In Myitkyina, Danta put down the phone, turned around and looked at his nephew and part-time staff officer Dancha beside him, waved his hand and said:

"Go and ask the people below to prepare maps of the potassium mines and other mines, as well as the places where we need to build power infrastructure."

After hearing Danta's words, Dancha did not move. He stood there for several seconds before he asked cautiously:

"Uncle, there's no need for that, right?"

"Should we wait for the price and be a little... um... a little slower in agreeing?"

"If we agree so quickly, we may be looked down upon by others. Those agreed conditions may be changed by the other party with a random reason, and then we will lose everything!"

After listening to Dancha's persuasion, Danta turned around, glanced with disgust in his eyes, and said, "How many times have I told you that you must fulfill your duties at work!"

"There are many people in the army who have complained about me taking you with me. If you are smart enough, you must learn to avoid such complaints as much as possible."

After teaching his nephew a lesson, the commander of Kachin State's Second Special Administrative Region walked to the window with his hands behind his back and looked out the window.

The main urban areas of Myitkyina are located on the Myitkyina Peninsula on the Irrawaddy River.

If I had to use one word to describe this place, it would be straight to the point.

Open the door and cross the plains washed out by the Irrawaddy River, with rolling mountains in the distance.

The ancestors of the Kachin ethnic group came here a long time ago, took root here, and thrived here.

Looking at the green mountains in the distance, Danta suddenly said: "Do you know what is the fundamental reason why we can survive here?"

The words were sudden and without beginning or end.

Behind Danta, Dancha was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then a smile immediately broke out on his face, he raised his right hand and shouted loudly:

"It is because of General Danta's wisdom and prowess that you have brought light to Kachin State. It is you who have led us so that we can live in this chaotic place."

"You are our foundation."

This was Dancha's heartfelt appreciation. After all, he was able to be a popular drinker in Kachin State because of his uncle.

Hearing this, Danta was very happy, but also very painful.

Normally, he would be very happy to accept this small act of flattery, but now, at this moment, is not the time for flattery.

Moreover, this is his nephew.

He is one of the people closest to him. If his child had not been a girl, he would not have brought this guy with him.

But now it seems that this kid is still too stupid.

He forced his face to be sullen, forcing himself not to cry. He turned around, looked at Dancha behind him and said:

"We are able to survive here by relying on checks and balances, relying on the power of the Indians, and entangled with the government troops in Lower Burma."

"It depends even more on our neighbor to the north, because once there is a real war here, a large number of refugees will go to their country."

"For a few people, others may deal with it on a humanitarian basis."

"But there are about 9 million people in Upper Myanmar, and if only one-tenth appears on the border, it will be a disaster for them."

"So, it is precisely because of the existence of this neighbor that although the entire upper Myanmar region has been fighting, the scale of the fighting is basically within control."

"As long as we don't seek death and are more cautious, even if we fail in the battle, the loss will not be huge."

"That's why living here requires us to be more observant."

"This time, China's attitude has changed drastically. We don't know the reason for the big change. However, thousands of years of experience tell us that the saying that those who understand the current affairs are heroes is useful at any time."

"If they are tougher, then we should be softer. Anyway, it's just a pipeline passing through our territory, so it's not a big problem. We can also take the opportunity to get some things."

"Why not do something good for you and me?"

Faced with his uncle's admonishment, Dancha nodded thoughtfully, and then killed the game with one sentence.

"But the books I read all say that you need to make friends at a distance and attack at a close distance."

As soon as these words came out, Danta was completely shocked.

This commander, who holds the lives and deaths of millions of people in Kachin State, seemed to have encountered a huge life change this time.

The originally rosy face instantly turned extremely pale, and the lips turned completely blue. He raised his right hand and pointed it tremblingly at the person in front of him.

My lips trembled for a long time, but in the end I still couldn't form a complete sentence.

Finally, his right hand hung down feebly as if resigned to his fate, and he turned around with despair, casting his gaze towards the Irrawaddy River in the distance.

Looking at the surging river, he said in a weak voice:

"Distant friendship and close attack are things that can only be used by people of similar strength. For us, the targets that allow us to make distant friendship and close attack are the several armed forces around us."

"But to deal with them, using your brain is far less comfortable than using a knife, do you understand?"

"Dancha, after you go and bring the news to the people below, you will go to the army and stay for a few months. You can go and play with the guns you want."

When he heard that he could play with guns, all the doubts on Dancha's face disappeared, leaving only ecstasy.


He nodded his head, and with his uncle's order, he walked out of the room happily and rushed to the office building of the Kachin State Administration Committee.

Hurry up and synchronize this news, and then go to the army to play with guns.

Behind him, Danta looked at the back of the departing figure, opened his mouth, exhaled a long breath, then picked up the phone on the table and dialed it.

"Brother, send me one of your capable children, I will take them to see the world in the next few days."



Lin Yu and Wu Nu sat at both ends of the long table. Between them were senior officials from the Fifth Special Region of Northern Shan State, and members of Cui Lin's team who came from Yangon.

Three days have passed since Wu Nu agreed to the passage of the oil pipeline.

During these three days, Cui Lin's team has signed a relevant memorandum of cooperation in Yangon.

At the same time, he also left Yangon with a group of people and went to Myitkyina.

Today is the day to sign with the Fifth Special Region of Northern Shan State.

As the clock struck 10 o'clock, the two people in charge of submitting the memorandum walked towards their respective bosses with the memorandum in their hands.

Taking it casually, taking a glance at it, Lin Yu picked up the pen and signed his name on it.

Lin Yu.

After signing, he handed the document to the person next to him, who then passed it to Wu Nu across the long table.

After signing, the two stood up, put the document under their arms, walked out from both ends of the long table, walked to the front of the long table, and stretched out their right hands at the same time to shake hands.

In the gap between the two shaking hands, the camera next to them was also raised at this time.

Click, click!

When the sound of the camera stopped, Wu Nu immediately smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, it's a pleasure to work with you."

"I hope our lives will get better and better."

"It's a pleasure to work with you." Lin Yu also smiled and responded, "Mr. Wu Nu, I believe that under your leadership, the land of Northern Shan State will become better and better."

"One day in the future, this place can also become the Little Washington of the Indochina Peninsula."

The sedan chair was carried by everyone, let alone at such a festive time. Facing the flattery, Wu Nu's whole back straightened a lot.

At the same time, the amplitude of his shaking hand also increased.

"Thank you!"

"I will work hard towards this goal!"

Click, click, and a few more photos were taken. The two people let go of their shaking hands, put away their memos, and the people on both sides left.

After leaving this formal occasion, Lin Yu took the mineral water handed over by Luo Ping, drank it in one gulp, and then sprinkled the remaining water on his face to relieve the fatigue on his face, and then asked softly:

"Where is Lao Cui?"

As soon as the voice fell, the person in charge of itinerary planning and contact immediately stood up and whispered beside him:

"Before you entered the conference room, I contacted Minister Cui's people. They are discussing the details of the cooperation memorandum with the relevant people in Myitkyina."

"It's mainly the toll amount of the cooperation, and some related operating terms."

"According to the estimate over there If the deal is done today, the official documents will be issued tomorrow. The day after tomorrow, after the feedback from the country, the relevant documents can be signed. "

"The day after tomorrow, Minister Cui and his team will be able to return to China. What do you think... should we go to Myitkyina or go directly back to Licheng?"

Raising his eyes and looking around, Lin Yu shook his head slightly:

"Let's go back to Licheng!"

"During this period, eating the food here, I feel like I'm dying. The fresh food in Yunnan Province is still delicious."

After listening to Lin Yu's instructions, the person in charge of arranging the itinerary immediately turned around to arrange the return trip.

When this person turned around and left, Lin Yu raised his eyes again and carefully looked around. He found that there was really nothing to miss here, so he could only lower his head to think about whether to bring some specialties back.

Just as he was thinking hard, Wu Nu appeared beside them quietly, smiling and shouting: "Come on, I'll take you to eat delicious food!"

"I can guarantee that this is definitely something you have never eaten before, and I can be sure that you will never forget it in your life after eating it once."

While speaking, Wu Nu was also patting his chest with his right hand, looking like he was making a promise.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu couldn't help but be curious.

After all, during this time in Lashio, he had tried all kinds of messy things, and overall, this place was still too primitive.

It really didn't suit his appetite.

However, seeing Wu Nu like this, he couldn't help but be curious:

"What is it?"


"Do you still have mushrooms now?"


"Then let's go!"

Under the leadership of Wu Nu, the few people once again returned to the temple where they first met. The monks in the temple were no longer surprised by their arrival, and even helped them set the table and serve them.

In the small pavilion, there is a square table. On the square table, there is a tumbling stainless steel pot. In the stainless steel pot, there is a tumbling old hen. Around the old hen, there are also a lot of mushrooms.

All are sliced ​​mushrooms.

Morels, bamboo fungus, and green mushrooms.

These extremely tender mushrooms are constantly tumbling in the soup pot, waving, as if inviting people.

Sitting next to the soup pot, Wu Nu naturally began to pick the sauce, while Lin Yu next to him watched these cautiously without moving.

After sitting for a while, Wu Nu seemed to notice his caution, and said with a smile: "Mr. Lin, don't worry, before we both eat this pot, I will let others help us eat."

"Half an hour after they eat, if there are no problems, we will eat again."

While talking, two more plates of stir-fried vegetables were brought up. On the left was a plate of worms, spicy worms, and on the right was a plate of worms, also spicy.

The soup pot was tumbling. Wu Nu took out a bowl, scooped a spoonful of soup from it, added some chicken, and a few slices of mushrooms. He stretched out his hand and handed the bowl to the monk next to him.

The monk took the bowl naturally, took the chopsticks, finished the chicken and mushrooms in the bowl, and drank the soup in one gulp. After doing all this, he sat down next to the two of them, staring with a pair of eyes. , looked at the two people quietly.

The soup pot boiled for more than half an hour. Seeing that the monk next to him didn't react at all, Wu Nu picked up his chopsticks and eagerly picked up a piece of mushroom and stuffed it into his mouth: "Mr. Lin, I learned this way of eating from you. ”

"At the beginning, I also felt that eating these poisonous mushrooms just for a bite was really unnecessary."

“But then, after I ate it once, I couldn’t forget it.”

"It just so happens that we also produce these mushrooms here. Others are afraid of eating them, so they can only give me an advantage."

"Actually, I have also been poisoned. I didn't notice it at first. It wasn't until later that the dog I raised, wearing a general's military uniform, came to me seriously and awarded me a medal, I knew it. , I was poisoned.”

"That time, I was taken to your hospital, and your doctor brought me back."

"But after that time, I can't forget it. That weird, ethereal feeling, coupled with the fresh taste of the mushrooms, I really... can't forget it."

Wu Nu spoke very quickly and intoxicatedly, and hearing the admiration in his words, Lin Yu couldn't help but put down his chopsticks and asked in a low voice:

"Since Wu Nu likes to eat this kind of mushroom so much, and also likes the feeling of ecstasy, why not use mushrooms instead of heroin?"

"If you take too much heroin, you will have hallucinations, but those hallucinations are not real."

"And that real feeling, these mushrooms can do that."

"Imagine that you have artificially planted large areas of Jianshouqing. When these Jianshouqing are harvested, these fungi are harvested and made into lightly cooked food, ensuring that these fungi contain a little bit of toxicity."

“In this way, we can have the best of both worlds. We can not only obtain the unique taste of these fungi, but also let the human body experience the feeling of elation. Isn’t this killing two birds with one stone?”

Lin Yu's crazy suggestion fell into Wu Nu's ears. The other party couldn't help but rolled his eyes, and then said:

"That stuff is too toxic."

Hearing the meaning of the words, Lin Yu squinted his eyes and asked, "Have you done this before?"

"A friend of mine did it!"

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