The other navy officers followed suit, looking around and whistling.

With them leading the way, the air force also changed the subject, but they were counting their toes.

Seeing this, Rafeld was unwilling to waste time, so he took the list and began to call out names one by one.

"General La Clemente, you are responsible for the navy's fuel..."

"General Webster, you are responsible for daily life..."

"General Dana, you are responsible for all CL20 explosives and 40% of high-performance gunpowder supply."

"Mr. Rafeld, why can Dana get such a large share?"

"If you can produce CL20 at a low price and maintain quality, and can also provide more high-performance gunpowder, I can give you a high share."

"General Almeida..."

Hearing that he would provide all the CL20 explosives, Dana's face flashed with joy, but he quickly hid it.

The first bird to stick its head out gets shot, so I can't show too excited expression, otherwise I might be targeted...

I have to wait for the meeting to end, go home, hide in the quilt, and smile carefully...

Dena is waiting for the meeting to end. On the other side of Washington, Greb is waiting for the news in his father's hand that makes his heart beat faster.

He added pots of hot water to the teapot, and then drank the brewed tea pots one by one until the brewed tea had no color and no taste, and then someone knocked on the door.

He got up patiently, walked to the door, and opened it casually.

The door opened, and Dana squeezed into the room through the crack of the door, rushed to the side of the tea table, and threw the briefcase in his hand to the side.

He picked up the tea on the table, gulped it down, and calmed his heartbeat a little before turning around, opening his hands to Greb and shouting:

"Son, we succeeded."

"In the new equipment list issued by the Ministry of Defense for this reform, we got about 40% of the gunpowder and explosives, and the remaining 60% was divided up by the other 6 generals."

"But the orders we got were the best 40%, and we made a fortune."

"In addition to these, we also got research and development projects for powered exoskeletons, mechanical dogs, drones, and rapid support vehicles."

"These things are competitive projects and need to compete with several other groups."

"However, the start-up capital for each project is 5 million US dollars. Even if we don't do anything, we can get 20 million US dollars."

"But if we produce the corresponding prototype within the specified time limit, we can get the next round of funding."

Listening Greb showed a trace of regret on his face after hearing his father's words. He looked at the list in his father's hand and said regretfully:

"It's a pity that we don't have research data related to ships and aircraft, otherwise, we can grab two ships and aircraft related R\u0026D and manufacturing, which will be more profitable."

However, after he finished speaking, he did not wait for his father's response, but instead waited for a warning:

"It's enough now, those big orders are not something we can grab."

"Lieutenant generals need to make money, admirals also need to make money, and five-star admirals need to make money even more."

As he said, he gently handed the list in his hand to Greb and said:

"After a while, you will pretend to travel to Japan, and then take the opportunity to go to China."

"Digest the orders in your hand first. For the R\u0026D orders, if you are interested, then develop them. If you are not interested, just find a few people to fool around."

Reaching out to take the list, Greb looked at the items in the list and hesitated.

After a long time, he whispered: "In fact, we can try to make these things, and then we can get extra points."

Facing his son's choice, Dena did not support or encourage it, but just said: "Whatever."

"By the way, when you go to China this time, after meeting the young man named Lin Yu, ask him what he thinks of our press conference this time."

"I will be of great use."

"Ah?" Greb turned back, he didn't understand, what's the point of asking this.

The expression on his son's face made Dena sigh. If it wasn't really difficult for him to show up, he would even want to go there in person.

Meet the young man in person.

With a sigh, he asked: "Remember it?"

"Remember it!"

While the father and son were conspiring, they circled the planet to the east, in the mountains of Lanling in China.

In the auditorium of Rheinsteel, Lin Yu sat alone on the stage. In front of him were a group of people sharing their experiences.

And in the front of the stage were the senior executives of Rheinsteel, the backbone of the R\u0026D department, and Awad and Carlo's people.

"Ahem!" Lin Yu coughed lightly and picked up a copy of his experience. He looked at the text on it with an exaggerated expression, and was satisfied with his disgust.

"Come on, let's listen to this experience."

"R\u0026D Department, Rocket Artillery Power Group, Liu Neng."

"Hello, dear leaders. This time, under the organization of the factory director, we watched the press conference of America's speculation on future wars."

"At the beginning of the press conference, a soldier appeared and stepped on the hot battlefield. In the distance, there was a battlefield..."

"In this press conference, we witnessed their advanced weapons, which were devastating and destructive."

"But I can guarantee that when that day really comes, I will personally hold the explosive pack and rush to these advanced equipment, and use my flesh and blood to blow up these equipment."

"For our victory, go ahead!"

"R\u0026D Department, Rocket Launcher Navigation Team, Han Xiaoya."

"Hello, dear leaders. This time, under the organization of the factory director, we watched the press conference on America's speculation on future wars..."

"R\u0026D Department, Rocket Launcher Computer Team, Shang Huaqing."

"Hello, dear leaders..."

After reading several reports, Lin Yu couldn't hold back and put down the paper in his hand. He asked coldly, "Are you all twins?"

"Why do these reports have almost the same beginning?"

"Even the ups and downs of the tone of voice are exactly the same. Tell me honestly, did you copy it?"

No one answered from the audience, but their expressions of looking around had betrayed them.

At this moment, Liu Neng, who had been socially dead from the start, slowly stood up, raised his right hand, and explained:

"Director, there is no way. This press conference only played movies, and there is no valuable information in the movies."

"You asked us to write 10,000 words of experience, but there is no way. We can only piece together 10,000 words."

"Besides, I have been watching this press conference repeatedly and checking the information repeatedly in the past few days."

"I want to prove that the scenes in the movie are fake, but on July 20, 1969, the Americans landed on the moon."

"This is something that the technology at that time, or even the current technology, is unlikely to do."

"They did it."

"I... I am a little afraid that the things in the movie are real, and they can really do it."

After explaining, Liu Neng glanced at the stage and sat down.

After he sat down, Lin Yu swept his calm eyes over the other people in the venue, over Awad and Carlo, and finally fell on Gao Jun.

This unlucky guy, who was sent here by Zhou Changyao on official business, actually had the same idea.

Looking at him, Lin Yu showed a warm smile. In the past, this guy was whispering in her ear, and now, you are in my hands, right?

Offstage, Gao Jun noticed the gaze from the stage, and his whole body couldn't help shaking.

As a soldier, his sixth sense is very strong, and his intuition tells him that the man on the stage has great malice towards him.

No, that can't be said to be malice, that is simply the mentality of a cat catching a mouse, not eating it, but playing with it until it dies.

With a forced smile, he raised his hand and asked loudly: "Director Lin, since you have gathered everyone together today, I believe you already have the answer in your mind."

"Then don't keep us in suspense, tell us quickly."

On the stage, Lin Yu snapped his fingers and asked: "You saw that video, do you think the Americans were able to build it because they went to the moon?"

"I'm afraid they have black technology to build these things."

"Then I will tell you clearly now, it's fake, the moon is fake."

As soon as these words came out, the people in the audience were completely blown up.

Humans have countless fantasies about the moon.

Especially in the thousands of years of Chinese history, countless people have poured their guesses about the moon into literature, leaving behind countless poems and songs.

When I was young, I didn't know the moon, and I called it a white jade plate.

Raising a glass to invite the bright moon, the shadow becomes three people.

On October 4, 1957, the former Soviet Union launched the world's first artificial earth satellite-Sputnik 1.

It was from this moment that the prelude to human exploration of space was opened.

After that, on April 12, 1961, the legendary Soviet pilot Yuri Alexeevich Gagarin entered space on the 4.75-ton Vostok 1 spacecraft and became the first person in the world to enter space.

Then, on July 20, 1969, Neil Alden Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin from America became the first humans to set foot on the moon.

They planted the American flag on the moon and left behind the classic words.

"This is a small step for a man, but a giant step for mankind."

This sentence has inspired countless people at various times over the past few decades.

After that, there were many more moon landings.

Even in the fourth moon landing in July 1971, the four-wheeled lunar rover was used for the first time, walking 27.9 kilometers and broadcasting live.

But now, you say this is fake?




The conference hall was filled with a series of "ah" sounds, which rose and fell, and each one represented a person's emotion.

But when Lin Yu heard them, he remembered a sentence.

The fragrance of rice flowers speaks of a good harvest, and the sound of frogs is heard.

Amid the "ah" sounds, Gao Jun stood up suddenly with his notebook and asked loudly:

"What's your basis?"

"Need a basis?" Lin Yu snorted disdainfully, and cast his eyes on the people in the R\u0026D department, and arranged the tasks with a smile.

"I know you also want to ask why, so I will give you a solution now."

"The first step is to calculate the time required to start from the earth, land on the moon, and then take off and fly back again."

"The second step is to find the special metal material mentioned by NASA. This material should not only look like rubber, but also be like rubber during use."

"When subjected to pressure, it will shrink, and when the pressure is removed, it should be able to rebound."

"The third step is to find a battery that can support the lunar rover to run 21 kilometers under low gravity and complex temperature conditions."

"The fourth step is to imagine what kind of communication solution can be used to achieve live broadcast of communication signals without delay throughout America and even the world at the time node of 1971."

"This is very important because our rocket launcher needs this thing."

"The fifth step is to calculate the curb weight of all equipment for several landings on the moon, because we need this data for our next rocket satellite launch."

"Finally, it is a medical miracle, that is, in a low gravity environment, humans can quickly adjust their own bone density."

"Therefore, astronauts returning from space will have a period of rehabilitation and adaptation."

"If you can find a way to eliminate this effect, then the people in the aviation department will kneel on the ground and beg you to teach them."

"Now, can you figure it out?"

Lin Yu's voice was very light, but it was like thunder, shaking the scalps of people in the conference hall.

In the conference hall, except for a few people who don't understand technology, the rest of the people are elites in various fields.

Although it is not as good as the top batch, it is enough to pull it out for a stroll.

Just by going through these steps in their minds, a group of people came to a conclusion that this moon landing... is probably fake.

After reaching this conclusion, a group of people slowly looked up at Lin Yu.

If this is fake, it means that the whole world has been deceived by the Americans for decades.

The world view collapsed!

While everyone was busy rebuilding their world view, Awad suddenly stood up and asked loudly:

"Why do you know?"

"This is news that has been repeatedly confirmed by countless industry experts and cannot be falsified."

As soon as this was said, everyone's attention was drawn to Lin Yu again.

Facing the curious eyes of the crowd, he raised his hands, opened his fingers, slowly inserted them into his hair, gently pushed his hair back, and pushed his hair into an adult shape.

Why do you know?


It is indeed unfalsifiable now, but it does not mean that it will not be falsified in the future.

At the beginning, it was just the lunar rover that landed on the moon, and the broken car was not found, nor were footprints found.

NASA is still stubborn.

Later, when a large number of space engineers landed on the moon with hammers and began to build a lunar base, they still couldn't find the remains left by the American people.

Finally, Lin Yu, who was over 50 years old, participated in adaptive training at the lunar base because he was going to Mars.

The remains that could never be found were found again.

But the remains had a new name, called [The First Moon Landing Exhibition Hall].

It was built by the civil engineers, and it restored the scenes of several astronauts landing at 1:1.

The electronically manufactured robot astronauts received instructions every morning, walked out of the spacecraft, raced on the moon, took pictures, and performed the scenes of the landing at that time.

It is open to the public, and American astronauts can visit at half price.

Of course, at this point in time, he can't say that!

He has to change to a more emotionally intelligent statement.

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