Lin Yu seemed calm when he saw the numbers that were not much different from his memory. It was because Rheinsteel did not have nuclear industry-related technology at present.

After deducting the profits that Rheinsteel should have, the ores mined would be handed over to Nuclear Industry Group I for them to deal with.

As for whether they would make fuel rods and sell them again or directly make nuclear warheads, it had nothing to do with him.

When the time came, he could just ask them for the hypersonic missile warheads.

After reading the subsequent contents of this page, Lin Yu casually turned to the second page. Compared with the contents of the first page, he was more concerned about the contents of the second page.

[According to your instructions, during the exploration process, I proposed to the Namibian officials the idea of ​​visiting and studying other mines.

After coordination by the Namibian officials, I successfully went to the Uis tin mine you mentioned.

When I went to this mine, the tin mine was basically stagnant. The reason was the international tin price.

Although the major mines have promoted a sharp rise in international tin prices to a certain extent through a series of production cuts, due to production cycle issues, these mines are not beneficiaries of price increases, but victims.

According to statistics from the European Union Import and Export Association, this year, the global tin market supply gap is about 18,000 tons, but this gap will be reduced to 16,000 tons next year.

It is not a reduction in production capacity, but because of the serious shortage of supply.

Therefore, this tin mine is already in a half-dead state. They are now increasing production, and they cannot deliver the finished tin at the peak of the price. However, once they increase production, production will require more costs.

More costs mean more uncontrollable losses.

Regarding the lithium mine you urged, in the process of talking with these engineers, they did tell me that there is indeed lithium ore in this tin mine, but the lithium content is about 0.9%, which barely reaches the industrial grade.

However, due to the problem of extraction process, they did not choose to extract the lithium in these ores, but threw them away as waste after tin ore extraction.

During the conversation, I also discussed with them carefully about the extraction of lithium ore, but no matter how we discussed, we could not get around one point.

This point is that the price of lithium carbonate extracted from salt lakes is US$3,000 per ton, while the price of lithium extracted from hard rock in the international market is US$4,500 per ton.

So, here, as an outsourced employee, I would like to give you a key suggestion, Mr. Lin, not to get involved in lithium mining.

This is just my personal suggestion, you can choose to adopt it or not.

In addition to the suggestion, I have another piece of news, but I am not sure whether it can be considered good news or bad news.

In the process of studying at the Uys Mine, through indirect inquiries, I heard a piece of news from the engineers of these mines, that is, the Esco Company invested by the Andrada Group, the controlling party of the Uys Tin Mine, is preparing to sell its shares.

Invest in other mines instead.

If you have a need, you can send personnel to conduct targeted investigations.

I wish you good health!

Zhu Wenwu, written on November 15, 2003. 】

After reading the letter brought by the human, Lin Yu sat in front of the computer, climbed onto the external network, and began to search for news about the Andrada Group in the news of the London Stock Exchange.

Esco is a subsidiary of the Andrada Group. If this company wants to sell the mine, it will definitely be disclosed in the transaction information of the Andrada Group.

After searching for a long time on the website of the exchange, Lin Yu did not find any news about the sale of the Uissi mine, but he did find news that the Andrada Group went to Chile to investigate the potash salt lake.

Seeing this news, Lin Yu immediately smiled.

Chile is a country with nothing else but many mines.

Like Australia, it is almost a country sitting on ore.

In 1997, Chile's chemical mining industry began to test a new process in the Atacama Salt Lake, which is to extract lithium carbonate from brine.

And that year, their process test was successful, and the price of lithium carbonate, which was originally extracted from lithium wollastonite, was reduced from US$4,000 to US$2,000.

The price has rebounded in the past two years, but compared with the high cost, the price of lithium carbonate is still low.

In other words, at this low price, even if others know there is a lithium mine there, they are unlikely to risk the cost backlog to compete with me for the lithium mine.

With a little arrangement, there is a chance to get the mine at a low price.

As for the cost difference between extracting lithium from salt lakes and extracting lithium from ore, it is not a problem for me.

In another two years, when the lithium battery technology is basically mature, we can vigorously develop smart devices and new energy vehicles. At that time, that little cost will not be a problem in the face of skyrocketing prices.

Even now, I can stockpile lithium ore and wait until the price rises next year to make a profit directly.

Taking out a notebook from the drawer, writing this matter in the notebook, and writing down an approximate time, Lin Yu picked up another document on the table and studied it carefully.

This is a report from the Satellite Research and Development Center. The content of the report is that the UAE satellite has been debugged on the ground and can be launched.

Now, the Satellite Research and Development Center has applied for funding and is preparing to go to the China Aerospace Industry Corporation to lease a rocket to launch these satellites.

Before launching the satellite, we have to call dear Party A, that is, dear Crown Prince Carlo, from the UAE to watch the launch of his satellite in person.

This will prevent Party A from getting angry and saying that Party B did not call him when launching the satellite, and still wants money, what the hell.

Putting this document aside, Lin Yu picked up the phone on the table, found Xiang Pingfang's phone number, and dialed it.

After more than half a minute, the call was connected, and Xiang Pingfang's hearty voice came directly from the phone:

"Mr. Lin, my dear Mr. Lin, are you going to launch another satellite? How many are you going to launch this time?"

"Two geosynchronous orbit satellites, with a total mass of 3.15 tons!" Lin Yu's voice was very light and gentle.

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiang Pingfang's crazy voice came from the receiver:

"That's just right. We just have a rocket in our hands. It is an enhanced version of CZ2D, CZ4!"

"It can deliver two geosynchronous orbit satellites at once."

"The price is not expensive. It only costs 400 million yuan, and you can take this rocket specially used to launch geosynchronous orbit satellites home."

"As long as you buy this rocket, we can also send a car to your factory, pick up your people and satellites, and personally deliver them to the launch base, and then launch them. One-stop service, guaranteed to satisfy you."

"During the entire launch process, we also provide food and accommodation, guaranteed to be a five-star hotel-level enjoyment."

"How about it? Are you interested?"

Listening to the voice on the phone, Lin Yu moved the microphone away from his ear, locked his eyes on the number on the phone, and then gently flipped the phone book in front of him with his empty left hand, his eyes kept sweeping back and forth between the phone and the phone book.

After sweeping for more than ten seconds, he finally confirmed one thing, that is, the person who was like a salesperson, madly selling rockets to him, was indeed Xiang Pingfang.

I just don't know if the other party took the wrong medicine or worshipped the wrong god, and his mental state suddenly changed.

While Lin Yu was wondering, Xiang Fangfang on the other end of the phone finally finished speaking, and the receiver returned to silence.

When there was no more sound from the other side, Lin Yu put the microphone to his mouth and said in a serious tone:

"One CZ-3B rocket, to be launched around the 12th of next month. Don't tell me you don't have it. If I remember correctly, you should have two in your warehouse. I'll offer 300 million. Send the contract over there. After the contract is signed, I'll ask the finance department to transfer the money to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiang Pingfang screamed in the receiver:

"No, why do you know our warehouse better than me?"

"Did you arrange spies around me?"

"Brother Lin, 300 million yuan is the cost price. You have to let me make some money after all."

"We have always been short of research funds. Now we rely on these rockets and commercial satellite launches to make some money."

"If you take our rocket away, I will starve."

Faced with Xiang Pingfang's hesitation, Lin Yu pursed his lips and spit out another number from his mouth: "2.754."

A very ordinary number, without a unit or anything else.

However, after hearing this number, the person on the other end of the phone screamed again:

"You still said that you didn't plant spies around me. If you didn't plant spies, how could you know this number? No more than 10 people in the entire aerospace system know this cost price!"

Facing Xiang Fangfang who was nagging, Lin Yu went straight to the point and spit out three cold words: "Sell it or not?"


"Send the contract over. The estimated launch time is December 12. You arrange your people yourself, and I will arrange my people myself. At that time, I will call the crown prince of the UAE to watch this launch."

"It's up to you. As long as you pay the money, the rocket is yours."

"Hang up!"

Putting down the phone casually, Lin Yu reached out and grabbed the report from the Satellite R\u0026D Center. In the last column of comments, he wrote down the time of the satellite launch and his own name.

After doing all this, he pointed at the door and shouted: "Qian Duoduo!"

Three seconds later, the door was pushed open, and Qian Duoduo appeared in front of the desk like the wind. Lin Yu handed the document in his hand and instructed:

"Let the satellite research and development center test it again. This is a geosynchronous orbit satellite. Make sure there is no problem."

"Understood!" After Qian Duoduo left the room, Lin Yu stretched and slowly stood up from the chair.

In late November, Shandong Province has started heating. The radiator is next to the window. This position can make the air in the room more evenly heated.

Leaning against the radiator, Lin Yu looked through the window at the construction site of the new administrative building opposite.

The construction team moved quickly. In one or two months, the building has been built to the fourth floor. At this rate, two or three more floors should be built before the snow falls.

The building will be completed before June next year, and then he can enjoy a floor alone.

Take the largest room as an office, and make a lounge next to the office. Put a big, soft bed in it. I only work two hours a day, and lie down the rest of the time...

I have to make a game room. When I'm tired from work, I play games for a while. When I'm tired from playing games, I sleep. When I wake up, I eat. After eating, I continue to play games. When I'm tired, I continue to sleep.

The days when no one nags are good days!

After looking at it for a while, Lin Yu retracted his gaze, sat back in front of the computer, opened the CAD file in the computer, and continued to build the ship's gas turbine unit.

While drawing the picture with his hands, he was also not idle, and kept complaining.

He complained that he was reborn too early, and these industrial software were still difficult to use.

It took half a day to draw a picture.

Time slipped away quickly while Lin Yu was cursing. He was busy until dinner time. Lin Yu finished marking all the parameters of the gas turbine blades, checked that there were no mistakes, clicked Save, and watched the file close completely. He stretched, stood up, and walked out of the office.

"Hello, Director!"

"Hello, Director!"

"Director, are you going to eat too? What a coincidence, we're on the same way!"

"Can you use your brain? We're all going to the cafeteria, so we're definitely on the same way."

"You don't have a brain!"

"You don't have a brain!"

"You don't have a brain!"

"Your brain is full of bean dregs!"

"Your brain is full of yellow mud!"

Listening to the noise of his subordinates, Lin Yu took out the phone in his pocket, found Carlo's number, estimated the current time in the UAE, and estimated that he wouldn't disturb the old man if he called now. He organized his words in his mind and dialed the number.

When the call was connected, Lin Yu immediately said quickly to the phone:

"My respected Prince Carlo, your satellite is ready. The estimated launch time is December 12. Do you want to come to the site to observe it with your own eyes and then press the launch button yourself?"

"You want to come, right? Okay, I promise to provide you with the best accommodation, the best food, and the best security."

"Don't worry, I have always been reliable. If the launch fails, I will pay for it out of my own pocket and add two more satellites for you."

"A total of 20 people will come, right? Okay, I promise to arrange it for you."

As he nodded a series of times, they arrived at the cafeteria.

He simply ignored the line in front of him and walked straight to the cafeteria window:

"Braised beef brisket and stewed potatoes, only beef brisket, give me another spoonful of soup on the rice."

"That, pork with dried beans, yes, that one."

"Give me a spoonful of steamed pork with rice flour, too, I only want lean meat, no fat."

Listening to Lin Yu's order, the cafeteria chef's Parkinson's disease that had lasted for many years was cured at this moment, and every spoonful he put down could accurately hit what Lin Yu needed.

In just over ten seconds, Lin Yu's plate was filled with braised beef brisket, without a trace of potatoes.

Pork with dried beans, only meat, no dried beans.

Steamed pork with rice flour, only lean meat, no fat.

He took the plate, found a quiet place, and sat down. Before Lin Yu could start eating, Qian Jianguo also sat down next to him with a plate in his hand, took out a small bottle of wine from his arms, and secretly poured a sip into his mouth. Qian Jianguo then said: "The old man just called this afternoon and said that a document will be delivered to us tomorrow, but he didn't say what the document is."

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