
After listening to Cui Lin's calm words, Danzhu only felt angry in his heart. He wanted to curse, but he put down the hands he raised several times.

Swearing won't solve any problems. Instead, it will make you look very stingy. At the same time, it will push the situation that can be eased into the abyss where it shouldn't be.

Holding the document in his hand, Danzhu looked at the person in front of him, and a battle between heaven and man began in his mind.

I cannot make the decision on this matter, or in other words, no one in the country can make the decision.

At least all the senior management should be brought together to meet and make targeted decisions.

I have a decision in my mind.

Danzhu took a deep breath, put the documents in his hands on the table, sat back on the chair calmly, looked calmly at the opposite person, looking at the person with a smile on his face, and asked:

"Mr. Cui, you just said that you came here to talk about three things, one is the oil pipeline, and the other is the power stations on several major rivers."

"What about the third thing?"

"Since we are negotiating business, we should be honest, open our hearts, and have a good chat."

"What do you think?"

Danzhu's reaction and calm words made Cui Lin couldn't help but think highly of him. It was very rare for these people in Indochina to be able to show their emotions and anger without expressing their emotions.

For example, in Vietnam next door, people there are born in the year of the dog, and their faces change quickly, and they can show their teeth at anyone they catch.

Can't hide things at all.

Moreover, the purpose of coming here this time is not to fight. When it is time to relax, it is time to relax. Relaxation is the right way.

He reached out to summon his subordinate, who naturally took out the last document from the briefcase and gently placed it in Cui Lin's hand.

He took it casually and turned the cover of the document so that the cover of the document was facing Danzhu. After the person opposite turned his attention, Cui Lin said:

"The third thing is the Indochina Free Trade Zone I just mentioned."

"Over the years, we have been committed to the development of friendly cooperation and jointly building cooperative trade."

"But the progress has never been ideal, so we just thought of taking this opportunity to put it forward together."

"If there is progress, everyone will be happy."

"No progress..." Cui Lin stopped talking mid-sentence, then raised his head and sighed to the sky:

"If there is no progress, there will be no progress."

His long sigh seemed to be relief.

But when it falls into Danzhu’s ears, it’s not that wonderful.

Are free trade zones a good thing?

is a good thing.

The trade led by Europe and the United States is unilateral and blood-sucking. In the trade led by China, at least everyone can eat and drink well, and in the end, they can also wear decent clothes.

But the problem is that national conditions are different.

The countries in Indochina are, more or less, former colonies of England and France. When they became independent, they were not completely liquidated.

Even though there are too many people in Cambodia, the liquidation has not been completed.

Under this premise, the situation that resulted was that within each country, there were many old and young people who were in power during the reign of England and France.

These leftovers, old and young, judge the overall international situation.

In a word, they are generally pro-European and American.

As for the father next to them who has been around for thousands of years, and the big brother who has been there for decades, a group of people just hope that Big Brother will quickly follow the old path of the Soviet Union, and then everyone will jump out and claim to be the heirs to Big Brother's mantle.

However, the document in hand is another super bomb.

A super bomb hanging over Myanmar's head.

As for the two documents on the table, they are two sweet dates.

It’s up to them whether to eat the bomb or the sweet date, or whether to eat the bomb first and then the sweet date.

After sitting on the chair for a while, Danzhu let out a heavy breath like a deflated rubber ball and said:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cui Lin, the three things you mentioned are relatively big and are beyond the scope of my responsibilities."

"Now, I need to take these documents to see our General Su He."

"So, our meeting today ends here. However, we will not keep you waiting for too long. We will give you a reply the day after tomorrow at most."

"Feel sorry!"

After saying his apology, Danzhu took all three documents in his hands and asked the people below to see him off.

Cui Lin also stood up naturally and left with the people.

After watching people leave at a window, Danzhu did not dare to neglect and rushed to the presidential palace as quickly as possible with three documents.

At this time, Myanmar did not have a president, only a military junta in power.

When they saw Danzhu appearing in the office of Su He, the leader of the military government, a group of people from the military government immediately surrounded him and asked repeatedly:

"What do they want to do?"

"Has the outcome been reached?"

"What's going on?"

"Speak, are you mute?"

In the end, Su He pushed through the crowd and came to Danzhu. He looked at the three documents in Danzhu's arms, thought for a moment, and then handed over his hand.

Danzhu naturally handed over the document in his hand.

Taking the file and taking a glance at it, Su He found that it was in English. Su He showed a fucked-up expression, and then threw the file to Danzhu:

"Tell me, what are the things in here?"

After getting the documents again, Danzhu did not speak immediately. Instead, he took three documents, walked to the desk next to him, and arranged the three documents in order.

First, he held up the document of the oil pipeline and said: "This is an initiative of China, which is to build an oil pipeline in our country, starting from Kyaukphyu Port, through our territory to their domestic Belvedere."

"To alleviate the energy supply pressure in their southwest region."

"They give money."

“However, this pipeline passes through Northern Shan State’s Fifth District and Kachin State’s Second District, so China will also give them money.”

After hearing the first few sentences, especially when they heard about giving money, everyone in the military government smiled happily, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, the expressions of the group of people changed instantly.

Military governments are often accompanied by corruption and abuse of violence.

The group of people present were naturally no exception.

Regarding the civilian armed forces in the north, the attitude of a group of people in the military government is to seize every opportunity and find ways to weaken the opponent until they are killed.

Even in history, this group of people even played the Hongmen Banquet, inviting the leaders of the local armed groups in the north to Yangon and then killing them all.

Now, when the neighbors next door come to give money, they welcome it with both hands.

However, if the people collecting money also include the local armed forces in the north, then they will not be welcomed.

Su He's face also changed from a smile to a dark cloud, but his many years in power still prevented him from cursing.

Closing his eyes and taking a breath, he raised his hand and pointed at the second document in the middle: "What about this one?"

"A bomb!" Dan Zhu said concisely.

The next second, people from the military government swarmed out of the office. Unfortunately, the door was too small, so only two of them could pass through together.

Seeing them scrambling, Su He couldn't help but sigh, put his right hand on his forehead, and asked with a painful look on his face:

"Just a metaphor, right?"

"Yeah!" Danzhu nodded.

After receiving confirmation, Su He turned around and shouted to the people outside the door: "Everyone, come in. This is just a metaphor, not a real bomb."

When people outside the door started to walk in one after another, he pointed at the document again: "Tell me, what exactly is going on?"

"In this document, China plans to block the Yarlung Zangbo River, Nu River, and Lancang River. They also said that if the technology is not enough now, they will build hydropower stations first. When the technology is enough, we will talk about other things." Danzhu said these contents in calm words. .

After hearing the content clearly, the people in the military government couldn't help but take a deep breath.


This TND is really a bomb, a super bomb.

The Nu River is cut off.

The lands along the way were half-abandoned.

Rainfall in the rainy season can guarantee part of the flow, but only part of it.

The Salween River Delta at the lowermost reaches was completely destroyed.

Because there are no rivers to replenish enough underground fresh water, seawater will flow back, and within a few years, the originally fertile Salween River Delta will turn into a saline-alkali land.

Doing so will undoubtedly give a severe blow to Myanmar's economy, which is not a wealthy country. It is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

"Are they crazy?" One of the older major generals asked, his eyes full of disbelief.

"Maybe he's really crazy."

"But even if you are crazy, there is no need to be like this, right? In addition to us, there are four countries in the lower reaches of the Lancang River! Especially Vietnam, the output of the Mekong Delta accounts for 60% of their country's output, and more than half of their country's population is there. They will fight hard!"

"If it were you and you were talking to the people around you, but they ignored you and made trouble for you, would you continue to talk to them? As for Vietnam, they have to be capable, right? ?”

The speaker's question seemed to be in response to others, but in fact, everyone present knew that this sentence was also asking them.

A group of people looked at each other with lowered brows, and finally, they unanimously chose to turn their attention to Su He.

When the sky falls, a tall man holds it up.

Look, here comes the opportunity for the boss to step up.

Feeling the eyes of others, Su He did not express his position, but focused on the third document. This time, he took the initiative to pick up the document.

He is not a mud-legged person.

He has received a complete education and is naturally proficient in English, but he is just too lazy to use it.

It took him about ten minutes to read this document, and then picked up the other two documents and read them from beginning to end.

This time, it took about an hour.

After reading it, he rubbed his sore temples and said calmly to the others present: "These three documents, the oil pipeline is real, and the free trade zone is also real."

"This interception can be real or fake, depending on our attitude."

Hearing this, a colonel in the crowd stuck his head out, looked at Su He, and asked with surprise:

"Ah? General, is this really possible? Is the technology possible?"

When asked what to say, Su He moved the hand that was rubbing his temples to the bridge of his nose. He used a handbag to rub his eye acupoints while answering:

"On December 27 last year, construction of the eastern route of their country's South-to-North Water Diversion Project started."

"And this plan has been exactly 50 years since it was first proposed in 1952!"

"In other words, they spent 80% of your life here planning a project."

"We can bet that they won't implement it now, but we can't bet that they won't do it in five, ten, or even twenty years."

"Or as Danzhu said, they just need to build hydropower stations upstream of the river."

"We just need to follow India's example to Bangladesh, which cuts off water during the dry season and releases water during the rainy season, which will be enough for us to drink a pot of water."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present took a few steps back involuntarily.

Cruel people, this is the real cruel person.

50 years!

How many fifty years does a person have?

How many fifty years does a country have?

But in the country next door, they spent fifty years planning a project. Well, it was just for fun.

Surprised, these people from the military government subconsciously crossed their eyes and prepared to use their accustomed methods to solve the problem.

However, a group of people looked at each other and found that no one stood up and spoke.

After a long time, one of them stood up, put his hand on his neck, and cautiously asked, "How about it?"

His hand slid gently along with his words.

Facing these incompetent subordinates, Su He couldn't help but slap himself in the face. The slap slowly passed across his face. At the same time, he also gave a response that hit his soul:

"Who among you is going to deal with the local armed forces in the north?"

When asked this deep-soul question, a group of people immediately became silent and began to look left and right, pretending not to hear these words.

Myanmar can be divided into Upper Myanmar and Lower Myanmar.

Upper Burma, those fragmented parts of northern Burma.

Lower Myanmar is the area in southern Myanmar, relying on the deltas of the Irrawaddy and Salween rivers.

The two gangs have not been able to deal with each other since ancient times, and coupled with the great lack of virtue of the English, the hatred between the two sides is getting worse day by day.

When it comes to targeting each other, neither side has much psychological burden.

The actual control area of ​​​​the military government barely reached Taunggyi, and it was violent for a generation.

Unfortunately, there are still more than 100 kilometers of mountain roads between these places and the border between China and Myanmar.

Even if the local armed forces in Upper Myanmar and the military government in Lower Myanmar have reconciled in the past two years, they can barely live together. If the army is suddenly mobilized, the local armed forces in Upper Myanmar will definitely be the first to refuse.

God knows if you guys who are imitating Hongmen Banquet want to come to Hongmen again...

No, it’s a false Taoist expedition against Guo.

For a moment, a group of people from the military government looked at each other, sitting together and beating each other up.

And their laughter reached Su He's ears, which convinced Su He that he had to find a group of teammates and cultivate a new group of confidants.

Otherwise, sooner or later, you will be tricked to death by these fools.

He closed his eyes and shook his head. After recognizing his situation clearly, he turned around, looked at the people around him and said:

“In their documents, it is said that the pipeline will pass through Kachin State’s Second District and Northern Shan State’s Fifth District.”

"In the previous note document, they also said that they also had a team that went to the Fifth Special Zone of Northern Shan State first."

"Now, contact these two civilian armed people and ask them for details."

"Finally, send the news to Danzhu."

"Danzhu, I've passed the oil pipeline matter here, but you need to get more benefits back to me."

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