobile phone worker, would be asked to work on the communication system of a ship."

"This is simply a world of difference, it is simply..."

"What?" Huang Tianhai suddenly interrupted Mei Feng's words, and then he raised his hand and pointed at the people around him.

The people around gathered in groups of two or three, all talking in a low voice.

Pointing at these people, Huang Tianhai spread his hands and said:

"What are you afraid of? Has anyone here built a warship?"


"This is the first time for everyone. Why are you panicking? If you are afraid, Mei Feng, then give me your salary and I will be the technical director."

"To be honest, you just knew Lin Yu before me, so you can be the general manager of the electronic technology company."

"In fact, you are nothing, you are just this."

While speaking, Huang Tianhai stretched out his left hand, clenched his fist, and then slowly stretched out his little finger.

His little finger is very flexible, and it keeps swinging after it is stretched out.

Combined with the expression on his face, he looks like a villain who is ready to wear a yellow robe.

Seeing his expression, Mei Feng naturally stretched out a middle finger as his response.

While responding, the professor's face gradually became firm.

After a long sigh, Mei Feng waved his hand and shouted: "Let's go to the cafeteria, we'll have a good meal and then start working."

His shout also alarmed the others.

These people gathered together, and they were still a little worried, but after seeing the high-spirited appearance of the people in Shengmajiagou, the worries on their faces instantly dissipated and turned into a refusal to admit defeat.

"Fuck! The people in Shengmajiagou are not afraid, but we in Majiagou can't be afraid. We all came from the same ditch, so what are we afraid of?"

"Did you see it? This is the person who came out of the ditch in Harbin. The people in that small place are not afraid, so will we in Dongda be afraid?"

"Fuck, brother, your Dongda Men's Vocational and Technical College seems to be in the ditch too? If you want to talk about a big place, it must be our Yanjing!"

"Where did you put our Xiaolingwei?"

"Can our people in Yudao Street be afraid of these people? If these people are not afraid, will we be afraid? Tell them, will people from Yudao Street be afraid of challenges?"

"Afraid? Our Weigongcun Auto Repair The people in the academy have never said they are afraid. Even if there is no guidance, we are not afraid. What's more, we have the research guidance of the factory director. There is no need to be afraid. "

"How about we make a bet? See which department will produce results first."

"Is this bet interesting? Each department is interdependent. If you do this, I seriously suspect that you will let the people in your school lag behind."

"What a bullshit joke, if I can get this ship out, I will go home and open a separate page of the family tree. On the first page of the family tree, I have to write my name separately, and then my son and my daughter can"

"Stupid, don't even have a name There is no font size, and a separate family tree is also available. "

"Let's go to the cafeteria to eat first. After eating, study the notes first. While the factory director is here these days, first sort out the things in the notes, and then go back."

"Hey, didn't you want to make a bet just now? How about we bet on who eats more?"

"Okay, okay! I want to see how many bowls of rice you guys can eat."

"You are as thin as a stick. I even seriously doubt whether you can be the technical director."

"Can you be competent? That's determined by technology. I tell you, even if I die, the position of technical director is mine! When I study history books, I will teach you. I have to line up in front of you."

"What's the use of you lining up in front? The one in front must be the factory director."

"That's right, there's no use in yelling at us. If you have the ability, go yell at the factory director and see how the factory director will deal with you."

"Hey, why should I yell in front of the factory director? I have to yell in front of you guys. I have to see the awkward expressions of you guys who don't like me but have to listen to me."

Amid the noise of these people, Lin Yu and Qian Duoduo walked out of the conference hall with the computer host and monitor. When they saw him coming out, the noise disappeared instantly, and the people blocking the road quickly made way, leaving a road in the middle.

Walking on the empty road, Lin Yu showed a kind smile, nodded, and said:

"Everyone, you go to the cafeteria first, I'll go to the office to put the computer."

"We won't leave until we get drunk later. Let's get drunk and start working tomorrow."

Nodding again, he disappeared into the crowd with Qian Duoduo.

When I returned to the office, there were two people standing in front of the office door: Yu Ming, the head of the East China region of the Security Bureau, and Tang Shouren of the Security Department.

Seeing Lin Yu coming over, Yu Ming nodded as a greeting.

Taking out the key, he opened the door and put the two people into the room. Lin Yu poured Yu Ming a cup of tea and then started chatting:

"Director Yu, I asked you to come here this time because I want to ask your help for something."

When he heard that he wanted to ask for help, Yu Ming quickly put down his tea cup, raised his hand and pointed in front of him: "Please tell me!"

Lin Yu raised his finger and pointed at Tang Shouren, then explained:

"This is Tang Shouren, the section chief of our security department. We have a big project coming next. Our security department has done a pretty good job in terms of individual security."

"However, in terms of some special counter-espionage, it is a little bit worse. This time I invited Director Yu here mainly because I want to ask Director Yu to do a favor and provide some counter-intelligence training to the people in our security department."

"After all, this thing is as good as the Dao and the Demonic. You guys specialize in dealing with spies, so I'm sure it's right to come to you."

Hearing that it was due to training issues, Yu Ming showed a smile on his face and responded repeatedly:

"Mr. Lin's words make sense. We are all a family, and a family should help each other."

"For a small matter like training, you can just make a phone call."

"To be honest, the performance of our East China region in the past two years may still fall on you."

Across the way, when Lin Yu heard this, his expression was startled for a moment, then finally broke out into a smile. He stood up, came to Yu Ming and handed over his right hand:

"Then we will have a happy cooperation!"

Yu Ming also extended his right hand: "Happy cooperation!"

Rheinsteel's shipbuilding plan began to be implemented, heading west across the border. After more than ten days of preparation, India's military exercises also began.

The theme of the entire military exercise is reinforcements.

The main content of the exercise was to simulate an attack on Leh in the Dak region of northern Kashmir in winter, and then the troops stationed in Leh resisted tenaciously, while also sending a distress signal to the southern capital during the resistance.

Then, New Delhi issued a reinforcement order and began to reinforce.

The reinforcements mainly set off from three directions.

The first direction is the 1st Group Army stationed in Mathura, south of New Delhi. This army is India's ace combat force. They need to start from New Delhi, pass through Haryana, and meet with the local army in Manali. garrison.

Then follow the mountain road and head towards Leh.

The second direction is the 7th Army stationed in Jammu. This army has been fighting in the Kashmir region with the Pakistani army and the local religious army in Kashmir. Its combat effectiveness is even stronger than that of the 1st Army.

The third direction is the 17th Group Army located in West Bengal. This army will quickly advance from the Gargada area of ​​West Bengal to New Delhi, and then be stationed in New Delhi.

On November 6, with an order from the Indian Ministry of Defense, the exercise began. The first to take action was the 17th Group Army located in the Gargada region of West Bengal.


The commander of the 17th Group Army was completely confused when he received this news.

After repeated confirmations, he finally confirmed that the order came from the Ministry of Defense, had been approved by the Prime Minister, and was indeed a military exercise order.

After confirming the order, the 17th Army decisively began to pack up and prepare to set off.

This cleanup is over.

South of New Delhi, Mathura.

This is where the 1st Army is stationed. As the army that defends New Delhi, the 1st Army is India's trump card.

Every purchased equipment must be provided to the 1st Group Army first, and the equipment eliminated by the 1st Group Army will be given priority.

Usually thrown into the black market.

After receiving the order from New Delhi, the 1st Army did not think much about its strength. As an ace and an elite, its opponent should also be an ace and an elite.

Winter military exercises are just exercises. What are you afraid of?

Compared with the 17th Group Army, the 1st Group Army was much faster in reassembly. After a day of preparation, the 1st Group Army dispatched their leading force, a special reconnaissance company.

It took the special reconnaissance company two days to get from Mathura to New Delhi, then pass through New Delhi and continue north, preparing to go to Shimla in Himachal Pradesh.

On the other side, in the Kashmir region, the 7th Army, stationed in Chamo, also received orders to reinforce Leh.

Seeing this order, the commander of the 7th Army yelled:

"Are these people idiots? Did they drink too much Ganges water and destroy their brains?"

"Today is November 6th. It has already started snowing in Ladakh in mid-October. The average temperature has now reached more than ten degrees below zero. What is the difference between carrying out large-scale maneuvers at this time and seeking death?"

As soon as the commander finished speaking, his staff officer next to him poked his head sneakily and corrected him with a smile:

"My dear commander, I have to correct you. If we move over now and freeze to death, it is already a better destination."

"This year, there are 80,000 troops stationed in Ladakh. These 80,000 people will need about 310,000 tons of supplies from October this year to March next year."

"However, according to the gossip I have received, the total material reserves shipped to Ladakh this year are only about 230,000 tons, leaving a gap of about 80,000 tons."

As soon as the number of 80,000 tons came out, the commander of the 7th Army was stunned on the spot. He slowly turned his head, his eyes widened like copper bells, and looked at the staff officer beside him with an incredible face, and stammered:

"How much gap do you say?"

"80,000 tons!" The staff officer answered very decisively, and this number rang out almost as soon as the commander's voice fell.

Hearing this gap again, the commander still didn't believe it, and asked again: "Are you sure?"

On the other side, seeing that the commander still didn't believe it, the staff officer could only describe some of the internal information he knew in simple words.

After listening, the commander of the 7th Army was completely numb.

The Ladakh region is located between the Karakoram Mountains and the Himalayas, with an average altitude of 3,000 to 6,000 meters and an area of ​​45,110 square kilometers. It belongs to Kashmir, in the east of Kashmir.

The overall terrain is a canyon, and this canyon is also the upper reaches of the Indus River.

The Jammu region where the 7th Army is stationed can also be included in the Ladakh region in a broad sense, but there is a mountain between the two.

In October every year, Ladakh begins to enter winter, and it will not enter summer until March of the second year, in mid-April.

It lasts for about 180 days, sometimes more or less.

Throughout the winter, the lowest temperature ranges from minus 20 degrees to minus 35 degrees.

Such a low temperature means that it is almost impossible to get supplies from the outside world during the 180 days of winter.

Therefore, the supplies transported to Leh, Ladakh every summer are life-saving supplies for the troops stationed in the Leh area of ​​Ladakh.

80,000 people, 230,000 tons of supplies, 180 days, each person can get an average of 15.97 kilograms of supplies per day.

But the problem is that this 15.97 kilograms of supplies per person per day includes fuel for equipment, warmth, food, and the total amount of ammunition.

After deducting ammunition and fuel, the amount of supplies each person can get every day is very small, pitifully small.

What worries the commander of the 7th Army the most is not this, but he knows very well how beastly the logistics and transportation beasts are.

There must be a question mark behind this so-called 230,000 tons of supplies.

As for how true this number is, it all depends on how much the logistics and transportation beasts want to be human. If they are beasts, then the 230,000 tons of supplies will be greatly discounted.

If they are still human, 80% of the 230,000 tons of supplies should be in place.

230,000 tons minus 20%, the remaining amount is pitifully small.

Now, there is another shitty exercise. According to the exercise transfer order, in addition to their 7th Army, there is also the 1st Army in New Delhi, and the two armies add up to more than 100,000 people.

And the 1st Army is an armored army. The equipment of these guys goes to the plateau, and the consumption...

Thinking of the consumption, the commander of the 7th Army couldn't help shaking.

And seeing his actions, the staff also asked very considerately: "Should we execute the order?"

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