When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 202 We don’t want to be puppets! (The third update!)

Facing the inquiry, Luo Ping lowered his head and thought carefully. After a long time, he turned his eyes to Lin Yu again and asked:

"What are the specific requirements? If you just want some people with strong combat capabilities, I know some here."

"But from what you said, it seems that you still need to manage and communicate with other people at the same time. So from my side..."

"I suggest you go directly to Mr. Lu. He should know more people."

Luo Ping's suggestion was very good, but after listening to it, Lin Yu shook his head slightly. He then stood up, walked to the window, looked out the window, looked at the rising sun outside the window, and whispered:

"Although our cultural quality has improved in the past few years, in terms of combat literacy and social skills, your group is still superior."

"What's more, the place they are going to is itself a war-torn place. If you are not careful, big problems may occur."

"Let me tell you my request first. Please help me contact your old teammates. They are now in their 30s and 40s, which is when they are in their prime."

"By the way, tell them that the salary is very generous."

"Article 1, absolutely obey orders."

"Item 2: Be willing to use your brain."

"Item 3, you have to be able to use your brain."

"Article 4, strong combat effectiveness."

"Just go ahead and implement these requirements."

Keeping these requests in mind, and sensing that Lin Yu had no intention of continuing, Luo Ping stood up directly, said goodbye decisively, and left.

By the window, Lin Yu was holding pancake fruit in his hand, his eyes flashing continuously, and finally turned into a long sigh.

The foundation was so poor that even though he had many gaps in his heart, he could only rely on the foundation and slowly grow bigger and stronger step by step.

He ate the pancakes in a few mouthfuls, closed the window, and checked the electrical appliances in the room again. After confirming that they were all turned off, he turned around and walked out of the room.

After the New Year, it’s time to pay New Year greetings.

I am not married yet and am still a baby, so I can still ask my elders for two red envelopes. Although the money is not much, as the old saying goes, it is more important to love than to be polite.

What's more, if you go to someone else's house during the Chinese New Year, even if they get angry again, they can only listen to a Chinese New Year saying to forcefully suppress their anger.

Other times, there is no such convenience.

As soon as I walked out of the administration building humming a song, the phone rang.

It was Awad, and he had some outrageous news.

He is in Lanling now!

Holding the phone and confirming this sentence several times, Lin Yu finally confirmed one thing, that is, this guy Awad has arrived in Lanling.

On the way to the base!

The plan was ruined again.

He returned to the office dejectedly, turned on the air conditioner, boiled the water, and sat at his desk for almost two hours. A knock on the door disrupted Lin Yu's thoughts.

Then, Kang Fei from the after-sales department poked his head out from the crack in the door and said thiefly:

"Director, Mr. Awad is right behind me. Do you want to invite him in?"

Hearing this knowing question, Lin Yu couldn't help but roll his eyes and asked helplessly:

"You have brought everyone here, can I say we don't want to meet?"

"Let the guests in quickly."

Kang Fei stretched out his hand to push the door open, then stood up straight, raised his hands and pointed into the room, and said to the people outside the door in a very philistine and flattering manner:

"Mr. Awad, please come in."

Awad, who changed into a suit and wore a special Saudi headdress, followed his movements and walked into the office with a smile. Behind him, his secretary was about to follow up, but before he could make any move, he was Kang Fei stopped.

The secretary was anxious and was about to have a seizure when Awad turned around and shook his head slightly. The secretary retreated and guarded the right side of the door.

Seeing his actions, Kang Fei chuckled, stretched out his hand to close the door, and then stood on the left side of the door. The two people, one on the left and one on the right, were like two door gods.

In the office, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the sofa next to him, took Awad to sit on the sofa, picked up the teapot, poured him a cup of warm tea, and asked:

"Why is Mr. Awad free to come to us at this time?"

"And you can find it so accurately?"

Taking the tea cup with both hands and putting it aside, Awad patted his chest and said:

"It's impossible for us people to go to the front and carry guns. We can still do it in the back to buy supplies and transport supplies."

"As for why you can find it accurately, in your Chinese language, it is called money can communicate with the gods."

"I asked my brother to contact your people, and then your people gave me your company address."

"I thought you were in the city at first, but I didn't expect..."

Awad stopped talking at this moment and waved the fingers of his right hand in front of him, his face full of curiosity.

Lin Yu didn't have a hundred thousand whys, so naturally he couldn't answer these questions. He picked up a teacup, sat down opposite Awad, drank tea, and asked:

"Then Mr. Awad, can you tell me why you came here this time?"

When asked about the purpose of coming here, Awad did not explain in words. Instead, he opened his briefcase, took out a document from the briefcase, and pushed it in front of Lin Yu.

It is a document written in English, titled [Preliminary Assessment of Damage to Tel Aviv and Haifa]

There is no information about the appraiser on the cover page of the appraisal report, and there is no source of information.

Raising his head and focusing on Awad for a moment, Lin Yu withdrew his gaze and turned his attention to the report. There was no other way. In addition to relatively high military spending, Saudi Arabia had poor attributes in all other aspects.

Not only them, this characteristic is common to all Arab countries in the Middle East.

So he had doubts about the veracity of the report.

Patiently, he turned to the first page. It was different from the reports Lin Yu was accustomed to reading. The first page of this report contained two photos, one above and one below. The relationship between the two photos could be seen through the names of the photos. .

The photo above is the original scene.

The photo below is the scene after the missile attack.

Below these two photos is a detailed introduction to the place where the photo was taken, as well as the corresponding construction price.

The name of the first photo is called the Albert Building, a 6-story building that is a research and development building for a pharmaceutical company.

The cost is US$400 million.

Compared with the original photo, a missile fell straight into the center of the building, directly blowing the long building into two pieces.

Turn your fingers back, and the subsequent photos will be like this.

Only on the last page, there is an additional statistic of the total price.

A missile attack cost Israel more than 7.5 billion US dollars, and this was only the most intuitive value loss, excluding casualties and some subsequent compensation and repairs.

After watching Lin Yu put down the document, Awad said:

"The purpose of my coming here is for this missile. We need this very much."

Lin Yu curled his lips, raised his finger, and corrected in a low voice:

"This is not a missile, this is a rocket launcher. Let me correct you one last time."

"Also, this is equipment we developed together with Lebanon. If you need it, you can ask Lebanon for it."

Bang bang bang!

Faced with Lin Yu's correction, Awad did not get angry. Instead, he raised his hands and clapped repeatedly. After clapping for two minutes, he put down his hands and showed an expression like "I had expected you to be like this."

Then he looked at Lin Yu's curious gaze and said softly:

"So this time instead of coming alone, I brought some friends."

After explaining, he looked up at the door and shouted: "Moebius, go and bring our two Lebanese friends up."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of leather shoes hitting the terrazzo floor outside the door. The sound gradually faded away and soon disappeared in the corridor.

When he heard this, a trace of surprise flashed in Lin Yu's eyes. This big dog seemed not to be as wealthy as they had been told...

No, if these people were as stupid as the former president of Iraq, they wouldn't have made such a desperate move to buy missiles.

From the US$3.5 billion that year, they made countless US$3.5 billion.

It is estimated that they are now preparing to make a bet and use another 3.5 billion to ensure that they can earn more 3.5 billion.

Not long after, footsteps sounded outside the door again. With a creak, the door opened, and a familiar person and an unknown person appeared in front of Lin Yu.

The familiar person is Hercule. This special operations staff officer seems to have changed his job and become a professional business person.

He stood at the door, holding a white metal box in each hand. When he saw Lin Yu, he raised both hands at the same time and raised the metal box in his hand.

The unknown person next to me looked to be in his 20s and had not yet grown the beard that Arabs are accustomed to. He was a little shy when facing strangers.

He was also carrying two white metal boxes in his hands. After noticing Heckley's movements, this man also raised his hands. Following the movements of his hands, an awkward smile appeared on his face.

Heckley walked into the room first and placed two metal boxes in front of Lin Yu's desk. Then he turned around, took the metal box from the man next to him, and placed it in front of his desk.

He closed the door smoothly and pushed the person to the sofa. Then he opened his arms to Lin Yu and shouted with a smile: "Friend, we meet again."

The two hugged each other, and he turned around, pulled the person next to him to Lin Yu, and introduced: "Milk Tea Party, Laria."

"The current leader of the Milk Tea Party, Acoma, is his father."

"The main purpose of my coming here this time is to give you, our favorite friend, the data to guide...the rocket launcher."

"The secondary purpose is to bring Mr. Awad here, because they are going to sponsor a batch of equipment for us. Anyway, my friend, you have enough equipment here, so I will bring him over and purchase it together."

"Finally, I would like to introduce you to Laria beside me."

"As a military force operating in the south of our country, they have some ideas and want to learn from you."


After listening to the introduction, Lin Yu cast doubtful eyes on Laria, tilting his head with curiosity in his eyes.

But soon, he remembered some gossip he had heard in his previous life.

Lebanon is a small country. In his previous life, Lin Yu could only see this country in the news occasionally. As for further understanding, it was not much. Even if he did, he only briefly touched on the relevant situation in the Middle East.

When talking about Lebanon, another country must be mentioned, that is Iran.

As a political party supported by Iranians, the original word of the rumor is that Iranians will never allow the Milk Tea Party to become independent.

Because thugs are easy to find, but thugs that are easy to use and powerful are hard to find.

It's just like a person who works hard in the company and shows himself in all aspects from all angles, but is not as good as some old-timers in the distribution of benefits and promotion.

Because the leader thinks you are useful, who will do things for him if you leave?

After thinking about this in his mind, Lin Yu asked tentatively: "What is the conflict between you and the Iranians?"

He used Arabic.

The words were gentle and calm, but the content of the words made the three people present couldn't help but shout in their hearts.

Awad sat on the sofa, holding the teacup with both hands, but his hand couldn't help shaking.

He never expected that the person in front of him was actually an expert on Middle East issues. No wonder he got into the water at this time.

This guy really knows how deep the water is!

And Hekle's performance looked much more relaxed, and the smile on his face became even more prosperous after hearing what Lin Yu said.

After laughing for a while, he turned his head and set his eyes on Laria, with a smile on his face, as if saying:

See, I'm not wrong!

And Laria's expression was much more vivid than the two old-timers.

His eyes were full of shock, but soon turned into disbelief. When Heckler looked at him, his eyes turned into surprise and affirmation.

He was sure that he had found the right place.

Then, instead of sitting on the sofa, he pulled a small stool next to him and sat down next to Lin Yu. Looking at this peer who was about the same age as him, he said quickly:

"The Israelis wanted to kill us all. The Iranians helped us, helped us establish the Milk Tea Party, and helped us fight the invasion."

"But they... seem to want to control us. According to our observations, if this situation continues, we will become puppets."

"But we don't want to become puppets!"

"I asked my father about this question."

"My father told me that we are all children of Allah, and we are also , we are Arabs and Lebanese. "

"For Lebanon and our future, we can temporarily give up some things and seek development. One day in the future, when we are strong enough, we can pick up what we gave up again."

"But we don't know if we can see that day."

"When I heard from Mr. Heckle that there was a friend like you, I wanted to come to you and talk to you."

"See if there is any way."

Listening to Laria's words, Lin Yu slowly turned his eyes to the young man. The two looked at each other, and the other's eyes were very clear.


Everyone is actually about the same age. If it weren't for the memory of the future, perhaps, like him, there is clear stupidity in his eyes.

Retracting his gaze, Lin Yu closed his eyes, slowly leaned his head on the back of the sofa, raised his head, and looked up, then said helplessly:

"This is an unsolvable problem. "

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