
Said was confused by the information in front of him.

As the saying goes, the authorities are confused and the bystanders are clear. This time, Saudi Arabia has a dual identity, the authorities and the bystanders.

As authorities, they participated in the transportation of rocket launchers and made more than a dozen plans for possible situations, but they did not expect that the Lebanese would actually choose Stud.

They fired all 120 rockets that were comparable to light missiles in one day, and they all hit Israel.


I want to say something, but I don’t know where to start, because this is not the habit of Arabs at all. Although Arabs buy a lot of equipment, but... the use of it can only be described in a few words.

I picked up the information in front of me again and read it over and over a dozen times before finally confirming one thing. The Lebanese had destroyed all the equipment they had worked so hard to transport for nearly 20 days in one breath.

However, the effect is also significant.

In the two cities that were attacked, 1/3 of the blocks in Tel Aviv were turned into a sea of ​​flames. Most of these fires were high-rise buildings, and a large part of them were important areas.

The loss is immeasurable.

In the northern port city of Haifa, the port has received special attention. According to intelligence, the port is currently paralyzed and must undergo an overhaul if it is to be used normally.

The effect is remarkable, but...

Said's finger fell on the map and slowly crossed the land of Israel. His face slowly turned cold. After suffering such a huge loss, the Israelis would never give up and would definitely try their best to make up for it.

Scratching his finger across the map, he turned his head to look at the Minister of Defense next to him, and ordered in a cold voice: "Now, let our military transport plane take off and go to Iran."

"Remember, go to Iran under the noses of Americans and let them know we are prepared to work with the Iranians."

"After the plane takes off, let our missile troops go to the border to assemble. The armored group is ready to cross Jordan and march into Israel at any time."

"Then the Ministry of Foreign Affairs made a public statement to me, saying that the day after tomorrow our Arab countries would have a defense meeting against Israel."

"Let's all go make arrangements for work."

After receiving Said's order, the people present stood up and left one after another. Everyone's expression was very serious, because they knew that a new round of war in the Middle East might break out from today.

After the others left, Said turned to look at Awad, looked at this fellow brother, and then said softly:

"You go back later and prepare."

"Milk Tea Party Akoma said his son would come over, he should arrive in the afternoon."

"After several other Gulf countries come over, I will ask them to pool their money, buy some equipment together, and send it to Lebanon."

"Your mission is to take Acoma's son on a transport plane to Iran, then transfer from Iran to China, find the factory that sells rocket launchers, place an order, and buy rocket launchers."

After listening to his brother's words, Awad looked hesitant. After thinking about it carefully, he explained softly:

"That's equipment developed with the Lebanese. Wouldn't it be bad for us to grab it?"

His younger brother asked in return. Said hated iron for not becoming steel. He pointed his right index finger hard at his head and asked through gritted teeth:

"Can't you use your brain? Since the equipment was developed together with the Lebanese, why can't you ask two Lebanese to be the middlemen?"

"Sponsorship! Do you understand sponsorship?"

"Buy more, and then 30% will go to Lebanon, and we will get 70%, isn't it okay?"

"High, brother, you are very resourceful." Awad praised him with both salt and mildness, which greatly benefited Said. He waved his hand and said proudly:

"After all, I am also a king, so I must have two brushes."

"However, compared with our friend far away in the east, our little charm is really insignificant to him."

"When you contact him this time, remember to add some weight. You don't need to add too much. Just show our attitude."

When he said this, there was an uncontrollable smile on Said's face, like a fox stealing an old hen.

With his brother's final word, Awad nodded, turned and left directly. Before contacting Lin Yu, he still needed to make some preparations.

The people who are most anxious to be bombed in Tel Aviv are not the Israelis, but the Jews in America, because that is their spiritual homeland and the perfect promised land of God. How can they be allowed to be bombed?

As a result, a large number of Jewish members appeared in Congress, loudly denounced Lebanon's inhumanity, and demanded that America immediately send troops to defeat Lebanon.

Driven by them, the Pentagon's pizza orders surged, and the business of surrounding restaurants improved instantly.

In the combat command room of the Ministry of National Defense, Raffield was chatting with the crowd.

"My dear Mr. Noah, please tell me, if the sixth Middle East war is provoked, where will we dig for oil? Under the White House? If you can answer my question, then I will immediately report to the President and request Attack the entire Lebanese army.”

"Mr. Rubens, we just received the news that the Iraqi opposition forces have been extremely active in the past two days, and the time point is after the Israelis declared war on Lebanon."

"At the same time, Turkey has also protested against the Israeli declaration of war. Why don't you go to Turkey first and have a good exchange with their president?"

"Mr. Declan, as a member of parliament, and a member who supports the war, now I think you must figure out what our current goal is. Our current primary goal is to digest Iraq's interests."

"Only by digesting Iraq can we use Iraq as a springboard to control the Middle East, understand?"

"I know you have deep feelings for Israel, but I would like to ask everyone to pay attention. Don't be afraid of god-like opponents, just be afraid of pig-like teammates. Bitch, you need to be severely punished before you can become a talent."

"Of course, you can also bypass me and apply to the president directly to send troops. When the president's order to send troops is sent to me, I will immediately prepare supplies and logistics and send troops to Lebanon."

The dignified words made the parliamentarians present look extremely ugly, but they didn't say much, but secretly glanced at this guy who only knew how to hold a knife and cut funds crazily.

Asking him to send troops at this time is tantamount to cutting his flesh.

Keeping Rafeld's figure in mind, these congressmen stood up and left one after another. As soon as they walked out of the Pentagon, they started cursing.

"Bitch! Damn bastard! Damn German barbarians, their parents should have been thrown to the bench at that time."

"Damn bitch!"


Beside the window of the conference room, Rafeld stood behind the curtain, watching the vehicles leaving one after another, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly, revealing a smug smile: "Fight me, bitch!"

After cursing, he turned his head and put all this behind his mind, because these things were not enough to distract him, and he had more important work to deal with now.

After returning to his office, he picked up the phone and called Hanks directly:

"My dear General Hanks, I only have one request for you now, strengthen defense, pay attention to the Israelis, and pay attention to the counterattack of the Iraqis."

"We need to seize benefits in Iraq, rather than trap ourselves in the quagmire of the Middle East. We must pay attention."

After saying the warning, he subconsciously wanted to hang up the phone without knowing the reply from the other party. Noticing his action, the other party also said quickly:

"Mr. Raffield, your warning may be too late."

"Just now, I received a call. In the East Baghdad area, a group of militants occupied an oil field under construction. Because the Chinese were responsible for the construction of the oil field, we did not send anyone to garrison, so someone took advantage of it."

"At present, this group of militants has not made any demands, but I estimate that in a few minutes, the other party should make some demands."

Hearing that someone did not allow him to seize the benefits of the oil field, Raffield could not help but get angry. These damn guys.

These damn militants only need to think about frying dough sticks and oil pipes all day long, while the Minister of Defense has more things to consider.

Can't they save me a little worry?

Raphael suppressed his anger and said to the other end of the phone in a cold voice: "Get rid of them. I don't want anyone to interfere with my plan."

"Do you understand?"

After saying that, before waiting for the person on the other end to reply, he hung up the phone and turned around to continue busy with disarmament.

Qatar, listening to the dead tone coming from the phone, Hanks curled his lips, pressed the dial with his left hand, and dialed Yuri's number.

Then, he said sarcastically: "My dear Mr. Yuri, I give you one day to get rid of these damn guys."

"Tell everyone that if anyone dares to stop us from grabbing profits, they will die."

"If you can't do it, you will die."

After hanging up the phone, Hanks picked up the intelligence in front of him and studied it again.

The more he looked, the more confused he felt.

Through this month of observation, he found that the Chinese were really focused on the project, and at the same time, they were trying to avoid conflicts with the locals.

And the locals, after seeing that the Chinese were really working, did not make things too difficult for them, and everyone lived in peace.

Even if the armed elements attacked, the main target of the attack was the oil fields or oil pipelines stationed by the Americans.

And this time, they directly attacked the construction site, and the attacks were launched at the same time.

There must be something wrong when things are abnormal, and there is a high probability that someone is playing tricks.

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and he picked up the phone again, dialed a number, and said to the person on the other end of the phone: "Use all your intelligence personnel to find this person who is playing tricks for me."

After giving the other party an order, Hanks held the intelligence in his hand, his face full of hesitation. He was hesitating whether to synchronize this news to Lin Yu, and then force the other party to end.

After careful consideration, he gave up this idea. It is better to add icing on the cake than to send charcoal in the snow. At the critical moment, he had to sneak a knife in the back.

This knife must be steady, accurate and ruthless, and it must be able to draw blood with one blow. It is best to stab the person to death with one blow, so you can't be impatient now. Whoever is impatient will lose.

He opened the drawer on the left and threw the information in it. Then, he walked to the balcony with a cup of coffee and slowly enjoyed the sunshine in February.

At the same time, in the city of Baghdad, a few hundred kilometers northwest of Qatar, Asayama Wei was walking on a seemingly ordinary street.

Looking at the street that was no different from the surrounding urban areas, Asayama Wei's eyes were full of disgust. He covered his nose with a white handkerchief, slowly turned his head, looked at his compatriots next to him, and asked as if he was looking at a piece of garbage:

"You spent so much money, and the result was such a street? How can it attract Iraqis without any characteristics?"

"How can it highlight our Yamato nation?"

"So you guys are just like Ichiro Fujihashi, just trash, just garbage."

After scolding people, a gust of wind came towards him, and the breeze rolled up the yellow sand on the ground and fell on his delicate clothes, making his already irritable mood worse.

He patted the dust on his clothes with his hands a few times, but found that patting was not only useless, but also left a few palm prints on it.


He was about to wipe it with a handkerchief, but found that the handkerchief had turned yellow because of too much sweat.

At this moment, all the irritability and anger turned into a sigh.

"Okay, let's go back."

"Hay!" The person next to him nodded in response, then turned around and led the way.

Under the leadership of these people, several people walked into a very stylish Japanese restaurant on the side of the street.

After these people walked in, the waiter standing at the door immediately took a sign and put it at the door.

[Closed! ]

Under the leadership of the boss, several people walked around and finally walked into the inner courtyard of the store and knelt down beside a long dining table.

But on the table, there was not food, but a map.

At the same time, next to the table, there were two tightly wrapped Iraqis.

With a smile on his face, Asayama Wei came to the two Iraqis and stood still, saying:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Cleland, Mr. Adit, I'm late, Red Bean Mud Private Marseille!"

A standard 90-degree bow made his body bend into a right angle.

The two Iraqis on the opposite side obviously did not expect him to do this, and at the same time, they did not quite understand the meaning of this action. They could only stare with wide eyes, open mouths, and look at the Japanese in front of them with curiosity.

After a long while, Adit on the left seemed to understand Asayama Wei's intention, and quickly stood up, holding Asayama Wei with both hands, and kept muttering Habibi.

After a while, the two sat down together. The next second, Qian Shanwei showed a sinister look on his face, raised his hand and pointed at the map and said:

"My dear Mr. Adit, if I remember correctly, our request is that you kill those Chinese people."

"But the news I got is that you only captured their base and did not cause any substantial harm to them."

"I am very disappointed about this, so I asked you two to come here today just to ask, when did you militants start to talk about morality?"

Faced with the questioning, Adit did not give a good face. He raised his head and looked at the decorations in the room with a wandering gaze, and answered nonchalantly:

"We are cooperating, and the money you gave is only enough for us to capture other people's bases."

"We have taken the blame for you."

"If you want to kill people, you have to pay more."

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