At this moment, Hu Wenwang's brain began to overload and he began to work hard to clear up the ins and outs of this matter.

First of all, China sent people to lobby the country to build a railway running from north to south. The standard of this railway is the international standard gauge, which is 1435 mm standard gauge.

Then the Chinese people paid for it themselves, totaling 12 billion U.S. dollars. It can be seen that the Chinese people care about this railway very much, even to the point of breaking their bones.

Therefore, people in China, including myself, feel that at this critical moment, we can add a little weight to make the Chinese people bow their heads and be small.

As a result, there was a railway transportation network around Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia.

The Chinese did not explicitly refuse, but decided to go back and discuss it. In the past few days, the official named Cui Lin has been in contact with them, and, according to the information obtained by the Vietnamese security department, there are indeed some The Chinese have entered Laos and Cambodia in the past few days.

It is true that related railway construction matters have been raised in Laos and Cambodia.

From these points, this railway is almost a certainty.

At this critical moment, a group of Koreans and Japanese entered Vietnam respectively, and then they said that they could provide high-speed railway construction plans to increase the railway speed from more than 100 kilometers per hour to more than 200 kilometers per hour.

Upon hearing the news, Vietnamese senior officials were naturally overjoyed. The train speed has been increased from more than 100 kilometers to more than 200 kilometers. The improvement is not the speed, but the communication between the north and the south.

Every minute saved can create a lot of value.

As a result, a group of people instantly forgot about the Chinese people's cooperation plan and unanimously chose to contact these two groups.

The two parties chatted happily, and as they exchanged cups and cups, they became half-brothers.

However, Hu Wenwang never expected that after he took off his pants, these bastards who jumped out would actually make him pay.

Pay for it yourself!

Pay for it!


If I were rich, would it be your turn to build this railway?

After sorting out the whole story in his mind and suppressing the anger in his heart, Hu Wenwang slowly looked at the Japanese in front of him and asked seriously:

"Mr. Springfield, I would like to ask, don't you bring your own funds to build this railway?"

This sudden sentence made Taro Haruta, who was getting the documents, stunned for a moment. His brain was overloaded at this moment and entered a shutdown state.

After a few seconds, his brain started to work again. In order to cover up his embarrassment, Taro Haruta put the documents in his hand on the table, widened his eyes, meticulously folded the dozen documents in front of him, and smoothed out the curled positions. , then asked seriously:

"Well, didn't you invite China to help you build the railway? Why do you need us to bring funds?"

The sound was very, very light.

But when it fell into Hu Wenwang's ears, the senior executive of Vietnam's business department couldn't help but scold him.

These turtle grandchildren.

At the same time, he couldn't help but send his most sincere greetings to the mothers of those who had previously expressed their inability to refute the rumors.

He quickly raised his hands and gently comforted Haruta Taro like a music conductor.

After comforting the Japanese, he immediately called his secretary and asked him to go next door and ask the Koreans on the phone.

The secretary heard everything his boss said to the Japanese just now. At this moment, he also noticed the problem.

He didn't dare to neglect, quickly turned around and left, walking into the next room.

In the room, a dedicated phone was ready. The secretary rushed over and picked up the phone to dial.

The call was quickly connected, and the people on both sides of the phone began to exchange information. At first, the secretary's expression was very relaxed, but soon, his expression gradually became serious. When he hung up the phone, his originally rosy face became... Has become as pale as death.

Big beads of sweat rolled down his forehead and hit the ground one after another, creating a beautiful flower.

Reaching out to wipe the sweat from his forehead, the secretary did not dare to neglect, and quickly walked out of the room, walked into the next door, came to Hu Wenwang, and relayed the news one by one:

"It's the same thing with the Koreans. They think we have $12 billion."

"People who communicated with Koreans also said that Koreans believe that US$12 billion is not enough and that more funding needs to be increased, at least to US$40 billion."

"Because the design speed of their railway is 350 kilometers per hour..."

Hearing these words, Hu Wenwang's vest was wet with sweat in an instant. His eyes widened, and he turned back with a pale face, looking at the secretary.

The two looked at each other, and the secretary nodded vigorously to show that what he just said was correct.

After confirming again and again, Hu Wenwang became anxious. He quickly apologized to Taro Haruta across from him, walked out of the conference room, and walked into another room next door.

He picked up the dedicated phone on the table, found the number Cui Lin left, and dialed it.

He only has one thought now, and that is to call back the Chinese people. What nonsense, Laos and Cambodia. These two are not important. What is important is this railway in Vietnam.

While he was waiting anxiously, the call was connected. Before he could speak, Cui Lin's apologetic voice came from the other side:

"Minister Hu Wenwang, I have something to do here and I need to apologize to you."


When Hu Wenwang heard the word "I'm sorry", he shuddered. He had a bad feeling that this railway might be ruined.

In an instant, an idea flashed through Hu Wenwang's mind, which was to tell the people on the other side that the railway in Laos and Cambodia were no longer needed, and the standards on their side could be lowered, but the railway had to be built.

However, before he could speak, Cui Lin told him the reason for his apology:

"I reported your Vietnamese considerations on regional security to the higher-ups, and they said that we must do this kind of thing that is helpful to regional security, and we must do it."

"But we are willing but unable to do it now. If we build railways in three countries at the same time, our people will not be able to complete it."

"But if we build railways in one country alone, it will destroy regional peace, so our senior management suggested that we not build railways in anyone else."

"Wait until the day when we have the will and the strength, then we will build this circular railway."

"By then, we can cut through mountains and build bridges over rivers, and take over this circular railway in one fell swoop."

"It is for this reason that I need to say sorry to you."

"Sorry, sorry."

Amid the apology, Cui Lin hung up the phone, leaving only the person on the other end of the phone, holding the phone in a daze.

After a while of daze, Hu Wenwang walked out of the room in a daze and returned to the meeting room where he met with the Japanese.

Sitting there, he looked like a dead person.

Seeing his ghostly appearance, Haruta Taro on the opposite side also felt very strange. Why did this person go out for a walk and come back as if his mother had died?

After staring at him for a while, he asked carefully: "Minister Hu, may I ask, did your family member die of illness?"

This strange question also made Hu Wenwang wake up from his loss of soul. He cast his eyes on Haruta Taro on the opposite side and stared at him for a while. A flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.

Japan is a developed country.

Grasping this flash of inspiration in the sea, Hu Wenwang sat up straight and said calmly:

"The Chinese have withdrawn their investment. Our railway construction lacks some funds. I wonder if Mr. Haruta can help and matchmake in the middle so that we can get some loans from your country."

This calm tone is as if he is sure that the person on the opposite side will definitely give him the money.

After hearing this question, Haruta Taro on the opposite side couldn't help scratching his head with his hand and looked at the opposite side with a puzzled face.

His doubts did not last long. After thinking about this bend in his mind, this Japanese who had been in the negotiation battlefield for a long time also understood the twists and turns.

Based on their own strategic goals, the Chinese were ready to help Vietnam and build a railway on Vietnam's territory to relieve the pressure at sea.

Vietnam also saw the strategic purpose of China, so this ungrateful wolf took the opportunity to ask for a high price, and at the same time announced to the outside world that the so-called 12 billion US dollars was paid by Vietnam itself.

So, his group of people, as well as the stupid Koreans, came to Vietnam stupidly under this claim.

In fact, Vietnam did not have any 12 billion US dollars at all, because that money belonged to China, not Vietnam, and Vietnam could not make the decision.

After thinking about these twists and turns, Haruta Taro could not help but close his eyes and began to sigh.

After a long while, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked at the person opposite him, showed his big white teeth, and said with a smile:

"For investment loans, I can help to make connections, but we have to discuss the loan amount, loan interest, loan time, repayment method, and default handling clearly."

"Then..." Haruta Taro dragged out a long tone, and when the person opposite him showed impatience on his face, he whispered the following words:

"Otherwise, no one in the world dares to lend you money."

After saying this, the Japanese clasped his hands in front of his chest, crossed his legs, looked at the person opposite him gently, and waited for the other party's response.

On the other side, Yunnan Province, China.

Cui Lin, who had been staying in Yunnan Province since returning from Vietnam, also received the information sent back by his colleagues who went to Indochina after laughing at Hu Wenwang crazily.

【In Laos, the entire country has a huge demand for road transportation. In the initial conversation, officials and ordinary people in this country all want to have a railway running through the north and south of the country.

However, there are some differences in their positions in specific directions.

At present, people in Laos can be basically divided into two factions, the pro-Vietnam faction and the pro-other countries faction.

People in the pro-Vietnam faction think that these large-scale road infrastructure should be implemented by Vietnam and finally connected to Vietnam.

People in the pro-other countries faction think that no matter which country it is, as long as they can help them build such a railway to enable the economy of the entire country to move, it is good.

However, in the ruling party of Laos, there are many officials from the pro-Vietnam faction, especially in several provinces close to Vietnam, where there are more grassroots officials.

The construction of the traffic artery must pass through these grassroots officials. If the Lao side cannot be resolute, then this line will be delayed indefinitely. 】

【As for Cambodia, compared with the railway artery, they want to have a canal, a canal from Phnom Penh to the coastal city.

Because the country is mostly flat and most cities are located around rivers, these rivers provide them with good transportation conditions.

However, because the Mekong Delta is in Vietnam, every time they import and export goods from the Mekong River, Vietnam will scrape a layer.

In their minds, if there is such a canal, they can avoid being exploited by Vietnam. At the same time, this canal can also divert part of the Mekong River water during the flood season.

It can effectively prevent the farmland at the junction of Cambodia and Vietnam from being blocked by Vietnam during the flood season, causing the river to flood the farmland.

However, during the conversation, it was found that the people of Cambodia are very afraid of Vietnam. 】

【On the Thai side, they are interested in our cooperation plan, but not much, and they mentioned Vietnam very obscurely. 】

【On the Myanmar side, they are not interested in our cooperation plan. The main reason is that Yangon cannot effectively control the area bordering us.

In addition, during the communication with Myanmar, I accidentally learned a piece of news, that is, recently in the Golden Triangle area at the junction of Thailand, Laos and Myanmar, a large number of armed personnel have appeared.

These armed personnel all entered the country from Myanmar and finally gathered in the Golden Triangle area. Their specific purpose and specific dynamics are unknown. 】

Looking at these situations, combined with the news from the Security Bureau, Cui Lin was in a state of panic.

After reading the intelligence, he did not dare to neglect it. He quickly packed the intelligence and sent it to Yanjing together, waiting for the next plan.

He sent out these bad intelligence, and on the other side, Lin Yu, who was far away in Shandong Province, also received news from the other side of the ocean, from the African continent.

The sender of the message was the exploration team that went to Namibia for uranium exploration some time ago.

Although it was already known that the Husab uranium mine was a large uranium mine, when Lin Yu personally opened the preliminary exploration report from the other side of the ocean, his hands were still shaking.

Carefully opened, there was a short letter inside, which could be seen at a glance as written by an engineer.

[Hello, Director:

After arriving in Namibia, we entered the tense and exciting exploration work. Now, we have completed the preliminary exploration and have a preliminary delineation of the scope of the entire mining area.

Based on our preliminary drilling data and the scope of demarcation, we can roughly estimate the uranium reserves of this uranium mine.

According to our estimate, the uranium ore reserves of the entire uranium mine are about 250 million tons, and the uranium ore of this uranium mine has a high uranium content and a grade far exceeding that of domestic ores.

Once this uranium mine is successfully built, our investment will be recovered quickly. 】

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