When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 218 A friend comes from afar! (The third update!)

To speak of high emotional intelligence, there must be corresponding majesty. Lin Yu immediately stood up, put his hands behind his back, and began to circle on the stage.

After two turns, when the people in the audience were panicking and anxious, he stopped, faced the wall, and looked at the wall at a 45-degree angle. He kept this action for two or three minutes, tilted his head slightly, and said:

"There is an old saying that it is better to have no book than to believe in a book. Especially those of us who are engaged in scientific research must also learn to question during the research process."

"That's what the seniors who worked on the atomic bomb did this. It's precisely because of their bold questioning that we have mastered that sharp sword."

"We must also learn from them and learn from their spirit of learning to question, instead of letting our knowledge become the reins that bind us."

"With this premise, I can explain to you why I think that the news in this industry, which has been proven to be true through countless big boss platforms, is false."

"The first point is that according to the normal scientific development of mankind, at this point in time in 1971, human technology could not support such a huge lunar exploration work."

"Not even America."

"Because this kind of lunar exploration engineering technology can be easily converted into military equipment."

"However, in the process of competing with the Soviet Union, and even in the more than 10 years after the disintegration of the Soviet Union, have you seen the equipment converted from relevant technologies?"

"Don't talk about hiding. That's not the habit of the Americans. There is a piece of equipment that far exceeds the technical level of other countries. When this equipment can also change the world structure, the Americans will not hide. "

"Again, such a powerful technology, so why can't we see it now?"

"Don't say it's useless, the space race was the great voyage of the year."

"Spain built their own invincible armada with the help of overseas profits."

“Then the Netherlands came from behind and earned the title of Sea Coachman.”

“Even a small country like Portugal has made such a big name.”

"In the end, England, which never disappoints in its conduct, became an empire on which the sun never sets."

"America, would you let such a huge profit go and not plunder it?"

"As for the second point, the purpose of the expert bosses' platform is also very simple, because in this world, in addition to fighting and killing, there are also human relationships."

"You can ignore these things when doing research, but when you encounter this kind of situation, you have to think more about why others would throw out these messy things at this time."

"That's it for today's meeting. When we get back, each of you will write me 5,000 words of your experience and thoughts, and express your thoughts."

"Of course, you can complete the writing of this experience as a group."

After speaking enigmatically, Lin Yu put his hands behind his back and walked out of the venue slowly, heading towards his office.

As soon as his butt touched the chair, the door of the office was pushed open. Awad, Carlo, and Gao Jun walked into the office one after another and stood in front of the desk. Their three pairs of eyes stared at Lin in front of them. language.

After staring for a while, Awad couldn't wait to ask:

"Why would America do this?"

"Of course it's just to deceive people!" Lin Yu responded with hatred. He couldn't understand why he was still asking when he had already made it so clear.

He wanted to curse, but considering the two wealthy people in front of him, he chose to explain in a soft voice:

"The Soviet Union fell into this trap back then, and then developed heavy industry crazily, while neglecting light industry and the people."

"When they, the privileged class, are fattened up."

First he stood up from the chair. Lin Yu's hands also followed his rising movement, slowly lifting up from both sides of his body. He clasped his palms together in front of his chest, stretched them upward, and then opened them to both sides, making a flower shape. Actions.

When this flowering movement reached its extreme, he also shouted out:


"The Soviet Union exploded and the Soviet Union disintegrated. A group of people ran away without hesitation, leaving chicken feathers everywhere."

"Now, they just want to reuse this move."

"If we are deceived and transfer everything to military construction, then what awaits us will be nothing but chicken feathers."

"The same goes for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Of course, you are more dangerous than us because you can really fight there."

"You don't have to worry about old tricks, as long as they are easy to use."

After hearing his explanation, Awad and Carlo looked at each other, then nodded to Lin Yu together, turned and walked out of the office.

This kind of thing must be reported to the country as soon as possible. As soon as America's press conference comes out, the domestic speculators will definitely take action at this time.

Speculators from neighboring countries will also follow suit, messing up the situation that had finally calmed down.

The two people left, and Gao Jun reached the door with his hind legs. He stuck his head out from the crack in the door and watched the two people disappear into the corridor. Then he turned around, looked at Lin Yu and asked:

"This kind of thing is all confidential. There is no need for you to tell these two foreigners so clearly, right?"

This sentence brought Lin Yu's memory back to his previous life. Sure enough, he was reborn, but everything around him remained unchanged.

This guy is still like this, he doesn't pick up the pot he likes.

Raising his hands, he kept rubbing his temples and raised his eyes into a triangle shape. Lin Yu then explained: "Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are two major oil-producing countries."

"It is very beneficial for us to win over them. This kind of information is strictly a secret, but in fact, as long as you use your brain a little, you can guess it."

"Instead of wasting time waiting for others to guess, it's better to reveal the news to them directly and sell them a favor."

"The benefits of doing so are more important than keeping this secret."

"Director Zhou, he wants a suggestion. I will tell you my idea now."

"That means not picking up the fight. America plays her own game, and we play our own game. We don't follow their rhythm. We follow our own rhythm, develop step by step, and in the end, we take our time to figure things out."

Keeping Lin Yu's words in mind and repeating them several times, Gao Jun then said: "Director Zhou said, let our people study with you here for a while. How should we solve the accommodation...and food problems? "

"We were in a bit of a hurry when we came here. Director Zhou didn't give us any living expenses. Our living expenses are in the group."

Hearing these cautious words, Lin Yu didn't even raise his eyelids and said, "The residence is the small building where you live. I will ask the steel workshop to weld a few frame beds for you later."

"As for eating, I'll ask Li Ping to make arrangements for you. You can eat whatever you want in the cafeteria."

"But we don't have idle people. You can take your people and work with the weapons experimental team to try out the equipment produced by the R\u0026D department and put forward suggestions for improvement."

"I'll contact the weapons experiment team here and let Shao Xiaofeng take you to get used to it."

He called Shao Xiaofeng on the phone and had just taken Gao Jun away. Lin Yu was about to check on the production progress during this period when the phone on the table rang.


As soon as the call was connected, Kang Fei's anxious words came from the phone:

"Director, there may be a big problem. Didn't we just send Heckley and Laria away two days ago?"

"Just now, these two people called me again and said they were on their way back and would probably arrive tomorrow morning."

"He also said that he brought another person with him, and then wanted to find a chance to meet with you in private."

"According to their opinion, it is best not to let Mr. Awad and others know."

"Then Nicholas called and asked if he could meet with his boss if the time was right. We will decide the meeting address."

"But it's best to do it in these two days, because his boss took the opportunity of traveling in Japan to quietly come to China. Time is very tight, and he doesn't want anyone to see him."


His words were hesitant, as if a cat was eating a turtle and couldn't find its head.

But Lin Yu knew that he couldn't be blamed for this. With a sigh, Lin Yu said into the phone:

"Let me sort it out and call you back in half an hour."

Putting down the phone, Lin Yu pressed his head with both hands, his heart pounded, and he smashed his head directly on the table, and then smashed the messy thoughts in his head into a line.

The bosses behind Nicholas are the father and son Greb and Dana. According to official news, Dana is still in America, and it is Greb who is coming over.

This guy came here for the sole purpose of asking for more supplies. At the same time, he should also make some requests to test how much he weighs.

It's even possible that this guy has arrived in Lanling and is hiding in a corner, quietly watching the car manufacturing company outside.

Moreover, the transaction between himself and him cannot be known to Awad and others.


The meeting place...can't be chosen in Lanling, it has to be somewhere farther away, either Liancheng or the Magic City.

All in all, we can't let these people run into us.

Then came Heckley. A few days ago, they took the first batch of supplies given by Awad and set off on their way back home, and now they are back.

I also brought someone with me...

Who could this person be?

Out of curiosity, Lin Yu dialed Kang Fei's phone: "Tell Nicholas that we will meet at Liancheng Port tomorrow."

"Then, Heckley, give me their new number and I'll ask others to receive them. Don't move around. Just pretend that nothing happened and go to and from work normally."

"Also, let people in car manufacturing companies be more vigilant and pay attention to strangers around them."

After making arrangements, Lin Yu picked up the phone and subconsciously wanted to call Luo Ping, but then remembered that this old man had been sent out to find people. If he hadn't called the police every day to report, he would have probably called the police, saying that he was missing.

Just when Lin Yu was hesitating about who to ask to follow him, he suddenly remembered the number of the security bureau before, and dialed that number while laughing strangely.

The person on the other end of the phone was also very excited about Lin Yu's call and asked cheerfully:

"Mr. Lin, do you have any new achievements?"

"General America's son!"

After hearing this attributive sentence, there was no sound on the other end of the phone for a moment, but a few seconds later, a crazy scream came from the other side.

There are also words that can’t wait.

"Mr. Lin, do you want to kill him? Don't worry, with our technology, we can guarantee that he will be able to remember everything he did when he was two years old."

Listening to the excitement in his words, Lin Yu also became excited: "Don't, don't, don't, I didn't let you mess with him."

"I'll meet him tomorrow at Liancheng Port, and I suspect that guy is in Lanling now, can you help me check it out."

Hearing that he was not asked to kill General America's son, the person on the phone seemed a little uninterested.

Lian's voice was also much lower.

"Okay, I'll help you check it out, uh, I think I should be able to catch two guys, which will help boost sales, which is not bad."

The phone was hung up afterwards, and after making arrangements, Lin Yu called Kang Fei again, asked him for Nicholas's phone number, and dialed directly:

"My dear Mr. Nicholas, tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, I will wait for you at the KFC on Wutong Avenue in Liancheng Center."

Hang up the phone, tidied up the office, put a new notebook in his pocket, and walked out of the office happily.

When meeting with important customers, you must be sincere and check the location in advance.


In the Magic City, seeing Nicholas hang up the phone, Greb raised his head from the plate and whispered:

"Did he agree?"

"Yeah!" Nicholas nodded, frowned and whispered:

"But the place he agreed to is in Liancheng, and it's a KFC."

After a little consideration, Nicholas expressed his concerns again: "Mr. Greb, to be honest, their factory is in Lanling, and Lanling is only more than 100 kilometers away from Liancheng."

"That means that it is their lair, and everything around it may be under their control."

"You are putting yourself in danger, I think it is completely unnecessary."

After listening to the advice, Greb did not speak, but lowered his head to eat all the chicken on the plate, even the last bit of soup was dipped by him with a steamed bun and stuffed into his mouth, and then he raised his head again.

He shook his head slightly towards the person opposite him and said:

"No, Nicholas, there is an old saying in China that goes "If you don't venture into the tiger's den, you won't get the tiger cub." This time I came to China just to get the tiger cub."

"Besides, we are all businessmen. I believe that Lin Yu's vision will not be so short-sighted as to attack his own partners."

"You go and make arrangements. Tomorrow morning at 11 o'clock, we have to go now. You go and settle the bill."

After receiving the order, Nicholas stood up and walked to the front desk with his wallet.

At the table, watching Nicholas leave, Greb stood up, picked up the toothpick on the table, and followed the example of the person next to him, picking while walking to the observation deck outside the restaurant.

On the observation deck, there stood a foreigner holding a camera and taking pictures everywhere.

Seeing Greb coming over, the foreigner raised his camera and pointed the lens at Greb. When the other party came closer, he whispered:

"Has the location been determined?"

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