Yokosuka Port in Tokyo, Japan, belongs to America's naval base.

Dana was lying leisurely in the courtyard of the base with a cup of coffee, enjoying the rare sunshine at the turn of autumn and winter in the northern hemisphere.

After leaving Xiangjiang, he came to Japan, planning to stay in Yokosuka Port for 1 to 2 months, and then use this time to become familiar with affairs in the Western Pacific region, and at the same time, he also became familiar with the Japanese gangsters.

"The sunlight at noon is the best and most suitable for resting. The person who invented taking a nap at noon must be a genius."

"I really hope such beautiful days can last forever..."

After moaning a few words, he picked up the coffee and brought it to his mouth. The temperature of the coffee had dropped. He felt it slightly with his lips. He opened his mouth and swallowed the coffee without hesitation.

He put down the cup, put on his sunglasses, and arched his body into a comfortable position on the recliner. He closed his eyes and fell asleep within two or three minutes.

However, the sound of his deep sleep snoring had just begun, and the phone on the round table next to the recliner rang in a very unsightly manner.

When a person wakes up from a deep sleep, it is like a computer whose system has not been fully started, and there is no response anywhere.

After several minutes, the whole person completely woke up, and Dana then reached for the phone.

He saw the number above at a glance. It was an unfamiliar number. However, this mobile phone was his personal mobile phone at work. Except for a few people, no one else knew the mobile phone number.

So, who is this?

When he was confused, the ringing of the phone suddenly stopped. It was the person on the other end who hung up the phone.

If you don’t know, don’t answer.

Just as he made up his mind, before Dana put the phone on the table, the phone in his hand rang again.

This time, Dana answered the phone smoothly: "Who?"

The next second, a joyful voice came from the phone. The voice was very happy and excited.

"General Dana, it's me, the CIA agent you met in Vietnam before. You asked me to go to the Golden Triangle to cause trouble. Do you remember?"

After being reminded by the voice on the phone, a figure vaguely appeared in Dana's mind, but as a noble and forgetful person, he really couldn't remember what this person looked like.

I can only remember such a person.

Pressing his temples with his free hand, Dana adjusted his voice and responded calmly:

"So it's you, what's the matter? I remember I told you, don't call me on this personal phone when you have nothing to do."

"If you have anything to say, tell me quickly. If nothing happens, I'll hang up."

With that said, Dana moved the phone away and put it on the table. The sound of the plastic case of the phone colliding with the table also made the people opposite him panic.

The other party said repeatedly: "General Dana, I do have something and I would like to ask for help."

"But this should be a small thing for you."

"You asked me to infiltrate people into the Golden Triangle, so I did. I sent a team of mercenaries who cooperated with our CIA to Myanmar."

"We are planning to take action against some high-level officials in the Second Special Zone of Northern Shan State, and finally let the armed men who cooperate with us become the leaders of the Wa State."

"But that ghost place was so chaotic. There were armed men everywhere. When our people entered, they happened to encounter several groups fighting."

"If one of them was not careful, they were all arrested by people from the 5th Special Zone of Northern Shan State. There has been no news for several days."

"I'm calling you because I want to ask you to do me a favor and send a Delta Special Forces force into Myanmar to help me rescue these people."

After hearing the whole story, Dana turned over in the recliner and dug his buttocks with his free hand. He was thinking of excuses.

Indochina, this ghost place, is different from other countries they have intervened in.

Rome in Europe collapsed thousands of years ago.

But Rome in this place has been there for thousands of years. For thousands of years, it has been a place that has been eaten, seen and beaten again. The people in this place are more fierce in fighting than people in other places. .

He is also more cunning and cunning, and better at learning.

America's experience in Vietnam is still vivid in her mind.

Therefore, America's domestic operations in the Indo-China Peninsula are basically to support some NGO organizations and let these NGO organizations act as mouthpieces and operate in these countries.

As for sending troops, it is not a very reasonable choice. Sending troops there costs money and effort, and it is better to put the money in your own pocket.

On the other side of the phone, the CIA operator did not hear the response on the phone. He also guessed some of Dana's thoughts. Before Dana could speak, he immediately said:

"General, there are more than 40 mercenaries in Myanmar this time."

"They are all America's former soldiers, and they have shed their blood for America."

"We cannot let them bleed and shed tears."

But his words did not elicit a response from Dana, and there was only dead silence on the phone.

After a while, the operator whispered on the phone:

"They seem to have another piece of information in their hands, about the railway in Vietnam."

Upon hearing these words, Dana instantly sat up from the recliner.

In the past few days, the news that caught his attention the most was that China suddenly ran to Vietnam at this juncture to discuss building a railway.

To be able to become the commander of the Pacific Theater, Dana naturally has two skills.

Putting all the news together, he wanted to break his head when looking at the news, but he also couldn't figure out why China would go to Vietnam at this juncture and take the initiative to raise the issue of railway construction.

After all, at this juncture, if you go to Vietnam to talk about this, you are almost treating yourself like mutton, delivered to your door, and let others slaughter you.

Based on his understanding of the Chinese people, those people would never do this. No matter what they do, they will think twice before doing anything.

There must be more profound meaning behind this sudden and no-end incident.

However, due to the lack of more information, and knowing the inside story of this matter, I can only hang it up and put it aside, and wait until more information is obtained to deduce the deeper meaning of this matter. .

But now, the guy on the phone actually told me that there was relevant information on the trapped mercenaries.

After going through the news in his mind, a voice jumped out of his mind uncontrollably. That voice, like a magic voice, kept talking in his mind.

"Send troops, send troops! Get this information! Get this information, get this information!"

The voice jumped out of his mind. After a little effort to suppress the voice, Dana said into the phone:

"My dear Mr. Agent, can you vouch for what you say?"

"It will cost us a lot to go to Myanmar. If you can't guarantee the authenticity of this information, then I think it is necessary for me to talk to you."

The next second, the detective's voice came from the other side of the phone without hesitation:

"I can guarantee that I can guarantee the authenticity of what I said. They do have a piece of intelligence in their hands, and this intelligence is indeed related to China's railway construction in Vietnam."

"I can guarantee it with my life!"

After receiving this sentence, Dana showed a smile on his face and whispered into the phone:

"Keep the communication equipment open. For half an hour at most, someone will contact you, synchronize the relevant intelligence, and then carry out the task."


Myanmar, Shan State.

In an inconspicuous-looking camp on the edge of the majestic Salween River, 14 Americans reluctantly walked in with the greetings of the old AK47 and a day's work. In the water prison next to it.

After closing these people and locking the door with iron chains, the guard turned around and leaned lazily against the tree next to him. He looked at the water prison door with one eye and quietly closed the other eye.

Slowly, his other eye also closed.

However, just when his mind was completely empty, a roar sounded in his ears very suddenly.

"Sucai, you are lazy and sleeping again!"

The loud shouting woke Sucai from his sleep. He opened his eyes suddenly and realized that the sound just now came from his good friend Wen Min.

Rolling his eyes at his brother Wenmin, Suchai looked back at the water prison door. The door was still intact, and the people inside were soaking in the water and glaring at him.

very good.

Leaning his back against the big tree and changing into a more labor-saving posture, Sukai waved his hands and said softly while driving away the mosquitoes flying around him:

"What does it mean to be lazy and sleep!"

"This is called a balance between work and rest. Didn't you go out to trade with me? Why did you suddenly come back?"

Ge Wenmin spread his hands and said: "The colonel received the general's order and prepared to move these dozen Americans to a safe place tomorrow morning and change them to another place to be detained."

When he said this, his voice was not lowered. When Su Cai across from him heard this, he quickly turned his head and looked at the water prison next to him.

Realizing that the people in the water prison didn't seem to hear what he said, he turned his head and asked in a low voice to his brother Wenmin: "Can't you speak more quietly?"

"Also, where could be safer than here?"

After asking this question, Sucai stared at the comrade in front of him with his big eyes, trying to get an answer from him.

This poppy-growing camp is right on the edge of the Salween River. To get to the nearest village, the straight-line distance is 4 kilometers and you have to climb over a dozen mountains.

Just such a place.

There is absolutely no need to worry that these people will escape. Even if they escape, they will still have guns in their hands, and there are vast forests everywhere around here, unless they dare to jump off a cliff of more than 200 meters and jump into the Salween River.

Otherwise, the only way to meet this group of Americans is death.

He really couldn't understand why these people had to be transferred at this critical moment.

What if something happens on the way to transfer?

Facing his inquiry, Ge Wenmin did not respond. He just shook his head slightly and used this shake of his head as his response.

He patted the person in front of him on the shoulder hard. Brother Wenmin looked back at the water prison, turned around and left.

Crossing fields filled with poppies, he ducked into the other side of the camp.

In the lush woods, there stand two scrawled stilted buildings, one large and one small, the one on the left is large and the one on the right is small.

The only thing these two houses have in common is that they are surrounded by people, in every imaginable and imaginable corner.

These people were wearing messy clothes and holding a rusty gun. They were either hiding in the dark or standing in the light, using their big eyes as human scouts to look around cautiously.

He walked up the steps to the larger stilted building, stopped in front of the door opposite the stairs, and then said to the door:

"Colonel, I just revealed the news to those Americans, and the person on duty today happens to be Sucai. That kid has always been tactful and would sleep secretly every time he was on duty."

"So, these people will definitely look for opportunities to escape."

"Our secret sentry has been deployed. They will definitely run towards the area of ​​influence of the gang next door. As long as they pass by, we can kill them."

After listening to his report, hearty laughter came from behind the door, followed by a "Get ready!"

After receiving the order, Ge Wenmin turned around and left to implement the colonel's plan.

other side.

Inside the water prison, when there was no movement outside, the Americans in the water prison carefully turned their heads and turned their attention to the guide among them.

Being stared at by a group of people, the guide quickly whispered in English:

"They are preparing to move us to a safe location tomorrow morning."

"The specific place, the person just now didn't say."

Hearing these words, these dozen people turned their attention to another person next to them.

This man had brown hair, but the brown hair was wet with water, making him look like a drowned rat.

At this moment, after hearing the guide's words, the man frowned subconsciously.

Feeling everyone's gaze, he raised his head and whispered:

"We only have 14 here, but our total number is 47."

"In other words, these people may take us to where the other 33 people are, or they may be preparing to take us to another place to kill us."

"As for why we need to go tomorrow morning, maybe it's because the road to this new place is too dangerous to walk at night."

"So there are only two ways before us. One is to take a gamble. Bet that these people are indeed planning to move us to a new place to detain us."

"The other way is that these people are going to take us to the chosen place tomorrow and execute us directly."

"As far as my personal preference is concerned, it should be the second situation."

"Perhaps people from the CIA are trying to rescue us, and these people feel the pressure, so there are temporary changes."

"So, we don't have much time."

"From now until tomorrow morning, these ten hours are our only chance."

Hearing his words, a relatively young man in the corner became ecstatic at this moment. He smiled softly and said to the person next to him:

"These people are feeling the pressure. Does that mean that people from the CIA are already on the way?"

"Maybe in two hours, they will find us."

After the young man finished speaking, he found that everyone around him had cold faces and no one responded to his words.

At this moment, the brown-haired man spoke.

"Watch less movies. Here, America's intelligence system is not as powerful as you think."

"Once these people really feel the pressure, the first thing they have to do is to solve the problems like us."

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