When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 221 Zhou Yu beats Huang Gai! (The third update!)

The answer here made Akoma feel relieved. The old friend came to exchange opinions in person, which means that the other party did not refuse, but did not explicitly agree.

Everything had to wait until the old friend mentioned by Lin Yu arrived and the two sides exchanged opinions.

It's better to be cautious. After all, everyone knows how outrageous their demands are.

As for whether the milk tea party will be in trouble?

With a bitter smile, Akoma responded softly: "I have said just now that I saw a book from Sonia, and then all this happened."

"Mr. Lin knows the situation in the Middle East very well, so do you want to guess why Sonia appeared in Lebanon?"

After the response fell, Akoma had a smile on his face, which was playful and also a smile of fun.

On the opposite side, Lin Yu looked at Akoma from head to toe with a trace of scrutiny in his eyes. He thought of a little rumor he had heard before.

That is, the leader of a certain generation of the milk tea party disagreed with the Iranians, and then there was no more.

Could it be...

It's the unlucky guy in front of me?

After tilting his head and looking for a while, Lin Yu asked carefully: "Were you abandoned by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard?"

"Uh..." The straightforward words made Akoma a little overwhelmed. He repeated this unfamiliar word in his mouth to understand its meaning.

After a while, he responded: "It's not that serious. In your words, it should be..."

"Release military power with a cup of wine!" He used Mandarin for the last sentence, which was a bit stumbling, but it fully expressed his inner thoughts.

Hearing what he said, Lin Yu couldn't help but give him a thumbs up. An Arab, after a brief look at a period of history, can actually find an allusion in history that fully describes his own situation. Very good, very talented in learning.

"So, you don't want to be the one who is stripped of his military power?"

Faced with Lin Yu's question, Acoma nodded without any pretense, and generously admitted his thoughts:


"The Arab world is different from you. Your country has been under centralized rule for thousands of years and has a complete system. Even if you give up your military power, you can still be a rich man."

"We are a place of war. If you hand over your military power, then for others, you will become a thing that can be beaten and twisted by others."

"I don't want to become this thing. Similarly, my revenge has not been avenged!"

Listening to these decisive words, Lin Yu spread his hands helplessly. This kind of thing cannot be explained in just one or two sentences. It requires a lot of investigation and confirmation.

What if it is Zhou Yu fighting Huang Gai?

After chatting with Acoma for a few more words, he turned around and left the room, and gave a few more instructions to the security department before walking out of the hotel and bathing in the sun.

But after only a short while in the sun, the dark clouds blocked the sun, and the whole sky became dark. In the air, there was also a faint smell of soil, which was the intimate combination of moisture and dust in the air.

It's going to rain.

Lin Yu returned to Rheinsteel in the rain and sat in the office. He picked up the phone and dialed a number he hadn't dialed for a long time.

No one answered, only the beeping sound came.

After trying twice more, he sighed, put down the phone, and walked to the guesthouse.

In the guesthouse, Carlo and Awad dragged their chairs and lay leisurely in the corridor, listening to the drizzle outside the corridor and drinking tea comfortably.

Seeing Lin Yu coming over, the two of them raised their glasses at the same time and said in unison: "Your tea is not good."

"I'll find you if I need something."

Sensing the seriousness on the face of this friend, Avaro and the others didn't say much, put down their tea cups, got up and followed.

Walking into the room and standing by the window, Lin Yu folded his hands on his chest, leaned against the window, and asked with a serious expression: "I want to know if you have planted people in Lebanon. This is very important."


Carlo did not react, and Awad did take a breath of cold air. Lin Yu's words were almost asking if you had interfered in other countries.

Can you say this? It is definitely not possible. Even if you have, you can't admit it.

Because as long as this news is leaked, it will give others an excuse. Now America is stirring up trouble in the Middle East.

What if this mad dog goes crazy and rushes over with this reason and a big stick?

But noticing the solemnity on Lin Yu's face, Awad still asked cautiously:

"What's wrong?"

"I just got the news that Sonia went to Lebanon, and Akoma is on his way to China accompanied by his son Laria and special operations staff officer Hekle."

"This... this tmd?" Carlo cursed directly, and his bearded face was full of disbelief.

What kind of words are these?

At this point in time, shouldn't Sonia and Akoma unite and take weapons to beat the Israelis hard?

Why did this guy come here alone?

Moreover, you came here quietly alone, what's the matter?

Soon, he also woke up, turned his eyes to Lin Yu, and asked carefully:

"Is there a problem?"

Lin Yu did not answer aloud, but nodded slightly, then glanced at the two of them, and asked: "I know that your country must have plans in Lebanon, and I would like to ask you for a favor."

"That's helping me figure out what's going on in Lebanon right now."

"I don't expect very unique news. I just want to know if there is a gap between Sonia and Acoma."

"If there is really a gap, then our cooperation with Lebanon may need to be suspended for a while."

"This is a result that no one wants to see, so it will be troublesome for you two to confirm the relevant information."

"Okay!" Awad was the most decisive. He agreed directly without even thinking about it.

After all, the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Lebanon is still reasonable.

Moreover, if Iran controls Lebanon, it means that Saudi Arabia will permanently lose a vote in the Arab world.

This is absolutely not allowed, even with America as a powerful enemy.

Turning his head, he hurriedly walked out of the room and walked to his guest room. After he left, Lin Yu turned his attention to Carlo and continued:

"We have an old saying that if you listen, you will understand. On the Saudi side, they will definitely collect relevant information, but I want to look at it from another angle and see the grievances within Lebanon."

"Your Highness Carlo, can you help me with this?"

When asked, a smile appeared on his face and he smiled at the person in front of him.

The relationship between the UAE and Saudi Arabia is that they are both afraid that the brothers will have a hard time, and they are also afraid that the brothers will drive a Land Rover and be able to destabilize Awad. Carlo said, I will help with this.

He had the same smile on his face, put his right hand on his chest and patted it fiercely:

"No problem, I'll take care of it."

"But what are you going to do with Acoma?"

This question made Lin Yu frown, lowered his head and thought for a long time. He said in a calm tone:

"I'm going to get in touch with him first, and then if possible, I'll bring them in front of you two, and at the same time add our people, and let's sit together and have a good chat."

After hearing his solution, Carlo tilted his head and thought for a while, then nodded in agreement.

For them, Saudi Arabia is a big brother who can be cheated. They can just cheat each other sometimes, but at critical moments, both sides still have to stand firm and support each other.

As for Iran, the relationship, while not exactly enemies, is not much better.

Touching his eyebrows with his hand, he turned around and walked out of the room, called his secretary, and began to assign tasks.

Seeing these two people going about their business, Lin Yu also turned around and walked out of the room, heading to the office. He had to contact Jalim to see if they could get any news about Lebanon.

It's hard to drive a nail in, but someone else breaks it off halfway. What's that?

As soon as I opened the office door, the phone on the table rang.

It's an unfamiliar number.

Picking it up casually, a familiar voice came from the phone:

"My dear friend, why do you think you can call me at this time when you have time?"

It was Arabilla. In addition to his voice on the phone, there were also the sounds of sea water lapping against the breakwater and howling sea wind.

His cheerful voice paired with these sounds made it easy to tell that he was in a good mood.

"How are you feeling lately? I have a batch of new equipment here, do you want to try it?"

"New equipment?" Hearing the new equipment, the voice on the phone had a hint of surprise, but soon, the surprise in the voice disappeared, leaving only a compromise with reality:

"Forget about the new equipment. I actually planned to call you in two days, but you called today, so I just wanted to talk about it together."

"Help me prepare 3 million US dollars of equipment. I will come to pick up the goods in two days."

Listening to the voice on the phone, Lin Yu rubbed his face and said softly:

"We are all friends. I will give you this batch of experimental equipment first. You can just return the used data to me when the time comes."

"The main thing is that I have something to ask you for a favor and I don't know if you are free."

"Speak!" The person on the other end of the phone agreed without hesitation, and then, only the sound of slight breathing and the sound of the sea breeze came from the other side.

Along with this slight sound, Lin Yu spoke out his request:

"You said before that you had received training in Lebanon, and the person who trained you was Heckley."

"I have been cooperating with Lebanon during this period, but I am cooperating with the government. But I heard that the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Suniya, who was in Lebanon recently, seems to be preparing to sideline the Milk Tea Party Acoma."

"I would like to ask you to help me confirm whether this matter is true or false."

"May I?"

After saying that, Lin Yu pricked up his ears and waited for the response on the phone.

However, there was only the sound of the howling wind and the sound of the waves in the receiver.

Just when he thought Arabilla would refuse, words came from the other side:

"No need to go to so much trouble. We already have contacts with the Milk Tea Party. I'll arrange the work here and we'll find out when we go over tomorrow."

"I will give you the news the day after tomorrow at the latest."

"That's troublesome. I'll arrange for someone to load the equipment you want into the car later, and it will be delivered to you in 20 days at the latest."

Lin Yu exchanged greetings with Arabilla before putting down the phone. After waiting for a while, he picked up the phone and dialed Hassan.

"Mr. Hassan, we recently got a batch of new equipment, would you like to get some to try..."


Nabataean city.

In a small building with tight defense, Sonia was sitting on a chair reading a book leisurely, while his intelligence officer was reporting to him.

"These days, we have been following your orders, Commander, to divide the people under Akoma."

"But the situation is somewhat beyond our expectations."

"Although the elders in the Milk Tea Party said they were dissatisfied with Akoma, when we asked them to really take action and put their ideas into force."

"They all refused at the same time, and said that Akoma told them before going to Riyadh to treat hemorrhoids that they should be on guard against the Israelis' divisive tactics."

"Also, we saw some policies that we are not used to in the area controlled by the Milk Tea Party."

"I think we must cut the Gordian knot!"

The intelligence officer slowly raised his hand holding the intelligence, put it on his neck, and gently stroked it with an expressionless face, and the intelligence in his hand also slid down and slid in front of Sonia.

Looking at the content of the intelligence, he was very hesitant, hesitating whether to take action.

The Milk Tea Party was a pawn that they and the Syrians put in Lebanon. Their main purpose was to win over hundreds of thousands of Palestinians who were willing to resist and let them resist Israel.

Later, the Syrians withdrew from the cultivation of the Milk Tea Party, and this job fell into their hands.

Slowly, the Milk Tea Party became more powerful than other forces they supported.

In recent years, because everyone's life was not easy, they neglected it a little, but it was this negligence that caused all the trouble now.

This group of people from Palestine, under the assimilation of local Shiites, actually began to have a national identity with Lebanon, and actually recognized themselves as a new Lebanese from the bottom of their hearts, and actually put the interests of Lebanon first.


Is this acceptable?

If a knife has its own thoughts, can it still be called a knife?

Can it still be invincible?

Asking these questions in his heart, Sonia picked up the intelligence in front of him again.

The first page of the intelligence is a list, which is divided into three parts. The first part is people who are loyal to Akoma, the second part is people who are wavering, and the third part is people who are loyal to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.

Behind each name, there is a resume of this person.

Those who are loyal to Akoma are mainly Palestinians who came to Lebanon in 1971, as well as local Shiites.

And those who are wavering are mostly Palestinians who came after 1990.

Finally, those who are loyal to the Revolutionary Guard are all die-hards cultivated by the Revolutionary Guard over the years.

The second page is some new policies that Akoma has implemented in the southern region, including but not limited to business support and water conservancy and farmland facility construction.

There is even a women's work bill.

Sonia's fingers slowly slid down and pressed the words "Women's Work Bill".

He already had an idea in his mind.

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