After reaching this conclusion, Dena continued to deduce in this direction.

The processing of satellite parts requires high precision, and very high precision.

High-precision parts processing requires high-precision lathes, and high-precision lathes can process various weapons in addition to processing these parts.

Writing the word "weapons" in the notebook, Dena's face bloomed with a bright smile. Isn't it for this moment that he and Lin Yu do business?

100 million US dollars have obtained the most advanced processing technology in a country, and this 100 million US dollars can also add bricks and tiles to himself and earn more money. This money is worth it, very worth it.

He was overjoyed and was about to write a new report, but when the pen touched the white paper, Dena hesitated again.

He was hesitating whether to submit this news in a complete report and throw it to the Ministry of National Defense.

Because, according to the current situation, if he submits this news in a complete report and then throws it to the Ministry of National Defense, then the Ministry of National Defense will definitely respond in a targeted manner.

And these targeted response plans, with a 99% probability, will pass by him and fall into the hands of others.

If it is the Republican side, relying on Lafield and the relationship with the Roosevelt family, then there is no problem.

But if the final executor is the Democratic side, it is a Democratic diehard like the Clinton family, and the source of the information is not very convincing.

When there are doubts, these Democratic bitches will definitely find ways to get to the bottom of everything and check everything. At that time, they will definitely find out the amount of transactions between him and Lin Yu.

Once these people find out the amount of transactions between him and Lin Yu, they will find ways to expand it, use him, and attack the Republican Party.

At that time, the Republican side, the Roosevelt family will definitely throw me out as a scapegoat in order to protect themselves, and then they will turn around, slap their butts, and sever ties with me, saying that all those things were done by me and had nothing to do with the Republican Party.

If it really comes to that step, then I will be in a dead end, a dead end.

Finally, the Democrats happily stepped on their own corpses, enjoying the results they had made, dividing up the positions under their buttocks, and rewarding their own people according to their merits.

Finally, leaving themselves with the title of a fool, they would completely disappear from the history of America.

Then they would have come to this world in vain, in vain!

This report cannot be written by themselves.

Moreover, it cannot be written by anyone around them, because the source of the information cannot be explained.

The ink slowly flowed out from the gap of the pen and fell on the white paper, leaving a black scar the size of a thumb. Looking at the big black scar, Dena sighed, put down the pen, picked up other intelligence from the Pacific theater, and read it carefully.

No hurry, no hurry, not now.

After studying the intelligence calmly for a long time, Dena deleted the emails in the mailbox, turned on the TV again, and continued to pay attention to the news in Southeast Asia.

This time, in the flickering news program, he saw a familiar figure.

Lin Yu!

This guy shook hands with the commander of the Fifth Special Region of Northern Shan State, Myanmar, with a smile on his face.

Seeing this flashing picture, Dena's eyes widened suddenly, but the picture on the TV was a broadcast and could not be rewound like a disc.

Taking a breath, forcibly suppressing the idea of ​​smashing the remote control on the TV, Dena sat back in front of the computer and began to search for information about Myanmar, China, and energy pipelines on the Internet.

After searching for a long time.

He only found the agreement signed by the Myanmar military government and the Chinese business department, and there was another person in it, not Lin Yu, who he wanted to see.

Looking at the messy news, he hesitated for a long time, then Dena took out a phone card from the drawer, took out a separate mobile phone, installed the phone card, found a number stored in it, and dialed:

"My dear boss Lin, I have good news to tell you. I took a few sets of the 200 sets of parts you gave me and let our people see them. The quality is very good and can meet the needs of satellite use."

"It shows that you are an honest person and you didn't cheat me behind my back because of the relationship between our two countries."

"Of course I have something to do. I called you for the process documents."

"Although you brought some of the satellite parts, these process drawings are not enough, far from enough."

"So, I want to ask, when can you provide the complete process documents? Give me the drawings."

"What? Money?"

"Wait, you haven't finished the remaining 300 sets of parts, have you?"

"No... wait a minute, let me sort it out."

"We said 500 sets, and then you gave me the process files and drawings. This time you handed over 200 sets, and now you have finished the remaining 300 sets?"

"Good, very good, very good."

"I'll let Nicholas find you, and you'll give him the process files and drawings, and we'll pay with one hand and the parts and drawings with the other hand."

"That's it!"

After hanging up the phone, the smile on Dana's face had reached the point where he couldn't suppress it. With a smile on his face, he kept turning in circles on the spot, raising his hands from time to time, clenching his fists, and swinging them down hard, as if cheering for the team.

From the last delivery to now, in just over 20 days, he actually completed the remaining 300 sets of parts.

Very good. Considering Lin Yu's status, he definitely used a handful of the best workers in China to process these parts.

Otherwise it would not be possible to do it so quickly.

You only need to complete this transaction, obtain the process documents and drawings, and then use the processing equipment on the process documents and drawings to further infer China's current various processing capabilities.

When this information is converted into combat effectiveness, he may become the president one day in the future.


After a few laughs, Dana raised his hands in the air and laughed at the sun like the villains in the TV series.



Xu Cheng, just stepped out of the airport, and the cold air that hit him made Lin Yu, who had just got off the plane, couldn't help but shiver.

He wrapped his clothes tightly, turned around and glanced at the airport reluctantly, sighed, pulled away the co-pilot of the broken Santana, and sat on it.

The Santana produced in 1998 was equipped with air conditioning, but the effect was not good. In addition, there was a problem with the airtightness of the vehicle, and air leaked everywhere.

Wrapping the clothes tightly around him, he retracted his entire head into the clothes, leaving only a pair of eyes exposed. While looking at the surrounding scenery, Lin Yu asked Qian Duoduo, who was driving:

"How are the conditions in various factories these days? Especially Mr. Lu, did he say anything?"

The main driver, Qian Duoduo, stared ahead and carefully controlled Santana, crossing one pit after another.

After hearing Lin Yu's question, he thought for a moment and responded:

"Mr. Lu is at the shipyard now. He went there a week ago. Before I came to pick you up, I specifically called the shipyard to confirm that the old man was still there."

"He didn't say anything about our factory. Even when he was wandering around the factory, he didn't ask unnecessary questions. He just looked and kept looking."

"In terms of several factories, the first batch of fire support vehicles purchased by the General Logistics Office have already rolled off the production line and are being inspected before leaving the factory. According to time calculation, they will be handed over tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

"There has been no movement at the Satellite R\u0026D Center and Rocket R\u0026D Center during this period."

"At the shipyard, the warship you mentioned and the four dredgers purchased by the military are already being cut and constructed."

"As for the Strategic Investment Department, Aunt Ling and the others took a walk around Shenzhen City and met many people, but none of them were satisfied."

“Finally there’s the wind tunnel.”

"According to the person in charge, the wind tunnel has now been basically completed and can meet the current experimental needs of Rheinsteel."

"On this issue, I asked Professor Xiang Baichuan. Professor Xiang Baichuan told him whether it was true or not. He would pull up the rocket's head and let the wind tunnel blow it hard to find out."

"Professor Xiang already typed up the report on the rocket wind tunnel test yesterday afternoon. Because he knew you would be back today, Director Qian did not approve it and put the report on your desk."

When Lin Yu heard that the wind tunnel was finally completed, it was as if he had taken a Shiquan Dabu Pill, and he leaned back in his chair with complete relaxation.

This thing is the top priority for the next development. With a wind tunnel, only aircraft and hypersonic missiles can be blown out.

With enough swords in hand, I will be able to speak loudly to America in the international arena, and I will be able to point fingers at what America does, both covertly and covertly.

Of course, with these things, the neighbors around you will become very kind.

Feeling relaxed physically and mentally, coupled with the hot air blowing from the air conditioner, Lin Yu couldn't help but close his eyes and fell asleep gently.

In front of the Wind Tunnel Center, the person in charge of the Wind Tunnel Center, Jiang Yun from Dongda Men's Vocational and Technical School, rubbed his hands and stood in the cold wind, raising his head from time to time and glancing south.

If he didn't see what he wanted to see, he would lower his head again, bring his hands to his mouth, and keep breathing, so that his hands could feel a little warmth.

On both sides of the door behind him are the staff of the wind tunnel R\u0026D center.

In the hands of these people were red banners held up by bamboo poles.

Because of the temperature, these banners were hanging up and the text on them could not be read clearly.

Finally, when Jiang Yun looked up again, several second-hand Santanas appeared in front of him.

Seeing the familiar license plate number, Jiang Yun immediately stepped forward to greet him, diligently opened the passenger door and ushered Lin Yu out of the car.

He raised his hand and pointed at the central door of the wind tunnel and shouted:

"Director, welcome to review!"

As he shouted, the staff standing on both sides of the gate quickly raised their banners and spread out in a rehearsed formation.

The words on the banner also appeared in front of Lin Yu and others.

[Warmly welcome the factory director to the wind tunnel center for inspection! 】

The banner was unfurled, and gongs and drums sounded. Amidst the sound of gongs and drums, Jiang Yun walked on the left side of Lin Yu, raised his hand, and loudly introduced the building in front of him.

"This is an office building. General chores are handled here."

"The three buildings here are low-speed wind tunnels."

"The blue-roofed factory building at the front is a generally used low-speed wind tunnel. This wind tunnel can be opened to the outside and can be used to blow things like cars."

"The red-roofed factory building at the back is an ice wind tunnel, which can be used to simulate ice formation on the surface of an aircraft at high altitudes and low temperatures."

"The yellow top cover is a special wind tunnel used to debug the engine, and it has been acoustically enhanced."

"The large factory in the middle at the back is a subsonic wind tunnel, and the wind blowing out of it can reach a speed of 0.4 to 0.7 Mach."

"On the left side of this factory is a transonic wind tunnel, and the wind speed can reach 0.5 to 1.3 Mach."

"On the right side is a supersonic wind tunnel, and the wind speed can reach 1.5 to 4.5 Mach. This level of wind can complete most aircraft research."

"As for the factory at the back, it is the hypersonic wind tunnel group that you have been mentioning. In this wind tunnel group, the wind speed can exceed 5 Mach. Huh. "

"According to your request, there are four types of wind tunnels in this group: conventional hypersonic wind tunnels, low-density wind tunnels, shock wave wind tunnels, and hot shock wind tunnels."

"We built according to the information you gave us throughout the process. We didn't dare to change a word for the rest. It is precisely because of your wisdom and bravery that we can build such a large-scale wind tunnel group in just a few months."

"With the technology of these wind tunnel groups, if we apply to the country, we will have no pressure to get a national science and technology progress award."

"And we can save some funds."

Listening to the suggestion, the group walked into the nearest low-speed wind tunnel plant.

The huge truss structure plant is evenly divided into two areas in the middle.

On the left, there are several large pipes painted with white paint.

This closed-loop pipe makes it look more like a pump room than a wind tunnel workshop.

On the right, there is a huge fan, which is as high as three floors. Behind the white fan blades is an extremely huge electric motor.

From the perspective of Lin Yu and his group, they seemed to have come to a kingdom of giants, where everything was huge.

After they looked at it for a while, Jiang Yun raised his hand and pointed to the pipe on the left, explaining:

"Director, this is the Prandtl-type low-speed wind tunnel that you designed and modified yourself."

"The motors of this wind tunnel and the fan next to it both have a power of 100 megawatts. Such a strong wind force is rare in the world."

"Here, we can test cars from automobile manufacturing companies, rockets from rocket research and development centers, and satellites."

"Of course, to test rockets, we still have to go to the hot shock wind tunnel behind."

While speaking, Jiang Yun led a group of people through the equipment and walked into the control room of the low-speed wind tunnel.

In the control room, more than a dozen staff members were busy. When they saw people coming in, they quickly stood up and stood aside stiffly.

Seeing this, Lin Yu waved his hand lightly, motioning them to sit down.

After everyone sat down, he raised his hand and pointed to the two super-large fans: "Come on, turn this thing on and try it."

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