The voice on the phone was very familiar, and Cui Lin felt happy from the bottom of his heart.

Now that his partner was here, he could pull less hair.

In the last negotiation with Namibia, this young man named Lin Yu gave him a big surprise and won great benefits for the country.

This time, he believed that this young man could use his wisdom to help the country gain greater benefits in this chaotic place.

Holding the phone, Cui Lin strode out of the room, found the secretary in the next room, and asked the secretary to arrange accommodation for Lin Yu and others.


At the entrance of the hotel where Cui Lin and others were staying, Lin Yu walked over quickly, extended his right hand, and intervened in the topic with a smile:

"Minister Cui, long time no see. It is said that Chuncheng is suitable for people to live in. It has only been a few days since we last met, and you have become haggard."

"Work is important, but you must also combine work and rest. As the saying goes, health is the capital of revolution. If you lose your body, what else can you do?"

Facing the topic chosen by Lin Yu, Cui Lin shook his head and waved his hands, whispering self-deprecatingly:

"Chuncheng does support people, but it does not support people like us. People like us are destined to be tired and have to run outside all day long. If you want to really support people, you probably have to wait until you retire."

"To be honest, I am I invited you to come here this time because I was afraid of being tired. I'm not afraid of being laughed at if I tell you. "

"I really feel very tired."

"When people get tired, they want to quit."

"When I quit, I remembered the last time you and I negotiated with Namibia. I think you are very good and very suitable to help me share the pressure."

"So, I shamelessly found Mr. Zhou and asked him to help contact you."

"Let's go. I have prepared the information you want for you. Take a look first to see if there are any omissions that need to be checked."

After a few simple greetings, Cui Lin raised his hand and pointed to the elevator. Lin Yu also followed with some politeness. In the end, Cui Lin walked in front, and Lin Yu lagged behind Cui Lin by half a step.

Behind the two of them was the team of the defense company led by Luo Ping.

There were 13 people. Luo Ping followed Lin Yu closely. The remaining 12 people were divided into two teams, forming a triangle, and followed closely behind the three people in front.

Back in the room upstairs, Cui Lin waved his hand, and the other people in the business department brought large and small packages of information to Lin Yu.

Looking at the three piles of information that were taller than his own people, Lin Yu was overwhelmed. He took a half step back, put his briefcase aside, rolled up his sleeves, rolled up his trouser legs, and began to look through the information.

"This information is not good!"

"Is this... power planning information? Call this county and ask their power department to report the data again. Remember, you need to plan the power consumption for the next 5 to 10 years, or even 20 years. Finally, let their power department wear work clothes and go to the villages on the border line these days, especially where there are villages on the other side of the border line."

"Why choose this county alone? Of course, it's because they are next to the border. It's better to see it with your eyes than to say a thousand words. What we say must be coordinated with action."

"Vegetable sales data... bring it with you, and add the meat data."

"The data on electrical appliances... is not enough. What about the manufacturing industry? Didn't I say that the data on the manufacturing industry should be brought?"

"No? I ...Forget it, I'll contact someone here and ask our subordinate factories to get some data. "

"What about the geological survey data? This is the most important thing. You have to do a complete show. The content must be half true and half false, or even nine true and one false, so that you can deceive people."

"They are all sorted out separately, right? Now, I'll make a catalog for you. You can summarize these data according to this catalog, and then organize them clearly to form a qualified report."

"Finally, translate this report into English. It must be accurate and fast."

"Time waits for no one!"

Under Lin Yu's guidance, the negotiation team of the commerce department only took 10 days to complete a report of about 100 pages, and translated this report into English completely.

After getting the two reports, Lin Yu held one in each hand and began to carefully check the grammar and individual word translations.

It took another two days to check the two reports one by one, point out the problematic parts, and modify them separately.

The next step is modification and typesetting.

Two days had passed before the two reports appeared again.

Holding the bilingual report titled "Electricity Survey in Southwest China and Development and Energy Use Plan for Southwest China in the Next 20 Years", Lin Yu smiled widely.

Pressing the two reports with his fingers, Lin Yu told Cui Lin his suggestions:

"This time, we will declare that going to Indochina is an invitation, an invitation for energy cooperation."

"Then we will split into two groups. You will go to Yangon, Myanmar, and I will go to the areas controlled by these independent armed groups first."

"When you go there, you must make it clear to Yangon that our negotiations this time are divided into two groups, one for civil affairs and one for military affairs, and I will not set off until you arrive in Yangon and get permission from Yangon."

"You must give them enough face."

"When you leave Myanmar, go to Thailand first. While in Thailand, you can reveal to the other party that in addition to energy, we also have anti-drug cooperation. In addition, we can also carry out military cooperation."

"Leaving Thailand, you go to Cambodia first, and then to Laos. In these two countries, cooperative projects can add transportation on the basis of Thailand."

"Finally, you first go back to Spring City to build momentum, and then go to Vietnam."

"Here in Vietnam, you, old man, are free to talk as you please."

"As for me, I'll first visit the two special zones where our oil pipeline passes, if you put enough pressure on me."

"With these two special zones, we can basically negotiate."

“Everyone can sit together, exchange interests, and make money for each other.”

"If the pressure is not enough, I will walk a second time, along your path, and press it again."

"That's the plan. Now it depends on how to implement it."

Cui Lin reached out to pick up the report on the table and read it again.

The more he looked at it, the more he felt that the young man in front of him was very suitable for joining the business department and specializing in international business negotiations.

Especially the initial intention negotiation.

After a long time, Cui Lin put down the report in his hand and once again confirmed to the young man in front of him:

"This time, our goal is to promote the construction of oil pipelines between us and Myanmar, as well as a joint cooperation agreement on commercial exchanges and cargo transportation between the six countries on the upper and lower reaches of the Lancang and Mekong Rivers."

"The energy network relying on the Lancang River is an illusory stick. Of course, this thing can also become a reality, right?"

"Yes!" Lin Yu nodded and raised the palm of his right hand. Seeing his movements, Cui Lin extended his right hand in cooperation and slapped hard.

"come on!"

"come on!"


Belvedere Port.

Lin Yu held a cup of milk tea and wandered aimlessly in the jewelry store at the entrance of the port.

The port here gives people a very easy-going feeling, which is completely different from the port from Shencheng to Xiangjiang that is like guarding against thieves.

People here are very casual.

The boundary line is the green belt between the two streets. One street belongs to China, and the other street belongs to Myanmar.

Just as he picked up a bracelet and was about to ask the price, his cell phone rang.

After casually connecting the phone, gentle Mandarin came from inside, which was even more standard than most Chinese people.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Yu, I am the person sent by General Wu Nu to pick you up."

"I have arrived at the port. Are you there?"

Listening to the voice on the phone, Lin Yu walked out of the jewelry store and immediately saw the convoy of seven or eight cars at the port.

After casually asking about the characteristics of the vehicle and confirming that it was this new convoy, Lin Yu waved his left hand and Luo Ping immediately moved over to say hello.

After a few minutes, Luo Ping retreated.

"It's them!"

"Then let's go, let them go in front, and we will follow behind."

Luo Ping walked over again and said a few words to the other party. The car in front of the other party drove out naturally and came to Lin Yu. He raised his hand to indicate that he should follow.

Soon, Lin Yu's team was also ready and quickly followed the car. The remaining cars of the Myanmar team naturally followed behind, pressing Lin Yu's team in the middle.

A convoy of more than a dozen vehicles advanced on a not-so-wide road, climbed over the mountains, and headed south. They drove more than 100 kilometers and drove for nearly 5 hours before arriving at their destination, Lashio.

In this seemingly splendid Buddhist temple, Lin Yu also saw his target this time, Wu Nu.

He was a middle-aged man who looked to be in his 40s, energetic, and wearing a green military uniform with two epaulettes on the shoulders.

Wu is not the person's surname. It is just that a pronunciation of U is added before the person's first name. The pronunciation of this U is an honorific name in Myanmar. When combined with the person's name num, it becomes Wu Nu.

After Lin Yu took the initiative to say hello, Wu Nu naturally raised his hand and pointed to the courtyard next to him. He smiled and greeted Lin Yu in a pure dialect of Dian Province:

"Mr. Lin, sit here and eat first. After eating, we can chat slowly."

"One thing cannot be rushed. Once people are anxious, problems will occur, and problems will become very troublesome."

"Here, please come this way."

After taking a seat in the courtyard for a while, beautiful-looking Kachin girls came up with local food.

They were all very normal foods, not as exotic as Lin Yu imagined.

Wu Nu held the wine glass in his left hand and chopsticks in his right hand. After two glasses of wine, he directly asked the question in his mind:

"Mr. Lin, according to your habit, you come to us directly, isn't it a bit..."

Halfway through his words, the man who controlled Northern Shan State turned his head and started chatting with a few subordinates sitting on his left.

After hearing his question, Lin Yu put down his chopsticks, looked at the people opposite him, grinned, and explained:

"General Wu Nu, don't worry about this. Before I came to you, my superior had already arrived in Yangon and received permission from Yangon."

"That's why I'm here. In terms of procedural procedures, it is impossible for us to make such low-level mistakes."

"The purpose of our coming here is the same as the message we sent you before. The main purpose is to build an oil pipeline from Belvedere, through your area, then to the area controlled by your government forces, and finally to Kyaukphyu Port. road."

"You are a special zone with a high degree of autonomy, so we think you should figure this out for yourself and decide for yourself whether you want to follow or not."

After hearing the explanation, the smile on Wu Nu's face slowly faded, and his whole face became extremely serious, with a hint of gloominess in his seriousness.

His brows furrowed into the character "Chuan" and after thinking for a long time, he locked his eyes on Lin Yu and asked in very standard Mandarin:

"Your oil pipeline passes through our territory, what benefits can we gain?"

"I am a more direct person. Many people say that I am vulgar, but I think vulgarity has its own benefits."

"So, before I make a decision, I want to ask what are the benefits to us."

Bang bang bang!

Lin Yu responded directly to Wu Nu with applause.

After applauding, he picked up the chopsticks next to him and placed them across the bowl.

"I'm also a rough guy, and I also like straightforward people."

"The cost you need to pay to build this oil pipeline is the cost of land."

"The first benefit we can pay you is the cost of the land, and the second benefit is the toll."

"In our plan, we can compensate you in three ways."

"The first type is materials. You can exchange these two parts of the cost into equal amounts of materials, including various light industrial products, heavy industrial products, rice, flour, grain and oil."

"The second type is infrastructure. We can help you build equivalent roads, bridges, hydropower stations, and thermal power stations."

"Category 3, military equipment, including but not limited to light armored vehicles, artillery, and light and heavy machine guns."

"You can choose a single method or multiple methods. As for how to choose, which one is lighter and which is heavier, it's up to you."

Wu Nu frowned even more when he heard the several ways Lin Yu said it.

His fingers kept sliding and sliding on the table. After several minutes, he reached over and asked cautiously:

“Don’t have any dollars?”

"We are China. We use RMB instead of US dollars, and we don't have that many US dollars." Lin Yu started to tell lies seriously. After speaking, he looked at the person opposite him as calmly as possible, waiting for the other person's response. Respond while also thinking about the entry point for the next sentence.

The next second, Wu Nu's voice came from the other side.

"What are the conditions for the second special zone of Kachin State?"

A very abrupt question, even a little impolite.

Lin Yu was also a little shocked.

After all, according to the information collected, the Kachin State Second Special Zone and the Northern Shan State under him are not so deal-making.

But according to Wu Nu, there are obviously unknown channels between the two forces, and there are even direct connections between high-level officials.


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