When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 419 The mission was not halfway through but the mission was completed! (The third update!)

"Danzhu, what is it that makes you, the Minister of Commerce, personally call me, the leader of the local armed forces?"

"Could we be planning to restrict the import and export of our supplies again, right? If that's the case, there's no need for you to call me, you can just do it."

"Anyway, you are familiar with doing this kind of thing. It doesn't make any difference if you do it one more time or one less time."


"It's strange that you would come to me for something else? Could it be that Su He is about to die? Are you ready to take refuge in me?"

"Let me tell you first, I don't have much here, so I won't have a good place for you when you come here."

"No? You want to know what China gave us during the negotiations on the oil pipeline?"

"No...is there something wrong with your brain? Isn't it clearly written in the negotiation document?"

"You didn't look carefully?"

"NMLGB! I've passed up. After reading it, you tell me your conditions first, and I'll tell you mine."

Wu Nu put down the phone, turned around with a smile, looked at the staff beside him, shook the phone in his hand, and asked:

"We might as well guess whether the people in the military government agree with this or not."

"Judging from Danzhu's reaction on the phone, I guess they will agree to this. After all, there is no harm in this matter for them."

"The only downside is that some of the money falls into the hands of us and the bird people in Kachin State, which will make them very unhappy."

Listening to his boss's words, the staff in front of him frowned subconsciously.

After thinking for a long time, his face lit up, and he quickly came to Wu Nu's side and said, "Could it be that the conditions given to them by the Chinese side are different from ours, and then those bastards from the military government would agree to this?"

"I don't know!" Wu Nu stretched out, lay leisurely on the chair, closed his eyes and continued:

"Just wait a moment for Danzhu to synchronize the news."

"By the way, where are our friends? What are they doing?"

The friend Wu Nu mentioned was naturally Lin Yu.

As the commander of the fifth special zone of Northern Shan State, Wu Nu was very confident in the area he controlled, so he gave Lin Yu permission to allow his friend from afar to wander freely in the Lashio area.

When this person was mentioned suddenly, a hint of hesitation appeared on the staff member's face, but after a while, he finally revealed Lin Yu's whereabouts.

"Shopping for food."

"I ate from the south of the city to the north of the city, and then from the north to the east. I really can't understand why this person is so good at eating."

"The bodyguards following him are more edible than him."

On the other side, at the edge of the golf course in the west of Lashio City, Lin Yu and Luo Ping were sitting at the entrance of the golf course, holding grasshopper skewers in each hand, leisurely watching the people coming in and out of the course.

After looking at it for a while, Luo Ping looked away, finished the grasshopper skewers in his hands in two mouthfuls, and asked Lin Yu:

"Director, I don't quite understand why you traveled across half the city to see it after hearing about the golf course here."

"This thing is boring. You don't want to go in and fight."

Lin Yu, who was squatting on the ground at his feet, stuffed the grasshopper skewers into his mouth, flicked them off, clapped his hands, sat down on the ground, looked at the golf course gate and said:

"International business negotiation is actually about being a lobbyist. When you are a lobbyist, you need to know what the other party needs."

"I still haven't collected enough information. If I knew there was a golf course here, I would have brought a gift to Wu Nu."

"At least it's a good piece of porcelain from Jingdezhen."

Luo Ping blinked at the golf course gate, his eyes full of curiosity.

On the golf course, when he was working as a bodyguard for Awad, Awad's favorite achievement to show off was golf.

But it is a pity that the people at Rheinland Defense only care about money and have no interest in so-called golf.

Now that our factory director has mentioned this thing again, it means there is something wrong with this thing.

But even if there were problems again, he could not connect this stadium with this business negotiation.

Isn't this thing just a sports ground after all?

Besides sports, what else can you do in the sports field?

Looking away from the entrance, he asked softly: "Do you have any explanation?"

"There's no explanation!" Lin Yu patted his butt and stood up, turned around and walked towards the center of the city. As he walked, he explained:

“Golf courses take time, money, effort, and tons of water to maintain.”

"The bottom line is that the people at the top here have a better standard of living than we know."

"The horizons and habits are naturally different, and the way we treat them also needs to be different."

"Let's go back and have a rest first, wait for the news from Yangon, and then go see Wu Nu later."


"Oh! It turns out that our conditions are the same. I thought that as a military government, you would get more favorable conditions."

"To be honest, I really want to know why your military government agreed to this. This is not your style."

"Cut off the Nu River?"

"Holy shit, are they crazy?"

"Our attitude? What attitude can we have? As a backward, weak and helpless local armed force, what do you think I can do?"

"Okay, since you all agreed, then naturally we won't bother you. This oil pipeline can pass through our fifth special zone."

Putting down the phone with a smile, Wu Nu's smiling face immediately turned gloomy, but the gloominess only lasted for more than ten seconds before it turned into a bitter smile.

He walked out of the courtyard with a wry smile, walked to the pagoda of this temple, looked at the pagoda and sighed.

At this time, the staff who had been following him asked: "Commander, what method did China use to get the military government to agree to their conditions?"

"Nothing, Yang Mou." Wu Nu shook his head, raised his head, looked at the clouds above his head and said:

"They clearly told the people in the military government that the southwest region lacks energy and oil pipelines pass through it. Everyone can develop together and live in peace."

"If not, then they will prioritize their own development, and other people will be none of their business."

"Under this premise, they are preparing to cut off the Nu River and Lancang River."

U Nu's words were full of sadness.

After speaking, without waiting for the reaction of the staff below, he walked directly towards the hotel where Lin Yu was staying.

He walked steadily.

With every step he took, his body straightened a little. After taking a few dozen steps, he transformed from an ordinary man, U Nu, into the commander of the fifth special zone of Northern Shan State, U Nu.

Although the intelligence shows that these people are still hanging around outside, it is time to take a stand. To take a stand, you must have an attitude of your own.

At the very least, we must get enough benefits from this incident.

When Lin Yu returned to the hotel, Wu Nu had been waiting for a long time. He was sitting on the sofa, supporting his head with one hand and holding the document in the other, thinking about it carefully.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu also knew that it was time to announce the result of this negotiation.

There was no expression on his face. He came very calmly and sat down opposite Wu Nu. He raised his hand to indicate to the other party to speak first.

With his permission, Wu Nu sat up straight, the laziness on his face disappeared and became extremely serious.

Looking at the young man in front of him, he whispered: "After these few days of internal deliberations, I will now formally convey our response to you."

"Your oil pipeline can pass through the area we control, and we will fully cooperate with your construction work."

"We fully agree with the conditions you mentioned. Now let me tell you our conditions."

"With the three methods you gave us, we decided to obtain 40% of the equipment, 30% of the supplies, and 30% of the infrastructure."

"We agree to your additional anti-drug conditions."

"If you have needs, we can hold hands with additional memorandums of cooperation."

"Finally, I have one more condition, that is, if the military government attacks us during this cooperation, I hope you will come forward to mediate."

"May I?"

Regarding the last suddenly proposed condition, Lin Yu frowned and thought for a moment, stood up, walked out of the hotel with the phone, and found an empty room to make a call.

A few minutes later, he returned to Wu Nu, nodded slightly, and said:

"Our friendship with Myanmar is everlasting and no one can destroy our friendship, including Myanmar itself."

After hearing this, Wu Nu showed a knowing smile on his face. After smiling, he stood up decisively and prepared to invite Lin Yu to have dinner first.

After dinner, we will slowly sign the memorandum of cooperation tomorrow.

However, just when he was about to speak, his staff appeared next to him in a hurry, holding a satellite phone:

"General, those bastards from the Kachin State Second District called."

With a twitching face, Wu Nu apologized to Lin Yu and walked to the side with the satellite phone, ready to see what those bastards in Kachin State were planning to do by calling at this time.



The capital of Kachin State in Myanmar, during World War II, it was an important strategic point and the most important point on the Stilwell Highway.

After Myanmar's independence, it became the capital of the Kachin State's Second Special Administrative Region, which is controlled by the Kachin ethnic group.

Of course, this place is basically under a military government.

In the commander's office, Danta, the commander of the Second Special Zone, held a satellite phone in his hand and was waiting for a response from the person on the other side.

After a while, when the familiar voice came from the receiver, Danta directly explained the purpose of his call:

"I heard that the negotiation team for the oil pipeline in China has a team with you, right?"

"You don't have to pretend you don't know. We are all decent people. You have to let me expose your background, right?"

"If you want to get money safely, then give this satellite phone to the person in charge of the negotiation team."

"You can choose not to pay, but before you make this choice, I hope you understand that if an oil pipeline breaks down at both ends every three days and there is a problem, then you may not get the money."

"That's right! After all, we are all members of the same country. How can we distinguish ourselves?"

"You're really a bastard for talking behind my back."



Listening to the curse words coming from the phone, Wu Nu had the intention to curse back, but when he thought that his quick words would eventually cause his cooked duck to fly away, he immediately lost his mind, turned around, and turned the satellite The phone was sent to Lin Yu and he explained:

"That fool from Kachin State, he said he wanted to talk to you about the oil pipeline."

"I think it was the military government who leaked this news to him, and then planned to use this fool to destroy this cooperation."

"To be honest, you have a lot of people. For this kind of project that crosses multiple regions, you should either send only one group or three groups. Why send two groups?"

Lin Yu didn't listen to a word of Wu Nu's teachings. Now his mind is full of doubts and curiosity.

After all, according to the information collected before, the Kachin people are basically conservative people, so they will also put Kachin State after Northern Shan State for negotiation.

The purpose is naturally to leave enough time for Northern Shan State, which has already agreed, and the Myanmar military government to exert extreme pressure.

But now, the other party actually called directly.

This is a little subtle.

Taking the phone and walking to the side, Lin Yu cleared his throat and spoke to the satellite phone in the gentlest voice possible:

"Hello, who is this?"

"My name is Ta, you can call me Danta, I am the ruler of the Second Special Region of Kachin State, I heard that you are in the Fifth Special Region of Northern Shan State, discussing an oil pipeline with those inhuman guys."

"And this oil pipeline needs to pass through our area."

"Now, I don't know what their attitudes are, but I will state first that this oil pipeline can pass through our territory."

"Of course, we are all smart people. In addition to the conditions you gave to the military and the Fifth Special Region, I need an additional condition. ”

“Don’t rush to refuse, sir. Let me finish my conditions first.”

“This condition is that I need you to help Kachin State build a power system.”

“You don’t need to pay for the construction of this power system. I know you are short of resources, especially potassium, and we happen to have potassium mines here. When you mine potassium mines, the mineral resources you mine can be used to offset the cost of this power system.”

“As for the military government, we have reached an agreement with them. They will take a part of the dry shares and will not interfere with our cooperation.”

“So, this is a win-win situation. What do you think?”

On the other side of the phone, Lin Yu held the satellite phone and couldn’t come back to his senses for a long time.


After digesting this news, Lin Yu said softly to the phone in a calm tone:

"Mr. Danta is so straightforward. If we are hesitant, it will be too ungenerous."

"Well, I have just finished discussing the relevant conditions with Wu Nu, and we will formally sign the memorandum of cooperation in the next two days."

"After the memorandum of cooperation is signed, I will come to Kachin State immediately to have a long talk with you."

"You can also take advantage of these two days to make a plan for the corresponding power system, and then we can talk about it in detail."


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