Leaving behind a mission, Lin Yu happily walked to the cafeteria. Thanks to the presence of Awad and the two of them, the food in the cafeteria was much richer. Every day, there were goats saved by the chef.

The lamb rescued from the butcher's stall was chopped into pieces. First, burn the rapeseed oil until it smokes, then roll all the lamb in the rapeseed oil.

Roll until dead and fish out.

Leave a little rapeseed oil, add the mutton to the herbs, add fresh fennel root, star anise leaves and other spices.

Add bean paste and a little chili, add water, bring to a boil over high heat, then turn to low heat and simmer for 40 minutes. After 40 minutes, add dried beans and simmer for another 40 minutes.

The mutton simmered over low heat is crispy to the bone. Just roll your tongue gently and the tender mutton will fall off the bones and slide into your mouth.

A slight touch between the upper and lower lips will cause the mutton to disintegrate.

Coupled with the rich soup, people can't help but salivate, and paired with crispy pancakes or cold rice, it makes people even more appetizing.

As an animal protector, Lin Yu could only eat three large bowls with tears in his eyes.

From the beginning to the end, Awad and others saw the way he was eating and drinking, and they confirmed again and again that this man was not heartless, but that he really didn't care about America's press conference. , this group of people also began to eat Haisai.

When the last drop of the soup was scooped into the bowl by the big iron spoon, the chef in the cafeteria stuck his head out of the window and asked loudly: "Is there a famine outside? Why are everyone eating so much?"

"Would you like me to cook you some soup for digestion tomorrow?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Yu's voice came from the corner: "Keep doing the mutton!"

After saying that, he took the lunch box and walked out happily. After taking a few steps, Awad followed him. He didn't say much, but asked tentatively:

"Can I not write the 10,000 words?"

"No!" Without any room for negotiation, Lin Yu directly rejected Awad's idea, turned his head, and quickly disappeared into the night.

Awad was left messy in the wind. After a while, Carlo was carrying a lunch box, eating and walking, and came to the prince and asked:

"What do you mean? Do we also have to write those 10,000 words?"

In the night ahead, the back figure had disappeared. Awad sighed and said in a tragic tone:

"He said that because we are foreigners and have some cognitive problems in this area, we have to write 20,000 words."

After saying that, he also sighed and walked into the darkness.

Back at his residence, the secretary had prepared the video disc. As the VCD began to rotate with a creaking sound, America's killer Raffield appeared in front of Awad again.

Looking at the picture on the TV, the prince crossed his hands and asked:

"Have you all seen the reaction of Mr. Lin from Rheinsteel after seeing these scenes?"

"Hmm..." The people around him responded in unison.

After receiving a response, Awad continued: "This press conference and the ppt above can be regarded as fake in Talin language, but we cannot."

"We don't have that qualification. Now, I need you to use your smart brains and tell me why he thinks these are fake."

As soon as these words came out, the people around Awad subconsciously turned their eyes to each other. This...

People are different, so it is impossible for one person to read another person's mind.

What's more, everyone is different in race and age.

But looking at Awad's serious expression, a group of people closed their mouths and started discussing in various directions.

"I think he still has his own thoughts, but he hasn't spoken out yet."

"No, if we only analyze it from the perspective of pure interests, I think he is just afraid of us and has thrown himself into America's arms, so he pretends to be like this."

"Yes, yes, I think so too."

"But the problem is that it's not necessary. If America can really come up with the equipment in the video, then it's not a matter of throwing herself into America's arms. It's a matter of us kneeling at America's feet and making them surrender. ”

"I heard that there is an old saying in China, which is to despise the enemy tactically, but value the enemy strategically. So I think Mr. Lin must just want to give us peace of mind and let us cooperate with him. In fact, it is ultimately a matter of interests. ”

"So, I think it's actually a matter of interests. America's public press conference has disrupted the rhythm of cooperation between Mr. Lin and us. He has no good solution for the time being, so he proposed that we write relevant experiences. 10,000 words of personal experience will take at least two days, and two days will be enough for him to come up with a reason to excuse himself.”

"Then should we explain it to the country?"

"It's not necessary for now, right? Let's take a look first?"

At this point in the discussion, a group of people came to the same idea, and finally set their sights on Awad. This was their boss, and he needed to make the final decision.

However, under the gaze of a group of people, Awad stared at the TV for a while, then turned around expressionlessly: "Sleep."

After leaving two words, he turned around and disappeared from the door of the room.

In the building opposite them, Carlo stood at the window, staring at the building opposite. When he saw the lights in that building extinguished one by one, he turned around and asked an older person next to him. road:

"Are we a little too anxious? To use a Chinese saying, it seems to be called emergency medical treatment."

Next to him, the slightly older Arab also turned his attention to the building opposite. Looking at the small building that was completely plunged into darkness, he said softly:

"My dear Prince, currently, in this world, there are only two countries that can withstand the pressure from the Americans and cooperate with us."

"Russian people have also seen it. Those people are greedy. If you are not careful, you will be skinned and deboned by them, and no hair will be left."

"Although the country under our feet is very average now, compared with 20 years ago, they have made great progress."

"What we want to bet on is the future."

"The performance of the person in charge of this factory is not important to us. What is important is that we can use him to show our sincerity to this country."

"Then we can get our own benefits."

"I think the 20,000 words Mr. Awad said just now is a good opportunity. You can contact the people we have contacted before and let them breathe."

"What's more, this time we are hiding in Awad's team, so we can better avoid it."

After listening to the suggestions of people around him, Carlo thought about it and decided to wait and see.

Rubbing his face with his hands, he said calmly to the person next to him: "My experience and experience plus yours, a total of 40,000 words, I'm sorry to bother you."

After leaving a sentence behind, he disappeared from the room as if running for his life, leaving only the Arab who had just given him advice, looking confused when he heard the figure of 40,000 words.

Turning his gaze to the night outside the window, he could no longer remember the last time he wrote an article of more than 1,000 words, a few years ago.

He was confused. In the north, on the endless grassland, a group of people in the director's department were also confused.

It was still the same command center, but compared to the last time Lin Yu came here, the equipment was much richer and looked more advanced.

On the big screen in the center, Raffield's speech was being played.

After the scene on the big screen finished playing again, Lu Huaxi turned to look at the people next to him and asked with a strange expression:

"This should be what Lin Yu calls fraud, right? Using an illusory goal to deceive others."

"Probably!" Zhou Changyao answered somewhat uncertainly. In front of him were several articles that Lin Yu had written before.

His eyes sometimes lowered to scan the article in front of him, and sometimes raised to look at the text on the big screen.

After a long time, he said with a hint of certainty: "It must be a lie. However, we have to guard against these people filling the news with genuine information."

After speaking his mind, he turned his head and looked at Gao Jun next to him. The leader of the experimental group was frowning and looking at the big screen with a serious face at this moment.

As he watched, he was still muttering words silently, but his voice was too soft and the specific content could not be heard.

After a while, Zhou Changyao stood up and came to this subordinate, patted his shoulder lightly, tapped his chin on the big screen, and asked:

"Tell me what you think. If the future war is really like this, do you think there is a chance of winning?"

The sudden words disrupted Gao Jun's thoughts. He first looked back at Zhou Changyao and saw the serious expression on the other person's face. He subconsciously wanted to lower his head, but before he lowered it halfway, he quickly raised it and shouted road:

"I can guarantee that anyone who wants to set foot on our soil must first step on my body."

The words were sonorous and powerful, echoing in the vast command center. After listening to his words, Zhou Changyao clapped his hands and said with a hint of appreciation and a hint of hatred:

"Ma Qian of Taishi Company once said that everyone is destined to die. It may be heavier than Mount Tai or lighter than a feather. You are the leader of the experimental group."

"Your mission is to lead your men and clear a way for us, not to keep death on your lips."

"It would be the greatest dereliction of duty if you died."

"If you ever bring the word death on your lips again, I will hang your name in a military meeting for everyone to see."

"How is it?" As he asked, Zhou Changyao bent down with a playful look on his face.

Hearing these threatening words, Gao Jun immediately lost his upright attitude just now, bent down and said with a flattering face:

"No, wouldn't it be too embarrassing if my name appeared at the military meeting?"

"If you don't do your job all day long, I'll make you look embarrassed." After another threat, Zhou Changyao stood up straight, turned back to his seat, picked up the articles on the seat with his right hand, shook them, and handed them over. In the hands of Gao Jun.

Then he pointed at the big screen with his left hand and said loudly to him:

"God bless China, our comrades have predicted this situation, so there is no need for us to panic."

"Now, I give you a task."

"Take a few people, go to Rheinsteel, find Lin Yu, and then determine which of the news America released is true and which is false."

"Then come up with a targeted plan, and in the following exercises, we add these plans."


"Understood!" Gao Jun responded loudly, still standing. After responding, he bent down again, rubbed his hands excitedly, and asked in a low voice: "Then... Director Zhou, the funds for our business trip..."

Before he could finish his words, Zhou Changyao pointed at the door: "Get out!"

After sending Gao Jun away, Zhou Changyao sat down in front of Lu Huaxi and asked his partner: "How true do you think these things are?"

"I think they are all fake." Lu Huaxi picked up the thermos cup in front of him, took a sip, and answered without hesitation, his words were very firm.

After a while, he replied again: "I suspect that the Americans issued this announcement to cover up other things."

Hearing what his partner meant, Zhou Changyao nodded slightly: "Wait for the news!"

Twenty-six thousand miles to the east, in Washington, DC, generals of all sizes sat together, looking at the people in front of them with joy.

Right in front of them was the King of Cutting, Rafield.

His eyes crossed with these generals, he picked up a document at hand, threw it forward, and threw it on the table like throwing garbage.

However, the generals present all turned their eyes to the document, but they were very reserved and looked at each other without looking away.

Like saints.

Seeing them like this, Lafield shook his head helplessly and said, "Look, this is the equipment list I sorted out. We need to adjust it next."

"I am not a saint. I only know one thing, that is, if you want the horse to run, you have to feed it with grass."

He stopped talking and pointed his chin at the document: "These things are an exchange I gave you. If you get the money here, you can't mess around in other places."

"If you agree, take a look at the document. If you don't agree, just ignore me."

As soon as these words came out, the generals at the conference table were no longer reserved. They stood up and grabbed the documents in one go.

The list is actually only a few pages, and it only takes one or two minutes to read it completely.

And the expressions on the faces of these generals can also be said to be extremely wonderful.

Soon, they put down the list with a look of disappointment and looked at Lafield pitifully.

The meaning in their eyes was very clear: Why is it just so little?

At this moment, a white-haired old man with the rank of Lieutenant General in the Army spoke:

"This...wasn't there a lot of things at the press conference the day before yesterday? What's going on?"

"That's a lie." Raffield answered with certainty, and said to the old man who asked the question: "General Macias, if you follow the press conference, your army will not be equipped."

"First, you have to satisfy the Navy, then the Air Force, and finally the Marine Corps, and finally your Army."

"Are you willing?"

"Just like the Zumwalt destroyer, it has been so many years, and there is not a single hair."

As he said this, he glanced at the Navy Commander-in-Chief intentionally or unintentionally. The other party noticed his gaze and began to look around and whistle.

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