When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 416 Planting sugarcane and rubber! (The third update!)

It's just not clear whether the people on these two sides are also flirting with the Myanmar government forces.

If they are also flirting with each other, it means that these three gangs have established at least 4 groups.

With a gentle smile on his face, Lin Yu responded lightly:

"The conditions are the same as yours, except that the price tags of both parties will be slightly different due to the different lengths of the areas through which the pipeline passes."

"As for your conjecture, the situation where we give favorable conditions to one party and extremely poor conditions to the other party cannot exist here."

"In the final analysis, you are all Burmese after all. When you meet each other and talk to each other, won't problems arise?"

"We cannot make such a low-level mistake, so whether it is here or elsewhere, I can guarantee that the conditions given to you, to the Kachin State Second Special Zone, and to the Myanmar government forces are the same. condition."

"It's that simple."

After explaining the twists and turns, Lin Yu raised his eyes and stared at the people opposite him for a while. He found that the other people's attention was not on him, so he simply lowered his head and continued eating.

Seeing that he was very casual and didn't treat the people present as outsiders, Wu Nu and his staff were also confused.

According to their guess, at this time, if they take the initiative to say a few good words, the other party will lend Poxiadonkey and give them a little extra profit.

But I never expected that this young man was so inexperienced that he didn't understand their hints at all.

Several people looked at each other and then started talking quietly in Burmese.


"Let's see if we can get some more stuff, money, equipment, supplies, whatever. Anyway, we need to get more."

"What if they don't give it?"

"If you don't give it...if you don't give it, we won't let them repair the pipeline."

"But what if they... take all the pipelines through Kachin State's Second Special Zone? Then we won't get anything?"

"Stop arguing, get the basics first, and then fight for more."

"Let's do it this way. Get the most basic things first. Their dozens of kilometers of pipelines pass through our land, and the tolls are quite high a year. If you can make some money, you can count on it."

"Yes, get this money first."

"Then what do we want first?"

"Equipment, all equipment."

"Can you afford it? My suggestion is 40% equipment, 30% supplies, and 30% road facilities."

"That's it."

Several people were noisy, and after a while, they distributed the things they wanted, and then Wu Nu stood up again.

He held his chopsticks with hesitation on his face and pretended to be confused for a long time. Then he very carefully asked Lin Yu:

"Can't we really add some conditions?"

When they stopped making noise, Lin Yu put down his chopsticks, so Wu Nu's expression was seen by Lin Yu the whole time.

Now that the other party finally spoke, Lin Yu naturally stopped talking: "Based on the conditions of pipeline construction, no more."


"Before departure, I was given another official document from above. The main content is about the six countries in the Lancang and Mekong river basins conducting business exchanges and cargo transportation transactions with each other."

"To put it in human terms, we are preparing to unite the countries on the Indochina Peninsula to form a trade zone."

"The core purpose is to make some adjustments and simplifications in terms of taxation and transaction procedures in this trade zone, and at the same time provide some transportation facilities."

"This has little to do with you, because you are not in the Mekong River Basin. I want to give it to you, but I can't."

As soon as he finished speaking, Wu Nu revealed a Luyu face, a somewhat darkened face, his eyes were wide open, his face was full of disbelief, and he almost blurted out, "Really?" I don't believe it!

After a few seconds, he still asked this sentence:

"No way? Mr. Lin, since you can talk about this agreement, it means that you must have an idea in your mind."

As he spoke, Wu Nu's surprised face showed a smile, and then he looked at Lin Yu carefully as if he was convinced.

Meeting this man's eyes, Lin Yu shook his head slightly and said:

"No, no, no, I'm just telling you the general content of this agreement. When the time comes, no matter whether it succeeds or not, some of the content of this agreement will be released. There is no so-called guarantee..."

"Actually, it's not impossible."

Lin Yu suddenly changed the topic and swallowed half of what he said.

But he still hadn't finished speaking.

If it's half bad, it's the most annoying thing.

After hearing this sentence, several people opposite Lin Yu were stunned for a moment, and then showed surprise to each other. After a few seconds, they put away the expressions on their faces.

After discussing a few words in Burmese, U Nu stood up again and asked seriously:

"Mr. Lin, do I think what you just said is a kind of broken promise?"

Faced with the question, Lin Yu tilted his head, thought for a moment, and nodded: "Forget it!"

"Actually, it doesn't count. One of the agreements we drafted is about regional security."

"The Lancang and Mekong river basins, especially the junction of your three countries, Myanmar, Laos, and Thailand."

"Chaos has always been the theme here, the gunshots, the wails, the music here, heroin, the glue here."

"If the Indochina Peninsula wants to conduct commercial trade, security is the key, and combating drugs and terrorist attacks is even more important."

"If the commercial trade agreement cannot be signed, we can actually sign a memorandum of cooperation to combat drug crimes."

"I can tell you the general content of the cooperation. Anyway, it will be announced at that time, so it's not a big problem."

"The general content is that if someone sells drugs to our country, you get the news and report it to us."

"Finally, when we catch the person and confirm that it is drugs, we will convert the materials to you according to the value of the drugs."

Lin Yu finished his words leisurely, took a sip of the water on the table, and was about to continue, but Wu Nu suddenly asked:

"Are there any rewards for killing drug dealers and those who grow poppies?"

This sudden question made Lin Yu spray out the water that had just reached his mouth.

Coughing out all the water that choked his throat, after recovering, Lin Yu raised his eyes and stared at the eyes of the people in front of him.

There was no emotion in the eyes of these people, only calmness.

Sensing the reactions of these people, Lin Yu shook his head slightly and said:

"Because of international legal issues, we do not recommend you to do this kind of thing."

"In addition to those who actively traffic drugs, there are also some people who take risks because they have no choice but to do so in life."

"Get rid of the drug dealers, and slowly, these people will naturally find other ways to make a living."

"And if we encourage the private execution of drug dealers, I barely know what kind of people you are, but there must be people whose character I don't know. If they kill innocent people and take credit, then all our efforts will be in vain."

"What we want is regional security, no drugs here, and our oil pipelines can pass through your territory safely."

"I'm not here to actively stir up trouble."

"For us, stability is the most important thing. We and Myanmar, both countries, must be stable. The friendship between us is everlasting and cannot be destroyed by anyone."

"I hope you understand."

"Understand!" Wu Nu and others nodded repeatedly, and at the same time, they were using awkward smiles to cover up their deepest thoughts.

This is northern Myanmar. There are no delicate princesses here. There are only disputes here. There is no reason for a war between several ethnic groups that have no subordination or identity.

Human lives here are worthless.

In the conflicts over the years, everyone will be very tacit and not interfere with ordinary people.

After all, those ordinary people are the lifeblood of each other. They can sit here and eat and drink well, in addition to relying on force, relying on the tributes of these ordinary people.

However, if there is an indiscriminate reward for drug dealers, then everyone here will become drug dealers.

The young man in front of him only targeted drugs and did not expand, which shows that he is still a person and has a little humanity.

He can still make friends.

After thinking about this clearly, Wu Nu waved his hand and asked the people around him to remove the dishes, and then served a table of dishes again.

Taking out an unopened bottle of wine and refilling the glass in front of Lin Yu, the general of Northern Shan State, with a flattering face, carefully asked Lin Yu:

"Mr. Lin's words really make me admire him. In fact, there are also some people growing poppies in the area under our management."

"Many of these people choose to grow poppies because of life problems."

"So I am here to ask Mr. Lin, can you help find a way for these ordinary people."


Wu Nu's sudden words made Lin Yu not know what to say for a while.

He really didn't understand why this guy suddenly jumped to the topic of finding a way for ordinary people.

Although he was very confused, Lin Yu still lowered his brows and began to think about how to find a way for the people here.

Industry, there is no stable power supply here, let alone industry.

Commerce, it's not a port.

After thinking about it, the only way these people can go is agricultural planting.

After defining the scope, Lin Yu began to think about what to plant to complement China's economic system.

He was thinking, and the other people at the table were watching him thinking.

After a long time, Lin Yu slowly raised his head, and his eyes, which had lost focus just now while thinking, slowly focused, and the black pupils returned to the center of his eyes.

Under the expectation of Wu Nu and others, he spoke calmly:

"It will take 10 to 8 years to develop industry."

"The only way you can go is agricultural planting. If you go agricultural planting, you must consider economic feasibility and the export of goods."

"I can provide you with three directions. It's up to you to decide whether to do it or not."

"The first one is to grow fruits, mainly fruits that Huaxia likes. Repair your roads, pull them from here to Huaxia, and then load them from the Huaxia border and transport them to the inland. It will only take two days."

"The second one is to grow sugarcane. The sugar produced by sugarcane is a hard currency all over the world. If you need it, the materials this time can help you convert them into sugar factory equipment for producing sugarcane."

"The third one is to grow rubber."

"In the future, we will need a lot of rubber. If you think you can do it, then you can prepare now and plant rubber tree seedlings. After five or six years, you can produce rubber stably."

After listening to the suggestion, Wu Nu did not express his position, and several staff around him did not speak either. They just lowered their heads and seemed to be thinking.

After a long time, Wu Nu raised his hand and pointed at the door of the small courtyard: "Mr. Lin, it's getting late today. Let's go and rest first. We can continue talking about the follow-up content tomorrow, okay?"

"Of course!" Lin Yu agreed happily. After negotiating, they still needed to make a judgment.

Next, it is up to the few people in front of you to judge whether there is any benefit.

Nodding to the person in front of him, Lin Yu walked out of the small courtyard. Facing the entrance of the courtyard, the waiter in charge of reception nodded, and the waiter took Lin Yu to meet Luo Ping and others.

And he left the courtyard. Wu Nu took several staff and left through another door of the courtyard and entered the temple.

I found a quiet room in the temple. Several people sat opposite each other and looked at each other. After a long time, an older staff member looked at Wu Nu and asked:

"Are we going to give up the profits from heroin? The profits are too high. If the money everyone receives is suddenly cut off, the people below will definitely be unhappy."

This is persuasion, but it is also a threat.

Repeating this sentence, Wu Nu showed a look of contempt on his face and snorted coldly:

"Unhappy? I am also unhappy without money. However, there is a saying that you have a life to make money but not a life to spend."

"China's attitude this time is very obvious. Even their oil pipeline may not be their ultimate goal."

"Their ultimate goal may be to kill all the drug dealers in the Golden Triangle area."

"The profits from drugs are indeed very lucrative for us, but this stuff doesn't see the light of day."

"Do you understand? This thing cannot be seen in the light. Now every family in the Golden Triangle is expanding crazily. There is a saying that when things go to the extreme, they will turn against each other. When they expand to the limit, it will be the limit of tolerance of the surrounding countries."

"Once their patience reaches the limit, they may send out the army to completely annihilate us. We can ignore the reaction of the Myanmar military government, but we must understand clearly the reaction of the big country next door."

Listening to these words, the eyes of these staff members showed thoughts.

Their neighbor to the north specializes in playing No. 3 in the world, and everyone who claims to be No. 3 in the world has been severely beaten by him.

It is indeed very disadvantageous to face these people.

Several staff members looked at each other for a while, and finally turned their attention to Wu Nu and asked in unison:

"Then shall we listen to Mr. Lin?"

When asked about his thoughts, Wu Nu put his hands behind his back, walked to the window, pushed open the glass sash, took a deep breath, and whispered:

"No! Let's see the reaction of Yangon and the Kachin Second Special Zone first."

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