"Lebanon..." Lin Yu let out a long sigh, and shrunk into his chair, staring at the ceiling with a helpless look on his face.

After a long while, he said, "It's not easy to deal with that place. The Iranians have finally created a milk tea party there. They can't let others interfere in Lebanon."

"But if Iran is too strong in the Middle East, it's not good, it's very annoying."

"It depends on whether they can stand up this time. If they can stand up, it means they are not that muddy and can still stick to the wall."

"If they have both the right time and place this time, but still can't stand up, then we can only change the target."

"It's a pity that the factions in Palestine are too complicated and the territory is too small."

Hearing his long sighs, Qian Guoheng and the others also realized that the things over there could not be solved overnight.

Simply, they stopped asking more questions, but took out the photos in the envelope while they were still here, and continued to matchmake for Lin Yu.

"Look at this girl, she's pretty, tall, your child will definitely be over 1.8 meters tall in the future!"

"This one's not bad either!"

"Let's take a look, it's not against the law..."

As the two chattered, it was New Year's Eve in a blink of an eye. After sending the two old men away early in the morning, Lin Yu returned home and began to make dumplings, prepare New Year's Eve dinner, and worship his ancestors.

At 5 pm, after eating New Year's Eve dinner, he brought fried side dishes and went to the cemetery on the back mountain of the base alone. He placed the food in front of his parents' graves, poured a glass of wine, sat down next to them, leaned against the tombstone, and began to talk to himself:

"Mom and Dad, another year has passed."

"This year your son has done a lot of things and made tens of billions of yuan. He has reached the point where he can decide life and death with a single word. When you brag to others down there, you can say that I have a son of such and such."

"By the way, why didn't you give me a brother or sister?"

"It's a bit boring."

"Yesterday, Grandpa Qian brought a bunch of photos and said he would help me find a date , I took a look, these people are murderous, not suitable. "

"I think I have to find someone who is gentle and elegant, speaks softly, and sounds very comfortable. "

"Not the kind of person who argues with me every time I say something, that's boring. "

"Also, I plan to go see grandpa in a while. I don't know if the old man is dead or not. If he is dead, I will burn incense for him. If he is not dead, I will make him angry to death and send him to accompany you two. "

"But I guess he can't get past my father's brothers-in-law. Trouble. "

After a long chatter, Lin Yu picked up the wine in front of the tombstone, raised his head, and drank it in one gulp.

The wine was very strong, and his face turned red in an instant, like a ripe tomato.

"Ha——" He opened his mouth and kept breathing to relieve the spiciness on his tongue. At this moment, a whistle came from the residential area in the distance.

He looked up and saw a silver-green light spot flying out of the residential area, flying straight into the sky, and then exploded with a bang, exploding into a red carp.

This light spot was like a signal. After the carp exploded, more than a dozen light spots flew into the sky, exploding one after another, exploding into a brilliant galaxy.

Very beautiful, but also very expensive.

Each firework costs 1,000 yuan.

After a long time, a particularly large light spot rushed into the sky, and after a brief dimming, it exploded into a fiery red mushroom.

This mushroom is worth 10,000 yuan!

After this mushroom, the sky dimmed and turned black again.

Picking up the wine bottle in front of the tombstone, he casually brought it to his mouth, drank the wine in the bottle in one gulp, and then Lin Yu stood up and walked towards the residential area with slow steps.

It was cold outside, and sleeping would kill people.


Iraq, the sky here has just turned dark.

Looking at the food in front of him, Cavani's eyes flashed with surprise, because the food in front of him was obviously not the style of Iraqis.

He raised his head and looked at his companion next to him, his eyes full of curiosity. Before he could speak, his companion next to him had already picked up the naan on the plate, picked up the spoon, scooped a full spoonful of mutton, put it into the naan, and ate it happily. While eating, he explained:

"Today seems to be an important festival in China, and the construction site is only half a day, and the Chinese people there are on holiday."

"When we left, their dining car also specially sent mutton soup, saying that they would invite us to celebrate the New Year."

"Don't worry, I drank a bowl an hour ago, and I haven't died yet, no problem."

Hearing this, Cavani didn't ask any more questions. He took the naan in his left hand and the spoon in his right hand, and gave himself a full bowl of braised mutton in the evening. While it was hot, he ate it in big mouthfuls.

The taste was very different from the mutton made by Iraqis, but it was extremely delicious, and every bite could capture his heart.

A pot of braised lamb was not enough for seven men to eat.

In less than two minutes, the last bit of soup in the pot was scraped away by Cavani with naan.

After eating and drinking, he took out the map of today's exploration from his arms, spread it out, pressed the corners with the plate of lamb, pointed to the marks on the map and said: "These black dots are the garrisons of the Americans."

"Then these black lines are their patrol routes. The blue lines next to the black lines indicate that these guys will not follow the normal route when patrolling on this section of the road."

"The green dots are oil fields, the green lines are old oil pipelines, and the yellow lines are new oil pipelines that our friends are building."

"The red dots are where we attack, and the red lines are our retreat routes."

"My plan is to use rockets to attack the oil fields in the distance at these red dots, and then quickly evacuate on motorcycles."

"Everyone, mark the map..."

Just then, explosions came from outside. Cavani grabbed the map with both hands and pulled it hard, then rolled it up again, tore the map into pieces, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

The other few people also quickly grabbed the equipment under the bed, leaned against the window, and then stared out the window in a daze.

By the window, colorful lights flickered and reflected on their faces. Slowly, these veteran warriors became confused.

Aware of his teammates' actions, Cavani also found something wrong. He slowly came to the window, followed his companions' gaze, and cast his eyes to the distant sky.

In the distant sky, amidst the explosions, beautiful fireworks exploded in the sky, so gorgeous and beautiful.

Below the fireworks was the construction site of the Chinese people. Even from a distance, Cavani could see that the site was full of people, and they all looked up at the sky, looking very happy.

After looking at the distance for a while, Cavani retracted his gaze and carefully scanned the surroundings.

But he found that in addition to them, there were more people appearing on the streets and on the roofs around them, and they all cast their eyes on the distant site, their eyes full of doubts, and at the same time a little envy.

Looking at these people, Cavani pulled out the map in his mouth and put it back on the table. At the same time, two sentences flashed in his mind.

"Protect the people as if you were protecting your own eyes, and rely on the people as if you were relying on your own parents, brothers and sisters."

"All comrades going to the front should be mentally prepared to take root, bloom and bear fruit there. You are the seeds, and the people are the land. When you arrive in a place, you must unite with the people there and take root and bloom among the people."

These two sentences were told to them by the two teachers that Kalim had found when he returned to the north two days ago.

The other party just asked them to remember, even if they didn't understand, because there would be a day when they would understand in the future.

At this moment, looking at these people outside, Cavani suddenly felt that he seemed to understand this sentence.

After watching the fireworks for a while, the other people also returned to the table to continue discussing the next ambush.

Just then, Cavani's mobile phone on the bed rang.

Picked it up and answered it. It was a call from Lodz.

"The decoration materials are in place. When will you start decorating?"

"Decoration is bullshit. You can't decorate with that little money. Hang up."

After hanging up the phone with a curse, Cavani turned around and looked at his companions, saying, "The order has been received. Prepare for action."

Hearing the preparation for action, the people who were studying the map next to him raised their heads and smiled, "We've been ready for a long time."

East Baghdad, East Baghdad Oil Field, soldier Jim stood on the observation deck with a gun and a tired face.

He couldn't understand why he was asked to stand guard, when there were so many Iraqis.

American soldiers should sit in the office, holding coffee in their left hand and a game console in their right hand, playing games for a while, drinking coffee when they are tired, and sleeping directly if they can't stand the coffee.

Isn't it more comfortable than standing guard?

Moreover, why should I come to help rebuild Iraq?

I'm not a worker.


Thinking that it was only 7 o'clock in the morning and there were still two hours before he could take over, he couldn't help but feel a little irritated.

When people are upset, they want to find something to vent. Jim is the same. He picked up the M14 rifle in his hand and used the 2x scope hanging on the gun to search around, trying to find one or two unlucky Iraqis, and then tease them with the gun.

The scope slowly turned, and suddenly, Jim abruptly pulled the scope back and looked in the direction he had just aimed.

This look was not a big deal, but it scared him to death.

In the place where his telescope could barely see, there were several people with white cloth wrapped on their heads, setting up rocket launchers.

And one of the people setting up the rocket launcher seemed to be observing, and when he saw Jim's actions, he even raised his hand provocatively and greeted him.

After greeting, the man became more aggressive and even shook the remote control in his hand, and then pressed it.


Seeing this action, Jim turned his head forcibly and shouted to the oil field:

"Enemy attack!"

As he shouted this, the rocket launcher in the distance sprayed flames, dragged a puff of white smoke, and flew straight towards the oil field.

Jim carried his gun and fired at the incoming rockets, because he heard from the veterans that as long as you have good enough marksmanship, you can shoot down incoming rockets.

His marksmanship was very good, and one of the rockets was about to pass over his head when he hit the fuse and it exploded.

The rocket exploded in the air, and the broken shrapnel turned directly into a rain of pear blossoms, hitting him head-on.

There was no use in intercepting, and rockets hit the oil field facilities one after another and then exploded violently.

The high temperature and flames generated by the explosion ignited the oil and gas pipelines. In just a few minutes, the entire oil field became a sea of ​​fire.

In the distance, the attacker looked at the results of the battle with a telescope, turned around and rode his motorcycle to run, laughing as he ran:

"This regular equipment is easy to use. Our previous equipment did not necessarily explode or catch fire when it hit the oil pipeline."

"Don't talk too much, run quickly. If you can't run away now, you will have to communicate with America's helicopter later. As long as we do it well, we have a lot of equipment. This kind of rocket launcher is a piece of cake."

"It's a pity. If the former president had his own equipment production line, he might not have been so miserable."

"He can't have his own equipment production line. Didn't you see the news that broke out two days ago? Tmd 3 billion US dollars in cash! Cash!"

When it comes to the former president's treasury, the people on the motorcycle began to sigh again.

If all this money was invested in national defense construction, maybe America couldn't get in this time.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

On the same day, almost at the same time, all the oil fields under the control of America were attacked. When Hanks heard this news, he was instantly furious.

No need to guess, this is definitely the Iraqis' response to the Israelis' declaration of war.

I can't beat you Israelis, I can't beat you America, can't I also attack the oil fields controlled by you?

Anyway, that thing is there, and it won't run away. It doesn't matter if I hit it today and tomorrow.

These damn Israelis!

After cursing in his heart, Hanks grabbed the phone with his right hand and was about to tell the people below to strengthen precautions recently, but the phone rang first.

Pick it up, it's a call from the Minister of Energy.

"My dear General Hanks, you are in the Middle East to ensure our oil, but now, all our oil fields have been attacked almost on the same day and at the same time."

"Shouldn't you say something? Do you know how much loss we will suffer if those oil fields stop production for one day?"

"If you can't do it well, I think I need to make a suggestion to Mr. President and replace him with someone who can do it."

You have already made a plan to die!

After complaining in his heart, Hanks tried to make his voice softer and whispered:

"My dear Minister, I will give the order now and let the people below prepare for defense."

However, the person on the other end didn't listen to his explanation at all. He only listened to the first half of his sentence and hung up the phone directly, leaving the phone full of beeps.

Suppressing his anger, Hanks called the Israeli Defense Minister Simon:

"Take care of your people. Because of you, our oil fields were attacked by the Iraqis and now we have suffered heavy losses."

"If you insist on fighting, I can only say that I can't do anything about it. Goodbye."

After hanging up the phone, he immediately dialed another number:

"Prepare a plane for me. I want to go to Lebanon!"

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