When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 442 Fallen Leaves Return to Their Roots! (Second update!)

The little girl's shouting made Lin Yu couldn't help shaking his head.

One word again, revealed how much bitterness Wang Ji had gone through.

On the Internet in later generations, there has been a saying that goes, that is, marry a Sichuan and Chongqing Tyrannosaurus and enjoy a life of bad times.

In fact, compared with the Sichuan and Chongqing Tyrannosaurus next door, the women in Guizhou Province are not much worse. After all, others are talking about the old mother, while they are talking about the father.

After kicking her own partner, Zhao Liping returned to Lin Yu with a smile on her face, holding her eldest grandson's hand, and slowly walked to the stairs.

Walking to the little girl, she stretched out her hand and waved: "Xiaoyun, this is your cousin, your second aunt's cousin, surnamed Lin, Lin Yu."

Following her grandmother's introduction, Wang Yun slowly moved her eyes and set her eyes on the stranger next to her. The other person's smile was very gentle and beautiful.

Then, with a warm smile, Wang Yun tilted her head: "Ah?"

Walking into the two old people's house, Zhao Liping was busy boiling water and cooking, and Wang Yun sat beside her, holding a pillow in her hand, quietly looking at Lin Yu.

Wang Ji was more direct.

He poured a glass of water for Lin Yu, looked at his grandson, and asked calmly:

"I wrote to the 567 base before, and the person who replied to me said that you were a graduate student. Have you graduated now?"

"Are you going abroad to continue your doctoral studies, or are you going to work?"

"If you are going to work, where are you going to work? Do you need help?"

"How many days are you going to stay this time? Do you want me to contact your second grandfather for you?"

"He has retired now. I heard that he went back to his hometown. The location of his hometown is not easy to find. If you want to find him, you have to contact him in advance."

"Also, your grandmother just said that you are not young anymore. Do you have any girls you like? If not, I can help introduce a few to you."


Speaking of introducing a girlfriend, Wang Ji stopped talking, squinted his eyes, and looked at Lin Yu with a scrutinizing look.

The more he looked, the more satisfied he was.

He has a handsome face, a tall figure, and especially those eyes, which look very calm and composed. In addition to his own academic qualifications.

It is not a problem to enter state-owned enterprises and government departments.

At that time, she will be a hot commodity in the blind date market, which is very good.

When he was about to continue asking, a shout came from the kitchen.

"Xiao Yun, come and bring the fruit over, let your cousin fill your stomach first."

Sitting on the sofa, Wang Yun, who was hiding her ears with a pillow, got up quickly, rushed into the kitchen, and then returned to the living room with a fruit plate as quickly as possible. She put the fruit plate down and continued to sit back on the sofa, hugging the pillow, hiding her ears and stealing the bells and eating melons.

The living room was quiet again, and Wang Ji was ready to speak. Just as he was about to open his mouth, someone knocked on the door from outside.

Lin Yu was closest to the door. When he heard the knock, he got up quickly and came to the door. With a smile on his face, he raised his hand to open the door.

The door opened, and a woman's voice came from outside:

"Don't call me to visit the graves next time during the Spring Festival. I've traveled hundreds of kilometers. I went there yesterday and came back today. I feel like I'm going to die."

"Xiaoyun, help me get something."

The moment the door opened, Lin Yu also saw the people outside clearly. There were 9 people, and they were obviously divided into three camps.

The voice that just spoke came from the woman closest to the door.

She was holding a bunch of bags in her hand. At this moment, she was bending over and cleaning the bags in her hand.

While cleaning the bags, she called out again: "Come and help!"

Hearing this, Lin Yu reached out and took the bag from the other person's hand. The bag was still a little heavy in his hand. He retracted his hand and looked into the bag from the mouth. He could still see what was in the bag.

Mandarin oranges.

It was a yellow-skinned orange that was smaller than a grapefruit.

After taking a look at the things in the bag, Lin Yu raised his head again, smiled at the people in the corridor, and then stepped back to make way for the entrance.

Outside the door, a group of people saw Lin Yu appear and did the same thing at the same time. They looked up at the house number, looked down at the door, and then looked outside the corridor.

At this moment, the whole corridor became very quiet.

At this time, the woman at the door finally noticed that the surroundings seemed too quiet. She slowly raised her head and saw Lin Yu standing by the door.

Seeing the stranger behind the door, the woman was stunned at first, then bent down carefully, put her head through the door, and carefully looked at everything in the room.

Seeing the familiar furniture, she took another step back and looked at the house number above her head.

Yes, it's her own home.


The doubt flashed in her mind for just a second, and then she was stunned. At the same time, her face began to turn red. When the redness reached its peak, a roar came from her mouth:

"Wang Yun! I told you why you didn't go to the grave!"

"People are calling you!"

"It's only the third day of junior high school today, do you want to die?"

Suddenly hearing a piece of gossip, Lin Yu's eyes lit up, and he took two steps back and looked back at Wang Yun sitting on the sofa.

I can't tell!

Children fall in love early, so they have to be dealt with.

Hearing this roar, Wang Ji, who had been sitting on the sofa as steady as a rock, slowly got up from the sofa, came to the door, looked at the crowd of people at the door, raised his hand and pointed at Lin Yu:

"Lin Yu from the second brother's family."

After explaining, he sat back on the sofa.

The people outside the door also showed horrified expressions, looking at Lin Yu with surprise, and then, carrying large and small bags of things, they walked sideways and carefully passed in front of Lin Yu, and put the large and small bags in their hands into the storage room next to the kitchen.

After doing all this, a group of people lined up neatly again, sat back on the sofa, and then stared at Lin Yu with wide eyes.

After looking at them for a while, Lin Yu naturally walked to the sofa, found an empty seat and sat down, and continued to look at them.

On the sofa, Wang Ji saw this scene, sighed, raised his hand and pointed to the opposite side, and began to introduce people:

"This is your uncle Wang Jungui."

"This is your aunt Huo Wenjun."

"These two are... your cousins, the eldest Wang Entao, he should be three years younger than you, the second Wang Enlue, four and a half years younger than you."

"This is your third uncle, Wang Juntian."

"This is your third aunt Qiao Anlan."

"This is your cousin Wang Enlin, who seems to be three months younger than you."

"This is your fourth uncle Wang Junbao, and the one next to him is your fourth aunt Wu Qing'e. Their child is the dead girl next to him."

"This is your second aunt's cousin, Lin Yu."

After introducing both parties, Wang Ji closed his mouth again, because he didn't know what to say. After all, it was the first time he saw this eldest grandson in person in more than 20 years.

On the sofa opposite, uncle Wang Jungui stared at her for a while, smiled, and asked:

"Is Xiaoyu studying, or has she started working?"

Lin Yu sat up straight, like a good baby, and nodded his head: "I'm working!"

"How is the job treatment? Is the salary high?"

"In the General Staff Department, it's 1.3 yuan now, and it should be 2.1 yuan this year."

Lin Yu responded calmly, and at the same time, he glanced at Wang Ji beside him and Wang Jungui opposite him.

If what my parents said was right, then the reason for the quarrel was mainly because of this guy in front of him.

When the words 1.3 yuan appeared, Wang Jungui instantly lost the idea of ​​continuing the conversation. He twisted his butt on the sofa and looked out the window lifelessly.

At this time, Wang Ji, who was standing next to them, took over the topic between the two and answered their questions:

"Since you work in the General Staff, I won't ask you about your work."

With a helpless sigh, Wang Ji turned around, locked his eyes on several juniors, and said coldly:

"Look at your appearance, and then look at your cousin, especially you, Wang Yun."

"You don't study hard all day long, you just chase stars, listen to music, and play games."

"After you finish the first half of the senior year next year, I'll see what you can do."

The topic suddenly turned to her, and Wang Yun, who had been using a pillow to cover her ears and steal the bell, was stunned. She didn't understand why the topic suddenly turned to her.

There were obviously several big guys in front of her, and none of them were married. Why did the torture during the New Year fall on her head.

Unable to figure it out, she could only retract her feet to the sofa, squeezed hard into the sofa, blocked the pillow in front of her eyes, and pretended that she disappeared.

On the opposite side, Lin Yu took all this in, smiled, and began to take the initiative.

"Uncle, I heard that you went to the freight station after you retired from the army, responsible for managing freight transportation. I heard that the efficiency is not very good, and your salary is delayed every day."

"What's the point of this crappy job? Go drink, you should show the carefree spirit of your youth, and be carefree with your friends."

"Both cousins ​​are in their 20s, and they are both at the age of getting married. Do you have a girlfriend? Have you bought a house? Have you bought a car?"

"Where are your friends? It's New Year's Day, why don't you invite them to your house to sit together?"

"It's more lively when there are more people."

"Aunt, I'm not targeting you, you'd better sit down."

"And you two, you'd better sit down together. It's New Year's Day. I'm just visiting relatives, not beating people up. I'm not that kind of person."

"But I can become that kind of person."

"Third uncle, how is your work? Do you want me to help you change a job? The salary is definitely higher than your current one. It's no problem to buy a house, and even less a problem to buy a car. ”

“Your family is already quite old, but he hasn’t married yet. Buy a car, buy a house, dress up decently, go out for blind dates, and girls will take a second look at him.”

“Don’t learn from your uncle, he’s just a drunkard. One day, he gets drunk and his whole family gets killed on the road.”

“Fourth uncle… forget it. I’ll introduce you to someone in a few days. That guy can help you with your business.”

“Cousin, how are your grades? Do you want me to help you? I know a few people, including the presidents of several top universities. I can help you realize your dream of going to college with just one sentence.”

After confronting everyone, Lin Yu turned around and looked at Wang Ji, grinning, and asked:

“Grandpa, you spent a lot of effort to train your offspring, but they turned out to be a waste. How do you feel?”

“Do you feel like you’re disappointed? Huh?”

Lin Yu’s words instantly brought the atmosphere in the living room to the freezing point. Wang Ji sat next to him, his expression constantly changing, switching from sunny to cloudy.

The younger people beside them all shut their mouths, but at the same time leaned forward slightly. If the old and young in front of them had any problems and were about to fight, they would immediately rush over and hold them back.

For a long time.

Wang Ji, who had been switching expressions, let out a long breath, looked at Lin Yu and asked:

"Where did you get all this information? And, the purpose of your coming here today, isn't it to deliberately piss me off?"

Faced with the accusation, Lin Yu kept waving his hands, and then raised his hand to point at his uncle Wang Jungui:

"No, no, no! I came to Guizhou Province this time, first to see the old lady, second to send my grandfather's ashes back, and third for other work."

"If it was just to piss you off, you should be lying on a stretcher now."

"I'm only targeting him, Wang Jungui, and his family."

"Look, my mother said that my third uncle treated him very well. When she ran away, it was my third uncle who opened the door for her, so I helped my third uncle."

"Then the money my mother used to run away was stolen from your wallet by my fourth uncle, so I will also help my fourth uncle's business."

"Only Wang Jungui, how far away is he, die as far as he can."

"Don't look so dead, I'll leave after eating the old lady's meal, and I won't compete with you for property, you bully."

These few words directly divided the people huddled together on the sofa into two groups.

Wang Jungui's family of four sat next to him. Wang Yun's aunt grabbed him from the sofa and dragged him to the side.

Seeing this scene, Wang Jungui could no longer sit still. He stood up and pointed at his nose and was about to start scolding when there was a noise in the kitchen.

Zhao Liping walked out slowly with a smile, holding a kitchen knife, and then looked at everyone with a smile.

After watching for a while, she turned around and walked back to the kitchen. The moment she walked into the kitchen, a cold voice came from the kitchen:

"Serve the dishes and eat."

Raising his hand to press down his furious son, Wang Ji closed his eyes and said helplessly:

"Forget it, I'm also a big age. You are all adults and have your own children, so I don't care."

"Let's eat!"

At the dinner table, because of the conflict just now, a group of people did not have any extra conversations. They just ate quietly in silence.

After dinner, Zhao Liping took Lin Yu to the kitchen, tiptoed, pressed hard on the shoulders of her eldest grandson, and nodded with satisfaction.

Then she took out a red envelope from her bosom and glanced outside with the corner of her eyes. Lin Yu looked over and found that the old lady's attention was on Wang Jungui and his wife.

The couple was sitting on the sofa, lowering their heads, and it was unknown what they were thinking.

Finding that no one was paying attention to this side, Zhao Liping stuffed the red envelope into Lin Yu's pocket.

As soon as the red envelope entered his pocket, Lin Yu judged the share of the red envelope by the weight.


Well... in more than 20 years, this is the first time I have received such a heavy red envelope.

When I was a child, the largest red envelope I received was only 20 cents, and the smallest was 1 cent.

Even with this money, his mother took all the money away in the name of "You are still young, I will help you keep it."

After reaching out to touch the red envelope, Lin Yu helped the old lady out of the kitchen, came to Wang Jungui and his wife, and said with a smile:

"If I find out that you two bully the old lady, I will twist off the heads of your family of four."

"I mean what I say."

After saying that, he turned around and came to Wang Juntian: "Third uncle and fourth uncle, leave your phone number."

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