The calm words made Lu Huaxi thoughtful. As a member of the staff, he was better at fighting generals against kings in war, showing off their carriages and horses, overtly and covertly.

As long as both parties make it clear that something dirty has occurred and they want to do it with real swords and guns, he can guarantee that he can beat most people in the world.

However, now it is not a real sword or a real gun, but now everyone is overtly and covertly seeking benefits for themselves.

Will not use knives or guns.

So, that's a little bit of his blind spot.

He looked around and found a world map hanging on the wall behind Lin Yu. He simply stood up and walked over, drew on the map with his fingers, turned around, and asked Lin Yu:

"If it were you, where would you put this crude oil pipeline?"

At the desk, Lin Yu picked up a pen and came to the world map. This was a 1:100,000,000 scale, which meant that one centimeter on the map was equal to 1,000 kilometers of actual terrain.

The advantage of this scale is that it can cover global geographical features, including major rivers and mountains in the country's continents, but the disadvantage is that the details are relatively rough.

The Myanmar he discussed with Lu Huaxi was only the size of two thumbs of an adult on this map, and the entire Indochina Peninsula was only the size of an adult's palm.

Holding the pen, Lin Yu looked at the terrain on the old map for a while. Lin Yu dropped the pen to the Gulf of Myanmar and marked a point there. He wrote two words next to it, Kyaukpyu.

After writing these two words, his pen followed the map and slowly moved toward the northeast, passing through the mountains, turning north at Ren'anqiang, crossing the Inawady River at Dangbang, and walking along several mountains. The gap in the mountains finally reaches Belvedere in China.

This section of the line passes through three forces in Myanmar, namely the Myanmar authorities, the Shan State Fifth Special Administrative Region, and the Kachin State Second Special Administrative Region.

The black lines, drawn across the colored map, look more conspicuous and brighter.

After drawing the lines, Lin Yu crossed his hands and responded with a smile:

"The Kachin State Second Special Administrative Region and the Shan State Fifth Special Administrative Region are relatively powerful independent armed forces in Myanmar. They, as well as the Myanmar government forces, are afraid of each other."

"We are cooperating with Myanmar to build such a crude oil pipeline, which means putting a bomb and the bomb's remote control switch into the hands of these three gangs."

"If it were just a simple bomb, then these people might press the switch without any scruples, but our crude oil pipeline will bring them profits."

"In the face of interests, no one can stop them. At this time, the crude oil pipeline has become a bomb to check and balance the three gangs."

"Whoever causes problems above will be attacked by the other two people for legitimate reasons."

"Especially for the Myanmar government forces, they would even like to hear about problems with the crude oil pipeline, because if there is a problem, they can use the excuse of Vapucheng."

"Except for the Myanmar government forces, the crude oil pipeline belongs to us. If something goes wrong with our stuff, then we must find a responsible person."

"This is our attitude. Under the double blow, this side should be able to calm down a little."

Listening to Lin Yu's explanation, Lu Huaxi kept crossing his fingers on the map. The more he crossed his fingers, the more regretful the expression on his face became.

It would be great if these independent armed forces were on the same line. This crude oil pipeline passed over the heads of these people, and they could all be pulled together, grabbing each other's remote controls and staring at the bombs in front of them.

If there are concerns about each other, they will be more inclined to seek common ground.

Then we can calm down a little bit here.

What a pity, what a pity.

God doesn't help.

The feeling that everything depends on people and everything depends on God emerged at this moment, making the old man couldn't help but sigh.

After sighing for about 10 minutes, Lu Huaxi stood up straight, turned back to look at Lin Yu, and asked:

"Your plan is very good. For Shan State's Fifth Special Administrative Region and Kachin State's Second Special Administrative Region, this oil pipeline passes through their territory. There is a high chance that they will agree."

"Because it can bring them a lot of income, and with this income, they can arm themselves."

"But for Myanmar, this plan is not good, because it is tantamount to siding with the enemy. They have always wanted to kill the local armed forces and then kill them quickly. This kind of scheming against the enemy is unlikely to be approved internally. Very little sex.”

"Furthermore, it is unlikely that the armed forces next to these two special zones will stand by and watch this plan pass."

"The bigger problem is how to bring these groups of people together and make them make concessions to each other."

"According to past negotiation habits, this job will not be completed within three to five years."

Seeing Lu Huaxi's shaking head, Lin Yu had a sinister smile on his face. Then he picked up a pen and lightly drew a line on the Nu River and the Lancang River near the boundary line.

As these two lines were drawn, Lu Huaxi's face wrinkled into a bitter melon.

Water is the source of life. From ancient times to the present, there have been many fights over water every year, both at home and abroad.

The Nu River is winding and winding, with only Myanmar downstream, and there are five countries in the lower reaches of the Lancang River. If the river is blocked, the five countries below will definitely fight.

This... is a little too hurtful.

But... there is still a little bit of excitement.


After drawing the line, Lin Yu has been paying attention to Lu Huaxi's expression. Seeing the old man's face relax and then frown, he couldn't help laughing.

This laughter also made Lu Huaxi recover from his entanglement. He moved forward a step, half of his body leaned against the wall, looked at the person in front of him, and asked coldly:

"Tell me, what bad idea are you kid planning? Let me make it clear first, don't mention anything that hurts people."

"We should be upright as human beings."

"I know!" Lin Yu waved the hand holding the pen gently, and then took the pen and wrote two words on the map.


"Plan, plan, I'm just planning. Before planning, as a normal person, I have to inform my neighbors."

"Because of the serious energy shortage in our southwest region, we need to build several large hydropower stations to ensure energy supply."

"At the same time, put the oil pipeline on the agenda. If everyone is good, I am good, then we are all good."

"If some people only care about their own immediate interests and ignore the interests of friendly countries, then no one will be good."

"And we can also make a fuss about the incident in Vietnam two days ago."

"It was obviously our idea that was first proposed, but Japan and South Korea intercepted it halfway. This is You can't blame us. "

"The bomb and remote control on the oil pipeline are in the hands of Myanmar and independent armed forces inside Myanmar."

"And this bomb and remote control are in the hands of the five countries in Indochina. It depends on whether they choose to press it or work together. "

"This time, we can actually bring all the countries upstream and downstream of the Lancang and Mekong Rivers together and have a good chat."

"Let's talk about the personnel exchanges and material trade between each other."

While Lin Yu explained, Lu Huaxi also raised his eyes and looked at the blue line on the Indochina Peninsula. The line stretched for thousands of kilometers and connected the six countries together.

It also connected the troubles of the six countries together.

If the troubles here can be solved, even if only part of it, it can greatly ease the pressure on national defense. At that time, we can draw out some energy and put it in the western region and in India.

I can't figure out what kind of brains those Indian dogs have.

After a long time, Lu Huaxi took his eyes off the map, turned around, looked at Lin Yu with a gentle gaze, and said:

"Actually, it was Cui Lin's idea to come to you to talk about these things."

"The last time you talked about Vietnam, it happened that the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Transportation were preparing to talk about the personnel and trade exchanges and material transportation on the Lancang River and the Mekong River with the five countries in the Indochina Peninsula."

"In view of your performance in the previous negotiation with Namibia, the Ministry of Commerce adopted your suggestion."

"That's why Cui Lin went to Vietnam, which was actually a test."

"He is still in Chuncheng now, sorting out relevant information, and preparing to go to the Indochina Peninsula again in two days."

"Somehow, he I thought of you."

"So he contacted Lao Zhou, and Lao Zhou asked me to come to you. If you have a unique view on the Indochina Peninsula, then you and Cui Lin will go to the Indochina Peninsula to negotiate."

"If not, then you should quickly build the ship."

"Now it seems that your view is very unique."

"So... are you free?"

Listening to Lu Huaxi's words and being stared at by the other party, Lin Yu felt like ants were crawling all over his body. He reached out and scratched his vest. He asked carefully:

"Is this time private or..."

"Official!" Lu Huaxi nodded vigorously and repeated: "Cui Lin means that this time, you are his deputy. "


It's okay. If the sky falls and trouble comes, there is still Cui Lin in front of him. It's very good.

But Lin Yu did not agree immediately, but continued to look at the floor in a timid manner. After a long time, he raised his head and asked in a very low voice:

"Can I sell the equipment?"

The sudden question made Lu Huaxi stunned for a moment, and then he slowly turned his head and locked his eyes with Lin Yu.

Just now, I was still wondering why Lin Yu seemed to agree to it. Now it seems that he is also a little bastard who does not get up early without profit.

It is a mess over there, and there must be a demand for weapons, but it depends on who to sell them to.

Forget it, don't worry about these problems.

Throwing out the unnecessary questions from his mind, Lu Huaxi's face was stern, looking at Lin Yu, and whispered:

"You can't sell that missile of yours!"

"That's a rocket!" Lin Yu argued loudly, but in just 5 words, his voice went from high to low, and by the last word, he was completely silent.

Completely turned into a quail.

Seeing him like this, Lu Huaxi sighed and reminded him again: "You can't sell your rocket!"

"As long as you don't sell this thing, you can sell other things."

"It's good for us to pull neighboring countries into our military equipment system, but I hope you remember that the premise of doing so is that the other party will not threaten our security."

Hearing that he could sell equipment and the concerns of the person in front of him, Lin Yu straightened his chest, patted it hard, and promised loudly: "Don't worry, old man!"

"I promise that I can pull these countries into our military equipment system."

This sentence made Lu Huaxi roll his eyes.

This little bastard is playing word games again.

However, in the past one or two years, the exchanges between them also made Lu Huaxi know Lin Yu inside out.

He knew that the other party would not do anything out of line, so he simply did not continue to dwell on the mistakes in his words.

He turned his head to look at the map, then moved his eyes away from the map, patted his butt, sat back at the tea table next to him, picked up the teapot, and poured himself a cup of cold tea.

The warm tea went down his throat, soothing his dry throat.

After sitting on the sofa for a while, Lu Huaxi raised his head and said:

"Since you have made up your mind, I will contact Cui Lin and ask him to synchronize the relevant information to you, and then you should prepare early and go there early."

"Then arrange your life for me. I will visit your Rheinsteel Satellite R\u0026D Center and Rocket R\u0026D Center in the next few days, and finally go to the shipyard."

Hearing this, Lin Yu took a half step back, blinked his eyes, and carefully asked: "Old man, you are not here to release military power with a cup of wine, right?"

Faced with the questioning voice, Lu Huaxi chose to respond with practical actions. He turned around and looked around the sofa. He didn't find any weapons, so he could only turn his head, raise his hand and point to the door, and shouted to Lin Yu: "Get out! A dog can't spit out ivory!"


Yunnan Province, Spring City.

There is a line in the lyrics, you are in the bright sun in the south, and it is snowing heavily, while I am in the cold night in the north, and it is spring all year round.

This line can be used to describe most of the north and south regions of China.

The main reason is that there is heating in the north, while in the south, most people rely on shivering to survive the winter.

But there is an exception, that is Chuncheng in Yunnan Province.

The cold air in the north moves south, and the hot air in the south moves north, forming a quasi-stationary front in Guizhou Province, northeast of Chuncheng.

The warm air stays in Chuncheng, making Chuncheng like spring all year round.

And the wet and cold condensed water is all in Guizhou Province.

Under this premise, people in Chuncheng can wear only one piece of clothing in winter.

It also makes the air here particularly fresh.

Cui Lin leaned against the window, enjoying the rare leisure time at work. His teammates were coming, and the burden on his shoulders could be slightly relieved.

After drinking a cup of tea, when he was about to return to his position to continue reading the information, his mobile phone rang.

Seeing the unfamiliar number on it, he couldn't help but feel a little confused.

After all, this is a work number.

Those who can call in should all be acquaintances.

With doubts in his mind, he dialed the number: "Hello, who is this?"

"Minister Cui, I, Lin Yu, have arrived at Chuncheng Airport. Where are you?"

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