
Zaborov sat on the ruins, staring blankly at the burning wreckage in front of him. It was the wreckage of the F15I Thunder fighter.

It had been burning for a while, but it had not yet burned out.

As the commander of the air defense special operations battalion under the 14th Special Operations Brigade, it was originally a happy thing to shoot down the enemy's fighter, but now, all his glory was robbed by the Lebanese.

Because they just launched 100 missiles.

100 missiles.

100... missiles!

Hearing this news from other companions, he felt like a clown. 100 missiles, except for the five good men, would be enough to destroy any country.

However, on the Lebanese side, these people actually launched 100 missiles quietly, and according to more detailed intelligence, it seems that these are satellite-guided missiles.

It's quite outrageous.

At this moment, the intercom on his chest rang, and standard Russian came from it. After communicating with the person on the intercom for a few minutes, Zaborov patted his buttocks, put away his gun, wiped the dust off his face, and then drove towards the Lebanese Ministry of Defense.

Beirut is not big. Only 10 minutes later, Zaborov met Agus in the underground air defense layer. This was the second time they met.

The first time was a few days ago, when the air defense missile battalion entered Lebanon through Syria. That day, the defense minister in front of him cried very sadly.

The second time was today.

At this moment, looking at the calm Agus, Zaborov felt more and more that the person in front of him was a qualified actor and a big liar.

After saluting the man in front of him, Zaborov asked very bluntly:

"My dear Minister of Defense, I think you need to give me a detailed explanation of this batch of missiles, otherwise, we will think you are deceiving us."

"We will evacuate immediately."

Faced with this threat, Argus helplessly supported his head with both hands, his fingers kept touching his hair, revealing his Mediterranean scalp.

After rubbing his hair for the third time, he explained: "This is not a missile, but a rocket, with a little more gunpowder and a longer range."

"This thing is not difficult for you, you just need to thicken and lengthen the Tornado rocket launcher in service."

"In fact, our launch this time is just a first-mover advantage. If we don't launch it all at once, when the Israelis find our rocket launchers and send bombers and missiles to attack, we will be finished."

"Besides, Mr. Zaborov, if we have 100 missiles, do you think we will not publicize it?"

"We are not fools. If we can't stop the war in its infancy, we will reduce a lot of losses."

"If you don't believe it, you can make your Tornado rocket launcher bigger and you can get a missile."

The words were a little humble. Zaborov listened to them and nodded with a little approval, but shook his head quickly.

Because Agus still didn't explain the source of these weapons in his words.

He was about to continue asking questions when the phone between them rang.

Argus picked up the phone, listened to the words on the phone, and frowned slowly.

Two minutes later, he hung up the phone, raised his head, looked at Zaborov with a pleading face, and begged in a low voice:

"Mr. Zaborov, we just received intelligence that the Israelis have pulled out all the Jericho-2 missiles in their warehouses, and the target is Beirut."

"The situation is critical, we can only rely on you."

Faced with the plea, Zaborov wanted to refuse, but...the passion of the Slavs and the education he received since childhood made him reluctant, and he didn't want to see a weak country being bullied.

He sighed and said to Argus: "If you still have this kind of rocket, shoot it now. The sooner you shoot it, the more you can suppress the enemy."

"With this anti-aircraft missile battalion in my hand, plus the 12 we fired before, we still have 48 anti-aircraft missiles left."

"The Jericho missile is a ballistic missile developed by the Israelis. Although it is a little worse, it is still a missile after all."

"I can only say that we will intercept it as much as possible, and the rest depends on fate."


After saying that, the Slav spread his legs, strode out of the office, and disappeared from Argus's sight.

After Zaborov left, Argus quickly picked up the phone and gave orders to those who stayed in Syria.


The Golan Heights is located in southwest Syria.

It is 71 kilometers long from north to south, about 43 kilometers wide at its widest point in the middle, and covers an area of ​​1,800 square kilometers. It is located in southwest Syria, east of the Jordan Valley.

The highest point is 2,724 meters above sea level. The water vapor from the Mediterranean Sea is blocked by the mountains here, which makes the annual precipitation here far higher than other parts of the Middle East, reaching an astonishing 500-800 mm, so it is also called the Middle East Water Tower.

The rainwater accumulated in this land basically flows to the Lake Tiberias in the south, and this lake is called the Lake of Galilee in the Israeli population.

And 40% of Israel's water comes from here.

At the same time, standing on this high ground, you can directly overlook the Syrian capital Damascus. The distance from this high ground to Damascus is only 60 kilometers.

Using the advantage of high attack, most of the rocket launchers in the world can achieve effective coverage.

When the war against Lebanon broke out, the Israeli garrison stationed on the Golan Heights also pulled out all the equipment in their hands and arranged defensive positions, but the defenders were Syrians.

As long as the Golan Heights were defended, the Israelis would still have hope.

Lieutenant Officer Neil hid in the trench. In the envious eyes of the soldiers, he took out a box of cigars, clipped off the cigar head with a small pliers, slowly lit it, and smoked it comfortably.

The Syrians were very timid and had very poor combat effectiveness, so they dared not come here.

According to the plan, he only needed to stay here until the end of the war, and he would be able to be promoted from lieutenant to captain, and then he could be promoted to major after some activities.

Becoming a major would mean that he would have reached the level of a middle-level officer, and he would not have to eat sand on the front line, sleep in trenches, and look at these pig-like subordinates.

Thinking of a better life in the future, Neil wrapped his clothes tightly, lay down in the trench, and prepared to have a good sleep.

But at this moment, he heard a rumbling sound in his ears. He looked around and saw several silver lines in the northeastern sky.

Then these silver lines slid across the sky at a very fast speed and rushed towards the southwest.

Seeing this thing, Neil didn't care about the cigar in his mouth. He jumped up from the trench, rushed to the phone next to him, grabbed the phone, and roared to the other end of the phone:

"Missile attack!"


In Qatar, Hanks took the intelligence sent by the service officer and couldn't help twitching his face. 100 missiles, this...

Who the hell is this?

Unlike others, he first suspected China because the other party had a history of being crazy and dared to sell anything, but soon he gave up this idea.

Why ballistic missiles are toys of big countries is because this thing is very expensive, very expensive, and needs maintenance.

Lebanon can't afford the price of 100 ballistic missiles, and the subsequent maintenance work, and he believes in America's intelligence organization.

After all, this is not a small number.

At this time, the service officer returned with another piece of news.

[Another 20 missiles took off from the Kivos area in Syria, targeting Tel Aviv. ]




CNM's Russia!


Huaxia, Rhein Automotive Manufacturing Company, in a warehouse in the southeast corner.

Lin Yu, wrapped in a cotton coat, sat in front of the TV with Lu Huaxi and Luan Yuelin, staring at the pictures on TV, with expressions more exciting than one.

When the cameraman pointed the camera at the burning government building, Lu Huaxi turned his head and looked at Lin Yu, and asked softly: "Is there any room for improvement in your rocket launcher?"

"Yes!" Lin Yu nodded, took out a notebook and pen, bent over and wrote frantically on the notebook, and soon, a simple drawing with some simple instructions appeared on the notebook.

Pointing at the stick figure, he quickly explained: "If we rely on satellite communications to strengthen the guidance capability of rockets, we can have rocket artillery with super high strike accuracy, and the landing error will not exceed 5 meters."

"At that time, we can hit wherever we point."

"Within one or two thousand kilometers, we can directly use rockets to clean the ground, and there is no need for missiles."

"All missiles are converted into nuclear bombs, and they can be placed there to stun everyone."

Listening to his explanation, Lu Huaxi's mind flashed the picture he had just seen, and then, in his mind, he added the functions that Lin Yu mentioned to these rockets.

Then he closed his eyes and began to simulate such a picture in his mind.

Dense rockets fell like heavy rain. Under the guidance of satellites, those rockets hit the target building accurately and even hit the target floor.

Destroy the opponent's firepower points, logistics support points, and personnel replenishment points one by one.

Just imagining such a picture in his mind, he felt a deep sense of powerlessness all over his body.

It was really terrifying.

We must not let this happen to our family. If it happens, it should happen to others.

Just as he was thinking hard about how to move towards this goal, Luan Yuelin next to him suddenly asked:

"What if we fight in the streets?"

The person he was asking was Lin Yu. As soon as he finished asking, Luan Yuelin saw a hint of doubt on Lin Yu's face. Before he could ask, Lin Yu asked back:

"Why do we have to fight in the streets? We have superior firepower. Can't we just use heavy artillery and rocket launchers to fight all the way?"

"Why should we give up our own advantages and fight in the streets with others?"

"Wait, you didn't see America's propaganda and think that it would develop The focus should be on individual equipment, right? "

Faced with continuous questions, Luan Yuelin nodded slightly and said:

"It's mainly because I think the mainstream trend in European and American countries is like this, and Israel's attack on Lebanon seems to emphasize this trend. I just wanted to ask you because you are here."

After listening to the explanation, Lin Yu shook his head and denied it: "It's not necessary."

"The direction of our individual development should be to enable individual soldiers to carry and use firepower comparable to tanks and armored vehicles based on our existing training."

"Instead of over-emphasizing individual street fighting."

"If we can destroy the enemy's bunkers and bodies, there is no need to risk the lives of our soldiers."

"If you want to study street fighting, then you can put some effort into firepower and see how to get our people to bring more equipment."

After he finished his instructions, Lu Huaxi, who had been watching TV next to him, turned around and asked, "No one will doubt us, right?"

"No." Lin Yu patted his chest and said very proudly: "The parts of the rocket are all marked in Russian, and the chips used are all without identification codes."

"Even the installation method was borrowed from the Soviet system. Even if I hold the fragments in doubt, I will only be suspicious of Russia."

"It's absolutely impossible to suspect us."

Hearing the affirmative answer from him, Lu Huaxi breathed a sigh of relief. Now that America was in the spotlight, it would not be in his interest to confront them now, and he needed to avoid their sharp edges.

When the time is right, he slowly took out the hammer and gave it a blow quietly.

A state of etiquette must be a state of state.

That's the hard truth.

He picked up the cold tea on the table next to him and downed it in one gulp. He stood up, patted his butt and said, "Since you know how to advance and retreat, we won't disturb you anymore. Keep going!"

"The batch of light weapons sent to you all have the marks left by the Ordnance Corporation. As long as they appear on the market and are seen by our people, we can find out the corresponding sales routes."

"Clearly clarifying their paths will be beneficial to our future work."

"You can do more of this kind of thing in the future, and then you can also set up two networks here, which will be useful when the time comes."

"The things have been delivered and the message has been seen. My mission is completed and it's time to go back and get down to business."

"I'm leaving!"

After saying that, he patted his butt, put his hands behind his back, and walked out of the warehouse slowly.

Shortly after he left, Luan Yuelin quickly followed him and soon disappeared from Lin Yu's eyes.

After standing at the door of the warehouse for a while, Lin Yu turned towards the door of another warehouse and pushed the door open. Inside the warehouse, Shao Xiaofeng was checking the equipment. After listening to Lin Yu's story, the leader of the weapons testing team frowned. Take out a few guns and carefully disassemble them.

Then I searched little by little with a magnifying glass, and finally found an inconspicuous line on the upper left side of the receiver.

The line is about one centimeter long, cleverly positioned and formed, and looks like a thin line on a stamping die.

Seeing the traces of preparation, Lin Yu breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't need to do any extra tricks on his own.

After Shao Xiaofeng finished assembling the guns and returned them to the box, Lin Yu ordered Kang Fei: "You will give these guns to Nicholas after you go to work on the fifth day of the new year."

"Also, if he asks about other things, just say you don't know."

"If he asks you where I am going, just say that you are going home to worship your ancestors and the phone is turned off."



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