"What do these Indians think? More than 2,700 people went to the Himalayas at this time, parked their cars halfway up the mountain, and left the ignition on all night. Isn't this looking for death?"

"Is there something wrong with these people's brains?"

"More than 2,700 people, that should be a brigade, right?"

After asking the question in his mind, Lin Yu turned around and looked at Lu Huaxi across the tea table eagerly, ready to hear what the old man had to say.

Opposite, Lu Huaxi was leisurely holding a teapot, and the hot amber tea soup poured down from the spout of the teapot in his hand, just like the Lushan Waterfall in Li Bai's mouth, flying down three thousand feet, suspected to be the Milky Way falling from the sky.

After filling a cup of tea, he naturally picked up the cup, brought it to his nose, and took a sip of the aroma of the tea. The old man closed his eyes and looked intoxicated.

In this intoxication, he whispered: "Actually, after India issued the exercise notice for winter training, we were actually a little scared. We were afraid that this dog would cause trouble in the winter."

"Now it seems that our worries are unnecessary."

"In the face of the severe cold of the Himalayas, all living beings are equal."

"But the biggest fun is not here. The biggest fun is in the Kashmir area they control, next to Pakistan."

"Their 7th Army was fighting fiercely with the local opposition armed forces."

"Some reporters also found out that India's logistics troops only transported about 210,000 tons of supplies to the Ladakh region this summer."

"It is completely impossible to guarantee the daily consumption of the garrison in Ladakh. I feel very happy when I think of these Asans living on the snowy plateau without enough food or clothing."

"When this person is happy, he wants to go out for a walk."

Halfway through his words, Lu Huaxi brought the slightly cold tea to his mouth and drank it in one gulp.

Putting down the tea cup, he looked straight at Lin Yu with a serious face. After staring for a while, the old man asked in a serious tone:

"Can you really handle the power system?"

"If I can't figure out the power system, why should I build this ship? Make it an empty shell for fun? Then why don't I make one out of cement?"

Faced with Lu Huaxi's questioning, Lin Yu asked a series of questions. At the same time, he was also curious about why the old man asked these topics.

After all, I made a bet with Shen Guilin that this old man would be the first to agree and the first to have fun.

Now, I actually asked about the power system.

This is not trusting yourself.

After hearing Lin Yu's series of rhetorical questions, Lu Huaxi waved his hands repeatedly, interrupting Lin Yu's words:

"No, no, no...I mean..."

He reorganized the questions he wanted to ask in his mind, and then said:

"What I mean is that the material technology and processing technology required for marine gas turbines and aerospace engines are generally the same, but there are certain differences in subtleties."

"So I just want to ask, since you can move the gas turbine to the ship, then I want to ask, can you make an aircraft engine with better performance?"

This question made Lin Yu fall into silence.

Because the basic science is relatively weak, China's engines, whether they are for cars, airplanes, or ships, are all inferior.

Under the same operating conditions, the performance, durability, and economy are not as good as those imported products.

For example, aircraft engines, except for those made by themselves, most of them come from Russia and Ukraine. And these two bastards always think that they are the former Soviet Union and have been extorting money on the engines.

Can it be made?

Of course we can make it!

There are space engines, and ordinary aircraft engines are readily available. But the problem is that I don't have time now.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yu nodded slightly, but before Lu Huaxi spoke, he spoke first:

"I have to fix the gas turbine on the ship and the power system of the ship before I can find time to fix the aircraft engine."

"But don't worry, we will definitely have the advantage of being a latecomer."

Get the boat's power system sorted out first, and then you'll have time.

It's not that it can't be made.

After clarifying these words, a bright smile broke out on Lu Huaxi's face. He did not continue to ask, but turned around and waved gently to Gan Yuan who was standing next to him. Gan Yuan immediately handed over a folder.

After taking the folder, Lu Huaxi put the folder on the table and pushed it in front of Lin Yu without even looking at it.

Then explained:

"Shipbuilding requires welders, especially building large ships. The number and technical level of welders required are not even the slightest bit high."

"So, after confirming that you want to build a ship, I helped you find some welders in the name of the logistics department. They are all top-notch welders."

"All the resumes of these people are in this folder. Take a look at it. If you think it is OK, I will ask Lao Qian to issue a dispatch order to transfer these people to you."

Top welder?

Lin Yu doubtfully picked up the folder and opened it. What caught his eye was a resume. The owner of this resume was named Lu Shan.

He is 45 years old. He has been engaged in welding work in a shipyard in Jinling since he was 16 years old. He has been doing this for 29 years. His welding skills are superb and uncanny.

Moreover, the other party has also participated in the welding of a 051 and has related experience in warship welding.

After reading the first resume, Lin Yu turned to the second page. This was a new person, and this person's resume was similar to Lu Shan's.

He entered the steel plant at the age of 18 and was engaged in welding in the steel plant. He is now 43 years old and has been working for more than 20 years. He also participated in the welding of a 051.

I casually turned to the third page, and there was still a similar resume.

Seeing this, Lin Yu directly put the folder up and looked at it from the side.

A cursory glance revealed that there were at least more than 200 resumes like this in this folder, which meant that there were more than 200 top welding masters in this folder.


The first ship is more or less like a test product, so in my own vision, the welding of the first ship requires additional data collection.

Then use this data to build some welding robots, and these welding robots can be used on the second ship.

By the third ship, these welding robot technologies have matured. By then, the terrifying Eastern Industrial Cthulhu will open his eyes, stretch out his tentacles, and gently stroke every dick hair.

These more than 200 welding masters just meet the urgent need.

After closing the folder, Lin Yu turned around and shouted at the door:

"Lots of money!"

Two seconds later, Qian Duoduo opened the door and came to the tea table, standing there quietly, waiting for the next order.

Passing the folder over, Lin Yu instructed: "Contact Professor Tong Huatong and ask him to take a look at this list. If he thinks it's appropriate, just work hard and pick these people up."

"Understood!" He held the folder with both hands, Qian Duoduoduo, turned around and left gracefully.

As the door closed, there were only three people left in the room. They picked up the teapot on the table and poured a glass of water into the cup in front of them. Lin Yu smiled at the people in front of him and asked:

"By the way, how's it going in Vietnam?"

Speaking of Vietnam, Lu Huaxi seemed even more happy. He filled up the tea cup in front of him first. He held the tea cup and said cheerfully:

"Over in Vietnam, Cui Lin from the Commerce Department led the team there. Old Zhou conveyed to him the words you said word for word."

"He just said, it's up to him."

"I am already looking forward to the fact that the contents of the negotiations between Vietnam and us are leaked, which will then cause South Korea and Japan to scramble for each other."

"To be honest, in all these years, I have never looked forward to something so much."


Listening to his hearty smile, Lin Yu also laughed.


Vietnam, Hanoi.

Located in the Red River Delta, it is the capital of Vietnam. Under the system of modern warfare, there is no danger here.

At this moment, a unique negotiation is taking place in the center of Hanoi, on the edge of the West Lake beside the Red River.

On both sides of the circular stone table are the two parties involved in this negotiation.

On the left is the head of Vietnam’s commercial department, Hu Van Wang.

On the right is Cui Lin, who has come from afar.

Looking at the arrogant person opposite, Cui Lin didn't say much, but calmly took out the work to be discussed from his briefcase.

He handed the document over casually, and when Hu Wenwang on the opposite side picked up the document, Cui Lin immediately began to explain in a gentle voice:

"Actually, our main purpose of coming here this time is to negotiate with your country to build a railway."

"This railway has two exits in our country, one is Honghe in Yunnan Province, and the other is Fangcheng in Guizhou Province."

"These two railways, one north and one east, will finally meet in Hanoi, and then start from Hanoi, go south along your seaside cities, and finally reach the Mekong Delta and your southern port city of Vung Tau."

"This is a heavy-haul passenger and freight railway with a gauge of 1,435 mm. It can carry both freight and passenger transport. With this railway."

"Your connections between the north and south of Vietnam will become even closer, and we can also reduce transportation costs and connect Southeast Asian countries through this line."

"This is our appeal. Now, we need Minister Hu Wenwang to take a look at it and see if you think this proposal is feasible."

"If it is feasible, we will discuss the next step."

"If you think it's not feasible, then tell us what's not feasible, we'll make adjustments, and then we'll continue to discuss it."

Cui Lin's posture was relatively low. After speaking, he sat awkwardly on the chair, placed his hands on his left side, and kept tapping his fingers on the table. His eyes were not to become erratic at this moment.

All his actions were seen by the Vietnamese. Listening to his words, watching his actions, and then looking at the document in his hand, Hu Wenwang's face lit up with joy. Then he stood up with the document and said to Cui Lin:

"Minister Cui, I have read your demands in the document. I think there are some problems in it, but I can't make the decision alone."

"Okay, now I need to take these documents to discuss with my colleagues for a while."

"Please wait a moment."

Before Cui Lin could respond, Hu Wenwang turned around with a smile. The moment he turned around, his smiling face instantly turned gloomy.

Then, he took the document and walked out of the small garden into the yard next door.

As soon as he entered the courtyard, he threw the documents in his hand onto the stone table in the center of the courtyard.

Then he asked: "Tell me what you think."

"My idea is that this railway can be repaired, but the rails must use our 1,000 mm."

As soon as he finished speaking, the person at the stone table immediately spoke up: "This can't be built!"

"They also have 1000 mm tracks in their country. When this railway is built, if we fall out with them again, they can directly drive the train along the railway to attack us."

"This absolutely can't be built."

Just as the man finished his worried words, a man who looked very heroic across from him shook his head and denied his words:

"This must be built!"

"And it must be built as soon as possible, otherwise, when the economic development gap between the north and the south widens, it will be too late to build a railway."

"With a railway running through the north and south, we can also quickly reach the southern region. Everyone present knows what those bastards in the south are thinking."

"In addition to connecting the country, we can actually use this railway to control Laos and Cambodia."

"There is no railway in Laos. If they want to travel, they can only rely on the Mekong River."

"If we expand to Laos and In the railway section of Cambodia, we can put Laos and Cambodia under our control in some way. "So, this road must be repaired, and it is very fast." "Comrade Ruan Pingbei said right!" Let them fix the railways in Vietnam first, and wait until they are repaired. When we repair the border section, we can tear the contract. "" Just find a reason to say that the quality of the project is not in line, we can tear this contract. At that time, we can get the 1435 mm wide -rail railway. " "" "And, we can also let them build the railway in Laos together. At that time, it will directly form a ring, perfectly closed. "But what if they don't agree?" Someone asked.

Hearing this question, the person who had just proposed the bad idea slapped the table and said affirmatively: "They will definitely agree, because America's strategy requires them to build a road passage to avoid the blockade of the Strait of Malacca."

"Perhaps their next step is to go to Cambodia and Thailand to discuss a railway across Thailand and Cambodia."

With this analysis, the eyes of the people present lit up again.

It can be done.

Looking at the eyes of these people who lit up one by one, Hu Wenwang nodded gently and said:

"In this case, let's reach a unanimous opinion and put Laos and Cambodia on it together."

"Directly expand this project and put Cambodia and Laos on our chariot."

"Let Huaxia help us build a circular railway and require us to build the railway in our territory first. When they build the railway in the border area, we will tear up the contract directly."

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