When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 220 We need a political commissar! (Second update!)

As soon as Greb finished speaking, Lin Yu's words of rejection sounded next to him: "Don't even think about it. We just want to do business and make money, not lead ourselves into an abyss of eternal destruction."

"If Mr. Greb insists on visiting the factory, then all I can say is that our cooperation ends here."

After saying this, the expression on Lin Yu's face also changed and became extremely serious.

Seeing this, Greb could only choose to give up. While shaking his head, he took out a document from the briefcase he carried with him and handed it over the dining table.

As he handed it over, he patted it gently.

Lin Yu picked up the documents and found a bunch of bank accounts, Citibank, UBS, Lehman Brothers, everywhere.

His eyes swept over these banks, paused for a moment, and then he casually stuffed the document with the bank account into his briefcase.

As soon as he finished his action, Yu Ming's cell phone rang.

He walked to the side with his cell phone, nodded and bowed, then returned to the middle of the two people, nodded to Greb with an apologetic look, turned around, faced Lin Yu, and said anxiously:

"Old man, he knew that you came to Liancheng to make money, and you didn't go on a blind date as he asked."

"He's throwing a tantrum!"

The words "old man" made Greb and the two curious. However, before they could ask, Lin Yu stood up quickly and held out his right hand forward:

"Mr. Greb, there's a little something going on at home, and I need to go back and deal with it."

"Your consumption will be deducted from our cooperation fees, but it cannot exceed too much."

"I'll withdraw first."

The quick words made Greb feel a little overwhelmed for a moment. He held out his hand with a confused look on his face and shook it with the person opposite.

The two hands opened at the touch of a button. He didn't react until Lin Yu disappeared at the door of KFC. After a long time, he pointed to the door of KFC, which was once again crowded with people, and asked Nicholas:

"No, I came all the way here to give him business, but he can't even bear to have a good meal?"

Looking at the door, Nicholas turned his head, pointed to the beef burger on the table, and said with a strange face:

"Perhaps, in his opinion, the most valuable thing is this thing?"

"After all, he just said that in more than 20 years, including today, there have only been three times."

"To be honest, my dear boss, aren't you curious about the old man he talks about?"

"It's just a phone call that can make this mature young man afraid like that."

"Curious, but useless." Greb spread his hands, turned and sat back on the chair, picked up the beef burger on the table, and ate it.

As he ate, a strange smile appeared on his face.

On the streets of Liancheng, Yu Ming was driving his car. His cell phone on the driver's seat suddenly rang.

I answered the call casually and found that it was a call from my teammate behind me.

"Boss, as soon as you left, the strong man and another woman who suddenly appeared on the back yesterday followed you."

"But it doesn't matter. The third group should have encountered them."

Just as he finished speaking on the phone, the walkie-talkie in the hand of another Security Bureau member rang in the back seat.

Along with the rustling, a shout came from inside.

"Boss, boss, this is the third group, and the two suspects have been stopped by us."

"We found maps and some small things from them. Our indicators for this month are enough."

The words on the intercom made the two people in the back seat extremely excited.

KPI, I don’t know which god introduced it, there are indicators every month, but the problem is that spies are not that easy to catch.

In addition to being excited, they turned their curious eyes to Lin Yu. This man made two consecutive phone calls and made them pass the target twice.

Then can all future indicators fall on him?

Compared to the two team members, Yu Ming seemed much calmer. He held the steering wheel with both hands and drove the car carefully while warning Lin Yu.

"Mr. Lin, you should be more careful when you go out from now on."

Lin Yu nodded and responded: "I know, it's during this period that I don't have enough people on hand, so I called you."

"After a while, it will be fine if we have enough manpower."

"Send me back first."

"Okay! Sit tight, the veteran driver is starting!" After completing the target, Yu Ming was in a good mood. He stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, Santana roared twice, and still ran leisurely.

It's not a sports car.

Behind them, three groups of people tied up the strong man and woman in front of them. They didn't know who it was, and stuffed a pair of socks into each other's mouths.

Then he loaded the people into the car with excitement on his face, stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the Magic City.

Their car passed by a black Mercedes-Benz S600. In the S600, the foreigner driving the car stared straight ahead and tapped the accelerator with his right foot.

The speed of the S600 suddenly accelerated.

After driving for more than ten kilometers, the foreigner took out his mobile phone and dialed a number:

"The man named Lin Yu has many bodyguards behind him."

"Yes, I can confirm that they are bodyguards. These people act very violently. They are definitely private bodyguards."

"Ok, I see."

After hanging up the phone, the foreigner swung the steering wheel to the right and drove in the direction of the dock.


In Lanling, Arkema was sitting by the window of the hotel, with a dictionary in his left hand and an old book with a red cover in his right hand. He was reading and admiring.

The sound of raindrops outside the window was like nature discovering that he was reading and playing music for him.

The concert will end, and the music will end.

The rain stopped.

Acoma stretched himself, closed the book solemnly, and stood up to call his son and Heckle to go out for dinner, when he heard voices and footsteps outside the door.

Along with these sounds, the door was pushed open by someone from outside with a card. His good son pushed the door with his right hand and raised his left hand to make a gesture of invitation.

His body was close to the door, standing at the door as a doorman.

Behind him was a young man with a smile on his face. He looked less than 30 years old and older than Laria.

But his smile was different from Laria's.

Laria's smile was a simple smile that had not been beaten by society.

And the smile on this young man's face was a smile of confidence, a smile that everything was under control.

This was the person he was waiting for.

Standing up, Acoma walked over quickly, opened his arms, and used the Arab hug.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Yu, it's better to meet in person than to hear about him. Today, I see that he is more handsome than the legend."

He used Arabic, with a hint of excitement and eagerness in his words.

"Mr. Acoma, I didn't expect to meet you. To be honest, you are more heroic and majestic than Laria described to me."

After praising each other, the two sat down at the small reception table in the hotel, and Laria picked up the kettle next to them to boil water for the two.

Hukele took a look in the room, walked to the window, closed the curtains, turned around and walked out of the room, closed the door, and stood guard at the door.

When the sound of the electric kettle boiling water sounded, Lin Yu took out a small recorder from his arms and pressed the play button of the recorder. The song of loving the country and loving the beauty more came from the speaker. Then he lowered his voice and asked:

"Mr. Acoma came to China alone from afar. I guess there is something important. I wonder if Lin Yu can listen?"

Listening to the messy voice, Acoma smiled bitterly and shook his head. He pointed at Lin Yu and said:

"I came here this time to find you, Mr. Lin Yu."

"As for the purpose of coming to you, it is also very simple. We need a political commissar. At the same time, I would like to ask you for a favor and be a lobbyist!"

"I know that Prince Awad of Saudi Arabia is here. I want to get some help from him."


After listening to the reason why Acoma came to find him, Lin Yu couldn't help but take a breath. To be honest, this reason is even more terrifying and outrageous than asking him to buy nuclear bombs.

This is simply... It's outrageous, outrageous to the extreme.

Just at this time, Laria brought tea. Lin Yu quickly took the teacup, blew on it continuously to cool the tea in his hand, and drank it in one gulp.

The tea with residual warmth was like frost in June, suppressing all the thoughts in his mind.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Yu looked at the person in front of him and asked in a low voice: "Mr. Acoma, why do you have this idea?"

"Also, I think, the socialist camp..."

"No, I mean you can look for Russia."

Listening to Lin Yu's suggestion, Acoma shook his head directly and rejected the suggestion: "Russia is not okay. At least in my opinion, they can't even find their own way out now, let alone guide us."

After rejecting Russia, he raised his right hand and pointed at himself, then pointed at Lin Yu, and finally pointed his finger at the ground:

"And you, you are getting better step by step. After Minister Gler and the Israeli defense minister signed a ceasefire agreement, we are still fighting."

"In addition to fighting, the Iranians who appeared on our land are also spreading their ideas."

"But in the hands of the commander of the Revolutionary Guard, Suniya, I saw a few strange books . "

"I took a few photos and asked Grail to find someone to translate them for me."

"When I saw the translated content, I felt that was what I had been looking for."

"So, I asked Grail to help me find relevant books, and I found you and your history."

"I found that in the past few decades, there is only one country that has been able to rise from the ashes and is slowly getting better."

"After discovering this, I asked Grail to help me find some relevant historical documents. During this period, I came into contact with the thoughts of the great man in your country."

"At the same time, I also learned more about you. In this information, I learned about a character who once existed in the Soviet Union but now only exists in your country."

Akema slowly raised his head, his eyes became extremely firm, and at the same time, in Lin Yu's curious eyes, he uttered a familiar word.

"Political commissar!"

"When the Soviet Union was in the most dangerous time, it was these political commissars who led the Soviet Red Army to repel the German attacks again and again."

"In normal times, they encouraged the Soviet Red Army again and again."

"Similarly, there are such people in your most dangerous time."

"They are equally brave and fearless, not afraid of sacrifice, which greatly improves your organization, allowing you to get out of danger again and again and stand tall in the world again."

"All of this is what we lack. We are not lacking in passion, and our weapons are barely enough, but we lack organization and cannot really bring out our combat effectiveness."

"So, based on all this, I came to this country alone, wanting to seek your help."

"I know this is a bit difficult, but I know that I have no choice."

"Because opportunities are fleeting."

"I can only take advantage of Sonia's actions during this period to rectify the internal affairs of the Milk Tea Party, so that we can have a new way out."

"Otherwise, we will be held in the hands of the Iranians forever, just like you flying a kite, as long as they let go of the line, we will lose traction and fall to the ground with a snap."

"Or be blown to an unknown place by the wind."

This series of words made Lin Yu not know how to answer. When Jialim asked for people before, he only said that he wanted to help them with ideological construction, and he didn't dare to ask for a political commissar.

Moreover, Akoma asked him for a political commissar, where could he find one for him?


Who to borrow from?

Gao Jun? That guy will definitely smash his head, because this is a troublesome matter. If you are not careful, you will cause a lot of trouble.

After thinking about it, Lin Yu raised his hands, pressed lightly on Acoma, and said:

"I'll make a phone call. Your request is too outrageous. It's almost the same as asking us for nuclear bombs directly."

"I have to ask someone."

While speaking, he quickly walked out of the room, took out his mobile phone at the end of the corridor, and called Lu Huaxi.

As soon as the call was connected, he couldn't wait to say: "Director Lu, the leader of the milk tea party, Acoma is here with me. Yes, he didn't ask for equipment."

"He wants people and political commissars."

"You heard it right, he wants political commissars."

As soon as Lin Yu repeated the words, a strange cry came from the phone, and then a crackling sound.

That was the sound of the stainless steel cup falling from the table and rolling happily on the floor.

As for the strange cry, it should be that Lu Huaxi was scalded by the thermos cup in his hand.

The stainless steel cup was still rolling on the ground, and there was another sparse voice, very noisy, and not very clear.

It was obvious that the person on the other end of the phone was also completely shocked by the news.

After a long time, Lu Huaxi's voice came from the phone: "I'll ask Tang Yuanshan to come over, you should be careful on your side."

"Understood." After hearing Lu Huaxi's words, Lin Yu turned around, played with his mobile phone and walked into the room again, sat down opposite Arkema, and said softly:

"Wait a few days, an old friend of mine will come here in person, wait for him to exchange opinions with you thoroughly, and then we will talk slowly afterwards."

"How is it?"

"But I want to ask, you ran out alone, your milk tea party will be fine, right?"

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