Nabatae, due to the Nabataean province in Lebanon, is also the capital of this province.

To the south, it is about 35 kilometers from the border, and to the southeast, it is about 13 kilometers from the border.

It is about 80 kilometers from Haifa, a famous port city in Israel, and about 165 kilometers from Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel.

It can be said to be on the front line, but it can also be said that it is not on the front line.

At the same time, this is also a rare "plain area" in Lebanon. Although there are some small hills, it is relatively flat.

For this reason, this is also an important agricultural area in the southern province of Lebanon.

On one of the streets, Hekle was lying in the cab of a container truck with his eyes covered, sleeping soundly.

Suddenly, the intercom in front of him suddenly rang. Even with his eyes covered, he could accurately catch the intercom, put the intercom to his ear, and responded softly:

"This is Heckler, please speak."

"All of you, we want to see a grand fireworks display!"


He replied to the person on the intercom, put his right hand on the channel switch knob, twisted it gently, and said to the intercom:

"My dear comrades, now, let's set off a good firework, the most beautiful one."

"Let our enemies see if we are so easy to mess with."

After saying that, he jumped out of the cab, and the others in the cab followed suit. A group of people came to the container behind the cab, quickly pulled out the pins, and removed the board of the container.

In the container, 9 long white boxes also appeared in front of everyone.

The box was very long and thick, lying quietly on the base of the container, looking very bright and comfortable.

Even when seeing these boxes for the second time, the soldiers following Hekle still did not hesitate to praise:

"Commander, this thing is actually a missile, right? This is definitely a missile, right? It's so big, it must be very powerful, right?"

"It's a pity that we can't watch it on the spot!"

Hearing these soldiers' words, Hekle wanted to respond, but he didn't know how to respond, because their friends told him clearly that this thing was a rocket, definitely not a missile.

If it was a missile, he couldn't afford it.

Sighing, he raised his right hand and casually slapped the soldier closest to him:

"Don't stand there, the Israelis have launched an attack, we need to shoot these rockets out as quickly as possible, otherwise their bombers will arrive."

"Retreat quickly after the attack!"

After speaking, he took the lead, jumped onto the container, stepped on the floor, and began to shake the wheel under the nine long boxes frantically.

As the wheel was twisted frantically, the nine long boxes slowly raised their heads, like a sharp sword, pointing directly to the sky.

After adjusting the launch angle and plugging in the power, Heckley jumped off the truck, took out a laptop from the cab, connected the rocket launcher box with a data cable, entered the latitude and longitude of the target location, and clicked on the calculation.

Two minutes later, the calculation was completed, and Heckley pressed the enter key without hesitation.

The next second, the harsh roar of the rocket engine sounded in his ears, and before he could react, nine rockets rushed into the sky, dragging white mist and disappearing in the clouds.

After these nine rockets flew out, more rockets took off from the roads in the Nabataean city and rushed all the way to the south.

On the border, 6 F15Is fully loaded with ammunition flew all the way from high altitude, aiming at Beirut. However, not long after they flew, the aircraft radar screamed.

It was not locked by the fire control radar, but the aircraft radar detected a large number of targets approaching at a high speed!

The number... There are hundreds of them!

Looking at the densely packed bright spots on the radar, the pilot with the call sign of Dian Guang let out a sharp explosion:

"What the hell is this?"

"Monitoring station, this is Dian Guang, Dian Guang calling for monitoring, we found hundreds of bright spots on our radar, but they are not anti-aircraft missiles."

"It's not an airplane either, repeat, it's not an airplane!"

"This is the monitoring station, the thing in front of you seems to be a missile..."

The message from the monitoring station was a little hesitant, because it was really a bit outrageous.

As we all know, Lebanon has missiles, but they are the bottom of the box, and it is impossible to shoot like this. Something that big can only be a rocket.


The people at this northern monitoring station looked out the window. There was a batch of rockets on the open space outside their window, and the size was a big difference from what they saw on the radar.

After receiving a response from the monitoring station, the pilot with the call sign of Dian Guang gently pulled the lever to raise the plane's flight altitude again. With him leading the way in front, the people behind him also followed to raise the plane.

On the radar, the distance between their plane and the densely packed bright spots was less than 5 kilometers.

As the plane leveled off again, Dian Guang finally saw the true face of the light spots on the radar with his naked eyes.


The white missiles, like locusts, passed through the clouds and swept directly past them, dragging long white smoke, rushing all the way to the south. In the blink of an eye, they had disappeared at the end of his sight.

Dian Guang couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He never thought that one day he would use the word locust to describe missiles.

However, at this moment, he could only think of this word, and used it very appropriately.

At this moment, he even stopped breathing for two seconds. After a brief palpitation, he covered his mouth with his left hand and shouted loudly:

"This is Dian Guang, this is Dian Guang, repeat, we just saw a missile cluster with our naked eyes, yes, a missile cluster."

"They flew past me like locusts. At that moment just now, I felt like I was going to die."

"Do we still have to carry out the mission?"

After asking this question, there was a brief silence in his headset. After more than ten seconds, the voice came from the headset again:

"Continue to carry out the mission of bombing Beirut. It is useless for you to return now. Only by bombing Beirut and letting them know the pain will they admit defeat."

The voice from the headset made Dian Guang feel relieved. After taking several deep breaths in a row, his eyes became firm and fiercer.

Grabbing the throttle with his right hand and pushing it forward gently, the fighter jet suddenly accelerated and rushed all the way towards the city in the distance.

Soon, the city that looked a bit prosperous appeared in front of him. Dian Guang began to adjust the posture of the fighter jet, preparing to give the people below a big one.

However, just as his fighter plane had adjusted its posture, the aircraft's anti-fire control radar suddenly made a sharp explosion.

It was an anti-aircraft missile!

"Drop the bomb! Quickly disengage!" As the captain of this bombing mission, Dian Guang issued the order at the fastest speed.

They dropped the 1,000-pound bomb and it fell on the building below.

All the planes made the same cobra action at the same time, pulling up at a high speed, and then turning around.

But before they could disengage, 12 missiles suddenly flew out from the gaps between the high-rise buildings. The speed of these missiles was extremely fast. They appeared in front of these planes in just a blink of an eye.

Then, they exploded directly in the air.

The fragments after the explosion, under the influence of the shock wave, collapsed in all directions. In just a moment, these fragments hit the plane and crashed into the engine.

Six fighter planes were wiped out.

If it were in the past, this news would have completely shocked Israel, but now, the officials in Tel Aviv are like clay Buddhas crossing the river and can't save themselves.

A few minutes ago, the monitoring station in the north observed a large number of missiles taking off from southern Lebanon, targeting Haifa and Tel Aviv.

Just now, the missiles attacking Haifa have exploded.

The target of these missiles is the port.

A full 20 missiles hit the port of Haifa exactly, completely destroying the port facilities.

Then according to the data from the monitoring station, there are about 70 missiles on the way to Tel Aviv. Hearing this number, the officials in Tel Aviv only hated their parents for not having two more legs.

Because their missile force only fired five Jericho-2 missiles at Beirut.

They really want to ask, are missiles so cheap?

The originally quiet and peaceful city became a mess at this moment. No one dared to guarantee that the missile would not fall on their heads, so they could only do their best to find a place that was safe enough.

But it takes time to find a place, but the missiles have already set off and will not arrive late because of their fear.

Those who hid in the underground air-raid shelters secretly rejoiced, while those who failed to hide in the underground air-raid shelters could only pray to God, praying that the missiles would not fall on their heads and that the air defense system would work.

But it was obvious that God could not hear their prayers, or that God was angry that they killed his son and did not respond to them.

The anti-aircraft missiles took off, but the speed was too slow. Before they could self-detonate, they watched the missiles pass by.

Then one missile after another hit the ground like raindrops, hitting those gorgeous buildings, those beautiful buildings, and those who were hiding.

When the missiles were flying in the sky, the deterrent power was the greatest, but if they hit the ground, the deterrent power would be greatly reduced.

When the first explosion sounded, those who were hiding in panic were no longer panicked.

They seemed to grow up in an instant, knowing that those who could dodge would eventually dodge, and those who could not dodge would die no matter what they did.

It is death whether it is early or late, so it is better to take a good look.

They stopped and looked up at the sky. The white missiles, like raindrops, fell to the ground under the clear sky.

In the underground air-raid shelter of the Ministry of National Defense, through the monitors set up outside, a group of people can clearly understand the situation outside even if they hide underground.

Perez stood in front of the big screen, covering his head with his hands, and couldn't believe that the missiles in front of him were launched by Lebanon.

He kept rubbing his head with his hands, and finally sat down weakly, leaning on the table, muttering like crazy:

"How can they have so many missiles? How can they have so many missiles?"

"How is it possible? Where do these missiles come from?"

He had a mental breakdown, but the staff next to him didn't. This was the deputy minister of defense. Even if he was lying on the ground and sleeping, he would get his salary, but they were different. They had to go to work.

The person in charge of answering the phone kept picking up the phone, and then kept putting it down. Every time he picked it up and put it down, there would be new news.

But it was all bad news.

Finally, after another explosion, the whole world seemed to quiet down, and the operator next to him also put down the phone and turned around:

"According to the latest intelligence, Lebanon launched a total of 100 missiles, 20 of which landed in Haifa, and the anti-aircraft missiles failed to intercept any of them."

"The remaining 80 missiles fell here. Two of them were detonated in mid-air by our anti-aircraft missiles because they flew too close, and did not explode on the ground. The remaining 78 missiles all hit."

He calmly told the news, and Peres, who had just stood up from the ground, heard the news and fell to the ground, unconscious.

Under the presidential palace, knowing that the missile attack had stopped, the president and his men came out of the underground air-raid shelter, found a high place at random, and began to look around.

Everywhere was in chaos, the ringing of police car bells, the sirens of fire trucks, the sirens of ambulances, and the shouting and crying of people, combined with the burning flames and the thick smoke from the flames, formed a doomsday scene.

Opening his mouth and letting out a long sigh, the president turned around and said in a cold voice:

"Shoot all our Jericho 2 missiles to Beirut and Lebanon."

"Also, tell the whole country that I am going to prepare a TV speech."

After the secretary next to him turned around and left, the president looked at the burning city, raised his hands, and hugged the sun in the sky without much heat, and then smiled again:

"Great! Great! Finally, I can show my ambitions!"

Israel officially started the war against Lebanon, and the whole world is watching.

Because according to the usual script, Israel usually sweeps Lebanon, rushes into the opponent's territory, kills all the way, and then hits the capital, and finally other Arab countries come out and besiege Israel together, followed by the Americans, mediating in the middle, and finally ending.

Then, Israel was so angry that it attacked Palestine.

The development of the matter at the beginning was just as they imagined. Israel launched an attack, and the Lebanese fought back strongly. Although they suffered a little loss, they still managed to hold on.

But at this point, the development of the matter was beyond their expectations.

Lebanon took out missiles, a full 100 missiles!

Those are called 100 missiles, not the cats and dogs on the roadside, nor the bullets of AK47, but missiles.

According to the video sent by people in Tel Aviv, the missiles fell to the ground like rain, killing gods and Buddhas.

The whole scene lasted for more than ten minutes. After watching the video of more than ten minutes, everyone wanted to ask, where did these missiles come from?

In addition to asking, everyone turned their eyes to the north at the same time. As we all know, only Russia can take out 100 missiles in one go and send them to Lebanon.

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