"In addition to making money, we also need to develop more equipment and better equipment to protect our hard-won peace."

"Finally, we will develop our own manned spaceflight. We will build a space station in space. We will also build a space station on the moon. Finally, we will build a space station to Mars, the entire solar system, and the entire universe."

"This is what I want to say. Starting from tomorrow, Rheinsteel will have a holiday until the 16th of the first lunar month."

"Before the holidays, each department must arrange the people on duty."

"Finally, I would like to remind you that we should balance work and rest, take holidays when we have holidays, and don't think about work or bring some confidential things home."

"The meeting is dismissed! Let's start the party!"

As the meeting was called to an end, the smile reappeared on Lin Yu's face. He tucked the document in his hand under his arm and shouted loudly to the people in the audience:

"Let's go! I won't come back until I'm drunk tonight!"

A group of people walked out of the auditorium in a mighty manner, and suddenly heavy snow began to fall in the dark clouded sky.

However, the heavy snow did not disturb the mood of the people present. On the contrary, they all became very excited about poetry and kept reciting poems and writing poems on the way to the canteen.

"Auspicious snow heralds a good year. In winter, you will be covered with a three-layer wheat quilt. In the coming year, you will sleep with steamed buns on your pillow. This heavy snowfall with goose feathers is a good luck!"

"It should be late at night and the sky is snowing, so I can drink a glass of wine. This sentence fits everyone's mood."

"Okay, can you have a drink? We'll drink from the bottle later. Whoever can't drink will be unlucky."

"Vulgar, simply vulgar. You have to eat food one bite at a time, drink wine one mouthful at a time, and drink from the bottle. You are just wasting food."

"You don't care whether I am wasting food or not. Drinking wine in my stomach is just to numb my brain. As long as I can numb my brain, you don't care whether I drink it or drink it."

A group of people entered the cafeteria noisily. When they saw people appearing, the master chef in the cafeteria quickly opened the lid of the incubator and revealed the dishes one after another in front of everyone.

A large group of people took their seats one by one, filling the table. The master chefs served a table of dishes and wine.

After everyone sat down, Lin Yu picked up a two-ounce wine glass, filled it with wine, walked around in front of the people present solemnly, raised his head, and drank in one gulp:

"Here, there are no superiors or subordinates. We just eat and drink."

"Everyone, feel free to eat and drink."

As he finished speaking, the originally quiet cafeteria suddenly became filled with people, the sounds of eating and punching could be heard all the time.

Putting the wine glass next to him, Lin Yu had just taken a prawn. Before he could engage in a life-and-death struggle with the prawn, a wine glass was handed over to him:

"Director, you have always been my idol. I heard your teachers talk about your glorious deeds at school. When I came to the factory, I even heard your legends."

"I'm a little Karami. I haven't seen you for a long time. I finally met you today. I'll drink this glass of wine. You can do whatever you want."

There was only a small amount of wine in the glass handed over.

As for the person who handed over the wine glass, Lin Yu found that he was older than herself.

Shaking his head helplessly, he took the wine glass, filled it up, touched it with the toaster, and drank it all in one gulp.

"Don't belittle yourself. Everyone has their youth. Thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. Don't bully young people into poverty."

"Don't bully the middle-aged and poor. This child is already middle-aged."

"Don't you think you should bully the old and poor? Beat you old bastards to death."

"Don't blame anyone. We are all about the same age. We are all going to die anyway. When the time comes, we will burn them with fire and there will be only a handful of ashes left. You can pile them on top of each other and I can throw them into the one-square-meter grave. There is nothing, so it must be the tears of a tomb robber.”

"Director, you said it's true that the holiday will be on the 16th day of the first lunar month, right? If it really is the 16th day of the first lunar month, then I will go on a blind date. Don't say that I won't give you New Year greetings then."

"You can pay your respects now, borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha, and even save on drinks."

"You are still smart as an old boy. May you have a good year in your future. May you have a good year in your future."

"Then I would like to wish everyone good luck in the Year of the Monkey."

"Good luck in the Year of the Monkey!"

"Lucky Year of the Monkey!"


Rheinsteel is enjoying itself, southwest, Vietnam.

A group of people in Hanoi were also enjoying themselves and were even celebrating, including Commander of Da Nang Nguyen Nam Hai.

He held a piece of information in his left hand, bent the middle finger of his right hand, flicked it lightly, and said with a smile:

"Look, America is absolutely impossible to ignore China's actions in Myanmar. Now, America should take action."

"The low-orbit satellite network, look at this use, is used to provide navigation, military observations, and ground meteorological observations."

"The most important thing is the launch time of these satellites. January 17th in America is January 18th in China. If we change the time in Florida, isn't it the time when China has New Year's Eve dinner? "

"To do something like this during the New Year's Eve dinner is just giving people eye candy!"

After praising the information in his hand, Ruan Nanhai turned around and turned his attention to the group of people around him.

The location he is currently in is the conference room of the Ministry of National Defense. In addition to people from the three armed forces of Vietnam, there are also some people from the economic department.

Economic and military people gathered here mainly to discuss how Vietnam should deal with several other countries on the Indochina Peninsula.

The cooperation between Myanmar and China made them feel a hint of crisis.

Indochina has always been considered by Vietnam to be its own backyard.

How could you allow others to get involved in your own back garden?

After staring for a while, Ruan Nanhai asked calmly: "What are you hesitating about?"

"If you hesitate any longer, the day lilies will be cold."

"Once the construction of the oil pipeline from Myanmar to China begins, the local armed forces will definitely cease fighting within a certain range for the sake of their lives."

"After the armistice, the first to benefit will definitely be the military government of the Myanmar authorities, and then the local people of Myanmar."

"If the construction of that pipeline is fast, it can be completed in two years. Two years is enough to complete the ideological transformation of some people."

"When people are calm, even if we start trouble inside, it won't have much effect, so we have to get involved now, before it starts."

When he finished speaking his thoughts, the people next to him frowned and said nothing.

These people shook their heads from time to time, and then nodded from time to time, as if they were objecting to these words, but at the same time they agreed with them.

Faced with the opposition of these people, Ruan Nanhai didn't waste any time. He stood up directly, knocked on the table with his hand, and said coldly:

"My suggestion is to launch a spring offensive against Cambodia and Laos."

“Putting the initiative back in our hands.”


Facing Ruan Nanhai's pressing step by step, the others still maintained their frowning expressions, as if they were thinking or fishing.

After thinking for a long time, perhaps because their buttocks were numb, or perhaps because they felt it was time to change positions, they moved their bodies again, and then continued thinking.

Just when Ruan Nanhai was about to speak again, the Minister of Defense, Ruan Changjiang, who was also the commander of the Hanoi Capital Command, raised his hand and knocked on the table to signal him to be quiet.

Ruan Nanhai still wanted to argue, but after receiving a cold look from Ruan Changjiang, he could only sit back slowly with hatred in his eyes.

After forcing Ruan Nanhai back, Ruan Changjiang stood up, tapped his fingers on the table and said:

"I know everyone here has their own ideas, but I must tell everyone to put these ideas away first and wait and see what happens."

"What we have to do is to exploit Russia, China, and America to benefit ourselves."

"It's not for your own selfish desires to mess around there."

"Especially you, Ruan Nanhai. Although we write the same word Ruan and you call me uncle in private, I need to tell you that we are not a family."

"If you mess up and delay everyone's money, then I will teach you how to write the word Ruan."


After leaving a few words, Ruan Changjiang stood up, patted his butt, and walked out of the conference room without looking back, leaving only an unruly figure for others.

The people present looked at the departing figures, some were chuckling, some were having fun, and some were angry.

As for the angry person, it is Ruan Nanhai.

There are many surnames in Vietnam, the most common of which include Nguyen, Le, Li, Chen, and Wu. About half of the people have the surname Nguyen.

The reason is that Vietnam has changed dynasties many times in its history, and when they change dynasties, they like to clean up the members of the previous dynasty. In order to survive, the members of the previous dynasty will change their surnames to those of the new dynasty.

The last traditional dynasty in Vietnam was the Nguyen Dynasty. In addition, the founder of the Nguyen Dynasty, Nguyen Phuc Ying, liked to give his surname to his subjects. Therefore, there are many people in Vietnam with the surname Nguyen.

Therefore, there may be no connection between two people with the surname Ruan for eighteen generations.

The family that Ruan Changjiang belongs to is the family that the Ruan Dynasty royal family belongs to. When it became independent, this family made some efforts, and then the people of this family rose up like a giant overnight and soared ninety thousand miles.

As for Ruan Nanhai, his father fought tooth and nail on the battlefield, only to be chased by a major after his death.

After graduating from college, he joined the army and began to climb up with his wit and talent.

This included identifying a relative, Ruan Changjiang, who he recognized as his uncle.

Ruan Changjiang's family also contributed a lot to being able to sit in this position today.

After sitting in a high position for a long time, people will naturally drift away.

After all, he is also a commander, and he is also a general.

A person who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

Words also carry weight. No matter where you go, you will always be surrounded by people.

But he never expected that in Ruan Changjiang's eyes, he would still be the person he could come to and leave at a moment's notice.

While Ruan Nanhai was angry, other people stood up one after another, chatting about some random topics, passing by, and patting Ruan Nanhai on the shoulder after passing one.

Slowly, everyone in the conference room left, leaving him alone.

After sitting there for a long time, it wasn't until the cleaner walked into the conference room that Ruan Nanhai stood up and walked out of the conference room calmly.

Looking at the sun above his head, he stretched and became energetic again.

Finally, he looked back at the Ministry of National Defense building, his face suddenly turned cold, he turned his head hard and walked towards the road outside the Ministry of National Defense.

If the military wants to make money, it can only make money through war and business. What kind of bullshit is that?

Myanmar, wait!


"Haqiu! Haqiu!" In Kachin State, Danta sneezed more than a dozen times in a row, and his whole body turned into a dragon fruit, and his whole body became red.

At the moment he stopped sneezing, his body, which was originally bent like a shrimp, immediately rolled to the ground, rolled under the conference table, and took off the pistol hanging on his waist.

He opened the safety, loaded the bullet, and listened carefully to everything around him.

The bizarre action fell into the eyes of other people in the conference room. After a brief surprise, these people followed suit and rolled under the conference table in front of them.

It is impossible for the boss to suddenly sneeze dozens of times, and it is even more impossible for him to suddenly get under the bed.

So, there is something wrong in this room.

Then a group of people were silent, staring with big eyes, and carefully listening to the movements around them.

After listening for a while, they didn't hear any gunshots or smell any messy smells, and then they realized it belatedly and focused their attention on Danta.

Being stared at by a group of subordinates, Danta smiled awkwardly, ejected the bullets in the gun chamber, turned off the safety of the pistol, got out from under the conference table, and sat back in his seat.

After the others came out from under the conference table and sat back in their seats, he knocked on the table in front of him and said gently:

"See, you still don't understand why I did this, and you're still thinking about making trouble."

"You watched the New Year's greeting video and thought that the other party was poorly equipped and was ready to make trouble so that they could get an extra price. Then I tell you, they don't need too good equipment to beat us."

"My action just now was to test your reaction when you were attacked, but your actions were too slow, and you still don't understand why I did this."

"If I sneezed just now because someone threw a gas bomb, we would have died in the ten seconds when I sneezed."

"From this aspect, it can also show our strength . "

"That is far worse than asking for excessive fees from someone who is much stronger than you when you have no strength. Then I can only give you a question, what kind of Feng Shui treasure land do you want?"

"The biggest purpose of signing the passage agreement of this oil pipeline is to introduce an absolute pressure to make peace between us and Northern Shan State and the Burmese military government, a temporary peace."

"With this peace, we can take the opportunity to accumulate strength and develop ourselves."

"At the same time, let the local ordinary people feel the benefits of peace, and then slowly erode the areas where Northern Shan State and the military government are located."

"By doing this, we can minimize the possible losses."

"Instead of losing troops and generals like before, understand? Stupid guys!"

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