Seoul, South Korea.

Itaewon District.

This is the rich area in South Korea. In South Korea, people of all sizes, rich and powerful, will choose to come here and buy a mansion of their own.

In Itaewon 15th Street, in an ordinary mansion that looks very inconspicuous, six middle-aged men are sitting around a round table leisurely, playing bridge leisurely.

At the end of the game, the middle-aged man closest to the window took out a pack of cigarettes from his arms, lit it with a lighter, and smoked. He swept his cold eyes over the five people present and asked:

"What have you thought about it?"

"Vietnam is ready to spend 12 billion US dollars to build a railway across the country. If we join forces, we can get this 12 billion US dollars, and then turn it into 40 billion US dollars, and then 80 billion US dollars."

"What do you think? There is only one chance. If you want to do it, then we will unite and go to Vietnam together to negotiate this matter."

"If you don't want to, forget it."

The man's words also stopped the men who were shuffling cards and preparing for the next game. They turned around and looked at him with puzzled faces.

After a long while, the man sitting on the right of this man scratched his face with his hand and asked hesitantly:

"Li Mingrong, to be honest, I originally thought that you, the prince of Samsung, invited us for other important things, but I never expected that you would have such a wild idea and want to build a railway in Vietnam."

"I just want to ask, do we have the corresponding basic construction capabilities?"

"You have to know that Vietnam is located in the tropics and subtropics, and it rains all year round there. Back then, Americans were beaten by the Vietnamese in Vietnam."

"We have to overcome great difficulties to build railways there."

"Although there is 12 billion US dollars, in my opinion, this is completely...not worth the loss."

"And the most important point is what I just said, we don't have the technology to build railways."

This sentence fell into Li Mingrong's ears, and the prince of Samsung couldn't help but think seriously.

The people present, including himself, a total of six people, are from the top six chaebols in South Korea.

However, the six chaebols mainly focus on various electronic industries, chemical industries, and some transportation industries.

They really have no advanced railway construction experience.

It's a bit troublesome.

After all, you have to make money from others. Before you get the money, you have to coax people first, and then you can take the money from them. As for whether you work after getting the money, that's your own business.

Why work hard if you can earn money by your own ability?

Thinking of this, Li Mingrong spread his hands and said loudly to the remaining five people:

"Technology can be studied and broken through."

"This time, if we take over this railway, we can rely on the railway to make friends with Vietnamese senior officials, and then take the opportunity to enter the Vietnamese market."

"You know, Vietnam has a population of 81 million."

"Although these people's purchasing power is worse than that of South Korea, the number is there. My requirements are not high. I just need to make 50 US dollars from each of these 81 million people. That's enough."

"So, are you going to do it or not?"

"Kim Tae-jae, let me say something. Your Hyundai Group is already involved in the construction industry. If you let your Hyundai Group take the lead, study technology, and persuade the Vietnamese, is there any way?"

When his name was called, Kim Tae-jae couldn't help rolling his eyes and said:

"Of course there is a way. In fact, it is also very simple. You all know the KTX plan of the railway department, right?"

"The line from Seoul to Busan is more than 400 kilometers long. In their design, the speed of this train can reach up to 300 kilometers per hour."

"If we use this high-speed train and the corresponding infrastructure to persuade Vietnam, they will definitely agree."

"This railway that runs through Vietnam is about 1,800 kilometers long. If the train running on this railway reaches a speed of 300 kilometers per hour, it will take only more than 6 hours to get from the southernmost tip of Vietnam to the northernmost tip."

"We just need to catch the relevant engineers and bring them to Vietnam, and then this so-called railway project will be in our pocket."

"I think the biggest problem should be the way to pay."

"There is also a way to split the account. Once these are figured out, we can pack our bags and go to Vietnam."

After the reminder of the prince of Hyundai, the people present remembered the railway that was still under construction.

The standard is very high and the investment cost is also high.

If we go to Vietnam with such a standard, we can definitely surpass China and win this construction in one fell swoop.


Li Mingrong thought for a moment, then turned his gaze to Jin Taizai again and asked in a low voice:

"Who do you think will be our potential competitor?"

"Who else?" Jin Taizai spread his hands and said with a look of "You have long hair but short knowledge":

"There are only two competitors, Japan's Shinkansen and France's high-speed railway."

"Except for these two, no one else has the ability to compete with us."

After getting this answer, Li Mingrong stretched out his hand to lift his hair on the right side, then a cruel smile appeared on his face, and he asked himself:

"As long as we kill the people from these two companies, we can win the project in one fell swoop, right?"

Looking at his ferocious expression and those cold words, Jin Taizai did not answer, but nodded directly in response.

Seeing him nod, Li Mingrong slowly clenched his fist, and then shouted:

"In this case, let's go to Vietnam and take the 12 billion US dollars."

At the same time, 1,150 kilometers east of Seoul, Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo has many business cards, such as the Rainbow Bridge across Tokyo Bay, the hot Sakura girl, and the Shinkansen.

As a maritime power country, Japan's attitude towards surrounding countries is exactly the same as England. Even if it hurts others and does not benefit itself, it has to get involved in this matter.

After receiving the news from Vietnam and repeatedly confirming that Vietnam did not refute the rumor about this matter and did not make additional explanations, the three major companies, East Japan Railway Company, West Japan Railway Company, and Japan National Railway, sat together under the matchmaking of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.

Looking at the top decision-makers of the three companies in front of him, Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Ichiro Kimura turned around, put his left hand behind his back, held a pointer in his right hand, pointed to the map on the wall and said:

"We must participate in this road in Vietnam. Even if we don't participate, we must ruin this matter."

"Vietnam and China used to have a grudge. Now these two countries have put aside their past grudges and come together, which is very disadvantageous to us."

"Therefore, there can only be one construction unit for this railway running through the north and south of Vietnam, and that is us."

"We must get this project in hand, and then delay it if we can. If we can't delay it, we will do this project hard. As for the quality problem, it is none of our business."

"If there is a problem, let Vietnam come to Japan and see if he dares."

After talking about the plan, Ichiro Kimura threw down the pointer, walked quickly to the edge of the conference table, supported the conference table with both hands, and scanned the three people present with his eyes like a hungry wolf.

Then, he took a deep breath of the air in front of him, as if he had inhaled the sweetest air in the world, and the whole person stood there trembling constantly.

After trembling for more than ten seconds, he turned around, gnashed his teeth and looked at the three people in front of him, and asked:

"Three of you, do you understand?"

For his genius idea, Yusuke Ryokawa, the general manager of Japan National Railways, expressed fearlessness. Although the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism governs them, it is useless.

One is a specific administrative department, and the other is a company under the administrative department. The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism only governs transportation, not personnel.

If you want to make trouble, the people of the national railways can cooperate, but it is limited to cooperation.

Next to them, the two people from the East and West Japan Railway Company saw that the general manager of the national railways did not speak, and they did not dare to speak.

Going abroad to do projects is definitely not as good as doing it in China.

No one likes to jump out of the comfort zone.

Seeing that these bastards did not return, Ichiro Kimura showed a cruel smile on his face, then raised his hands and clapped them hard.

As the sound rang out, the door of this conference room was pushed open, and three strong men in black suits walked into the conference room. The three men stood behind the general managers of the three companies respectively.

After these people arrived, Kimura Ichiro raised his hand again and began to applaud. Amid the applause, he said to the three people in cold words:

"Remember, in the face of such national affairs, you have only one choice: to follow orders. If you don't follow orders, you will all die."

"Now, tell me again, are you willing to do this project?"

Accompanied by Hiramura Ichiro's voice, the strong men behind the three managers began to move their fingers, and the sound of kaba kaba sounded during the movement of their finger joints.

These sounds also frightened Ryokawa Yusuke and the other two. The three people knelt on the ground with a plop, kowtowed to Hiramura Ichiro, and begged for mercy.

Amid the begging for mercy, a joint bidding organization was officially born.


“According to the information from the Southwest investigation and the interrogation results in South China, an organization outside our surveillance has appeared in the Golden Triangle.”

“This organization has provided financial and technical support to the drug dealers in the Golden Triangle, helping them increase the production of heroin.”

“However, because this group of people has only been around for a short time, the increased production of heroin is questionable.”

“And what this organization has been doing recently is to eliminate drug dealers who do not obey orders.”

“It is precisely because of this that drug dealers in East Asia have recently begun to follow the Golden Triangle and start to clean up and strangle each other. The Security Bureau in the Southwest believes that we can take action at this time to clean up some of them.”

“So, Mr. Lu, do you think we need to continue to follow up?”

After speaking, Yu Ming stood timidly by the side, like a child waiting for orders from an adult.

Next to him was Lu Huaxi.

After listening to all this, the old man thought for a long time, shook his head gently, and said:

"Your scope of activities is temporarily fixed in China. The situation in Southeast Asia is too chaotic now. If you get involved, you may fall into someone else's trap."

"So, don't follow up on things over there for the time being, but you must also remain vigilant to prevent others from taking advantage of the situation."

"By the way, how is the railway in Vietnam?"

The topic shifted to the railway, and Yu Ming's face, which was just very reserved, immediately showed a smile. He counted on his fingers and whispered:

"According to the information from the people who are protecting Minister Cui Lin in the Security Bureau, Minister Cui Lin has been in contact with Vietnam these days and has been fabricating an important meeting."

"Then there is news from South Korea and Japan. The top six chaebols in South Korea have formed a business negotiation team and have landed in Vietnam. As for whether they have started contact with Vietnam, we don't know."

"South Korea has sent a team, and Japan is naturally not far behind. A business negotiation team led by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism of Japan also arrived in Vietnam earlier today. It is estimated that they are now in contact with Vietnam."

"In two or three days, there should be a result."

When Yu Ming thought of these three groups sitting together and discussing a non-existent project for a long time, and finally all three groups returned empty-handed, he couldn't help laughing.

Next to him, Lu Huaxi heard his laughter and did not stop him, but laughed knowingly.


In Hanoi, looking at the Japanese negotiation team in front of him, Hu Wenwang was full of pride and immediately threw Cui Lin behind his mind. He walked over enthusiastically and chatted with Haruta Taro, the head of the Japanese negotiation team:

"Mr. Haruta, on behalf of the Vietnamese government, I welcome your arrival. Your joining will make Vietnam's transportation facilities better and more convenient."

"I am very much looking forward to seeing your Japanese Shinkansen speeding on the road on the land of Vietnam."

"Please come here, please take a seat, and then we will discuss the relevant details in detail."

Faced with Hu Wenwang's compliments, Haruta Taro was very pleased. He sat down, took the documents from the accompanying team members, and handed them to the person in front of him. He said:

"In our imagination, the running speed of this railway in your country will reach an astonishing 240 kilometers per hour."

"From south to north, 180 0 kilometers, and the fastest only takes 7.5 hours, which will greatly save the commuting time between the south and the north. "

"The shrimps just caught in the south can be loaded on the car and sent to Hanoi in just a few hours, and the goods in Hanoi can reach the southern cities in just a few hours."

"According to our rough calculations, the total length of the highway your country needs to build is 1,824.35 kilometers, and the total capital required is about 30 billion US dollars."

"And the high-speed railway we designed has an advantage, which can be effectively used at this time."

"Our railway is particularly quiet. Some commercial real estate can be built and sold around the railway, thereby providing some funds to recover and reduce financial pressure."

As soon as the words "reduce financial pressure" came out, Hu Wenwang, who was smiling just now, suddenly looked unhappy. He slowly turned his head and looked at the Japanese in front of him with disbelief.

He was trying to recall what the other party said in his mind.

What does it mean to reduce financial pressure?

Aren't you providing the funds?

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