When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 203: Oil mining is not a long-term solution! (Fourth update!)

The words fell into Laria's ears, and the light in the young man's eyes disappeared. He slowly lowered his head, as if he was thinking, and seemed to be hesitating.

After a long while, he raised his head again and asked:

"Is it really impossible?"

Lin Yu's eyes opened at this moment and his gaze fell on Laria, and Laria also raised his head at this moment and looked at the person in front of him.

Those eyes were different from everyone he had seen.

In those eyes, he actually saw kindness and profound knowledge. Finally, he also saw a trace of confidence, or to explain it with a Chinese word that he had just learned, it should be a sure win.

Combined with the words just now, Laria was confused. Since it was an unsolvable problem, why could he see a sure win in the eyes of this person who was not much different from himself?

Just when he was confused, the magnetic male voice with a hint of kindness sounded in front of him:

"I have already said what I am going to say next to your Deputy Minister Gral and the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, Suniya."

"It's just that some words were not said in detail, so I will repeat them again."

"Because of your internal factions and geopolitical reasons, you have no way out if you fight alone."

"Your way out lies in unity."

"Unite all your people of different classes, different political views, and different beliefs together. Only by doing this can you have hope."

Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to Awad, then found the direction and raised his hand to the west.

"Saudi Arabia is the base camp of the Sunnis and the most powerful country in the Middle East, although..."

Considering that Awad was right next to him, he gave face and did not continue to speak, but changed the subject and fell on Iran.

"Iran is the Shia stronghold. After overthrowing the old dynasty in 1979, their current combat effectiveness is still good."

"If you want to drive out Israel and America, you can only choose to find a target between the two of them."

"It's actually no big deal, but you need to temporarily lose some dignity. Anyway, when they are shouting, you will not lose a piece of meat if you help to wave the flag and shout."

"You can also get some resources for free. The only thing to pay attention to is to prevent these two guys from infiltrating you."

"Hey, hey, hey!" Listening to Lin Yu's words, Awad knocked on the tea table with his hand and reminded:

"I'm still here. Can you please turn your back when you talk?"

He said something, but the expression on his face was not serious, but seemed to be smiling.

Glancing at him, knowing that this guy was not angry, Lin Yu turned back to look at Laria:

"As for you, Laria, we Chinese have an old saying, called impatience will ruin big plans. If you don't want to be a puppet of the Iranians, then you'd better shut up and watch everything carefully, instead of opening your mouth and shouting everywhere like a big speaker."

"This is very disadvantageous to you. It would be bad if you get into a car accident on the road one day."

"I will stop here. How much are you going to buy this time?"

When it comes to buying things, Awad instantly possessed the spirit of a profiteer. He flashed in front of Lin Yu, pushed Laria aside, sat directly opposite Lin Yu, opened his left hand with five fingers, and said very proudly:

"US$500 million rocket launchers, and at the same time, there are 100 million light weapons. Anyway, you can choose as you like, as fast as you can."

US$500 million.

Hearing this number, Lin Yu's face couldn't help but jump. After the last round of adjustments and modifications, the basic cost of this Blue Bird Type 1 rocket launcher was suppressed by him at 450,000 yuan.

It comes down to a little over $50,000.

$500 million, at cost price, means 10,000 rounds, each with a killing radius of 500 meters, a killing area of ​​785,000 square meters, equal to 0.785 square kilometers.

The actual area controlled by Israel is about 25,740 square kilometers.

Excluding uninhabited areas and cultivated areas.

All fired, with the help of less precise guidance, are enough to thoroughly plow the Israeli residential areas.

$100,000 per round, that is 5,000 rounds, a little plowing is enough.

Not to mention the 100 million light weapons.

Rubbing his temples with both hands, Lin Yu asked in a low voice: "Are you going to destroy Israel?"

"Even if I give you 200,000 US dollars per round, there are 2,500 rounds, which are enough to hit all the neighboring countries."

"We are a peace-loving country, and I am even more of a peace-lover. Based on these two principles, I can't sell you weapons that will destroy the regional situation."

"At most 500 rounds, no more, you can buy something else with the extra money."

"In addition to rocket launchers, we also have... and..."

At this moment, facing this big dog, Lin Yu was a little bit unconfident.

Because ordinary buyers need low-end goods, and the money in their hands is only 20 to 30 million US dollars. If you add a little more miscellaneous goods and increase the quantity, you can earn tens of millions of dollars.

Not to mention America's order, two tax invoices, tens of millions of dollars will disappear in half.

But the person in front of him throws away hundreds of millions, and the things in his hands are not very valuable. If the quantity is increased, it will be a very terrifying number.

The most terrible thing is that Saudi Arabia is a country where players are addicted to food and spend money to buy equipment, but they don't know how to use it.

With such an amount of equipment in their hands, the entire Middle Eastern world would panic.

If you can't tell where your front foot will reach your hand or where your back foot will go in a fight, you will have to throw away all these things.

However, with a lot of money dangling in front of me, if I don't make money, my conscience will really feel bad.

I have to put together something to make some money.

After thinking about it in his mind for a long time, Lin Yu realized that even if he gave each of them 8 sets of regular clothes, they would still not be able to fill the hole of a total of 600 million yuan. After he sat up straight, he straightened the wrinkles on his clothes and turned it into a business person. He asked in a businesslike manner:

"My dear Mr. Awad, do you have an idea to convert this money into research funds to study some future equipment?"

The gear of the future?

Lin Yu's sudden words stunned Awad.

He glanced at the damage report on the table, licked his lips, and asked quickly:

"for example?"

The 600 million I have in hand is what I asked for from other oil countries. The purpose is to collect some equipment for several surrounding countries that lack equipment so that they can fight on the front line.

But if...if you want to convert it into research funds, you can't use these 600 million, you have to pay for it yourself, otherwise everyone will jump out and yell that they paid for the research funds in the first place, and they must divide it when the equipment is distributed. If you don't do it yourself, it will be troublesome.

Seeing his eyes full of curiosity, Lin Yu turned around, took out a new stack of white paper from the drawer, sat back in front of Awad, briefly sketched a few strokes on it with a pen, sketched out a few small things, and then pointed The plane flying in the sky said:

"For example, a large fixed-wing, large-load UAV!"

"I know your people are valuable, so you even buy tanks and put air conditioners in them."

"In future wars, air suppression will be a very important part."

"But many countries cannot afford pilot training and related aircraft maintenance costs."

"In your case, it's your pilot training, which is very expensive."

"Large-scale fixed-wing and large-load UAVs can perfectly solve this problem."

"We only need to build the ground control station and the satellite communication network in the air. The aircraft in the middle is the best solution."

"As long as you address these things, you can reduce some of the pilot training and find cheaper drone operators."

"They just need to sit in front of the screen and decide whether to launch the missile and whether to hit the target based on the images returned by the satellite."

"Even after we introduce AI, we can also hand over patrol tasks and electronic suppression tasks to drones, and let the drones decide whether to suppress them on their own!"

"My dear Mr. Awad, what do you think of this project?"

How is this project?

Of course, this project is great. It is simply a project tailor-made for Saudi Arabia. Awad knows the quality of domestic soldiers very well.

Let these people fly fighter jets. As long as they don't crash and can shoot out missiles, that's victory. As for letting them fight in the sky, I'm sorry, what kind of high-end technology is that?

Hard training?

What the hell? I've given you a lot of respect by being able to serve as a soldier, but you actually let me train hard?

If such large fixed-wing and heavy-load UAVs are used, a large part of the training energy can be saved, and similarly, the resistance of citizens to join the army can be reduced.

But while he was excited, Awad was also very skeptical, because with the current level of technology, there is still a question mark as to whether China can develop such a large fixed-wing, large-load UAV.

After all, if you want to create a piece of equipment that doesn't exist now, you need a lot of experimental test data.

"Can you really make these equipment?" He asked doubtfully, but his voice was not very loud, because although the young man in front of him had only interacted with him a few times, he gave him the impression that he was very calm. Always very calm.

It seemed that everything was nothing in his hands and in front of his eyes.

"Yes, but it will take time and money, but I can guarantee that within three years at most, you will be able to see that big plane flying overhead." Lin Yu nodded calmly, appearing very indifferent.

When it comes to future development, choice is better than hard work.

Just like the Soviet Union back then, in the electronics industry, the Soviet Union chose electron tubes. Although it played a certain role in resisting shielding, when the transistor came, their choice was vulnerable.

If you have control over yourself, there will be no problems when it comes to choices. You just need to follow the chosen direction, step on the accelerator to the bottom, and weld the brakes firmly.

After answering calmly, he didn't wait for the person opposite to respond, picked up the pen again, and circled the satellite drawn on the notebook.

"In fact, in addition to these large aircraft, other basic advances are the foundation of this set of research and development."

"If we want to provide precise navigation and precise control for aircraft, we must develop wireless communication systems and satellite communication systems."

"If you have a navigation and communication system that is independent of GPS, your national information security will be greatly improved."

"The rocket technology developed during the launch of satellites, as well as the corresponding materials and electronic technologies, can be put into civilian use with only slight modifications."

"Future communication satellites will become stronger and stronger with the support of modern electronics industry, and the corresponding communication equipment will also become stronger and stronger."

"These things can be converted to civilian use and then make money in the international market."

"Mr. Awad, digging for oil is not a long-term solution after all."

Digging for oil is not a long-term solution!

This sentence made Awad feel uneasy. He sat on the sofa, and his right thumb kept opening, then clenching, and then opening again.

But in the end, he still raised his hand, picked up the teacup in front of him, and drank the tea in the cup in one gulp.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath for a while, and then suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Lin Yu, questioning:

"You want me to bet on a future with you?"

"It's not a bet!" Lin Yu raised his right index finger and shook it, denying Awad's words.

Then he stood up, turned to the window, pulled open the curtains, and opened the window.

The February wind blew in from the open window, with a hint of coolness, but more with a hint of freshness, that is the breath of spring.

Lin Yu raised his finger and pointed out the window, and fell on the sycamore tree outside the window. Although it was still a little cold, a small leaf bud could be seen on the dense branches. Just wait for the right time, the leaf bud will open and then bloom with green leaves.

Pointing at the branches of his finger, he turned around and said loudly to the people behind him:

"This is not a gamble, but a move towards the future, just like when winter turns to spring and the temperature and climate are right, the trees will bloom and sprout."

"It is the law of nature and the pace of human progress, not a gamble."

"I think it would be better to use the $600 million in your hand, Mr. Awad, on this."

Faced with his suggestion, Awad did not answer, but stood up, opened and closed his right hand constantly, and walked to the window, looked in the direction of Lin Yu's finger for a while, stretched out his hand, and broke off a branch.

Take the branch in your hand, peel off the leaf bud on the branch with your fingernails, revealing the small green inside the leaf bud.

After showing that bit of green in front of Lin Yu, he asked again:

"Now is not the right time, then tell me, how much fertilizer is needed, and at what temperature, can this leaf bud bloom?"

"Besides, why don't I seek cooperation with Europe and America?"

Hearing this question, Lin Yu was not panicked at all, because he knew that since Awad asked this question, it meant that the other party had already thought about it.

It's just that the finishing touch is needed now.

He smiled slightly and said: "Because now, America is already deindustrializing, and their elites are already beginning to Judaize!"

"If you don't believe it, Mr. Awad can recall how many Jews have entered the top level of America in the past five years."

The outbreak is over!

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