People on the roadside also waved and said hello cordially.

However, Argus did not notice that after greeting him, some of the people who greeted him cordially subconsciously held their chests and whispered something.

At another intersection, the people on the roadside greeted the van, turned their heads, held their chests and said:

"Attention, this is the junction of Ohamor Street and Faisal Street. I saw the car."

"Yes, they're heading towards O'Hamore Street."

In the motorcade, Argus looked at the surrounding buildings carefully like a curious baby.

Even though the Liberation Front and the Israelis have been harming this land for many years, the Lebanese who took back the land still built this small town as quickly as possible.

Let this place glow with vitality.

Unlike Beirut, the architectural style here is more European.

On both sides of the road, there are few high-rise buildings. They are all single-family houses. Going forward on the road, you can already vaguely see the urban area.

Seeing the city, a question flashed in Argus's mind, what should we eat at night?

While he was thinking hard, the driver suddenly spoke: "Sir, we are being targeted."


"Look at the roadside, there are people on the buildings!" the driver added, and at the same time, Argus subconsciously looked at the sparse buildings around him.

On the rooftops of these scattered houses and on the side of the road, people who should have looked curiously at the sight of the convoy actually revealed a faint murderous aura.

The temperament they exude does not look like farmers, but rather like soldiers!

Taking a deep breath, Argus reached for his waist and took out two pistols. The bullets in his hands were loaded. He then picked up the walkie-talkie and said to the captain of the Guards:

"Get ready for battle!"

"Remember, if necessary, you can sell me and then arrest the person opposite. Be sure to find out who it is."

"At this critical moment, we cannot make excuses for others."

"Sir..." The captain of the security team screamed, but before he could finish his words, Argus pressed the intercom:

"Excuting an order!"

After giving the order to the security, Argus took out his satellite phone and was about to call the nearby military and milk tea party members, only to find that the signal could not be connected.

It was... electromagnetic interference.

Throwing away the satellite phone, Argus looked up and looked around. He wanted to ask, TMD, what about it?

To the left of the convoy, on a hillside about 500 meters away, an American team that had penetrated from the direction of the Golan Heights was lurking in the bushes.

Captain Richard took a look through the binoculars, turned back, and whispered to the people around him:

"This is really interesting. I didn't expect to see a good show on the way to the mission?"

"You said, what will happen if we rescue people when these people attack?"

"You will be hung on the flagpole by General Hanks and cursed severely!" Next to him, Orenzi, the sniper of the team, glanced at it, turned his gaze away, grabbed the sand on the ground, and put it down at a height of 10 centimeters.

After all the sand in his hand fell, he said: "This place is not good. I have to change my position, otherwise the valley wind will seriously affect the sniper accuracy."

"Then change places." Richard responded, got down on all fours, crawled on the ground, and retreated little by little.

After retreating to a safe position, he stood up and led the team towards sniper point No. 2 in the other direction.

Sniper Point No. 2 is not too far away and has a relatively wide field of vision, but it is relatively easy for others to see them.

After getting ready at the sniper point, Orenzi quickly pointed his gun at the road in the distance. With just one command, he could fire.

At this moment, on the highway in the distance, a pickup truck suddenly crashed into the not-so-strict convoy.

Then, it exploded.


This explosion also kicked off the attack.

In the bulletproof car, the first car in the convoy was attacked. The cars behind them chose to ignore it and did not stop. Instead, they all accelerated at the same time.

In front of Argus's car, the two cars moved forward side by side in an instant, knocking away the debris left after the explosion in front, allowing the car behind to move forward.

However, their self-rescue did not last long. As soon as they drove less than 100 meters, several more rounds of RPG-7 were fired.

Bulletproof cars can only protect against bullets, but cannot protect against the RPG-7, which is specially designed to fight tanks and armor.

Boom boom boom!

The car rolled over, and the driver shook his head, kicked the door open, and dragged out the unconscious Argus. He was about to escape to the building next to him, and when he was about to rely on the building to continue resisting, a bullet hit him. Two people.

The powerful bullet directly punched a big hole in the two men's bodies.

The attack scene, which was originally hot and exploding, was temporarily quiet for two seconds because of this sudden attack.

After the silence, the attackers used more intense firepower and more crazy tactics to clear away Argus's personal guards.

Unable to do anything, the captain of the Argus Guards could only lead his team to break out. backfired.

Bullets came from nowhere, and each shot hit them with extremely precise accuracy. Each shot would take away someone.

A few minutes later, the SS captain was hiding behind a building and was about to take a breath when a bullet struck him from behind.


And almost at the same time, the South.

Tel Aviv, the Israeli Ministry of Defense's Joint Operations Command Center, Peres is still losing his temper.

As the Minister of Defense who took office during the war, he very much needed results to prove himself. However, the soldiers on the front line who did not need to think too much seemed to be working against him and were completely unable to achieve results that he could brag about.

There are even no results that can be used for normal publicity.

“You guys tell me, why haven’t our flags been planted in the center of the small city of Bint Jubail until now?”

"Is the Milk Tea Party so strong? We have spent a lot of effort and a lot of money to cultivate the National Defense Force, but it can't defeat a bunch of idiots?"

"Thirty years ago, we could suppress the Liberation Front and fight to the death, the Lebanese Defense Forces, and the Arab coalition forces."

"Thirty years from now, won't we be able to defeat even one of their organizations?"

"Don't you feel ashamed?"

In response to Perez's scolding, everyone present stood up straight and showed no fear.


With the wages of the National Defense Forces, dogs may not even be able to feed them.

Therefore, his words are completely nonsense and have no basis in fact. There is no need to pay attention to them at all.

Seeing these indifferent people in front of him, Perez was so angry that he wanted to curse, but he couldn't because it was useless.

Taking a deep breath, he turned around and took the battle report from the front line, walked out of the joint operations command center, and prepared to go to the presidential palace to give a report to the president and let the president make a decision on the situation on the front line.

Whether to continue to pursue and fight fiercely, or to change strategy, these all need to be confirmed by the president. He feels that he cannot bear such a big responsibility.

After walking out of the gate of the Ministry of National Defense and getting into the car, the driver stepped on the accelerator and the black bulletproof car sped towards the Presidential Palace.

When they passed a street intersection, a black Jew took out his phone and sent a text message on the side of the road.

[The bees have already set off and are heading to the lavender fields. 】

A few seconds later, a message that the text message was sent successfully popped up. The black Jew deleted the text message, turned around, walked towards a Haredi Jew next to him, and started chattering in front of him.

On the other side, on the way of the black car, a construction waste truck was parked on the side of the road. The driver was busy under the front of the car. When he heard his cell phone ringing, he took it out, saw the text message, deleted it, and then He got out from under the truck, holding a walkie-talkie, and shouted cursingly:

"There's something wrong with my car. I'll drive it back first."

While talking, he got into the cab and started the car, started it slowly, and slowly merged into the main road.

After entering the main road, the truck began to speed up.

Directly in front of the truck, about 500 meters away, was an intersection.

As the red light at the intersection turned on, the black car Perez was riding in slowly stopped in the left lane. Looking at the countdown to the red light, the defense minister felt extremely irritable. There was always a feeling in his heart, Today will not go well.

Looking down at the report in my hand, I saw that it was indeed not going well.

Maybe the president will scold him bloody later, or maybe he won't do anything and just let him go to the front line to command.

After some intense thinking in his mind, he finally decided to leave all this to God for judgment.

The red light returned to zero, the driver stepped on the accelerator, and the vehicle slowly started, preparing to pass through the traffic light.

As soon as he reached the middle of the intersection, there was a car in the opposite lane. Suddenly it came across to the opposite side of him, blocking the way.

Before the driver could figure out the situation, a rapid honking sound came to his ears. The honking sound was unusually loud. It was the horn of a truck.

Perez looked in the direction of the sound, only to find a truck filled with construction debris, speeding towards them.

In the truck cab just a short distance away, the driver's hands had left the steering wheel and were waving wildly, as if to say hello to others and ask them to get out of the way.

Perez was about to open his mouth to ask the driver to speed away. However, just as he opened his mouth and called out the driver's name, the truck hit his face and pushed the car under his butt towards the oncoming vehicle. Bump away.

There was a similar truck on the opposite side. Seeing this scene, the truck driver subconsciously wanted to turn, but there were cars on the left and right. The truck was stuck in the middle and could not move.

As Perez screamed in terror, the car they were riding in was knocked underneath the truck.

The body of the bulletproof car only held up for a second in front of the thickened anti-collision beams of the two trucks.

Two thickened and thickened anti-collision beams, in an instant, cut the car body, which is said to be able to prevent 7.62 mm bullets from being shot at close range, into upper and lower halves.

Cut in half along with the car body, were the people inside.

The driver of the out-of-control truck pushed open the door. When he saw the scene in front of him, his eyes rolled and his whole body fell to the ground uncontrollably. The mobile phone in his hand also flew to the other side.

Where the phone fell, there happened to be a white-collar worker squatting on the ground to tie his shoelaces.

The mobile phone fell in front of the other party, and the white-collar man snatched it away with lightning speed. Then, he got into the crowd of spectators and disappeared.


To the southeast, Qatar points forward.

After receiving the news from the professional team, Hanks breathed a sigh of relief. As long as the main war faction is eliminated, the next person to take the stage should be the peace faction.

As long as the host and the two parties come on stage, everything will be fine. Now you can relax and wait for two days before contacting each other.

Israel, their president Pablo, is also making calls.

"I don't care what difficulties you have, get America into the water right now. We have already lost two defense ministers, are we going to kill a third one?"

"Or do you think that I, as the president, need to die first?"

"Suing for peace? Are you kidding me?"

"You son of a bitch!"

Bang, when he heard the other person say that the task was difficult to handle again, Pablo directly smashed the phone in his hand to the ground, smashing it into pieces.

After smashing the phone, he still felt uneasy, so he picked up the computer monitor on the table, smashed it against the phone, and smashed it down.

The LCD computer monitor was smashed to pieces, but there was no glass shards all over the floor like the large head-mounted monitor.

After throwing away these two things, he finally vented some of the anger in his heart. Then he returned to his desk, picked up the document on the desk, and wrote his name on it.

[Appointed Robert Albert as Minister of Defense to continue responsible for the war in Lebanon. 】

After signing the document, he called his secretary, threw the document over and said coldly:

"Ask someone to clean up the office, and then send this document to General Robert."

"Also, please come over, Mr. Isaac. I have something to talk to him about."

The secretary took the documents and left, leaving Pablo alone in the messy office. Not long after, the secretary appeared again, holding a broom and shovel in his hand, sweeping away the garbage at an extraordinary speed, and then disappeared again.

Time passed quietly while waiting. There was a knock on the office door, and then the door opened. The secretary stood at the door, guiding an old man with white hair.

Seeing this old man, Pablo felt like he was seeing his biological father. He hurriedly greeted him and led the old man to sit down on the sofa next to him.

After the secretary left, he couldn't wait to say:

"Mr. Isaac, I think we should speed up the cleanup of those old red necks in America's camp. As long as they are here, our plan will always be passive."

"Only by cleaning up these damn old red necks can we better control America. What do you think?"

When the white-haired Isaac heard this, he raised his head and looked at Pablo seriously, and shook his head slightly:

"It's not the right time yet, our people haven't been fully penetrated yet, and the people we've trained are not yet qualified."

"So, wait a moment."

"What about Lebanon?" Pablo asked. Defense Minister Perez died very strangely. He suspected that it was caused by Americans, but he could not find any evidence.

According to this trend, if the fight continues, the opponent is likely to attack you.

Being president is about making money, not about losing your life!

Isaac shrugged his shoulders and responded with a smile on his face: "You can make up your own mind."

"But according to my information, Lebanon's Defense Minister Agus was attacked earlier and died."

"So in the next period of time, Lebanon will definitely continue to fight, and they will fight hard."

"For this situation, I can only say one thing to you: a small tree will not grow straight unless it is repaired. It must be repaired when it is time to repair it."

After finishing the reminder, Isaac stood up, patted his butt, and walked towards the office door. When he reached the door, he turned back and said to Pablo:

"Don't call me next time you do this shit, do you understand?"

After the figure disappeared from the door, Pablo immediately returned to his desk, took out the corresponding official paper, and began to write a new transfer order.

Without exception, the names on the transfer orders and the final destinations were all in the north.

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