Card: Friends out of nowhere

Skill effect: Play a card and say a sentence at the same time, I have a friend.

After saying this sentence, everyone who hears this sentence will assume that the user of the card has an existing friend.

After recalling those unfounded friends that students like to use in his mind, Lin Yu moved his hips, slightly distanced himself from Wu Nu, put a piece of chicken into his mouth, chewed it slowly, and then asked casually:

"Really your friend?"

Realizing that Lin Yu didn't believe him, Wu Nu simply put down his chopsticks, gestured with his hands, and explained loudly: "You are really my friend!"

"I invited him to eat mushrooms, and that's when I found out that my dog ​​came to honor me and the guy saw a poppy and it turned into a beautiful woman in front of him."

"Later, I checked the surveillance and found that he was holding the water fountain there and making love to me the whole time."

"I told him about it, and he suddenly had the idea to combine the fungus with heroin."

"The production of heroin is limited by poppy variety issues and climate problems, and the production is not enough."

"But if you combine it with mushrooms, the output will instantly increase dozens of times. After all, during the rainy season, the forest is full of mushrooms."

"He did what he said. He found some mushrooms that you call jianshouqing, dried them with equipment, and then ground the mushrooms into powder. He took a small amount and added it to heroin. Finally, he found a few addicts. Let these addicts test it.”

"The effect is very good. Judging from the observation, those addicts had hallucinations after absorbing this spiked heroin, and they were very real hallucinations."

"Looks much better than heroin."

"It's just that... well... all these people died the next day. Later, my friend tried a few more times, but except for the death of a few more addicts, there was no progress, and then he gave up."


Letting out a long sigh, Wu Nu picked up the chopsticks and continued to enjoy the mushrooms in the soup pot.

The mushrooms have absorbed the essence of the old hen's chicken soup, and combined with their own fragrance, when they roll in the saucepan, the gods will jump over the wall.

While he was enjoying his meal, Lin Yu suddenly asked, "Is the powdered soup delicious?"

"The taste is okay!" Wu Nu replied without thinking, but when he finished his answer, his chopsticks that were stirring in the pot suddenly stopped. Then, the man raised his head, smiled bitterly, and immediately lowered his head.

After being pointed out, Wu Nu was not in a hurry, but continued to eat mushrooms leisurely.

With the efforts of the two of them, most of the old hens and mushrooms in the pot had disappeared, and the meal had come to an end.

Wu Nu picked up the wine glass and was about to speak when the monk next to him who had eaten mushrooms suddenly lowered his head and stretched his hands on both sides of his body, looking half-dead.

His sudden movement made the two people present a little confused.

Wu Nu reached out and pushed the monk. The monk's body fell down and lay straight on the ground.

The next second, Wu Nu put his hand into his throat.

Seeing his actions, Lin Yu's eyes widened, and he quickly put his hand into his throat, desperately picking at it.

The sound of the two people desperately scratching their throats woke up the monk lying on the ground. The monk stared blankly with big eyes, slowly sat upright, and even took the time to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth.

After sorting out his image, the monk looked at the two people who were desperately trying to dig their throats, and asked calmly:

"You two, I fell asleep just now, you... this is..."

The monk did not continue speaking, because the two people who were scratching their throats and retching were slowly raising their heads and looking at him, their eyes gradually became fierce.

Seeing this, the monk jumped up and ran out of the small courtyard.

Seeing the wind under his feet, each step hitting the stone slab accurately, the two people surrounding the hot pot slowly turned their heads, saw each other, and smiled awkwardly at the same time.

After laughing for a while, Lin Yu reached for the napkin, wiped his mouth, and said expressionlessly:

"General Wu Nu, we say goodbye today. I don't know when we will see you again in the future."

"As a friend, I have one last thing I need to tell you. This sentence is, don't let me know that drugs are flowing from your northern Shan State to China."

"I can only speak once, and you can only listen once."

After saying that, Lin Yu stood up and extended his right hand to the person opposite: "Thank you for your hospitality. If you have the opportunity to go to China, I will show you the eight major Chinese cuisines!"

"Let's go!"

After leaving a word, Lin Yu slowly turned around, clasped his hands behind his back, and disappeared into the sunset.


Myitkyina, Cui Lin took the document in front of him with both hands and looked at the name signed on it. Cui Lin breathed a sigh of relief.

The oil pipeline passing through Myanmar is a strategic pipeline. This pipeline can help China bypass the blockade of the Strait of Malacca.

Although the annual quantity is only 20 million tons, the trouble can be reduced as little as possible.

At the same time, it can also show an attitude to the outside world.

Putting away the cooperation memorandum, he handed his right hand to Danta in front of him and said with a smile:

"Mr. Danta, thank you for your support. I believe that in the next ten or twenty years, when you think of this cooperation and the scene of this signing, you will laugh out loud."

"The things we promised you will be delivered in batches after our staff officially enter the site."

Faced with Cui Lin's politeness, Danta stretched out his hands, "No, no, no, Mr. Cui Lin, I should say thank you for this kind of thing."

"We are inland, and it is extremely difficult to develop. If you don't come here to invest, we don't know when we can develop."

"Now it's our turn to thank you!"

Amid their politeness, the reporters next to them raised their cameras, clicked, and took a few photos. The reporters switched angles and started taking photos from other angles.

After taking the photos, these photos became the first-hand news from Myanmar, and then appeared in the corresponding programs.

"Next, I will report a piece of news from Upper Myanmar. After many days of discussion and judgment, the Chinese Commerce Department, the Myanmar Commerce Department, the Second Special Region of Kachin State, and the Fifth Special Region of Northern Shan State have joined hands to formally sign the Myanmar-China Oil Pipeline Cooperation Project."

"The annual oil transportation capacity of the oil pipeline is planned to be 20 million tons. The pipeline project can bring about 6,000 jobs to Myanmar and bring about 150 million US dollars in annual revenue."

"According to the memorandum of cooperation, the construction of the pipeline will not be later than February next year at the latest..."

As soon as this news came out, the entire Indochina Peninsula was in an uproar. In addition to being shocked, everyone's eyes moved away from Myanmar and fell on Vietnam.

This... seems to explain why China suddenly went to Vietnam and said it would help Vietnam build a railway, and then evacuated very suddenly.

Vietnam, Hanoi.

Upon hearing this news, Hu Wenwang directly smashed the cup in his hand onto the TV. The tea in the cup collided with the electronic components of the TV, making a crackling sound.

Looking at the scattered sparks, the Minister of Commerce of Vietnam slowly closed his eyes.

His intuition told him that Japan and South Korea, who had been negotiating with them, were going to run away.

Now they needed to find ways to keep these two damn bastards and let them repair the railway from Hanoi to Ho Chi Minh City.

His intuition was very accurate. Before he finished thinking about this, the phone at hand rang.

As soon as he picked up the phone, the subordinate on the other end of the phone shouted:

"Minister Hu, the negotiation team of Japan and South Korea are packing their luggage and preparing to run away. I went to find them, but they said that their person in charge was not there. If there is anything, you have to find the person in charge. It's useless to find these little shrimps."


Without waiting for the person on the other side to finish speaking, Hu Wenwang grabbed the telephone receiver and threw the phone out along the trajectory of the teacup he had just thrown out.

These damn bastards, beasts, and animals.


“In addition to the construction of the oil pipeline, China will also carry out water conservancy and energy development cooperation in Kachin State and Northern Shan State…”

Looking at the pictures on the TV and listening to the awkward voice, a flash of enlightenment flashed across Dena’s face in front of the TV.

Hawaii, after staying in Japan for a few days, he returned to the command center of the Pacific Theater, which is Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands.

Back here, the focus of his work has also shifted from Southeast Asia to the entire Asia-Pacific region, but in his spare time, he is still paying attention to Vietnam.

After all, the last time China went to Vietnam, it was like a thorn, piercing his heart fiercely. If he didn’t pull out this thorn, he would feel very uncomfortable no matter what he did.

Today, seeing the news from Myanmar, combined with the announcement issued by China, all the previous things have answers at this moment.

For an international project, especially one involving energy and built in a messy place like Myanmar, the negotiation time must be calculated at least in years.

Now, both parties have issued announcements saying that the energy construction project has been negotiated and will start construction at the beginning of next year.

If we go back according to the general international negotiation time, then the time when Huaxia appeared in Vietnam a few days ago was exactly when the negotiation of this project reached a critical moment.

At this critical moment, any slight factor may lead to failure, so the people from Huaxia used a trick to move everyone's attention to Vietnam.

Just when everyone thought that Huaxia would kill time in Vietnam, they made a feint and ran to Myanmar to negotiate this cooperation project.

After thinking clearly about the twists and turns inside, Dena couldn't help but raise his hands and gently applauded the news broadcast on TV.

Interesting, interesting.

It's because of such an opponent that your life will not be so boring.

Only by defeating such an opponent can you get a sense of accomplishment and be interesting. It's boring to fight a country like Iraq.

However, before paying attention to these interesting things, you have to see if you make enough money.

Putting down his clapping hands and turning off the TV that was broadcasting the news, Dena took out his cell phone, found his son's number, and dialed it:

"How is it? Did the batch of satellite parts pass the inspection of the space agency?"


"No way? In just 20 days, they made more than 200 sets of parts, and they still passed the inspection of the space agency?"

"You are not lying to me, are you? Although we are father and son, you have the habit of cheating me of money since you were a child, so I still can't trust you."

"Okay, you are an adult now. I believe you this time. I will give you 20 minutes to synchronize the test report of the space agency and some related information to me."

"If it takes more than 20 minutes, then you are a little liar."

After putting down the phone, Dana sat leisurely on the sofa, looked at the time on the wall, and began to count 20 minutes silently.

At the 15th minute, the mailbox logged in on the computer suddenly rang. He hurriedly sat in front of the computer and clicked the message reminder with the mouse.

It was an email from his son.

Double-click the mouse, the email that just arrived was opened, and the content inside naturally appeared in front of Dana.

This is a test report from the space agency.

[Avenal Company:

This test report is for the parts samples sent by the company a week ago.

Your company provided a total of four sets of samples, numbered 01, 02, 03, and 04.

This test was presided over by Paul Malik, chief engineer of the space agency.

After testing, the 4 sets of samples provided by your company all meet the standards of the space agency. These samples can be used as finished parts on satellites.

Therefore, here, all the staff of the Space Agency congratulate your company for mastering the relevant parts processing technology in a very short time. At the same time, we also congratulate your company for successfully completing the task of the Ministry of National Defense. 】

The text content of the test report is very short, mainly the test form behind the text content. Looking at the exclusive English words and the messy numbers on the form, Dana was overwhelmed.

He picked and chose in it, and finally chose to throw away these forms and think about the problem according to his own ideas.

He took out a notebook from the drawer and turned to a new page. He wrote the two words "Lin Yu" at the beginning of this page.

Then, he drew two lines under the two words "Lin Yu".

The pen moved down with the line, and under the line on the left, he wrote a number, 200.

Then he wrote 20 on the right.

Finally, he drew two arrows under the two numbers, and at the top of the arrows, he left the word "qualified".

After staring at it for a while, he left the phrase "processing capability" on the right of 20.

Looking at this simple tree diagram, Dana fell into contemplation.

Satellite parts, because of their small quantity and complicated process, are often synonymous with handmade. Unlike those vehicles that claim to be handmade, these satellite parts are really handmade.

But there is a serious problem with handmade, that is, production efficiency.

Handmade, production efficiency, these two words have nothing to do with each other.

Lin Yu's people were able to produce 200 sets of parts in just 20 days.

That can only mean one thing, the other party has mastered the technology of industrial manufacturing of satellite parts, so they can produce 200 sets of parts in a short time.

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