When Lin Yu said the words "ancestral grave", Qian Jianguo was in a trance for a moment. He held the wine glass in his hand and was silent for a moment. He said softly:

"Indeed, Uncle Yuanzhan has been out for many years, and what he always wants is to return to his roots."

"But in those days, the words "returning to one's roots" were as difficult as ascending to heaven for people in the Third Front Construction."

As he said this, he drank the wine in his hand in one gulp, put down the glass, and asked back:

"By the way, do you want to wait for two days, wait until the third or fourth day of the first lunar month, I will find a Feng Shui master to look at the time, so as to find a good time to open the grave."

"No need." Lin Yu responded casually, and suddenly stood up and snatched a flower from a little girl passing by.

Looking at the crying little girl, he lit the fireworks happily, waved them around, sat back in his chair, ate the spicy octopus and said:

"No need, I will pry open the cement on my grandfather's grave tomorrow, take out the urn and pour half, and take my grandmother's half with me."

"We will bury them together then."

"It will save the old man from traveling all the way to the mountains and rivers to eat incense during festivals."

This nonsense made Qian Jianguo whisper to Lin Yu: "Aren't you afraid of Uncle Yuanzhan blaming you?"

"No!" Lin Yu was very decisive, shrugged his shoulders, and said with a smile:

"He hasn't seen me, he won't be able to find me, but he should be able to find you."


Listening to Lin Yu's words, Qian Jianguo couldn't help but glance around.

Fireworks and firecrackers exploded, and adults and children from Rheinsteel all walked out of their homes to enjoy the fireworks that were shown once a year.

And the more naughty children were holding fireworks and firecrackers and setting them off everywhere.

The security personnel were wearing black uniforms and moving among the crowd. When they saw the naughty ghosts throwing firecrackers into the crowd, they rushed over and caught them and beat them.

It looked lively.

However, Qian Jianguo always felt that there seemed to be more people in this lively atmosphere.

Some people who were a little familiar, but not too familiar.

I dare not think about it, I dare not think about it.

He turned around quickly and threw a peanut into his mouth to suppress the messy thoughts in his heart, forcing himself not to think about messy things.

Qian Jianguo, you are a party member.

You can't think about it.

Next to him, Miao Yuan took over the topic at this moment and said to Lin Yu:

"In fact, I still think that you should listen to Director Qian and find a suitable time."

Hearing that he had to choose a time again, Lin Yu waved his hand gently and said:

"It's really unnecessary. We Lin family members don't really take this thing seriously."

"If we take these seriously, our ancestors wouldn't run around everywhere."

"According to the records in the golden elixir book at the bottom of the box, our Lin family has 40 characters, and I used fourteen characters."

"In three hundred years, the ancestors of the first thirteen characters."

"From the Central Plains to Yanjing, and from Yanjing to Jiangnan, Jiangnan couldn't make it, so they ran to Gan Province, and then ran to Bashu, and then from Bashu to Guizhou Province."

"My grandfather joined the army and ran to Shandong Province."

"That is, there were no airplanes three hundred years ago, otherwise, there would be brothers all over the world."

As soon as these words came out, the people next to him fell silent.

The surname at the beginning of a Chinese person's name is the first identification code of that person.

Except for those who changed their surnames, the rest, as long as they have the same surname within a certain range, are likely to have the same ancestor if they count up to 18 generations.

These ancestors would migrate everywhere due to wars.

However, it is really not as Lin Yu said, that 13 generations have almost traveled all over China in 300 years.


And 13 generations have been running around, and they haven't lost the Jindan Book that records the birth and death time of their ancestors, as well as the burial place.

I can only say 6.

In silence, Qian Jianguo said: "Then let's go together tomorrow morning!"

The fireworks in his hand have burned out, Lin Yu threw the shell on the ground, nodded and said:



Cemetery behind the Rhine Steel.

Lin Yu placed the offerings, lit the incense and candles, and burned the paper money while saying:

"Mom, Dad, Grandpa, Grandma, it's the New Year again."

"Today is a big event, that is, we have to move Grandpa. He said at the time that he wanted to let him return to his roots."

"In order not to let him be lonely, Grandma has to go too, but in order to make it convenient for your grandson to burn incense, I can only go halfway."

"I know you won't blame me."

"Even if you want to blame me, you can only beat my dad. It's because of his unfilial son and his procrastination that this matter has been delayed for decades."

"If you want to beat him, beat him hard down there."

He talked for a long time, and the yellow paper money burned out in the gaps between words.

Just when Lin Yu was about to get up, a small breeze blew, blowing the burnt money and paper ashes away, as if the four old people agreed to this matter.

Getting up, rubbing his numb legs, Lin Yu picked up the pickaxe next to him, walked around the tombstone, and came behind the tombstone.

Find the gap in the tomb cover and pry it open.

Take out the two urns, think about it, and don't pour out half of them, but put them directly into the red cloth bag.

Wrap it up, take a look at the haze above your head, turn around and restore the tomb, hum a song, carry the urns of your grandparents, and walk out of the cemetery.


Guizhou Province.


Looking at the address in his hand, Lin Yu carefully walked to the courtyard in front of him, handed his ID to the sentry, and said with a smile:

"Comrade, I want to find Mr. Wang Ji."

The sentry looked at the ID in his hand, raised his head to look at the person in front of him, and then cast his eyes on the taxi that had just left.

Finally, he looked at the big box in Lin Yu's hand, examined it for a moment, returned the ID, raised his hand to salute, and said:

"Comrade, I can help you contact, but whether you can go in depends on the other party's consent."

As he said, the person next to him turned and walked into the sentry box to make a phone call.

A few minutes later, the person who called came out, raised his hand to salute again, and said:

"Comrade, the old leader's family has agreed on the phone, please register here."

"We still need to check your personal belongings."

"Okay!" Lin Yu opened the box naturally, and the first thing that caught his eye was two jars.

Next to the two jars, there were several sets of clothes. The most conspicuous one was naturally the uniform with one bar and three stars, yellow background and red bars.

After checking the clothes and confirming that there was nothing inside, the sentry's eyes fell on the jar.

He felt that it looked familiar, but he didn't dare to confirm it, nor did he touch it casually, but carefully asked:

"What is this?"

"The urn."

"Ah? What's wrong?" The sentry asked in surprise.

Hearing this question, Lin Yu knew that the other party had misunderstood, and hurriedly explained:

"This is the urn of the elders, brought back from other places, and ready to be returned to the hometown for burial."

The elders' urn, these words made the sentry's tense face relax a lot, squatting down, helping Lin Yu to repack the box, and handed the registration list to Lin Yu.

After registering, the sentry raised his hand and pointed to the residential building behind him: "Go along this road, go over there, and you will see the person who will pick you up at the end."

"Thank you!" After thanking, Lin Yu pulled the suitcase, hummed a song, and walked into the military compound with curiosity.

Lincheng is named because there are a large number of evergreen trees in the city.

Even in winter, these trees in the city still stubbornly hold up green umbrellas to block the sun that rarely appears in winter for passers-by.

Because the ultraviolet rays here are relatively strong.

Until the end...

Walking, Lin Yu stopped because there was a fork in front of him.

On the left, it was to the three buildings on the left, and on the right, it was to the four buildings on the right.

In front of him was a lotus pond that was neither big nor small.

His dead grandfather and his father's brothers-in-law would definitely not live in the lotus pond.

After a moment of hesitation, he turned his head and looked at the big French sycamore on his left.

Under the French sycamore tree, there is a stone round table. At this moment, four old men are sitting around the round table, wrapped in big cotton coats, talking about the world and playing chess.

Without any hesitation, Lin Yu dragged his suitcase towards the four old men. As he walked, a strange look appeared on his face.

Because one of them looked familiar.

The sound of the wheels of the suitcase rolling naturally attracted the attention of the four people. When Lin Yu came in front of them, the four people also raised their heads and looked at Lin Yu with curiosity.

However, the old man near the sycamore tree had a strange expression on his face after seeing Lin Yu clearly.

On the opposite side, Lin Yu's eyes also fell on the old man, and his face gradually became strange.

Frowning and thinking for a moment, he took out a photo from his arms, compared it carefully, and asked back:


This shout made the three old men around Wang Ji jump up directly, and looked at their old friends around them with incredible faces.


No, everyone plays chess at home every day, how come you suddenly have a grandson without making any noise?

And he's so big!

After the initial shock, the three old men next to him finally calmed down and looked at Lin Yu carefully. Some ancient memories slowly emerged in their minds.

"Hey! Wait, isn't it Junhua's child? I remember that girl ran away with Director Lin's nephew?"

"Yes, yes, yes! The eyebrows and eyes are exactly the same as Junhua's. This face is the same as the little bastard who was kidnapped."

"You know what, Junhua's eyebrows and eyes are put together with the little bastard's face, which is quite attractive, Lao Wang, much better looking than the ones in your own family."

"What nonsense are you talking about? The ones in Lao Wang's family just used their faces to replace their bodies, and they don't get sick during festivals."

"Yes, yes, yes, what does that foreign saying say? God closes a door and closes a window?"

"You are asked to study, but you want to feed pigs. It's God who closes a door and opens a window."

"Lao Wang, why don't you smile? Your grandson is here, come and smile!"

With the help of several old friends, Wang Ji's mouth was forcibly pulled open, revealing a smile.

Just as the three old men were having fun, an old woman came from the right side of the road, looking around as she walked.

When she saw the people playing chess, especially Wang Ji, she immediately quickened her pace and came to the sycamore tree.

"Old Wang, you are playing chess here, have you seen the little kid playing chess?"

"The sentry said Xiaoyu is here, I waited at the foot of the building, but I didn't see anyone, come and play chess with me."

While talking, the old woman reached out and pushed her husband. When she found that he didn't speak, she pushed him again.

There was still no movement. The old woman got angry and her face turned cold in an instant:

"Speak! Are you going to die?"

"Don't you listen to me? Are you deaf? I'm pretending to be deaf and dumb!"

Facing his wife who had changed his form, Wang Ji didn't dare to be careless. He quickly raised his hand, pointed at Lin Yu with a smile, and asked his wife: "Look, who is it?"

After this reminder, the old woman noticed that there was another person beside her.

Wearing a thick cotton coat from the north.

He was also pulling a suitcase and was 1.7 meters tall.


It fits perfectly.

Look at the eyebrows and eyes, and then look at this face.

Zhao Liping stretched out her hands tremblingly, trying to reach out, but halfway through, she retracted them again, just looking at the young man in front of her, repeating one sentence over and over again:

"Like, really like, completely carved out of the same mold."

"Really like, too much like, really like..."

"Your penis was only a little bit big, I secretly went to Shandong Province at that time, and I also hugged you."

As she spoke, Lin Yu slowly squatted down, pulled the old man's hands, and pressed them on her face.

Touching her grandson's face, Zhao Liping also slowly squatted down, stretched out her hands forward, hugged her grandson, and sobbed softly:

"It's been more than 20 years. If you come later, you won't be able to see me!"

After comforting her grandmother, Lin Yu pulled her up and continued to smile without saying anything.

After venting her emotions, Zhao Liping turned around and found that Wang Ji was still sitting at the stone table. Her face turned cold: "Pull up the box and go home to cook!"

Hearing this roar, Wang Ji did not respond, but stood up, pulled the box, and walked towards his residence.

Zhao Liping pulled Lin Yu and followed closely behind him: "I heard that the 567 base was not doing well a few years ago. How have you been doing these years?"

"Have you suffered?"

"If you really can't, move to Lincheng and live with us. We have a spacious house here."

"If you think the house is too small, then we will pay for you to buy a big house in Lincheng. Lincheng may not have other things, but it is the best for food and life."

"Also, is there no friend?"

"I tell you, the girls in Lincheng are so gentle and kind."

In front, Wang Ji, who was walking in front with a box, seemed to have pressed the pause button after hearing this.

Looking up at the sky at a 45-degree angle, he let out a long sigh. Just as he was about to say a few words, Lin Yu saw his grandmother walking quickly over.

He kicked his grandfather.

The action was so smooth that it was not inferior to that of a teenage girl.

Just after the kick, a girl who looked about 15 or 16 years old and in school uniform appeared at the end of the stairs.

She looked at Zhao Liping and shouted, "Grandma, you hit Grandpa again."

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