These words made the younger man's face turn very ugly instantly. He wanted to refute the brown-haired man, but the other man was the commander of their unit, and he was just an ordinary commando.

Their mercenary team has an iron-clad rule, that is, as long as the commander exists, everyone must unconditionally obey the commander's instructions, even if there are problems with the instructions, they must be implemented.

This rule brought them some trouble, but it also brought them more benefits.

The young man frowned and thought for a long time, and finally raised his eyes, turned his gaze to the brown-haired middle-aged man opposite, and asked:

"Commander Tano, we can't wait to die here, can we?"

This question also made Tano slowly raise his head. He raised his head and looked at the water prison door above his head. While he looked above his head, the setting sun falling towards the west also shed golden light through the treetops. The water prison.

The golden light shone on his face and on his hair, making him look like a god.

Tano closed his eyes at this moment, enjoying the rare light.

In a moment, the wind in the valley blew the trees, and the naughty trees waved their leaves, intercepting all the sunlight. In a moment, the water prison became dim again.

Tano, who had closed his eyes, opened his eyes at this moment and said:

"Waiting to die is not our style."

As he spoke, he put his right hand into the water.

When he raised his right hand again, there was already a bone fragment in his hand. This bone fragment was about 10 centimeters long and seemed to be the leg bone of some kind of animal.

At the very front is a small sharp edge that looks very sharp.

When the people in the water prison saw this piece of bone, their eyes suddenly lit up, because they saw the hope of survival.

They are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles. As long as they have weapons in their hands, they have nothing to fear from anyone.

Handing the piece of bone to the person next to him, Tano reached into the water again. A few seconds later, he raised his right hand again, and this time, he had a small piece of wire in his hand.

This wire is only as long as your thumb, very thin, and very new.

However, when the people around saw this piece of wire, they were even more excited than when they saw the bone fragment just now, because the lock on the top of the head was just a very ordinary lock.

With this small piece of wire, they could open the lock.

After displaying these two things, Tano put them into the water and waited quietly for nightfall.



Among the dense trees, there was a sudden slapping sound, and then, next to the slapping sound, a small curse came from:

"What are you doing, kid? If you ruin the colonel's plan, you will be dead. Don't say I won't protect you, I will kill you myself."

"Mosquito!" A weak voice responded to the curse, and the next second, the owner of the voice was slapped on the face.

There was a slap in the face, followed by a curse: "It's better for me to hold it all in and get bitten by mosquitoes than to die by then."

"As long as these people are killed on Wa territory, our plan will be completed."

"When the time comes, these places will be our world, and we can do whatever we want."

"Boss!" As the boss cursed, the person who had just been scolded carefully gave his boss a hand.

"Shut up. If the colonel's plan is delayed because of you, I will skin you."



"Those people came out."

Upon hearing this, the boss immediately lowered his head and cast his gaze towards the woods ahead.

They are all deep in the mountains and old forests, with only a little bit of moonlight shining carefully on the ground through the gaps in the treetops.

In these subtle moonlights.

About 20 meters across from them, a dozen people could be vaguely seen, tiptoeing through the trees.

When the boss lowered his head, he pressed against the branches beneath him. The small branches slid against the leaves, making a rustling sound.

On the opposite side, the sound of branches sliding leaves made Tano, who was walking at the front, squat down instantly. Then, those eyes, like searchlights, kept scanning in the dark forest.

Behind him are his 13 teammates, 14 of them, divided into three teams, 4 in the front, 5 in the middle, and 5 in the back.

In this way, people can be effectively dispersed to prevent others from being blamed.

After squatting on the ground for a while, the companion behind Tano carefully bowed his body and took two steps forward. After listening carefully for a while, he turned back and looked at the brown-haired middle-aged man:

"Commander Tano, what did you hear just now?"

Opposite him, Tano still tilted his ears and listened for a while, but found that he heard no movement. He frowned and explained: "There was the sound of dry branches sliding and falling leaves. Although the sound was very soft, I heard it clearly."

"Could it be an animal?"

"It doesn't look like it!" Tano stood up carefully, leaned a little to the left, and continued to listen.

After a few seconds, he explained again: "Animals are running on the ground. If they smell human scent or hear human movements, they will be frightened and suddenly make big movements."

"But after I heard the sound just now, I didn't hear anything like a frightened sound."

"I just hope I heard wrong."

After hearing this explanation, he just took a step forward. A smile appeared on the face of the person observing in front. He raised his right hand and waved it, saying:

"You are probably too sensitive."

"In fact, according to my idea, when we come out of the water dungeon, we should go directly to their camp and turn their camp upside down."

"To be honest, running away is really... a little embarrassing."

This person was talking to himself, and Tano next to him didn't listen to him at all.

While this person was talking, Tano looked around for a while, raised his hand and pointed to the right: "Go this way."

The person who was talking also looked in the direction of Tano's finger at this moment.

It was a dense forest.

In these tropical dense forests in Indochina, if you don't walk on the animal trails in the forest, don't walk on the small paths trampled by people, and walk in the dense forest, then...

You will die!

You will really die!

And this kind of death is not the kind of death that happens all at once, but being bitten by poisonous insects in the woods, or being infected with malaria, dying in despair and conscious little by little.

Shaking his head, throwing this horrible way of dying out of his mind, the man pointed at his feet:

"There is a ready-made road here, but you don't want to go into the woods? You will really die!"

Hearing his companion's doubts, Tano shook his head, tapped the road under his feet with his feet, and said:

"After leaving that camp, my heart has been beating, the kind of beating that is very panic."

"The further I go along this road, the faster my heart beats."

"It feels like walking on the road to death, and we got out of that camp too smoothly, as if everything is guiding us to go this way."

"My intuition tells me that there is something wrong with this road, and we have to change the road."

After speaking, Tano used his hands to separate the bushes on the right, and walked into the woods without looking back. The other two people also quickly followed Tano's advance, leaving only the person who spoke, still standing there hesitating.

Just as he was hesitating, a gunshot was heard in the woods behind him, followed by even more violent gunshots.

The gunshots were like firecrackers, crackling continuously, and the bullets were like a rainstorm, hitting the dense forest one after another.

The man who had just spoken only heard the sound, and before he could react, he felt a sharp pain in his body, and the next second, the pain was gone.

He wanted to control his legs and keep up with the commander's steps, but no matter how he gave orders, his legs did not move at all, and even his body was slowly falling.

At this moment, his brain began to work rapidly, trying to find a way to relieve his current state from the war he had experienced.

But before he could finish this thought, his brain was like a computer that was forced to be powered off, and the screen went black directly.

The sudden gunshot interrupted the rhythm of the fleeing team.

And Tano, who had already entered the dense forest, raised his hands decisively without hesitation after hearing the gunshots, protected his eyes, exerted force on his feet, and began to run desperately in the dense bushes.

Behind him, gunshots came one after another, and bullets flew past him and hit the trees beside him, making a clattering sound.

Hearing this sound, Tano's steps became faster and faster. He knew very well that he had no advantage over these locals.

He could only distance himself from these people in the shortest time, so as to get some breathing time for himself.

Now the faster he ran, the greater the distance he pulled away, and the greater his hope of survival.

In this way, Tano ran for a long, long time amid the whistling of gunshots and bullets.

In this situation of chasing and escaping, very suddenly, the gunshots disappeared.

It was like someone pressed the pause button on a record player, very suddenly, there was no sound at all.

The BGM that had been playing around him disappeared, and Tano, relying on adrenaline, fled forward in the dark for a distance, and then leaned against a big tree, breathing heavily.

After taking a deep breath, he quickly grabbed the fallen leaves around him and evenly scattered them on himself, disguising himself as a pile of fallen leaves under the tree.

When the last handful of fallen leaves covered his nostrils, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help laughing softly.


I survived!

Although I felt sorry for others, I survived after all.

When I return to America, I will definitely take money to visit the families of these comrades and help them take care of their families.

Thinking of this, Tano felt that his burden was heavier, and at the same time, he felt very thirsty.

He looked around carefully, ready to get a few drops of dew from the leaves of the surrounding bushes to moisten his throat.

However, when he looked around and looked to his left, he saw something familiar.

7.62mm×39mm muzzle.

Pitch black.

Although it was in the dark night, the black paint on the muzzle was still darker than the black night and more conspicuous.

The muzzle stood plainly about 1.5 meters to his left.

The muzzle stood very straight, and the back half of the muzzle was buried in the fallen leaves.

As we all know, it is impossible for wild guns to grow in the woods, and it is even more impossible to stand the muzzle straight, so...

Tano slowly turned his head, and just as he was hesitating about what method to use to convince the owner of the muzzle in front of him to let him go, a rustling sound came from the right.

It was footsteps.

There were also voices.

Tano could not understand what these people were saying, but he could vaguely see their movements. These people were searching the ground, and their target was him.

What to do?

What to do?

What should I do?

Just as he racked his brains and tried every way to escape, the gun on his left fired.

The 7.62×39 mm bullet exploded in the gun barrel, and the pressure generated by the explosion pushed the bullet out of the gun barrel and hit the person on the opposite side.


A dull sound of entering the flesh sounded, and the person who was searching on the opposite side fell down.

And this gunshot was like a switch for a chaotic battle, which was pressed at this moment.

The person hiding in the dark fired the first shot, then the second shot, and the third shot.

The people who followed Tano's footsteps did not seem too panicked in the face of this sudden sneak attack, but hid in a very orderly manner, and pulled out their guns to fight back.

While firing back, these people were still speaking loudly in words that Tano could not understand, and the voices were very anxious and scared.

The people hiding on Tano's left side also began to make the same anxious sounds after hearing these sounds. The people on both sides seemed to be cursing at each other.

During the quarrel, a flare was shot into the sky.

As the flare exploded in the sky and then slowly fell under the action of the parachute, people on both sides saw Tano hiding next to the big tree and in the pile of fallen leaves.

The moment they saw him clearly, the gunfire on the left became more intense, repelling the people on the right. Then several people came out of the dense forest and rushed towards Tano quickly, as if they were ready to grab him.

After seeing this scene, the people on the right raised their guns and pointed them at the people who came out and Tano, and then pulled the trigger.

Amid the bursting gunfire, Tano was shot into a sieve.

This sudden conflict did not last too long. When the flare fell and the surroundings fell into darkness again, the crazy gunfire just stopped abruptly. Both sides stopped the gunfire together as if they had agreed.

It was not until the sky was bright that the people on the left appeared in front of Tano's body again, and with them appeared several soldiers wearing American jungle camouflage.

The captain of the soldiers looked at the body in front of him and felt as uncomfortable as if he had eaten a fly.

After a while, he took the satellite phone from the signalman and started calling:

"This is Happy Boy, repeat, this is Happy Boy."

"We have found the target hostage, but the other party has become a corpse, and there is no information on him."

"Do you need us to bring his body back?"

"Ship it to Thailand, right? Okay."

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