Regarding his behavior of shouting to catch the thief, Geng Shan and others laughed and chose to turn a blind eye. They lowered their heads and continued to look through the notebooks in their hands.

As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can defeat jade, but the notebook in my hand is not jade, but a diamond, or a diamond that has been put on a lathe.

You can easily break open the stubborn stone in your hand and take out the jade in it.

After another ten minutes, Geng Shan raised his head and imitated Fang Yucai's actions. He solemnly put the notebook into his arms, patted it with his hands, and looked at Lin Yu expectantly.

After him, Feng Wei and Sikong Teng also followed suit and turned their attention to Lin Yu.

Under their expectant gazes, Lin Yu stretched out his right hand into a fist and said with a smile: "If you have no objections, today is the day when our Seven Heroes Alliance is established."

Looking at his student's fist, He Qingyang was the first to reach out to respond. Li Jiangang next to him hesitated for a moment, and was kicked on the butt by him.


Looking back and glaring, Li Jiangang also extended his right hand. With these two people as an example, the rest of the people also extended their fists, and the eight fists touched together, completely closing the loop.

On the sofa next to them, Qian Guoheng and others looked at the people gathered in a circle and suggested with a smile: "I think you should be called the Eight Horses Alliance, just like the picture of the Eight Horses, the eight horses galloping, unparalleled in the world. ”

The next second, Lin Yu retracted his right hand, wiped a handful of hair, made an eight sign with his right hand, put it on his chin, and said coolly:

"Just like there are five of the Four Heavenly Kings in Xiangjiang, it is normal for our Seven Heroes Alliance to have eight."

"And as I said just now, we still need to do business with the outside world. Some things are best not exposed. If we can't hide them, it doesn't matter."

"Indeed!" Lu Huaxi agreed with these explanations. Seeing that the alliance here was formed, the director of the directing department also stood up and said goodbye to everyone.

"As for us, we will go back first. If we have any policy needs, let Lin Yu contact us directly."

"If you have financial needs, then don't contact us. We are not familiar with you and we don't have the money."

"I'm leaving."

After leaving a few words, he walked straight to the door. Behind him, Zhou Changyao stood up and patted Lin Yu's shoulder hard. He didn't say anything, only gave him a look.

As soon as his hand was taken away, Fu Hanxiao's hand came up again. Unlike the other two, he had a more carefree personality and said directly with a smile:

“What you’re doing in the Middle East is great, but it’s not enough, come on.”

Patting Lin Yu's shoulder again, he turned around, saluted Qian Guoheng again, and then turned and left.

After the three people left, Qian Guoheng also stood up from his chair. Lin Yu quickly walked over and wanted to help the old man, but the other party raised his hand and refused:

"I'll go to the next room to sleep, and you guys will discuss it. Give me a specific plan tomorrow morning, and then I can handle it for you here."

"come on."

Several big guys left, and the remaining people looked at each other, each sighed, took out their pens from their pockets, and began to study the corresponding plan.

Their research plan, at the same time, six time zones to the west, Qatar, Hanks is also working on the plan.

Explore options for bringing the Lebanese and Israelis to sit down and negotiate.

There was no other way. Someone, regardless of life and death, personally delivered a defense budget to support Israeli equipment in front of King Raffield.

This kind of behavior was almost a slap in the face, so the king was very angry. He tore the national defense budget into pieces on the spot, and then personally gave him an order, a death order.

15 days, 15 days, the Israelis and the Lebanese must sit down at a negotiating table, and then they must reach a ceasefire negotiation agreement, and then shut their mouths.

If it doesn’t work within 15 days, it means the McCain family is not good enough and must be replaced!

Looking at this formidable order, Hanks didn't know what to do. He wanted to persuade Lebanon, but found that he had tricked others last time. If he went there again and used the same method, they probably wouldn't even let him in. He enters.

As for convincing Israel, Hanks considers himself a human being, a beast and a human being, and cannot communicate.

After thinking about it, he decided to change his approach.

If you are not good at writing, then use force. If the official is not willing to talk, then change the official to someone who is willing to talk.

If the person who is willing to change is not willing, then keep changing until someone is willing.

Having made up his mind, Hanks took out his phone and dialed.

While he was talking to someone on the phone, to the northwest, in Damascus, an ancient city with a thousand-year civilization, the Syrian Defense Forces Headquarters were also discussing frantically about what happened in Lebanon during this period.

"Who can tell me where those Russian-made missiles came from?"

Speaking of those missiles, Barros still has lingering fears. At that time, the distance between those missiles and them was only more than 100 kilometers. If Lebanon had been determined at that time.

It would be impossible to prevent these missiles from reaching Damascus with the equipment in their hands.

Can only be bombed.

After being bombed, he, the central commander of the National Defense Forces, would definitely be removed from his post and thrown into prison.

What's even more terrible is that the security adviser from Russia told them that they do not have this type of missile in their country.

Opposite him was Mateus, the director of the Syrian Security and Intelligence Agency. Listening to Barros's roar, Mateus was also mute.

There is pain that cannot be expressed.

The special military operation with Saudi Arabia was approved by His Majesty the King.

Then the trucks left in Syria were also guarded by Saudi Arabian and Lebanese officials.

The combat effectiveness of these two gangs must be at least black iron, out of trust in combat effectiveness.

In addition, His Majesty the King personally ordered a guarantee, so the intelligence department did not pay too much attention to these people.

But I never expected that this group of people actually pulled missiles, 120 missiles!

The intelligence department received the news only after the battle was over.

Looking back now, Mateus was so scared. Given the relationship between Syria and Lebanon, the probability of that batch of missiles hitting the forehead was as high as 50%!

Reaching out and wiping the sweat from his forehead, he tentatively asked: "Or, should we withdraw the National Defense Force in Lebanon?"

"Let Lebanon and Israel fight to the death?"

The question was asked very carefully, but Barros did not respond. Seeing this, Mateus could only sigh.

The grievances between Lebanon and Syria need to be traced back to the last century.

During World War I, the Ottoman Empire's rule over West Asia gradually declined, and the Arab region seized the opportunity and became independent.

In June 1916, the Arab uprising against the rule of the Ottoman Empire broke out in the Hejaz region of the Arabian Peninsula. Hussein ibn Ali, the 38th patriarch of the Hashemite family and the Grand Sharif of Mecca, declared independence on June 10, 1916 and established the Kingdom of Hejaz.

His second son took the order to go north and, together with England and the French, began to poke the back of the Ottoman Empire.

In October 1918, Faisal captured Syria and established an Arab government in Damascus.

It completely ended the Ottoman Empire's feudal military rule in Syria for more than 300 years.

After the war, France controlled the coastline of Syria and Lebanon, and England controlled the coastline from Palestine to Egypt.

Everyone has a bright future.

In July 1919, the first Syrian National Assembly was held in Damascus.

The conference demanded recognition of Syria, including Palestine, as an independent sovereign state, rejected the Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration, and rejected the proposed mandate.

At the conference on the division of spoils after World War I, the Paris Peace Conference waved its sleeves, saying that the wind was too strong and it seemed to hear a dog barking just now.

In March 1920, the Second Syrian National Congress declared Syria independent. Because of his bravery in battle, Faisal was elected as the first king of Syria.

In April, on the Allied side, the Supreme Council of the Allied Powers held the San Remo Conference and decided that Syria and Lebanon would be governed by France under a mandate.

On July 14, French Commander H.-J.-E. Gouraud issued an ultimatum to Faisal, requiring him to accept the French mandate unconditionally within a time limit.

On the 25th, the French army entered Damascus, deposed Faisal, and Syria and Lebanon fell into the hands of France.

In 1926, in order to combat the opposition forces among the Syrians, after adjustments, France divided the Lebanese region and stuffed all the Christians in the Syrian region.

Then some people of other religions were added to form a new country.

That is Lebanon.

As for the Kingdom of Hejaz, it was killed by Abdul Aziz in 1924, and this Abdul Aziz was the founder of modern Saudi Arabia.

In 1946, the British and French coalition forces withdrew from Lebanon, and Lebanon officially became independent.

After years of hard work, Lebanon has summed up a set of administrative power structure of its own, and distributed seats of power according to the number of believers of each religion.

Moreover, under this power structure, a triangular structure formed by three factions of Christians, Sunnis and Shiites was gradually formed.

In this way, relying on a stable triangular structure, Lebanon took advantage of its own geographical location advantages, vigorously developed finance and tourism, and became the Little Paris of the Middle East.

At that time, Syria was still a ghost.

This further strengthened the Syrians' determination to take back Lebanon, and at the same time, they were also preparing for this matter.

Finally, the opportunity came in 1971.

This year, because of the third Middle East War in 1967, several organizations of the Liberation Front arrived in Lebanon with a large number of Palestinian refugees.

This approach destroyed the triangle relationship established by Lebanon in an instant.

In order to fight for power, several parties fought each other.

In 1975, the Lebanese civil war broke out. In 1976, the Arab world decided to send troops to help Lebanon quell the civil unrest, mainly targeting the Lebanese officials at that time.

Seeing this opportunity, Syria, as the Arab country closest to Lebanon, readily agreed.

They sent 28,000 people out of the 30,000-strong coalition.

Then, in Lebanon's small 10,000 square kilometers, the Arab coalition occupied the northeast, the Palestine Liberation Front occupied the south, and the government occupied the northwest coast.

In anger, the Lebanese government called on Israel to end the war.

The Arab coalition fought the Lebanese authorities in the north, and the Lebanese authorities fought the Palestine Liberation Front in the center.

The Palestine Liberation Front is a collective name for several armed forces, and these armed forces have different demands.

So they fought Israel in the south and fought with people on both sides in the north.

In addition to fighting the Liberation Front, Israel also took the time to drop bombs on two people in the north.

The entire northwest of Lebanon became a mess.

It was not until 1990 that the internal war subsided slightly.

In 2000, the old king of Syria died and the new king ascended the throne. At this time, under pressure from the United Nations, Israel chose to withdraw from southern Lebanon, but Syria still did not withdraw its troops.

Until the scene.

After going through all this history in his mind, Mateus had a terrifying guess in his mind, that is, other Arab countries have lost patience with them staying in Lebanon.

So, there are 120 missiles this time.

This... is just a warning.

Thinking of this possibility, he leaned over and said to Barros: "We must do something, otherwise, the land of Lebanon will have to say goodbye to us forever."

Hearing these serious words, Barros exhaled a foul breath and asked coldly: "What do you mean?"

He did not ask the follow-up content, but at this moment, his right hand slowly raised and crossed his throat.

The person in front of him understood his thoughts, and Mateus was very relieved. Then, the director of the Intelligence and Security Bureau raised his hand and pointed to the southern Lebanon area.


"According to our intelligence, their capable defense minister is boosting morale in the southern region."

"At the same time, he seems to want to flirt with the Milk Tea Party and let the Milk Tea Party completely integrate into Lebanon."

"If he died at this critical moment, what do you think would happen?"

What would happen?

Of course, they would fight!

The two sides finally put aside their past grudges and slowly shook hands together. Now a senior official has suddenly died. If they don't fight, will they keep it for the New Year?

Barros nodded and said softly, "You go and arrange it."

"Two days!" Mateus raised two fingers, leaving a time, turned around and disappeared in front of Barros.


Kiyam is located in the south-central part of Lebanon, about 6 kilometers from the border.

It is a mountainous area, but because the hoes in the hands of the Lebanese are sharper, these mountainous areas have been developed into farmland.

Standing on the sloppy road, looking at the large tracts of farmland in the distance and the destroyed buildings next to the farmland, Agus felt a fire in his heart.


Wait for me!

When the new batch of equipment arrives, the Lebanese can truly stand up and no longer be the people who can be pointed at by anyone.

After swearing in his heart, he turned and walked into the car, whispering to the driver: "Go back."

The driver heard the order, honked the horn, and the vehicle in front of the convoy started and drove towards the city.

And Agus also closed the car window, looking out the window through the glass with a nostalgic face.

War, especially total war, is a battle of a country's strength and the people's hearts.

If the domestic anti-aggression sentiment is high, it means that it can still be fought.

If the anti-war sentiment is high, it is necessary to consider and adjust the relevant information of war propaganda.

However, given the current mess in the country, this kind of thing must be seen and confirmed in person to be more convincing.

After a stroll, he found that the ordinary people in the whole country are currently in good spirits, and they are very angry about the Israeli invasion, and they all shout to kill the Israelis.

Of course, there is also Syria.

This is called the people's hearts can be used.

The vehicle sped along the road, and Argus stretched out his hand from time to time to greet people on the roadside.

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