Cavani and the others did not chase, but cursed and quickly connected the wires. This tnd, these are the property of friends.

Friends have good intentions and help them cover their identities, give them a place to live, and give them food. But you can't waste your friends' good intentions!

They were busy until the afternoon, and when it was almost time to get off work, a group of people started fishing.

Soon, a pickup truck drove past them. There was a big loudspeaker hanging on the pickup truck. As it walked, it shouted in Arabic: "Everyone, regular employees put away their tools, put them back in the car, and get ready." knock off."

"Temporary workers stay where they are, waiting for the payroll truck and lunch truck."

Not long after, two more pickup trucks drove over. The car in front was the one that distributed lunch boxes. After confirming their identity, the lunch truck finished distributing the lunch boxes, turned around and continued forward.

The second car was the one responsible for paying temporary workers' wages. There was a PKM light machine gun at the front and rear of the car.

Next to the machine gun, there are two people holding rocket grenades.

The accountant in charge of paying wages got out of the car with a kind face and contacted the person in charge of this section about the number of people and the amount of wages.

After checking, pay wages, turn around and leave in one go.

He waved his sleeves, leaving only a silhouette of his back.

With today's salary, Cavani and others returned to their residence, leaving two people standing guard at the door. The remaining people returned to the room and began to discuss what to do to attract the attention of Americans.

"I think we should sneak attack the American camp."

A companion made the first suggestion, and the others nodded but did not express their opinions.

After a while, they all turned their attention to Cavani, waiting for the commander's orders.

In their expectant eyes, Cavani shook his head slightly:

"I don't think it's possible. If you want to attract others' attention, you have to do a lot of work. But recently, America's base in Iraq has no high-value targets. They are all soldiers. When we sneak attack the base, the first thing we have to face is They are large soldiers, but once we face these soldiers head-on, we will lose our advantage. It is not cost-effective to use our own shortcomings to attack the enemy's strengths. "

After listening to his explanation, everyone turned their attention to the map again. On the map, there were various high-value targets they marked.

Most are oil fields.

The American people now control the oil fields.

Seeing the meaning in their eyes, Cavani made the final decision:

"Then blow up the oil fields! Blow up all the oil fields controlled by the Americans in East Baghdad and grab the oil? Just grab it!"

"Start the show of hands voting now!"

After saying that, Cavani was the first to raise his hand, and the other companions, after thinking carefully, also raised their hands. This job will definitely attract the attention of Americans.

In the end, the idea was approved unanimously.

After determining the direction of the battle, Cavani picked up the red pen and began to mark on the map. While marking, he explained:

"We are in this position now. If we want to make the Americans completely miserable, we have to blow up all the oil fields at the same time."

"Therefore, in the following time, before launching the attack, we need to fully understand the situation of these oil fields, and there must be no mistakes."

"Then, on the day of the official operation, give America a big one."

"Have a good rest tonight. Tomorrow, each team will scout the corresponding oil fields according to their assigned tasks!"

"Then find more orders for our friends!"



Liancheng Port Wharf.

It was already late at night, but the cranes on the dock were still roaring and busy loading and unloading goods.

When the last container was hoisted onto the cargo ship, Lin Yu turned around and warned the two people around him: "Pay attention to safety on the road. We have an old saying that if you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood."

"If something goes wrong on the road, remember to abandon what you should abandon."

After listening to his instructions, Hassan patted his chest and said proudly: "Don't worry!"

"Although their nationalities are different, the crew members on these ships are all Iranians, and this ship is still our own ship, so there is no need to worry."

"You are here waiting for our good news. Of course, we will also collect the complete rocket data for you for the next upgrade..."

At this moment, a clear whistle sounded from the ship filled with cargo.

Also interrupted Hassan.

He gave up the idea of ​​continuing, opened his arms, hugged Lin Yu hard, then let go, and said with a smile: "With us here, we will definitely win this time and beat the shit out of the Israelis."


After saying that, he nodded to Hercule and turned towards the freighter.

Next to him, Heckley, who had been silent from beginning to end, nodded to Lin Yu at this moment and choked out: "Thank you!"

After thanking him, he ran towards the freighter without looking back.

After the freighter disappeared into the darkness, Lin Yu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to an unknown number.

[The blue bird has set sail and is ready to receive it! 】

Two or three minutes later, a message came back.

【Already prepared! 】

After reading the message, he deleted the message and walked out of the port.


After returning to Lanling from Liancheng Port, it must be the morning working hours. I bought two bottles of malted milk in a roadside supermarket. Holding them casually in my hand, Lin Yu walked towards the Agricultural Bank happily.

In the office of the president of the Agricultural Bank, Guan Yunqing looked at the malted milk in his hand, took it with both hands without hesitation, and said at the same time:

"Since you are here, you are still spending so much money."

"Do you want to transfer money?"

His expression was very reluctant, but his movements were not at all inconsistent, and his body was very honest.

After asking this question, he reacted again. Today is the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month, and there are still a few days before the Little New Year. It should not be a transfer, but a withdrawal.

As for what to withdraw money for?

Do I need to ask more?

It must be to pay wages to the workers below. After the workers are paid, they must deposit them in the bank. This in and out is another large business.

He rubbed his hands excitedly and asked in a low voice: "How much do you plan to withdraw this time? Do you want consecutive number bills?"

Lin Yu raised four fingers and calmly reported a number: "40 million, consecutive number bills are best."


After hearing this number clearly, Guan Yunqing wanted to slap himself. He hated himself for talking. Why did he talk?

40 million consecutive number bills, use your head to find it.

That's about 500 kilograms, and you need a special truck to pull this money.

Rubbed his face awkwardly, he responded hesitantly: "Nephew, forgive my boast just now, I can't get 40 million serial number banknotes."

"Also, we now have something called electronic transfer. As long as you open the service, you can enjoy convenient transfer services. You can use this."

Faced with his business recommendation, Lin Yu shook his head and denied his business recommendation:

"It's the end of the year, it's better to put the money on the ground and then pay it one by one. It's more impactful and can motivate the workers."

"Help me prepare it, and I'll let Li Ping come to get it."

Hearing that it's not now, Guan Yunqing breathed a sigh of relief. If he was asked to take out 40 million now, he would have to bring a gun and drive to the provincial head office to get it.

He nodded: "Okay, today is the 21st day of the twelfth lunar month, you come on the 23rd day of the twelfth lunar month, on the day of the Little New Year, send more people."

Leaving the Agricultural Bank, the two drove and strolled slowly on the street. When passing a candied haws stall, Lin Yu called Luo Ping, got out of the car, took the pole from the candied haws vendor, and stuffed it into the car.

Luo Ping was shocked. It was the first time he saw someone buy candied haws like this, but...

Isn't this his childhood dream?

Carry the pole with the candied haws on his shoulders, eat while walking, and eat until he can't eat anymore.

He smiled, reached out to pick one, put it in his mouth, and made a strange sound of humming.

After fastening the seat belt, Lin Yu turned around and asked, "Are you sick?"

"Yes!" Luo Ping admitted generously, then held the candied haws in his left hand, the steering wheel in his right hand, gently released the clutch with his left foot, stepped on the accelerator with his right foot, and drove the Santana forward on the street again.

Back to the base, because the New Year is approaching, and there is money in hand, the whole base has become lively and busy. People coming and going, no matter big or small, come and go in a hurry.

Let the car stop in the central square of the residential area, Lin Yu inserted the candied haws stick in his hand into the center of the square, and then asked someone to bring the broadcast in the broadcasting room and cleared his cough a few times.


"Everyone stop for a moment, ah... I bought a bunch of candied haws, just consider it as this year's bonus. I'm in the central square of the residential area now, ah, first come first served!"

After saying that, he stood by and kept eating candied haws. When the children in the base heard the news and rushed over, the ground was already full of sticks and leftovers.

He handed the remaining candied haws to the children who arrived first, and then he handed the remaining sticks to the children who came later.

The children who came later did not get the candied haws, but only the sticks, and they pouted and burst into tears.

Listening to their crying, Lin Yu felt unusually happy.

And the parents of these children, seeing this scene, dared to be angry but not to speak, because they clearly remembered that when they were young, the older generation also teased them in this way.

Amid the children's cries, Lin Yu picked up the microphone again and said calmly:

"In 2001, I proposed to take over the 567 base, but the General Logistics Department gave me a test, that is, to lead the 830 people in the factory to earn 20,000 yuan each."

"Our performance this year is very good, very good."

"So, there is no need for me to be stingy. Three days later, that is, on the 23rd of the twelfth lunar month, we will give bonuses. The first 830 people will each receive a bonus of 20,000 yuan."

"Then, the bonuses of others will be distributed according to working hours, job positions, and projects."

"You can think about whether you are going to buy a TV, books, or candy for the New Year this year."

"Okay, that's all. Although we are celebrating the New Year, safety and production issues cannot be ignored. Stand at your post and don't drink and play cards while on duty. Don't say I didn't remind you. If you are caught, just throw it out and your bonus will go down the drain!"

The harsh words spread throughout the factory, and after hearing the news, the people in the factory looked at the people around them in disbelief, and asked stutteringly:

"What did the factory director say just now?"

"The factory director said that he would give a bonus of 20,000 yuan to the first 830 people, and the rest of the people would be given bonuses according to their working hours, work progress, and positions."

"Really? Did I hear it right?"



Hearing another rhetorical question, the person being asked raised his hand and slapped him.


The slap was loud, and the force was mutual. The person who was slapped had a visibly red face, and the person who slapped him kept clenching his hands, and then relaxing them. It hurt.

It was true!

After repeated confirmation, the entire factory came alive in an instant, especially in the residential area. The housewives who did not go to work were originally busy preparing food for the New Year, but after hearing the news, the food in their hands suddenly became less fragrant and they stopped being busy.

Holding a dustpan, they walked out of the house and greeted each other at the door of the small building in the cold wind.

"Alas, I don't know how the days have passed. Two people in my family work and have 40,000 yuan. All of a sudden, I can buy the things I wanted to buy before. I feel so empty."

"Hey, there are 4 people in my family, 80,000 yuan. To be honest, I have never seen so much in my life. Add to that the salary and bonus before this year, and I don't know what to buy. Two days ago, my husband was still discussing whether to buy a motorcycle. Now I think we can go directly to a car."

"Okay, okay, you are all showing off, right? Old Liu's family, tell your brother-in-law that I agree to let my daughter marry him. Well, the gift is not much, three golds and three silvers, plus a large color TV! Anyway, you don't know how to spend the money, I will help you plan."

"Mr. Zhang, don't think that this world There is only your girl in the world. My brother-in-law is handsome and has learned skills. He works in the factory every day, but when he goes out, with his talent, he still likes your man who doesn't need help to kill pigs? "

"No help is needed to kill pigs, that's because my daughter is strong."

"She also has strength when hitting people, right?"

"My daughter is gentle and virtuous, it's impossible for her to hit people!"

"I saw her knock someone down with two punches a few days ago. Her skills are comparable to those of the factory director!"

" are talking bad about the factory director behind his back. I will report you now. You are finished."

"You are the one who talked too much!"

"You talked too much first!"

After a while, the original show-off turned into pulling each other's hair, and even the dustpans in their hands fell to the ground and were ruthlessly trampled.

Just as they were fighting, Qian Jianguo walked out of the corridor with a stern face, came to the side of the crowd, and snorted:

"Do you still want money?"

Hearing this, the women who were fighting instantly turned from roosters to quails and retreated timidly.

After forcing the people to retreat with his eyes, Qian Jianguo put his hands behind his back and walked towards the administrative building.

And watching his back as he left, the women started gossiping again.

"Why do I feel that the old factory director is angry?"

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