When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 407 Order from the General Logistics Department! (3rd update!)

After Qian Jianguo finished speaking, he stopped talking and carefully took the bottle of wine, took a sip of wine and a bite of food, and drank leisurely.

Lin Yu, who was sitting opposite him, stopped eating after hearing the news, frowned and thought seriously.

There is a document here?

What kind of document is worth asking the old man to call in person?

Could it be the 200 welders?

No, more than half of the 200 welders have been taken over by the people from the Steel Security Department, and now they are all in the Liancheng Shipyard, receiving intensive and orderly pre-construction training.

Since he is not a welder, then...

Suddenly, a bright light flashed in Lin Yu's mind. He looked up at Qian Jianguo opposite him and asked quickly: "Has the team that went to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau for testing come back?"

"You mean Xiao Shao?" Qian Jianguo put down the small wine bottle, thought for a moment, and responded:

"Not yet."

"According to the feedback three days ago, they are still in the desert, testing the traffic ability of the fire support vehicle in the desert."

"According to the time they said, if they want to come back, they will probably have to wait until around the 1st."

After getting these answers, Lin Yu's brows wrinkled into a Sichuan character. If it was not a fire support vehicle, he really couldn't figure out what documents would be issued from the logistics department.

Shaking his head, throwing these messy thoughts out of his mind, he lowered his head and began to fight for life and death with the meat on the plate.

After eating and drinking, Lin Yu returned home and washed up simply, and sat in front of the computer again.

This time he was not working, but hanging out on the online forum.

After wandering around for a while, he saw a help post. With curiosity, he clicked on this post.

[I am a netizen from the north of the mainland. I want to write a novel about airplanes, but I don’t know the parameters of some airplanes. Is there any omnipotent netizen who can help me get some parameters for me, preferably with two photos, okay?

If necessary, I can pay, but I need to see the parameters and photos first. After I write these parameters and photos into the novel and make money, I can pay the balance. ]

Seeing the content of the post clearly, Lin Yu’s face twitched, and then dragged the mouse to the top button of this post.



This post was pinned.

After pinning the post, Lin Yu started to comment directly in the comment area of ​​this post.

Mu Linsen: Take a look, this is a stupid spy. If a person is deceived by such a person, he is even more stupid.

Male technician of medical school: Damn, the sun is rising from the west, and our deputy moderator is alive.

Qingfeng Bangyue: By the way, deputy moderator, how did you know that this guy was a spy? Teach us, and then we can teach others with this trick.

Cultivate one's body and cultivate one's character: I seriously suspect that our deputy moderator is actually a spy. In the past few months when he disappeared, I seriously suspect that he was either collecting intelligence or detained.

Mulinsen: This person took advantage of the psychology of ordinary people to argue.

Normal people, when seeing someone put out a wrong data, if this data happens to be known, most people will choose to correct it. Once corrected, it will fall into the hands of this guy.

So when you see some messy equipment data on the Internet, don't rush to argue. You are not a steel bar on the construction site who has cultivated into a spirit, so there is no need to argue.

Moderator Strongest God of War: The deputy moderator is right. By the way, it seems that the Seventh Fleet of America has arrived in Vietnam recently. The Vietnamese side is also jumping!

Fenghuaxueyue: What can we do? Our maritime military strength is not enough. If we also have a fleet, as long as the Vietnamese dare to jump, we can drive the fleet to their doorstep. Without asking, just strolling around, we can scare Vietnam half to death.

The teenager: What you said is also if, but unfortunately there is no if. So far, our largest ship is the 167 ship, which is only 6,600 tons, which is far behind the Japanese ship.

Moreover, one aircraft carrier formation is not enough.

Mu Linsen: With one aircraft carrier formation, you are a dangerous element threatening regional peace. With two aircraft carrier formations, you are a dangerous element threatening world peace. With three aircraft carrier formations, you are also a protector of regional peace. With four aircraft carrier formations, you are a protector of peace on this planet.

Qingfeng Mingyue: The deputy moderator is right! I just don’t know when we will have an aircraft carrier.

Qingfeng Bangyue: In 20 years, in 2024, we will definitely have our own aircraft carrier.

Master Liu who repairs cars: All-powerful bosses, can you tell me whether the Rhine Shipyard in Liancheng is a subsidiary of the German Rhine Group? I tried to send a resume to their email address online, and they replied to me.

Qingfeng Mingyue: Rhine? Liancheng? These two words have nothing in common. Could it be that they saw those deceptive posters?

Liu the car mechanic: No, I am in Liancheng. I saw the recruitment email address on a local poster, so I sent my resume there. I didn’t expect it to be accepted.

What I mean is, is this company a foreign company? If it is a foreign company, will they transfer people back to the headquarters to work?

Mulinsen: Don’t worry, this is a local company. There is publicity on your official Liancheng website.

Liu the car mechanic: That’s good. By the way, big guys, what do you think the future naval battle will be like?

The moderator is the strongest God of War: First, electronic warfare suppresses, and then guided missile destroyers move forward to prevent enemy submarines from sneak attacks under the sea.

After doing this, the fighter jets took off from the aircraft carrier deck and began to compete for air supremacy with the enemy. After seizing the air supremacy, they began to carry out devastating blows to the opponent.

Mulinsen: If you think too much, the future war will be electronic warfare suppression, and then the missiles will accurately roll out the names, and the bombers will clean up the mess. There may even be no bombers at all.

Qingfeng Mingyue: Deputy moderator, are you kidding again? Do you think other people’s anti-aircraft missiles are vegetarian?

Mulinsen: Do you want to make a bet?

Qingfeng Mingyue: What are you betting on?

Mulinsen: Running naked.

You said that the main winning point in future naval battles is naval aviation, but I think the main winning points in future naval battles are hypersonic missiles and electronic warfare.

Let's bet on that.

Whoever loses will run naked, and the time is calculated in 20 years. After 20 years, whoever loses will take off his clothes and pants, wear only a pair of underpants, and run around in the center of his city.

Qingfeng Mingyue: Deal!

Using the software tool that comes with the computer, he took a screenshot of the bet and put it in a special folder. Then Lin Yu climbed into bed and went to sleep with a smile on his face.

Jingle bell bell…

The alarm clock on the table rang on time. Lin Yu reached out and grabbed the belt on the bedside and pulled it away.


The belt whipped the alarm clock hard, and the calfskin and stainless steel collided, making a crisp sound. The alarm clock also slipped off the table due to the whipping of the belt.

After rolling twice on the ground, the alarm clock still did not give in and still made a deafening sound.


Cursing in his mind, Lin Yu reluctantly pulled back the quilt, got out of the warm bed, and walked to the bathroom with a frown on his face.

Before he could wash up, someone knocked on the door from outside. The sound of the knocking on the door was very rapid, one after another. As soon as he heard this sound, he knew that something was wrong.

After quickly tidying up his personal hygiene, without even bothering to change his shoes, Lin Yu rushed out of the bathroom wearing fur slippers, opened the door to his house, and shouted to the person standing outside, "What's going on?"

The voice was cold and serious.

The person outside the door is none other than Qian Jianguo.

Hearing these cold words, Qian Jianguo wanted to raise his hand and slap himself, but he was old and his hand speed could not keep up with the speed of his brain.

Before using his hands, his brain controlled his mouth and told him the reason why he knocked on the door:

"While eating yesterday afternoon, I said that a document would arrive from the General Logistics Office today. Do you still remember it?"


Upon receiving the response, Qian Jianguo raised his right foot and stomped it down. At the same time, he also pulled away his hands, and then the back of his right hand hit the palm of his left hand.

The next second, he revealed the reason for his anxiety:

"The person who sent the documents is Wang Kuan."

"The General Logistics Department issues procurement documents, and the procurement target is our fire support vehicles!"

"According to Wang Kuan, the number is very large!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu became anxious. He didn't even bother to change his shoes. He put on his fur slippers, threw on a coat and hurried to the office building as quickly as possible.

In Qian Jianguo's office, Wang Kuan was holding a briefcase and sitting across from Qian Jianguo's desk. There were four soldiers beside him.

Of these four people, two were looking at the briefcase in Wang Kuan's hand, one was looking at the door, and the other was looking at the window. The four people had a clear division of labor, and it was obvious at a glance that they were elites.

Seeing Lin Yu, Wang Kuan handed over the briefcase in his hands with both hands. At the same time, he also smiled and congratulated:

"Mr. Lin, first of all I want to congratulate you. Your fire support vehicle passed the all-terrain and plateau tests."

"Secondly, the procurement documents for this time are in this briefcase. Mr. Lin, please take a look at them first. If you have any questions, I will return to Yanjing immediately to help you clarify them."

Amidst Wang Kuan's congratulations, Lin Yu opened his briefcase, took out the procurement documents, held them in both hands, sat down where Qian Jianguo was, and read them carefully.

The first page of the procurement document contains some polite greetings.

[The development of the new era brings challenges of the new era, and the same is true for our country’s national defense.

In order to meet the challenges of the new era, our military should move forward bravely, fight bravely, and dare to face the enemy.

In order to make our army have stronger combat effectiveness and be able to face more powerful enemies, our Equipment General Logistics Office officially issued procurement documents to your company to purchase Snow Leopard all-terrain fire support vehicles to enhance the combat effectiveness of the army. 】

After the pleasantries on the first page, the second page is the purchase list.

[All-terrain fire support vehicle - 12.7 mm caliber heavy machine gun model, purchase quantity: 100, purchase unit price is 2 million! 】

[All-terrain fire support vehicle - 82mm mortar model, purchase quantity: 100, purchase unit price is 2 million! 】

[All-terrain fire support vehicle - 107 rocket box fast loading model, purchase quantity: 100, purchase unit price is 2 million! 】

【All Terrain——】

On this list, in addition to the fire support vehicles that Rheinsteel can produce, there are also the 155mm wheeled self-propelled artillery and the Bluebird-1 rocket launcher.

The prices of these two are much more expensive.

After a rough calculation, the equipment on this list is worth 2.6 billion yuan.

After calculating the total price, Qian Jianguo fell into a state of madness. He got up from the chair next to him and kept spinning around in the conference room like a madman.

All these actions of his were seen by Wang Kuan. He raised his finger and touched Qian Jianguo. He cautiously asked Lin Yu:

"Is Factory Director Qian okay?"

"No problem, he is just happy." After Wang Kuan replied, Lin Yu began to carefully read through the documents in front of him.

Behind the purchase list are the specific time requirements for the delivery of these fire support vehicles.

The delivery time is neither long nor short. The first batch of cars, 20 cars of each model, will be delivered in one month. The delivery start time is the time when this document is obtained.

Lin Yu looked back at the calendar on the wall. Today is November 17th. In other words, Rheinsteel needs to deliver the first batch of vehicles, 20 vehicles of each model, before December 17th.

Time is tight.

After putting away the documents, Wang Kuan in front of Lin Yu's box held out his right hand and said with a smile:

"Captain Wang, I'm sorry to trouble you again."

Raising his hand to shake Lin Yu's hand, Wang Kuan waved his hands repeatedly: "No trouble, no trouble!"

"These are my jobs. Without these things, my existence would have little meaning."

"Since Director Lin has no extra questions, I'll take my leave first. I'll go back to Yanjing first. If anything happens, we'll call you."

While he was talking, Wang Kuan had already stood up and raised his right leg. Before he could put the raised leg down, Lin Yu stood in front of him and invited him, "Let's have a meal before we leave!"

Facing the invitation, Wang Kuan waved his hand gently again:

"No! No!"

"I have to go back quickly here, and I have to go to other places, so I won't stay any longer."

"You two don't give it away, gather your workers quickly, and build the car quickly."

"Don't delay things then."

Leaving behind a word, Wang Kuan led four teammates and disappeared into the corridor of the administrative building in the blink of an eye.

Standing by the window and watching these people leave, Lin Yu handed the procurement documents in his hand to Qian Jianguo and warned:

"Uncle Qian, just take some pains these days and go to the car manufacturing company to keep an eye on them as they produce vehicles."

"I will keep an eye on the steel workshop here and ask them to speed up the production of all the equipment. I will try to hand over all these cars within 2 to 3 months."

"Get the money in your hand."

Next to him, Qian Jianguo took the documents very solemnly, put them into his briefcase, said something to Lin Yu, turned around and walked out of the office, and disappeared into the corridor in the blink of an eye.

A few minutes later, Lin Yu closed the door to Qian Jianguo's office, returned to his own office, and continued to sit in front of the computer.

He's in jail in front of a computer.

To the southwest, the Golden Triangle.

Several former American soldiers are also in jail, real jails, and water jails.

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