When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 195: A mind-blowing game, and a full-on game! (The third update!)

Beirut, Argus received the news that Hanks was coming to Lebanon. He was very confused. Generally speaking, as a small country, Lebanon does not have many choices in its foreign policy. Generally, it follows whoever pays.

America, they followed for a while, but after the Americans clearly stated that they would support Israel, except for some normal economic activities, other exchanges between the two sides were almost zero. At this moment, the news heard that a general of the other side was coming.

And it was Israel that issued a declaration of war. It is possible that they would come at any time when the war started. Isn’t this a joke?

Conspiracy, there is definitely a conspiracy!

After walking around the office twice, he suddenly remembered what happened during the first Middle East War. At that time, it was the Americans who mediated.

At that time, the Arab world generally had a good impression of America, so they believed America’s nonsense. These people also gave themselves a 10-day vacation, and then came back from the 10-day vacation with their heads knocked off.

Thinking of this, he almost didn’t hesitate at all and called the people below to ask them to refuse this visit.

But soon

The subordinate replied.

Hanks McCain, the head of the American military stationed in the Middle East, has already boarded a plane from Qatar and is about to arrive in Beirut.


Cursing in his heart, Agus turned around and sighed again and again to prepare for the relevant reception affairs.

Small countries are so sad.

A few hours later, Hanks appeared in Beirut and was warmly received.

After leading the general to the office, Argus couldn't wait to ask: "General Hanks, what is your purpose this time?"

"To coordinate? Or..."

"Neither!" Hanks shook his head mysteriously, then raised his right index finger and said mysteriously:

"I came here this time with a batch of light weapons ready to sell to you. I wonder if Mr. Argus has any ideas?"

Argus did not answer whether he agreed or disagreed, but after a little hesitation, he asked tentatively: "What if we don't buy it?"

Faced with his question, Hanks also did not give a direct answer: "Although our oil fields in Iraq have been bombed and we are a little overwhelmed, we can still spare a few people."


This is a blatant threat!

Although Argus kept complaining in his heart and cursing at the same time, there was no expression on his face. He looked at Hanks expressionlessly and asked again:

"Can you guarantee it?"

Hearing this sentence, Hanks knew that this time the deal was done.

He walked to the side and sat down, saying carelessly:

"At least we can ensure that our people will not intervene in the early stage. After all, an ally who is not very obedient is not a good ally."

"For you, the most dangerous time is the early stage."

"As long as you withstand the offensive in the early stage, your Arab brothers should also be affected later."

"Do I need to say more about the rest?"

"After all, this world is about human relationships, not fighting and killing. Your Arab brothers are good at oil mining."

The firm tone made Argus very unhappy. He wanted to refuse, but reality did not allow him to refuse.

After a little hesitation, he nodded slightly and put forward a new condition at the same time, that is, to publish this meeting in the newspaper and publicize it.

But he would not mention the purchase of weapons.

Hearing such a condition, Hanks agreed without hesitation. He knew very well why Argus put forward this condition that was not a condition. He just wanted the Israelis to be cautious.

Give up this action.

But it was obvious that this Arab didn't understand the operating mechanism of this world well enough, and didn't quite understand that some people in this world had no bottom line.

Moreover, just taking a photo could prove that he was here to coordinate, and it could also cover up the fact that he was selling equipment, and it wouldn't cost him a dime anyway.

It didn't matter if he agreed, as long as he could make money.

With his agreement, the next thing was a matter of course, and soon, the picture of Hanks and Argus in the same frame was broadcast by Lebanese TV.



Just after the Chinese New Year, before he had time to pay New Year's greetings, Lin Yu was forcibly dragged back to work by phone calls one after another.

"My dear Mr. Ibrahim, your damaged oil fields and pipelines are not my job. They can be repaired and repaired as quickly as possible, but the problem is that you have to pay more."

"You have to pay more to get additional workers and materials for reinforcement and repair."

"And these oil fields are controlled by American companies. Tell them directly that if you want to transport the oil out quickly, you have to pay more."

"Okay, okay, since we are all friends, I will help you repair a small pipeline first, but you have to pay, we don't have any surplus food."

It took a lot of effort for Lin Yu to hang up Ibrahim's phone, turn around and look at the map in front of him.

According to the time calculation, the batch of rockets should have arrived in Saudi Arabia, so the attack on the oil fields was Cavani's fault.

He didn't know whether to curse or thank him.

He cursed because there was more work for nothing, and he had to add more people and equipment.

But all these require money, but Ibrahim said that he had no money for the time being and had to owe it first.

As we all know, advance-funded projects cannot be done, and one person will die if they do it.

Thank you, because when others cannot work safely, this one seedling is almost their only hope.

Invisibly, he has mastered the bargaining chips with the other party.

Let's wait for two days.

After making up his mind, he returned to the computer, climbed onto the Internet, and began to collect intelligence in the Middle East.

As the mouse slid down, a strange news appeared in front of him.

[Lebanese Defense Minister Agus held security and defense talks with Hanks, the commander-in-chief of the United States in the Middle East. ]


After reading the title twice and confirming that the text was correct, Lin Yu clicked on the title and read the text carefully.

In less than 10 minutes, he read the news completely, and found that there was no information in the news, and it was all spam.

In other words, this is a piece of news used to cover up the real purpose, and the object of the cover-up is to find a reason for Hanks to go to Lebanon.

After figuring this out, Lin Yu's eyes flashed with a strange light.

Because this news can be released, it means that some kind of cooperation agreement has been reached between Lebanon and America.


On the other side.

Israeli Defense Minister Simon also saw this news. He thought of the call Hanks made to him, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

This treacherous American.

Let them know how powerful he is.

Having made up his mind, Simon started the car, slowly stepped on the accelerator, and drove towards the Ministry of Defense.

Maybe because of anger, he felt that the air was a bit stuffy, so he turned on the convertible mode of the car.

As the roof of the car slowly folded up, the Mercedes-Benz under his butt became a convertible.

The wind in January blew on his face, it was very cold, but it was very helpful for people to think.

As he drove, he suddenly felt a little pain in his head, and he lost consciousness.

Before he lost consciousness, he still held the steering wheel with both hands and stepped on the accelerator with his right foot.

Under the control of muscle memory, the car turned and hit a truck on the opposite side, and plunged into the belly of the other party.

Half an hour later, Perez, the former Deputy Minister of Defense, appeared at the scene of the car accident, and burst into tears when he saw the body with a big brain hole in the car.

When more and more people gathered at the scene of the car accident, he saw that the time was ripe, and he fell directly in front of Simon's body with a big brain hole, crying loudly:

"Mr. Simon, why did you..."

"I told you that we issued a declaration of war to Lebanon, and they will definitely take the opportunity to retaliate. You must go out with bodyguards."

"But you said our country is very safe, and you are honest and incorruptible, so you refused bodyguards."


"You died so miserably!"

The crying was so loud that it even suppressed the sound of the car horn next to him.

At this moment, the person next to him poked his shoulder and motioned him to look up.

He wiped his tears again, then raised his head and looked forward.

Right in front of them, their president, with a face full of sorrow, stood in front of Simon's corpse, looking at the corpse with sad eyes.

He rubbed his eyes with his hands to make the tears flow more unrestrainedly. Then Perez leaned forward and cried loudly to the president:

"These damn Arabs, they let the Americans mediate, and then assassinated."

"In this way, they killed the kind Minister Simon. They killed the kind Minister Simon in our country!"

"Our country is no longer safe. We must kill them all!"

"Mr. President, officially declare war!"

Listening to Perez's voice, the Israeli president did not look over, but locked his eyes on Simon, who was full of imagination in front of him. After a slight hesitation, he nodded his head suddenly, raised his right hand, and shouted: "Let's take down Lebanon and drive all these damn Arabs out of this land."

Next to him, hearing his shout, Perez decisively raised his right hand and followed the translation:

"Kill all the Arabs and take all the land that belongs to us!"

Obviously, his shouting was more fluent and also more inspiring.

He shouted twice, and the words were taken over by the people next to him, followed by shouts one after another, which became more and more orderly and louder.

20 minutes later.

At the northern border of Israel, after receiving the news from the capital, the 1st Armored Brigade of the 7th Armored Division of the Army stationed here immediately started the tank engine.

Next to them was the Artillery Support Brigade of the 7th Armored Division. After receiving the signal, the Artillery Support Brigade tore off the gun jacket covering the artillery at the fastest speed, loaded the shells, and then fired wildly at the previously marked target area.

Amid the rumbling of artillery, the 1st Armored Brigade of the 7th Armored Division crossed the border and headed towards the Lebanese border city of Bint Jubail.

Across the buffer zone on the border, you can see tracts of farmland, and there are still some farmers busy farming in the farmland.

Seeing the sudden appearance of tanks and the rumbling of artillery, these farmers did not hesitate at all, dropped the things in their hands, and ran directly to the main urban area.

Behind them were tanks and armored vehicles. The machine gunners on the tanks and armored vehicles saw these fleeing farmers and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

At this moment, the international treaty was like a piece of waste paper, a piece of waste paper that was too hard to wipe one's ass.

On the other side, the Second Armored Division of the Lebanese National Defense Force stationed in the south also received news from the front line, and they had no extra words.

The T72 tanks from the former Soviet Union started and rushed all the way to the border.

Bint Jubail is only 4 kilometers away from the border, almost on the front line.

The two sides collided head-on in just over ten minutes. The Merkava 2 tank is very strong for ordinary people, but it is not enough to face the T72.

After a brief artillery bombardment, the Merkava 2 tank was pushed back to the border.

The situation reversed, but at this moment, 6 Apache AH64Cs appeared behind the Israeli tank cluster and attacked the T72.

With the support of superior air firepower, the T72 tank could only avoid its edge and retreat temporarily.

Facing the retreating T72 tanks, 6 AH64Cs pursued them into Lebanon, and then they were warmly welcomed by the Graphite anti-aircraft missiles, which flew out from every corner and hit the helicopters in the sky as if they were free.

The news of the sudden outbreak of war reached Beirut in just a few minutes.

In the staff operations room under the Lebanese Ministry of Defense, a group of people were guarding in front of the map. The operator kept picking up the phone. Every time he put down the phone, there would be a message.

Either good news or bad news.

In response to these news, these operations staff issued targeted instructions in an orderly manner.

At this time, the urgent air defense alarm sounded in everyone's ears. Not long after the alarm sounded, explosions one after another sounded in Beirut.

It was an Israeli missile.

Another explosion sounded. Judging from the sound, this time the missile landed very close.

Hearing these voices, Argus suddenly raised his head and asked the person next to him: "Where is our trump card?"

Next to him was his secretary, who was also his nephew.

Absolutely reliable.

Hearing his uncle's question, the young man was stunned for a moment, and then quickly reported: "According to the report of Staff Officer Heckle, there are a total of 120 rockets, 20 of which remain in Syria and are launched by Syrian personnel. The remaining 100 have been deployed in the Nabataean area. Do they need to be launched?"

Hearing the news that the trump card had been deployed, Argus' eyes flashed with a hint of ferocity, and he said in a deep voice: "20 are aimed at Haifa, and the remaining 80 are all aimed at Tel Aviv. Hit them hard."

"They like to throw missiles at other people's capitals, so we will fight back, although ours is not a missile."

"Understood!" The young man turned around and passed the order to the combat staff next to him. The combat staff received the order, recorded it first, and then transmitted it to the front line through the army's communication channel.

And Syria.

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