In the original courtyard, Cui Lin was still sitting at the stone table, maintaining his reserved look, looking like a completely newbie who had no experience in the world.

He sat on the stone bench and twitched his butt from time to time to add extra drama to himself.

Just when he twisted for the twelfth time, the door of the small courtyard opened again. Hu Wenwang, holding the folder in his hand and apologizing on his face, walked quickly into the small courtyard and came to Cui Lin.

Standing in front of Cui Lin, Hu Wenwang bent down and kept talking to Cui Lin with an apologetic smile:

"Minister Cui, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting."

"This document is returned to you."

After returning the documents, Hu Wenwang sat across from Cui Lin, placing his hands on the stone table. The fingers of his two hands kept touching each other, and a trace of confusion appeared on his face.

This series of actions, combined with his expression, released a signal to the outside world, an unspeakable signal.

After maintaining this action for two or three minutes, Hu Wenwang finally opened his mouth and said hesitantly:

"Minister Cui."

"We in Vietnam are in full support of your plan, but outside of this plan, we still have some unsympathetic feelings."

“As a country in Indochina, Vietnam has always been committed to regional peace.”

"And economic development is the best way to achieve peace."

"We are separated from Laos and Cambodia next door. We have built railways and developed the country, but we cannot forget our roots."

"Laos and Cambodia spared no effort to help us in the war of independence against France and America, and we finally won."

"They helped us in times of crisis, and as we become more developed, we must not forget our roots."

"So we are not in a hurry. We hope that your country will expand the scope of railway construction this time."

“From our Yen Bai, we take a road, pass through our Dien Bien Phu, arrive at Muang Sai in Laos, then go south along the land of Laos, turn southwest at Basong, arrive at Phnom Penh, the capital of Cambodia, and finally turn around in Phnom Penh Road, go south along the Mekong River to our Ho Chi Minh City.”

"Finally, from Ho Chi Minh City, we arrived at our southern port city of Vung Tau."

"In this way, this railway has completed a closure. Relying on this railway, our three brotherly countries, three countries separated by a narrow strip of water, can be firmly united, resist risks, and prosper together."

Hu Wenwang's righteous and majestic tirade made Cui Lin, who was sitting opposite, not sure what to say.

Curling his lips, Cui Lin wanted to say something. Since you know damn well that these two countries have helped you, why are you still cheating on people every day?

Of course, he didn't say these words out loud because he knew that if he ever spoke out, he would lose his power.

Once the power is broken, the pretense he just put on will be completely scrapped.

After lowering his head and thinking for a long time, he decided to respond to this question with a long sigh:


After a long sigh, Cui Lin followed Hu Wenwang's words and began to continue.

"Minister Hu Wenwang, your considerations for regional peace are indeed stronger and more thoughtful than ours."

"However, the amount of money we can spend is limited. In our budget, this part of the funding is US$12 billion."

"If we want to add Laos and Cambodia additionally, based on the mileage you just mentioned, it will require at least US$12 billion."

"So, I need to contact the country and let the country discuss this matter."

"So, I think today's discussion can end here. I wonder what Minister Hu's intention is?"

What do you think?

There are no more unnecessary thoughts in Hu Wenwang's mind now. His mind is now filled with the figure of 12 billion US dollars.

You know, in 2002, Vietnam's total GDP was US$35.064 billion, and per capita GDP was US$43.48 billion.

But now, China is actually willing to pay US$12 billion for a railway.


It seems that the Chinese side attaches great importance to this railway, almost to the point of madness.

No, we need to change our plan. We need to keep the US$12 billion in Vietnam first, and then talk about Laos and Cambodia.

After thinking about this clearly, Hu Wenwang quickly walked up to Cui Lin, stretched out his hands, took Cui Lin's right hand, pulled Cui Lin back to the chair, stretched out his hand to press the other person down, Hu Wenwang said repeatedly:

"No, no, no, Minister Cui, you misunderstood us."

"Things have to be prioritized. In fact, we can complete the railways in Vietnam first, and then build the railways in Laos and Cambodia. In this way, after our railways are completed, they can also use our railways to go to sea."


"So, regarding the cooperation intention for this section of railway in Vietnam, we can sign it now. You see..."

Hu Wenwang's arrogant look made Cui Lin couldn't help complaining in his heart. Why did this guy become like this? It was naturally because of his ability.

But it's a pity that I don't have 12 billion US dollars at all.

Moreover, I came to Vietnam this time just to dig holes, not to build railways in Vietnam.

Holding Hu Wenwang's hand with both hands, Cui Lin said repeatedly: "No, no, no, Minister Hu, I understand what you mean."

"You also know that our foreign policy has always been based on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence."

"What you just said also reminds us that when building railways in Indochina, we must consider other people in Indochina."

"So, I decided to return to the embassy immediately, report the matter to the country, and then wait for news from the country."

"So, Minister Hu, it's my turn to trouble you next."

"Sorry, we didn't think carefully."

Putting Hu Wenwang away with both hands, Cui Lin apologized and walked out of the yard in a hurry.

The apology is genuine. After all, the purpose of coming here this time is not very simple. It is appropriate to be a little sorry.

It is true that I am anxious. After all, this time I came here not for negotiation. There is no railway at all, and there is no 12 billion US dollars. From beginning to end, there is only empty talk.

The so-called 12 billion is just a fishing bait.

What if these ignorant Vietnamese really took a fancy to this void bait, jumped up, bit the hook, and agreed to ask China to pay 12 billion US dollars to help them build a railway? That would be really damning. I feel sick.

I have to go, I have to leave quickly, I have to go out quickly and implement the next step of my plan.

Seeing him like this, Hu Wenwang was also stunned.

The performance of the person in front of him was very much like that of a fledgling rookie. Therefore, he could not yet determine how much of what the person in front of him was telling the truth and how much of it was a lie.

After hesitating for a moment, he also made a bet in his mind that this railway was very important to China.

Taking a breath, Hu Wenwang quickly followed Cui Lin, and then slowly walked out.

When they walked out of the negotiation place, they found that there were reporters outside the door. Some of these reporters were yellow-skinned, white-skinned, and black-skinned.

When I saw someone coming out, I immediately approached him with my camera and microphone in hand.

When Cui Lin walked out of the door, he also met the eyes of several reporters who looked like Russians. Then the reporter immediately raised the microphone in his hand and asked:

"Minister Cui Lin, I heard that Vietnam has invited you to help build a railway that runs through the north and south of Vietnam. Can you reveal some information?"

"Minister Cui Lin, according to estimates by industry insiders, a railway running through the north and south of Vietnam will cost approximately tens of billions of dollars. Is this true?"

"Minister Cui Lin, it is said that this railway will be connected to your country's railway network. Is it true?"

Faced with these inquiries, Cui Lin changed his expression, an expression that could only be understood but not expressed.

After receiving this expression, these reporters also lowered their heads and began to frantically record what they had guessed. Among them, the Russian reporters spoke the loudest when recording the text.

"Vietnam is prepared to invest US$12 billion and invite China to help them build a railway that runs from north to south. Eventually, this railway will be connected to China's railway network to ensure the exchange of materials and commodities between the two countries."

"This is a testament to the friendship between China and Vietnam."

"This is the beginning of peace and prosperity in Indochina. This is another great progress for world peace."

His voice was so loud that it even suppressed the voices of other people asking questions. Around him, the reporters who had not understood the situation picked up their pens and wrote down notes in their notebooks after hearing his words. content.

Regardless of whether the news is true or false, let’s break the news first and grab the ratings first.

While others were recording, next to this reporter who looked like a Russian, several other people who looked like a Russian were also talking loudly, but they were repeating what this person just said.

These people all had IDs on their bodies and were carrying cameras.

These things all reveal the identity of these people.


If fellow journalists know the news, it must be true news.

Soon, messages were sent to all parts of the world through the reporters at the negotiation site.

A few hours later, the processed news was quoted by one media after another.

[The Vietnamese authorities are preparing to build a high-speed railway throughout Vietnam. The starting point is the southern city of Ca Mau in the south and the key city in the north is Lao Cai. This railway uses a 1435 mm wide gauge and can be connected to the Chinese railway network.

If this railway is completed, a train can travel all the way north from Ca Mau, a city in southern Vietnam, to Lao Cai. After inspection, the train can enter China directly without any adjustments.

Then travel along China’s railway network. 】

【Breaking news! The Vietnamese authorities plan to invest US$12 billion and invite China to build a broad-gauge railway from Lao Cai to Ho Chi Minh City in the south.

This railway runs through Vietnam and can reach China directly.

The completion of this railway means that the Indochina Peninsula has been fully integrated into the Chinese economic circle. Vietnamese goods can directly enter China without inspection, and industrial products from China can also directly enter Vietnam for free.

The two can be truly complementary and share their needs. 】

【shock! US$12 billion was used to build approximately 2,000 kilometers of railways. What a feat, what a courage, and what an ambition.

Magnificent, Vietnam's development is today, Vietnam's development is now.

Vietnam is lucky to have your foresight among the current high-level officials in power. 】

[The drifting story of a durian: I am a durian from Qianjiang. I have high sugar content and higher starch content. I am an expensive fruit, a fruit of the nobility.

Today, I will take the North-South Railway, all the way north, to my future.

Mother Dashu said that the north is beautiful, and she hopes that I will take root in the north and pass on our family. 】


Hanoi, Vietnam Ministry of Commerce.

Looking at the reports from large and small media, Hu Wenwang was stunned. It was obviously the Chinese side that wanted to provide funds and technology to ask Vietnam to build a railway.

How come in these people's reports, it became Vietnam to pay 12 billion US dollars to build a railway that runs through the north and south?

No, before reporting the news, can't you reporters try the source of the news?

You will be held legally responsible for such random reports.

However, the report has been sent out, and after being reprinted by various news media, the news has spread all over the world. Even if he catches all those reporters now and whips them hard with a whip, whipping them to death, he can't change the news.

As for refuting the rumor?

What to refute the rumor?

Refuting the rumor that Vietnam will not build such a railway?

But the north and south regions of Vietnam really need such a railway. If the government stands up and directly says that the government will not build such a railway, it is conceivable that the government's reputation among the people will definitely plummet.

Or to dispel the rumor that Vietnam has no money to build such a railway, in fact, it is China that pays for it, and it is China that provides the technology, and it is the other party that begs to build the railway.

This is even more ridiculous.

The confidence of the people in Vietnam has always been very strong. The strong national confidence will never allow Vietnam to be a government without money. Even if you have no money, you have to hold it back, and you must not show it, and you must not let people know.

What's more, do you want the Vietnamese authorities to say in front of the whole world that Vietnam does not have the technology to build a railway?

That's too embarrassing!

No! Can't admit it!

Playing dead, playing dead is the best choice.

Therefore, the Vietnamese commerce department did not respond to this matter, neither dispelling the rumor nor admitting it.

In this situation, Cui Lin also said goodbye to Hu Wenwang, the reason was to think about whether the railways in Laos and Cambodia should be built together.

After boarding the plane to China, Cui Lin, who had been very reserved, immediately returned to his original state, lying on the seat of the plane, and making a wicked laugh.


Rheinsteel, after a busy day, washed off the fatigue of the day, Lin Yu lay on the bed, looking at the news synchronized from the staff, and couldn't help but let out a burst of strange laughter.

Especially those seemingly true reports, which gave him a long-lost sense of familiarity.

You know, in the future, people bite dogs and dogs bite people, that is not news, people bite dogs, or dogs bite people, that can be considered news.

In order to create the so-called news, those reporters did everything they could, taking out of context everywhere, intercepting videos and photos everywhere, and then running them through AI, they could publish a news.

Those who see the news, those who are capable, will check the authenticity of the news, but most people are incapable, and can only scan it and throw it aside.

Next, it's time for those capable people to appear.

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