When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 439 The rocket turned into light! (Second update!)

Being called a fool by their own boss, the people present had different expressions. Some were laughing awkwardly, some were pretending to be angry, and some were indifferent.

These people looked at each other, and finally, among the few people who laughed awkwardly, a man who looked to be in his 30s stood up and said with anxiety on his face:

"But the problem is, if we are not here, and we ask for more benefits at the beginning, then later..."

He only said half of the words and stopped talking. The anxiety on this person's face turned into hesitation.

However, his hesitant expression fell into Danta's eyes, but he did not wait for a response. He had no choice but to continue:

"Commander, now they need us, we can show them our fists and ask for more benefits."

"Solve all the problems at once..."

He was talking, and Danta's eyes were wandering, but the commander's hand did not stop. The pistol he had just put away was taken out again.

Open the safety and load the bullet.

When the person on the other side finished speaking, he raised his hand without hesitation and fired a shot.

The conference table was only 4 meters long.

Fire burst out, and the moment the gunshot sounded, the bullet passed through the man's head, carrying a puff of blood mist, and hit the wall behind him.

The bright red blood hit the wall with heat, rendering a sharp painting.

Turning off the safety of the gun in his hand, Danta played with the pistol and asked the others present:

"Can you beat those people in Northern Shan State? If you want to fight so much, I will give you people to kill those people in Northern Shan State and take down their territory. Can you do it?"

No one responded.

Northern Shan State is right in front of us. If we can kill them, we won't be in such a confrontation and fool around on these hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land.

Can't do it.

Thinking about these questions in their hearts, the remaining few people lowered their heads one after another, ready to avoid Danta's questioning.

Seeing no one responded, Danta nodded with satisfaction, and then asked again:

"Can you kill the military government? If you can, I can declare war tomorrow, appoint you as the vanguard, march south, advance along the Irrawaddy River, conquer Lower Burma, enter Yangon, and establish a kingdom belonging to our Kachin people."

"Can you do it?"

The cold question made the remaining few people bury their heads again.

Lower Burma is the richest place in the entire Myanmar region, with a mild climate, abundant water resources, and fertile land. You can grow food by sowing a handful of seeds on the ground.

The Kachin people don't want to fight this place because it is too hot. They still like the cool climate in the northern mountains, the mountains in the northern mountains, the inconvenient transportation in the northern mountains, and...

In short, it's not because they can't fight.

This time, the head has been under the table, with only two hands on the table, just like a group of headless knights in a meeting.

Looking at this group of headless knights, Danta snorted coldly and continued:

"Since everyone is very clear about their own strength, then I reiterate here that this oil pipeline in China is our opportunity."

"We must ensure that this oil pipeline is unobstructed and cannot have any problems on our territory."

"As for their actual combat effectiveness, I can give you a detailed reference line."

"The elite of the Burmese military government cannot beat those Vietnamese monkeys, and the Vietnamese monkeys cannot beat our neighbor to the north."

"This is enough."

"I know you want to get rich, but to get rich, you must also recognize your own strength!"

"Daba! Come in, brothers!"

Accompanied by a shout, two young men walked in from the door of the conference room, glanced at the corpse on the ground, and bowed respectfully to Danta:

"Uncle Danta."

Pointing at the corpse on the ground, Danta said: "Clean this guy up, and get rid of those Americans who suddenly appeared."

After the two brothers dragged the corpse away for more than half an hour, Danta turned his head and said to the group of headless knights:

"We are seeking independence, not death."

"All go down!"

Hearing this, the headless knights stood up and fled as if they had been pardoned.

But as soon as they walked out of the building where the meeting was held, their confidants brought news.

Ang Long, the man who was beaten to death, and his confidants were all cleaned up.

A few American guests were also cleaned up together.

Vietnam, Da Nang.

In a small building that looked ordinary, Fair looked at the intelligence from Myanmar, which was called a headache.

The loss of the mercenaries sent to Burma before had already cost him his pants.

As a last resort, he could only send CIA agents for the second operation.

But he never expected that the other party was still on the phone yesterday saying that everything was going well, but today it was dead.

The unpredictable world is destined to hurt those who dare to move.

Looking at the intelligence in his hand, he could only sigh, take out his mobile phone, find a number in it, and dial:

"I can't come to Pan Zhouzhen's speech at the university, you can control the scene yourself."

Putting down the phone, Fair sat in front of the computer and began to write a report.

Half an hour later, an email was sent from Da Nang, across the Pacific Ocean, and landed at the George Bush Intelligence Center in Langley, north of Arlington, Virginia.

The operator at the intelligence center received the information, glanced at it, and clicked "read".

After reading this email, the operator clicked on the next email in the mailbox again, which was sent by an anonymous account.

[There is a problem with the rocket shipped to Florida for launching a low-orbit satellite group. ]

The operator read these few short sentences twice.

Then, he dragged his mouse to the "read" button.



Florida, Cape Canaveral Launch Site, Launch Site 14.

Looking at the rocket standing on the launch pad, Greb was full of pride. He wanted to use all kinds of beautiful words to praise this rocket, but when the words came to his lips, he found that his vocabulary was seriously insufficient.

He couldn't find the right words to describe his mood at this moment.

After cursing a few words in his heart, he turned around and strode towards the launch command center.

In the launch control center, Holm Paredes, the chief technical officer of the rocket manufacturing center of Avenal, was doing the final inspection before the launch.

"The engine control signal is normal, the ignition device feedback signal is normal, the gyroscope signal is normal, everything is normal..."

"Very good, very good!"

During his busy inspection, Greb came behind him, patted his shoulder gently with his hand, and asked:

"How does it feel?"

Feeling the power on his shoulder and the words coming from behind, Holm put down his work, stood in place, and imitated the movements of those fitness experts.

Twist your body, raise your hands flat at your sides, clench your fists, and slowly exert force.

While showing off his body, he said loudly: "I feel great, I have never felt so happy as I do now!"

"I originally thought that after leaving the space agency, I would never touch a satellite again."

"But I never expected that in just a few months, the satellite I made with my own hands would be launched into space."

"It really feels like a lifetime ago."

"15 years ago, I just graduated from MIT and joined the space agency, and then was assigned to the institute to conduct technical research related to satellite manufacturing."

"I still remember clearly that at that time, satellites were only made by hand because the demand was relatively small. We knocked it out bit by bit by hand."

"It's a bit exaggerated to say it's pure handwork, but... it's basically the same as handwork. If there's a problem with the tolerance of the parts, we just do it again."

"It takes more than half a year just to purchase and install the parts for a satellite. A team can only produce one satellite a year."

"It's not like now. With the improvement of technology, the parts of satellites can be industrialized and mass-produced. It took only more than two months to assemble these 20 satellites."

"It really feels like a century has passed."

Listening to his sigh, Greb stepped forward, put his hands in front of his eyes, and looked at the launch pad in the distance.

At dawn on the seashore, the Cosmic God transport rocket, together with the launch pad, stood there quietly, like two giants from ancient times.

It was such a giant that would send their satellite to the predetermined orbit and then help them make money.

The purchase price of a low-orbit satellite given by the space agency is 3 million US dollars, and the cost is less than 1 million US dollars.

After deducting the corresponding taxes and fees, a satellite can also make a profit of about 1.3 million.

And there are 20 rockets in the distance.

That's 26 million.

The space agency has already paid for the launch cost of the rocket. In other words, this launch can earn 26 million US dollars.

High technology really makes money.

Unfortunately, the number of times is too small.

If there are 100 to 180 times a year, it would be a real profit.

Shaking his head helplessly, Greb's eyes were fixed on the rocket. If he could also make rockets, he could save more money and also make more money.


What a pity.

After sighing repeatedly, he raised his left hand, and the pointer of the quartz watch pointed to 6 o'clock.

There are still two hours.

He turned around and walked out of the launch command center and walked into a room next to the command center. In the room, Parison sat in front of a computer, typing on the keyboard with both hands.

Coming behind his cousin, he glanced at the monitor and asked:

"What are you doing?"

Hearing his cousin's question, Parison slowly turned around, his face full of tears. In the flowing tears, Greb could still see a trace of his unyielding spirit.

The two looked at each other, and Parison choked and said, "I'm arguing with the Chinese on the Internet."

"Have you won?"

"I can't beat them! They cursed me very dirty, and said that I cursed like a little baby."

After this, Greb was also happy. He curiously leaned over and looked at the text on the monitor.

Well... the other party was right.

Compared to the curses from the other side, Parison's text was really just a spoiled child.

As for the content of the online confrontation between Parison and the other side, it was this rocket launch.

Patting his cousin's shoulder with his hand, Greb whispered, "It's okay, wait, wait two hours, the facts will tell them hard that their words are useless."


Huaxia, Lanling, Rheinsteel.

Fix the monitor, bring out dumplings, fried peanuts, braised chicken feet, spicy octopus and other snacks from the kitchen, put all these small things on the table, open two bottles of beer and put them next to it, then Lin Yu sat down at the table and started his New Year's Eve dinner alone.

The picture played on the monitor was from CNN's global broadcast. In order to disgust people, these people spent a lot of money.

In the open space, more than a dozen broadcast vehicles were surrounded together, and a temporary signal transmitter was in the middle.

Under the transmitter, more than a dozen cameras were facing the transmitter in the distance, and they were all high-definition lenses.

Lin Yu was watching a blonde female reporter facing the camera, using passionate words to describe the rarity of this moment:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the countdown alarm at the launch center has sounded. In 10 minutes, we will see this miracle moment."

"A private company, under the guidance of the free market, completed the manufacturing of the satellite from scratch in 5 months."

"This is freedom, this is democracy, and this is the beacon of human civilization."

"Now is the time for us to witness the miracle."

"When these 20 satellites are launched, the freedom and democracy they represent will pass over the earth at a position of about 520 kilometers every day, spreading the freedom and democracy they represent to the world and everyone without any effort, so that everyone in the world can be bathed in the glory of freedom and democracy."

"At the same time, it is also telling the world that if you want to develop your country, you can only follow America's footsteps and embark on the road of freedom and democracy and move towards freedom and democracy."

Amid the passionate voice of this female reporter, the door was knocked.

Lin Yu opened the door with curiosity, but found Qian Jianguo, Miao Yuan, Lou Lan, and Xiang Baichuan.

Qian Jianguo walked in front, and when he saw the door open, he quickly pointed behind him and said:

"I'm sorry to bother you with the three of them, so let me bring them over."

"Sit down!" Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the small table full of food, turned around and walked to the kitchen to get chopsticks, cups and wine.

He handed the cups, wine and chopsticks to everyone, and asked with a smile:

"Why do you three stay in the R\u0026D center instead of taking a good rest and come to me?"

In response to the question, Xiang Baichuan naturally took the chopsticks and cups, filled the cups with beer, took a sip, pointed to the picture on the monitor, and said:

"Look at this."

Shaking his head, Lin Yu calmly sat back in his seat, picked up a shrimp, peeled it, put it in his mouth, and asked with a smile: "Are you stressed?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sound of the countdown ending came from the computer speaker.

At the same time, there was the scream of the female reporter.

That was an excited scream.

In an instant, several people who had just sat down at the table, without even bothering to eat, turned their eyes to the monitor.

Under their gaze, the rocket began to spit flames.

After the thrust was sufficient, the rocket slowly took off.

However, just as the rocket was about to leave the launch pad.

The rocket turned into light!

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