When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 417 I am here to say three things! (First update!)


It was called Daguang in ancient times and was renamed Yangon in 1977, which means the end of the war.

In 1852, after the second Anglo-Burmese War, the area controlled by England took Yangon as its capital. In 1948, Myanmar declared its independence and designated it as its capital.

On November 6, 2005, Myanmar officially moved its capital to Naypyitaw.

Yangon is the richest Inrwaddy River Delta in Myanmar, where the Yangon River and the Pathein River meet, and the river flows majestically toward the Andaman Sea 37 kilometers away.

It has also made this the largest port in Myanmar and the most fertile place.

In the city center, in the government office building on the edge of Inya Lake.

Cui Lin sat carelessly on the sofa, leaning to the left, looking at the person opposite with a smile on his face.

Opposite him is Myanmar's Minister of Commerce Danzhu. At this moment, Minister Danzhu is holding a document in his hand and reading it carefully. However, while he is reading, he is sighing.

It seems that the document in his hand is very inconsistent with his wishes, but he cannot say it in person because of his face.

The rich expressions on his face were all seen by Cui Lin.

Having been involved in the international community for many years, Cui Lin naturally knows that most senior officials of a country will not show such expressions unless they encounter a very urgent situation.

Especially in East and Southeast Asia.

The people here are all human beings, and they can become monkeys if they stick on their hair.

The guy in front of him kept showing this expression, which was actually a silent way of rejecting himself.

But the question is, if I don't answer the call and I don't cooperate when I should cooperate with you in your performance, how should you respond?

The more he looked at Danzhu in front of him, the bigger the smile on Cui Lin's face became.

Later, these smiles of his were reflected back into Danzhu's eyes, which made the Minister of Commerce even more confused.

Danzhu put down the document in his hand, picked up the tea and took a sip. Then, he took the document again and started reading from the first page.

This time, his sighs were gone.

turned into praise.

It’s just that the content of the praise has become the word usage on the document.

"This word is well used! This sentence is well used. This sentence is so beautiful."

Throughout the article, there is no explanation of the issues in the document.

Moreover, while praising these words, Danzhu kept glancing at the person opposite him with his peripheral vision.

Facing this slick guy, Cui Lin rolled his eyes, moved his neck, picked up the tea and took a sip, and his expression also switched to disgust at the moment he drank the water.

This subtle change was captured by Danzhu, who had been paying attention. He finally found an opportunity to change the subject, and he naturally would not let it go.

He quickly put down the document in his hand, pushed it to the side, stood up, and asked Cui Lin with concern on his face: "Minister Cui, are you feeling unwell? Why don't we stop here for today's meeting? I'll ask our doctor to help you first." Take a look."

His concern was all noticed by Cui Lin.

All this is part of the plan.

Slowly raising his head, Cui Lin twisted his neck again, picked up the tea on the table and took another sip, the disgust on his face getting heavier and heavier:

"It's not a physical problem, it's a tea problem."

"This tea has a strange smell and is not good tea. If Myanmar joins us in building the China-Myanmar-Indochina Free Trade Zone, I think Minister Danzhu will bring out the tea to entertain guests next time."

"It won't taste so bad."

After saying that, Cui Lin went straight to it and fiddled with the tea bag in the bag with his fingers. After discovering that it was tea foam, the disgust on his face became even heavier:

"Is it Sri Lankan black tea?"

"The English stole varieties of tea, but they didn't have the corresponding tea products. It was really hard for them."

After being disgusted, Cui Lin raised his head, only to find that Danzhu stretched out his hands as if he had been subjected to a body-holding technique. The fake smile on his face remained unchanged, but his whole body did not move.

Sensing the gaze of the person in front of him, Danzhu let out a sigh of relief, sat back on the sofa, and pushed the documents on the table in front of Cui Lin.

Shaking his head, he said:

"Mr. Cui Lin, regarding your idea of ​​building an oil pipeline in our country."

"From a personal standpoint, I am very happy to see this matter come to fruition. After all, having a strong neighbor is also a good thing for us."

“But from Myanmar’s standpoint, no.”

"Because, to Myanmar, these independent armed forces in northern Myanmar are traitors and enemies."

"Although we now follow your example and give them special zone treatment, in the final analysis, they are enemies."

"If your oil pipeline passes over their heads, they will be given tolls. This is actually a disguised form of funding the enemy."

"So, it is impossible for me to agree to this idea, and it is impossible for any Burmese with conscience to agree to it."

"So, please come back!"

Faced with these tough words, Cui Lin still smiled and asked the person opposite: "No need to discuss? No final consideration? A Burmese with conscience will not agree with you. Bar?"

Faced with a smile, Danzhu waved his hand: "No need to discuss!"

His decisive words and serious expression completely blocked Cui Lin's remaining words.

Hearing this, Cui Lin could only sigh.

With a helpless pout, he reached out to take the document on the table and waved to the subordinate standing not far away. The subordinate came over with a briefcase in his arms.

After standing in front of Cui Lin, the subordinate took out another document from the briefcase in his hand, and at the same time, took the plan for the oil pipeline from Cui Lin.

The subordinate stepped back, Cui Lin put the document in his hand on the table, gently pushed it in front of Dan Zhu, and said with a smile:

"I came here to talk about only three things."

"The first one is finished, now the second one."

Another document almost made Dan Zhu, who had a serious expression just now, unable to hold back.

He didn't know what the friend in front of him was up to, so he could only look back and forth between Cui Lin and the document. He didn't wait until Cui Lin raised his hand to signal him to look at the document, and then he reluctantly picked up the document and read it carefully.

"Electricity Survey in Southwest China and Development and Energy Use Plan for the Next 20 Years in Southwest China"

Seeing the name, Danzhu couldn't help but tilt his head and look out of the page to look at the person opposite.

This is obviously a future infrastructure plan for China.

This kind of document should be a top secret document before it is released. How could he bring it to Myanmar?

It's strange.

Opposite, Cui Lin also noticed this look. He still kept smiling and raised his hand to signal Danzhu to continue reading.

With doubts, Danzhu opened the cover of the document and saw the prologue.

[The Southwest region is the rear area of ​​our country. Here, our 170 million compatriots live, and among these 170 million people, about 80% are below the poverty line.

Compared with the eastern coastal areas, the infrastructure construction here is seriously backward. Similarly, the backward infrastructure construction is also a mountain that restricts these people from getting out of the mountains and moving towards a well-off life.

Among the infrastructure such as roads, railways, and power facilities, electricity, as an important factor in industrial development, is also in serious shortage in the southwest region.

Therefore, after comprehensive discussion by the investigation team, it is suggested to put power construction in the first place.

Because this can greatly and effectively change the living conditions of local people.

However, the construction of power facilities cannot avoid power stations in the end.

After comprehensively investigating the actual conditions of Bashu, Guizhou Province, Yunnan Province, Xikang, and Guangxi Province, the investigation team came to a conclusion.

Instead of watching 165.4 billion cubic meters of water flowing out of the Yarlung Zangbo River, 70 billion cubic meters of Nujiang River, and 74 billion cubic meters of Lancang River every year, a total of about 300 billion cubic meters of water flow out in vain.

It is better to cut off these three rivers, build hydropower stations, and divert water to where it is needed.

Many areas in Yunnan Province have dry and hot valley climates. If there is a large amount of flowing water to regulate the climate, this place will become more livable.

Therefore, in this investigation, we selected more than a dozen suitable locations that can be used for interception. 】


The moment after reading the prologue, Danzhu flashed a big question mark in his mind. This...

Is this something he can see?

Also, intercept these rivers?

Are you crazy?

He raised his head again and looked at the person opposite him. He didn't say anything, but just used his finger to gently tap the document in front of him, with a questioning look in his eyes.

On the other side, Cui Lin received the signal and smiled as if in spring breeze, then nodded.

But his smile was a little scary in Danzhu's eyes.

Suppressing the questions in his heart, Danzhu turned to the second page.

The second page was the directory.

Looking at the words on the directory, the Minister of Commerce of Myanmar was shocked.

Chapter 1. Poverty survey in the five southwestern provinces.

Chapter 2. Infrastructure survey in the five southwestern provinces.

Chapter 3. Commodity circulation simulation in the five southwestern provinces.

Chapter 4. Industrial development suggestions and future energy (electricity) demand in the five southwestern provinces.

Chapter 5. Potential and interception point map of the Yarlung Zangbo River, Nujiang River and Lancang River.

The document of more than 100 pages is divided into only five chapters. According to the page number, each chapter has only more than 20 pages.

Danzhu was not in the mood to read the first few dozen pages, so he turned directly to the beginning of Chapter 5.

Chapter 5 begins with a picture.

Yarlung Zangbo River Hydropower Station Location and Water Diversion Map

On the map, the blue line represents water flow, the green point represents the hydropower station, and in addition to these two colors, there is a red line.

This line slowly starts from the Yarlung Zangbo River, crosses most of China, and finally reaches their Loess Plateau.

The length of the entire line is several thousand kilometers.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Danzhu carefully turned to the next page, which is the text description content.

[Diverting the Yarlung Zangbo River can not only improve the difficulties of industrial electricity and industrial water consumption caused by the industrial development of the five southwestern provinces.

The most useful improvement is the upstream and downstream areas in the northwest region that rely on the Yellow River.

The Yellow River is the mother river of our country, but with the industrial development in recent years, our demands on the mother river far exceed the mother river's bearing capacity.

So much so that in the dry season, the Yellow River in Shandong Province is almost dry.

At the same time, the upper reaches of the Yellow River are dry and rainless, and the areas that need water the most for development are the areas that can least use water.

The annual runoff of the Yarlung Zangbo River is about 165.4 billion cubic meters. If this river is diverted to the northwest through the red line of the Red Flag Canal, it will eventually form a surface river and flow into the Yellow River.

We can rely on this 165.4 billion cubic meters of river water to improve about 200,000 square kilometers of land, and at the same time provide these areas with stable industrial water and industrial electricity for industrial development.

After the use and evaporation of this 165.4 billion cubic meters of river water, a large amount of water will still rush down the Yellow River.

At this time, our lower reaches of the Yellow River can also undertake part of the task of the South-to-North Water Diversion Plan, shorten the distance of the South-to-North Water Diversion, and thus allow Yanjing and other places to drink glacier snow water from the Himalayas. 】


These Chinese people are absolutely crazy!

Indians and Bangladeshis will definitely fight them to death.

With the problem in his mind, Danzhu quickly flipped back and found the text and drawings of Nujiang.

Nujiang, that is the name of China. In Myanmar, the name of this river is Salween River. Except for the area of ​​about 130 kilometers downstream, which is the border between Myanmar and Thailand, the thousands of kilometers from the beginning belong exclusively to Myanmar.

This river has a large terrain difference, which is very suitable for hydropower development.

According to Myanmar's plan, there are more than ten hydropower stations on this river.

Although there is no money now, it will definitely be built in the future.


Looking at the drawing in front of him, Danzhu's back teeth are about to break.

In this map, the river was blocked, and then a large number of lakes were formed on the east side of the river. Passing through these lakes, the river was led to the Lancang River, which is the Mekong River.

However, when Danzhu turned to the Mekong River, he found that the longest river in Indochina was also cut off.

The cut-off Lancang River formed a super giant lake in the cut-off area.

To the east of the giant lake, there is an additional green line, which extends to the southeast, forming a lake near the border with Vietnam and then continues to move forward.

Finally, it merges into Guangxi Province.

This is...

No way to survive!

At this moment, Danzhu held the document in his hand, raised his eyes, and asked the person opposite him with anger in his eyes:

"What do you want to do?"

Cui Lin smiled slightly and stretched out his hand to call his subordinates. The subordinates ignored the tense scene, walked to Cui Lin with a briefcase, and took out the documents they had just put away.

Cui Lin took it casually, smoothed the curl on the cover of the document, and gently pushed the document forward in front of Danzhu:

"As you can see, development."

"Over the years, our attitude towards the outside world has always been peaceful coexistence and seeking common ground while reserving differences."

"This handling habit works well in other regions, but it is stretched in this Indochina Peninsula."

"So, we decided to make some changes."

"If you want to develop, then everyone will develop together."

"If you don't want to develop, then don't develop."

"Our people have seen the plan in your hand. There are some plans in it that we cannot implement now, but there is hope in the future."

"As for your reaction, we have also considered it. There is a movie in our country."

"There is a classic line in that movie, and I can tell you now."

"That is: if everyone attacks together, Zhang Sanfeng may not be able to kill us all before exhausting his true energy."

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